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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 82 KB, 500x375, readstalin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16273382 No.16273382 [Reply] [Original]

read stalin

>> No.16273393

Fun fact: Stalin coined the word "disinformation." He made sure that the Russian word for it had a French sounding feel to it so that people would think it was a Western concept.

>> No.16273399
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I want to but I keep putting it off... I guess you could say I'm stallin' on Stalin.

>> No.16273405

I thought Lenin was the intellectual muscle of the USSR

>> No.16273439

>He made sure that the Russian word for it had a French sounding feel to it so that people would think it was a Western concept.
>Coins the word disinformation
>The word itself is disinformation

>> No.16273445


>> No.16273451

This is a common misconception. Trotskyist and Western propaganda often depicted Stalin as an unsophisticated brute. In truth he was a highly capable individual, well read and educated.

>According to Montefiore, "it is clear from hostile and friendly witnesses alike that Stalin was always exceptional, even from childhood".[761] Stalin had a complex mind,[762] great self-control,[763] and an excellent memory.[764] He was a hard worker,[765] and displayed a keen desire to learn;[766] when in power, he scrutinised many details of Soviet life, from film scripts to architectural plans and military hardware.[767] According to Volkogonov, "Stalin's private life and working life were one and the same"; he did not take days off from political activities.[768]

>> No.16273500

A dictator is always one of the smartest and hardest working men in the country. I don't know how people can't see that.
You HAVE to be an exceptional character to first take the power and than carry the country on your shoulders.

>> No.16273517

That's true, but half their work is expended on taking out people who want to remove them from power. Stalin played an active role in winning WW2 probably more than any other allied leader, directly participating in strategic planning and issuing decisive battlefield commands. Roosevelt and Churchill hardly stand up to him in terms of his active contributions to war planning. And unlike Hitler, he was good at it.

>> No.16273764

Lenin is a brilliant theorist, and I would put him on par with Engels, but Stalin is great too. Trotsky is the one who is a complete retard

>> No.16273813

I heard some of his anonymously published Georgian poetry became beloved classics still read today. A true warrior poet.

>> No.16273844
File: 148 KB, 970x606, set-13-russian-book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro pls, there's a lot of material

>> No.16273894

no i don't care for stalinism

>> No.16273903

I'm not even a Stalinist, but that Stalin is a dirty word in Western society is a shame because his writing is actually incredibly clear and straightforward. He has an excellent command of language.

>> No.16273905

True, but Kotkin details that little of Stalin's writing was very exceptional or original. He made theory work for him, but he wasn't exactly an impressive pure theoretical thinker.

>> No.16273996
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Read theory

>> No.16274039

Eh, that's probably more from designating power to his subordinates like Zhukov, after he got taught the hard way early on that running the military entirely by yourself is not a good idea. That's not to say he didn't do anything, but it was more a result of him trusting the more qualified. Didn't stop him from purging them later though.

>> No.16274523
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Don't forget your little red book

>> No.16274530
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I am ready

>> No.16274587

Stalin was such a chad he made all the insectoid imposters try and pathetically emulate him with their scrap poetry, weak book of quotations and meagre attempts at philosophy. It is clear the Germans only lsot to the Russians and any other ally support was jsut small aid to expedite the russian victory.
Strange to say but Stalin was the greatest Russian philosopher to ever come.
>I have not read a single one of his works but saying such always makes the burgers seethe

>> No.16274616
File: 643 KB, 1119x1525, 8D2B00F4-739B-4309-8F62-1A5F2BD20A57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked his sister‘s poems more.

>> No.16274890

dangerously based

>> No.16275038

Tsk, tsk. Where are the Brezhnev's masterpieces?

>> No.16275459

Brezhnev did not write theory and was also a revisionist

>> No.16275471

No he’s dumb
That was Lukacs

>> No.16275540

It will take a better shill than that

>> No.16275658


>> No.16275786

no hes actually pretty smart

>> No.16275823

Not that anon but Stalin being very capable and educated is not incompatible with that statement.

I mean even focusing on his work on national question his literary output and influence doesnt come close to Lenin

>> No.16275953

is he actually worth reading? i read marx engels lenin and trotsky and i kinda want to be done with pre ww2 marxists

>> No.16276082

If you already wasted time reading Trotsky, you might as well

>> No.16276110

>ITT: /lit/ falls for Great Leader propaganda that's over 70 years old and even the people who made it stopped pretending a mere year after the Great Leader's death
Stalin is barely noteworthy when it comes to literature, read Lenin.

>> No.16276234

Stalin was an idiot.
"Language is not a superstructure"
Absolute fool

>> No.16276323

>Stalin played an active role in winning WW2 probably more than any other allied leader,
Just a shame that his involvement lead to millions of unnecessary casualties and a prolongation of the conflict. Russia only managed to stabilize her fronts when Stalin finally allowed his generals to manage the war without his "active role".

>And unlike Hitler, he was good at it.
Absolutely not.

>> No.16276333

Stalin and Lenin are both must reads

It's Trotsky and Mao who are more SHIT

>> No.16276432

its the same game of fuck marry kill in every thread on stalin lenin or trotsky

>> No.16276449

fuck stalin marry lenin kill trot

>> No.16276460
File: 128 KB, 1080x1080, 1595303607805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck trotsky marry lenin kill stalin

>> No.16276465

Is that really everything Stalin wrote?

>> No.16276469

>because satan writes well you should read him
Get a load of this guy.

Incredibly SAD.

>> No.16276473

most of these collections include all the letters they sent as well so a lot of it isnt of any interest

>> No.16276481

I want to say that Stalin was based but he literally starved the greatest soviet poet in fucking gulag.

>> No.16276496

Yes do, and read all revisionist literature. You will gain a valuable education in sophistry, and how to twist and reshape concepts to suit your own agenda.

>> No.16276500

She'd stamp on your testicles

>> No.16276640

Could see him becoming a poet-priest if he took a different route

>> No.16276832

Stalin was Plato's philosopher king
Smart, intelligent and very cunning

>> No.16276984

Stalin's content is just explaining what other people wrote to former illiterate peasants, so yes.

>> No.16277056

didnt stalin have ghostwriters tho

>> No.16277179

was he also nihilistic and had a wicked sense of humor

>> No.16277184

what about mao

>> No.16278469

Nah the early war was mostly the fault of bad generals. The commander of all the forces in Ukraine was this complete Chad who was so based he thought horses could beat tanks

>> No.16278950

feel like i never see mao discussed here maybe im in the wrong threads tho

>> No.16279219

There isn't much theory discussed here anymore regardless, especially after the /leftypol/ split and it's only gotten worse since then. Still, if you start a thread about Mao, you might get some decent discussion, between all the memes

>> No.16279575

just answer the question would you fuck, marry or kill mao

>> No.16280077
File: 9 KB, 300x168, 2361324712734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of this is true.
Congratulations, you fell for meme Cold war propaganda (or should I say, disinformation) like good goys you are.

>> No.16280282

tell me one book by salin that is worth reading.
keep it short, I'm a lazy piece of shit who doesn't want to put much effort into it

>> No.16280366


this is what u learn in russia in school

t. my gf is russian

>> No.16280372


I meant, that Stalin had ghostwriters

>> No.16280430

I wonder how he would feel knowing the circumstances of his death and getting denounced just 3 years later

>> No.16280474

That's very true, Lenin is much more deserving of reading than Stalin, so OP's point is refuted. Stalin did write volumes, but his analytical skills and fiery rhetorical talents pale in comparison. In terms of his capacity as an iron-willed, uncompromising statesman in one of the most brutal periods of human history, he is unrivaled and rightly deserves the sobriquet of Man of Steel.

>> No.16280521

>Just a shame that his involvement lead to millions of unnecessary casualties and a prolongation of the conflict. Russia only managed to stabilize her fronts when Stalin finally allowed his generals to manage the war without his "active role".
Obviously trained and experienced generals would be better at the conduct of war than a politician. And perhaps Churchill and Roosevelt had it right with their hands-off approach that deferred to their qualified military command.

Stalin was unconcerned about the number of lives lost if it achieved results. This set the standard for the systematic heartlessness of communism, modeled and imitated by communist dictators throughout the world.
Soviet casualties are partly explained by the fact that the Germans were implementing the most cutting edge technologies and military tactics in the world and focused the lion's share of their military might on annihilating the Soviet Union. The USSR in contrast was years behind and undersupplied, and crippled by internal purges and the basic logistical inefficiencies of moving troops and supplies around a country as vast as Russia.

>> No.16280586

kill mao, theory aside good god that hairline is disgusting

>> No.16280607

How come Trotsky is considered a retard here? Not disagreeing but am curious to hear the reasons.

>> No.16280659

Yes, I fell for the propaganda by reading his own work.

>> No.16282205

no u

>> No.16282240
File: 71 KB, 600x479, 1083CBD5-F526-40CD-B6D9-4BAA52B98136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trotsky’s theory is just complete shit. Before the war, Lenin considered Trotsky a complete moron. See pic related. He also wrote extensively after his exile trying desperately to spin every event to make him look like he was right. Both Stalinists and anti-Stalinists agree his writings are complete falsehoods. As for his philosophy, permanent Revolution is a complete meme (it’s not the same as Marx’s world revolution) and would have lead to the Soviet Union basically never industrializing and getting owned by the Nazis.
In addition, Trotskyists in the west spent more time seething about every actual socialist state than advocating for workers to the extent that they eventually literally (and this is not a meme, this literally, unironically happened) became the neocons.

>> No.16283297

He’s got the loveseat

>> No.16283583


>> No.16283645

Lenin revised Marx. Marx was a revisionist of Adam Smith. Revisionism is the most characteristic act of someone whose belief system is based on expedient means.

>> No.16283650

Fuck Mao, kill Stalin, marry Lenin.

>> No.16283753

Dilate and go back.

>> No.16283925

Mao is the most wretched human filth to ever walk the Earth, what he did to chinese culture is one of the greatest tragedies in regards to human culture in all of human history.

>> No.16284082

seething classcuck

>> No.16284146


>> No.16284784

>no Ho Chi Minh Thought
Not based yet

>> No.16285122
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this one is great too

>> No.16285223
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Trotsky BTFO

>> No.16285298

Sort out volume 13, mate.

>> No.16285396
File: 49 KB, 850x400, read.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what to think of Montefiore. His writing seems overly bombastic, as if he's trying to tell a spooky story rather than writing a history book.

Kotkin is more interesting - especially given his opinion that Lenin's will and testament concerning Stalin is most likely a forgery. Why would Lenin nominate Stalin as General Secretary - only to denounce him a year later? All sketch, given at the time of the denunciation Lenin was bedbound from numerous strokes, unable to write, received no visitors, and only received/pushed correspondance via his wife (who was a known supporter of Trotsky)

>> No.16285412

>reads harry potter over an over again
t. Lenin

>> No.16285595


>> No.16286247


That's great bait, I can't not fall for it. It ain't the 70ies, man, everyone knows after the big historical worls in the 90ies about the real Soviet approach to warfare (and not even the Japs liked to lose manpower unnecessarily) and that most German tech was kind of lagging behind Allied designs, from industrial organization to tank and jets. Throwing half-tested prototypes on the battlefield makes you a first, but that's it.