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/lit/ - Literature

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16267716 No.16267716[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How has /lit/ and 4channel as a whole radicalised you?

>> No.16267727
File: 10 KB, 225x225, pepe ting ting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not at all. I'm a liberal SJW who frequently reads works of literature written by women and people of color in addition to classic works written by dead straight white cis males.

>> No.16267743
File: 578 KB, 888x894, 1586121903400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cringe for being an sjw Liberal

>> No.16267747

/pol/ radicalized me. Then I realized that they only have half the pieces of the puzzle. Right now my goal is to read the all the books on the political philosophy chart so once I have a thorough understanding of politics I can stop using it as a hobby because only zero life losers are obsessed with politics.

>> No.16267756

It is only earnestfags who ever took the somethingawful and mid-aughts /b/ shit seriously and got unironically "radicalized." Most of us grew into functional adults who now only occasionally use the channel for the cathartic release of calling someone a faggot and the fact that it's all still pretty funny at a surprisingly reliable rate. But I think almost all of us, other than the very most autistic of autists, were just having fun and never actually meant any real political end by it.

>> No.16267757

It made me racist and antisemitic that's all really though, I have never really bought into any political team

>> No.16267785

I have a cringe taste in books
That's it.

>> No.16267796

If you sincerely get radicalized from anti-sjw cringe compilations, you deserved it.

>> No.16267797

I laughed at /pol/'s jew shit until I got to university and wew lad are the kikes bad. That being said, I understand the reasoning for it. But I still dislike them. And Black people. Anyone who is entitled, really.

>> No.16267799

Imagine getting radicalized by fucking /pol/ of all places

>> No.16267804

>Another american retard projecting his retardation onto everyone else: the youtube video
It's funny how these ameridumbs just use anecdotal nonsense to try and convince people but I guess since hes trying to convince amerifarts its effective.

>> No.16267805

>hurr durr nothing matters i'm just here to call people fags and stuff lmao
go do that on reddit

>> No.16267809

I'm still a radical centrist

>> No.16267816

it has radicalised me into being a raving fucking mong at times on the internet. otherwise i'm not radicalised. i have no radical political opinions or supreme edge opinions on things.

>> No.16267820

Whoever made this youtube video really needs to just swallow every pill they see

>> No.16267822
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>> No.16267824

No one cares if they're called a fag on here go to redd*t teen

>> No.16267826


>> No.16267827

Dumb frogposters

>> No.16267830

NOt really. I guess it has effected me of course. It has most obviously allowed me to see the dialectics in action in terms of cultural polemics. If anything it made me double down on my disgust for the SJW type, since at least their retarded opposition (which is mostly fucking maxim spewing retards) is simply a shadow and a necessary outcome of their snobish retardation.

>> No.16267835

Yea that's what I thought too
You can sense that for some anons /pol/ really is their entire life
It's not even anecdotal, opposite really
His video missed the insight of someone who actually went through the "radicalisation process"

>> No.16267837
File: 279 KB, 900x1200, troid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the dude telling you your lifestyle and ideology are 'radical'

>> No.16267841

The description is anecdotal also i hope you didn't actually click on that video and give it views further helping it retard

>> No.16267850

These people think that being a liberal that thinks intersectionalist marxism, queer theory and mass immigration are a bit much and maybe watches a jordan peterson video once in a while is 'radical'

>> No.16267853

They didn't, I only come here to download memes, type based and cringe, and bait dumbfucks.

>> No.16267854

It is radical. Radically retarded

>> No.16267856

In truth, the blatant racism here on 4chan(nel) did piss me off a bit. At first I fired back with anti-white comments, but over time I realized that while I was getting (You)'s from /pol/posters, I was just making the site as a whole worse. Nowadays I just ignore /pol/bait threads ("hurr durr blacks can't write", etc.) and filter out stuff in other threads. A part of it is realizing a fair chunk of the racists here are just underage teens who want the high of saying the n-word online.

That said, I am optimistic about 4chan's future. More and more people are coming to this site, drawn by the reputation it has a meme-source. Sooner or later, the racist edginess will be drowned out. This has downsides (I don't care to see this board become r/books), but on the whole things are looking up.

>> No.16267864

Leftists on twitter made me realize that one can that that living a life without constant shame and their success are mutually and whatever material comforts they offer in exchange are not worth it.

>> No.16267869

Rightists on 4chan has taught me that they only care about yelling nigger at each other

>> No.16267876

I dont like it at all. There is a certain level of absurdism that i like to keep that requires a specific level of casual racism and every other ism. Raw and visceral posting. Dosnt have to be all out cringe neo-nazisim. but using words for their impact and implicit power.

>> No.16267883

I just wanted to see what normies thought of us
the video is inoffensive and insipid really and preaches the standard breadtube normie-goes-nazi narrative

>> No.16267884

low IQ

>> No.16267887

>Rightists on 4chan has taught me that they only care about yelling nigger at each other
That is much better life, ngl.

>> No.16267888

>hurr durr everyone here is being serious and we are making a movement it's not just for fun and laughs
Quite reddit of you, bitch boy.

>> No.16267891

I've used to be deep into conspiracy theories but always considered myself as a leftist, I used /pol/ barely and mained /g/ and /b/. Eventually when 8ch came around, I started balancing /pol/ with /leftypol/ and consoomed a good amount of ecelebs. I did get sucked into /pol/ for a while, mostly due to it being so active during the election year 4 years ago and I became a bit more reactionary and started use antisemitic memes ironically, although I started many discussions that got lots of (you)'s because I thought racism was inherently wrong. Started coming here more, this place didn't really radicalize me much but motivated me to start reading more.
Now I'm a full on communist.

>> No.16267897

Wow what a unique and interesting story, please tell us more about your intellectual journey

>> No.16267898

Its slightly better than "I am offended by the n word".

>> No.16267904

The philosophy of an average dude back in the 50’s is radical now?

>> No.16267909

I also made half a million investing in cryptocurrency early, planning to use my money for leftist causes beccoming a soros of my own.

>> No.16267912


>> No.16267918

I dunno man. Just because some autistic Marxist isn't concerned wit shame doesn't change the fact that moral leftists, which make up the vast majority of your lot, still want shame to be a motivating force in society.
Still a more dignified existence than whatever lifestyle choices the left aims for.

>> No.16267919

>e I thought racism was inherently wrong
I mean we all did, we were raised to view it as a serious sin. But it doesn't really make very much sense

>> No.16267920

If only because it's not the 50s

>> No.16267922


>> No.16267929
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I dunno what compelled me to post a screencap of this cringe video desu
I find the topic really fascinating. 4chan, niche forums and the Internet as a whole really do change you, but in subtle ways. So I find it really disappointing when all the videos about it are so samey and never say anything of substance
the outsiders perspective of these videos always bothers me too

>> No.16267934

I don't think you know what “radical” means.

>> No.16267935
File: 3.28 MB, 480x270, banana.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone itt should kill themselves, but not because I told you to.

>> No.16267941

I read Stirner when I first came to /lit/, I read Whitehead because of the guy spamming him as the coming process philosophy turnabout, now I've bought IJ, and I'll visit a prostitute soon to lose my virginity. Thx /lit/

>> No.16267946

Made me a little more racist and anti semitic, which are the major nonos in our society (i dont really have favorable views on whites though either) Guess its made me a misanthrope mostly. Sad!

>> No.16267962

Agreed. Its like they never capture the implicit nature of 4chan posting. like they have to create a clean well defined narrative when its anything but.

Of course, its understandalbe since they want to prompt specific action, so they must create a specific narritive (Which is not necissarily false, just not all encompassing) to prompt it.

Not going into the essence of shitposting. THe sure absurdist fun you can have in a good thread, etc.

>> No.16267967

what race are you?

>> No.16267970

It's out of place,hence why people would think it's radical.

>> No.16267975

Half French, half Ethiopian. Why?

>> No.16267976

White amerimutt

>> No.16267989

just curious. When you say you became more racist what do you mean, I'm guessing not like /pol/ views

>> No.16267990

Radical means “root change.” Alt right shit is NOT radical, because it doesn't want to change anything, it just wants to reinforce the divisions and biases that already exist today. That’s why I asked if you know what “radical” means.

>> No.16267991

You're radical, bro

>> No.16267994

Africans are so racist to other types of africans its crazy.

>> No.16267996

The guyanese are dumb

>> No.16268005

well there's a lot of different types of Africans

>> No.16268014

No shit

>> No.16268016

absolute retard take.
> it just wants to reinforce the divisions and biases that already exist today
y-you know the status quo isnt exactly static right? THere is no ultimate stasis. Your very opinion at this moment is part of the status quo. SOmeone who espouses "radical leftism" is just as much part of it as one of the right. Authority is not simply some vague idea of a strawmaned 'traditional values', we are all a part of the process, we are not outside of it. If we are to deconstruct, we must deconstruct everything.

>> No.16268034

A society where they had unchecked power would look drastically different from our own. You could argue that the changes made are superficial, but that wouldn't make the chances insignificant.