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/lit/ - Literature

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16268460 No.16268460[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why haven’t you accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal savior?

>> No.16268463

He’s dead.
He ain’t savin’ anyone

>> No.16268466

I like asian ladyboy porn too much. If I ever get enough money to go to Thailand God will never accept me after what I'll do there

>> No.16268467

im sadly not convinced yet

>> No.16268470

You're a lesbian, the conflict of interest is just too obvious.

>> No.16268481

Cringe. Repent sinner.

>> No.16268484

unironically all of that can be washed away. Don’t let your past stop you from seeking eternal life. God is infinitely forgiving if you let him into your life.

>> No.16268488
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i keep sinning though. why would jesus accept me?

>> No.16268491

It's not in my past I want to go fuck ladyboys in the future

>> No.16268503

That's what makes him so based.

>> No.16268506

Because this isn't literature!

>> No.16268507

I dont agree with Christian metaphysics or theology. I think the concept of one life determing eternal heaven or hell ridiculous and cruel. Life is often short, confusing, and painful, most people never stood a chance nevertheless even knew about these conditions in the first place. Edgelords jerk off to the idea that there's a man in the clouds damning trillions of nonbelievers many of whom ignorany pagans who were predestined to mindlessly roast to appease gods cruelty boner

>> No.16268510

Jesus is the main character of the best selling book of all time, wtf are you talking about?

>> No.16268512

you can decide to not do that and instead put your trust in Christ. the pleasures of the flesh are fleeting and never satisfy. the Kingdom of Heaven is forever.
all fall short of the glory of God, but through jesus Christ we can be healed.

>> No.16268513

jesus will accept me even if i continue to sin?

>> No.16268514

The Bible is quite obviously literature, whether or not you take it to be a spiritual text.

>> No.16268516

The bible doesn't come out against lesbians.

>> No.16268517

Wouldn't be much of a redeemer if he slammed the door in your face for one relapse.

>> No.16268521

Are you simple? Christians have historically opposed gays, Butterfly is a gay, it doesn't take 140IQ to figure out why Butterfly doesnt into the Christians.

>> No.16268522

But this isn't a bible thread. I like bible threads but not religion threads.

>> No.16268524

>why haven’t you accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal savior?
I dont worship devils.

>> No.16268531

Because his father wants to save you and he serves his father. Think about eternal life bro, just meditate on that shit. Eternal life in a paradise surrounded by beautiful people who all believe the same things you do, no depression anymore. Totally based, Yah is based. Also before some faggot on here says you can't serve God out of self interest that's exactly what God criticizes Job for not doing lol. He says Job was being inconsistent for fearing the leviathan but he had no fear of the person who made the leviathan.

>> No.16268533
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You already have eternal life. The Abrahamic conception that there was nothing and then something is absurd. There was always something, and there will always be something because that something rests outside of time and space. Death is simply the removal of the individual, which is entirely meaningless.

>> No.16268535

Nice mythology, very toxic fanbase

>> No.16268537

human sacrifice is bad. original sin is a meme. god as a human form is idolatry

>> No.16268538

Jesus never said anything against asian ladyboys

>> No.16268540

t. jewish moloch worshipping pagan

>> No.16268541

Have you actually really thought about that?
>Eternal life in a paradise surrounded by beautiful people who all believe the same things you do
Do you have any idea how boring that would get?

>> No.16268548

>The Abrahamic conception that there was nothing and then something is absurd.
There is never nothing in the Bible. The first sentence of Genesis begins with God existing already.

>> No.16268556
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Fuck you and die butter cunt

>> No.16268562

i've been too busy banging chicks

>> No.16268571

You’re right. I meant the idea that person didn’t exist and now exists is absurd. You have always existed.

>> No.16268573


>> No.16268578

While I don't think that's the case, it would only strengthen my point if it was.

>> No.16268579

>Well if the bible is true, the new earth is supposed to be really cool, so I don't see why I would get bored.

>> No.16268588
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But I have

>> No.16268621

you think that will satisfy you?

>> No.16268641

It also begins with a formless void.

>> No.16268660

It begins with God. No way around that

>> No.16268782

Shut up tranny

Because his spiteful peabrained anti-spiritual anti-strength anti-hierarchal anti-culture anti-nature anti-science anti-magic anti-esoteric anti-discussion anti-thinking followers have convinced me not to.

We know about things by way of the distinctions amongst those things. Basing our perceived existence and destiny on an abstraction that forcefully denies all other routes and explanations to the truth is the ultimate thing which separates us from God, and thereby the Grandfather of Marxism and destructive ideology.

You don't go around to all the various distinct cultures on earth and angrily destroy their unique ladders to the divine and then claim you helped them find God. You've thereby severed religion and state and fractured the sacred and ancient cultural foundations they worked upon since they first dawned as a people. The collective is now by default governed by more atheistic principles than the ones they had developed before because they could never fully adopt "Christian culture" even if it made sense which it doesn't. The other horrible side effect of this is that as the sciences progress naturally and healthily they challenge your retarded dogmatic abstraction which you call a truth and you make yourself and other religious people seem retarded. You then get ostracized and actively diminished in a world where science and states are centuries or even millennia detached from any notions of God or Religiosity that could have made sense. Then you are left with your Godless world, your uncharitable, spiritually decadent mulatto tranny hellscape devoid of meaning.

Nietzsche was right, God is dead, and the Christians killed him. And now their "greatest ally" the Jews are delivering the final and ugliest blows of spiritual decay.

>hurr durr but the Jews hate Christianity

Jews can hate Christianity all they want but what they fear more than people becoming Christian is if half of the planet were to rediscover their (direct or indirect)Pagan roots and to see the spark of true divine inspiration rise up and return mankind to his natural state of great power, piercing consciousness and boldly meaningful endeavors and existence.

>> No.16268822

How do you explain the resurrection of Christ?

>> No.16268829

Apart from the trilemma,i do not know of any argument that might prove that he is of necessity god himself.I still pray for him to lead me to him.

>> No.16268835

Because for me? It is gonna have to be the old gods.

The history of the Romans proved the gods.
The decline of the Romans disproved your christ god.

>> No.16268841

I'm a manlet. I have no reason to believe in god.

>> No.16268843

God created out of nothing. This is absurd and must be rejected.

>> No.16268851
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When I get to heaven Jesus is gonna need a personal savior from me

>> No.16268883

I explain most of the bible as a millenniums long collection of somewhat obscure true stories and myths.

Since modern christians grew up in the poisoned setting if modernity they can no longer comprehend the purpose of myth.

Since Paganism and all other "true" religions use archetypes and symbolism to teach us about our lives and reality, he can get fulfillment and lessons from a myth, where as a Christian dogmatically defends it as an actual event and that to preach otherwise would be heresy or the work of the devil.

If Jesus was a real figure which I believe he was then his resurrection and immaculate conception are symbolic. The conception was symbolic of Gods firm decision to manifest himself in the flesh to do his work in the physical world. And the Resurrection is about the triumph of the spirit over death if you could adhere to his teachings. Others say it was an allegory for the sun having died and risen again, and it was but that's secondary to the distinct meaning here that was not astrological but spiritual.

Not very hard.

>> No.16268884
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Commentary from New Oxford Annotated

>> No.16268892

Of not if*

And they not he*

>> No.16268896

You just made your post out of nothing. What's so hard to believe?

>> No.16268912


You still have a chance to believe. Don't waste it, seek forgiveness. It's an indescribable feeling when you are saved

>> No.16268919

The West fell when the jew worshippers felled Donar's Oak.

>> No.16268921

If God didn’t create it out of nothing then how did it get there?

>> No.16268922
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>> No.16268931

You sound like someone who isn't very familiar with the New Testament. The writing of the Old Testament has some mythic qualities to it, but the New Testament reads nothing like a myth.

>> No.16268961

>You just made your post out of nothing
If you think that then you ought to worship me.

>> No.16268968
File: 54 KB, 720x317, William Pierce on Christianity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16268989

I think you're wrong there not because I can't see your perspective but because there's simply no limit to how realistic a myth can be written or how long or short it has to be.

*Encounters thing*
>And Jesus said to them...
>insert meaningful speech

*Encounters thing
>And Thus Spake Zarathustra...
>insert meaningful speech

I'm not one to deny miracles because who really knows, and it'd be cool if they happened. I am however going to disagree and say the bible in general works better a a mythic text than a literal one and to a lesser extent that still goes for the new testament and that still goes with Jesus being a real person.

>> No.16269064



>> No.16269090

Do you believe that the lives of the Apostles are real? If so, why do you think they would die for something that they knew wasn't true?

>> No.16269114

Romans 1

>> No.16269125

You're really confused. You think words can't create things; I point out that you're posting; you suddenly think this makes you unique?
Language has power, but it's not your power.

>> No.16269145

Yeah probably real.

And because you're missing the point of myth, it was mostly real but none of that matters, it's the meaning behind the stories that is meant to take primacy.

I'm sure you could get (very few but still some) vigorous atheists to die for a cause or a belief. And these weren't atheists these were twelve nibbas who followed the Guy around supposedly, so they died for their doctrine and prophet and there's no major hiccup in that.

>> No.16269148

>he thinks me talking means I'm creating things out of nothing
Stop talking to me. Go study what ex nihilo means.

>> No.16269161

Go read the first sentence of Genesis until you understand it, lol. There's no ex nihilo happening. God exists from before the first sentence.

>> No.16269179

Anyway if they had some sort of deep religious dream or experience where they saw him corporealized or visualized that once again doesn't take away from the primacy of the deeper meaning, if anything that emboldens it.

Jesus rising did not have to happen for the apostles to have experienced the event somehow. And if they made it up, they made it up, whoopdie doo. Myths stories, and everything you think and read, language itself(although bound to specificity) is an abstraction, HENCE why the ultimate meaning is more important than the technical specific jargin of if it actually happened in the physical.

Superheroes being cool is not negated by seeing them on a screen or imagining them in your head as a result of them not being real, because guess what, they weren't real, so it doesn't matter it's just a concept to begin with.

>> No.16269200

People die for lies all the time. And they could have been fooled like anyone else.

People even die for lies they know are lies. Think about all the cult leaders etc. The apostles could have known it was a lie but with this lie came fame and honour from the Christian community. They went from being literal who's to people all around the Mediterranean clinging to every letter they wrote. A lot of people would rather die and remain honourable than to live and give it all up.