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16266738 No.16266738[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do I know if I'm a genius

>> No.16266745

you're not
i assure you

>> No.16266750

You're asking /lit/ if you're a genius; think about what that says.

>> No.16266758


Are you bad at anything?

>> No.16266762

How do you know

What's wrong with it?

>> No.16266763

if you were a genius you would know.

>> No.16266770
File: 48 KB, 682x1024, FF207213-33C8-4704-B2CF-D22DA939BA8C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What category?

>> No.16266779

You're asking a board consisting mostly of low-midwit """""readers"""""

>> No.16266790
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>> No.16266791

id say its in the process. if you think you are relitively fair to yourseld about things on a basic conceptual and procedural level and reflective, you are probqbly wise. though wisdom and intellect are not necessarily the same thing.

>> No.16266803

tbf, if you are a retard you probably would be pretty sure you knew you were a genius too. i guess its more about being consistent in your analysis and knowing when you probably do not know.

>> No.16266807

Are you Edstrom? If yes then you are a genius. If not then no.

>> No.16266808

How? There must be a method to verify

>> No.16266812

The greatest artists, scientists, philosophers all had huge egos. So if you're not telling everyone you're a genius, you probably aren't one.

>> No.16266813

>consistent in your analysis and knowing when you probably do not know.
What you mean

>> No.16266814

You would have produced something worthwhile and others would be calling you a genius.

>> No.16266817

id say creating a criteria of geniuses and try to form a gestalt aspect of what that abstract essence is. then fairly apply it to yourself and see if you stand up.

>> No.16266822

Don't know

>> No.16266831

Does it matter?

>> No.16266842

If you read the biography of a talented writer and a mediocre writer, you'll see they nearly in all cases they followed a similar track. So I don't think just looking at life is enough.

>> No.16266846

Clearly not much of a genius.
Not to say you aren’t gifted in some way. I’ve no idea.

>> No.16266858

unless you have a basic idea of what is absolutely true, which is dubious for most things, especially in terms of non abstract philosophy, most of our knowledge appears to be in terms of “given x and y, z appears to be the case” rather than “x is absolutely true”. so its a balance of measuring these apearent likelyhoods efficiently rather than knowing a truth. or in orher words being a dynamic thinker who is able to explore different paradigms (including the possibility that one might be absolutely right)

>> No.16266863
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Did any geniuses think they were dumb as a kid?

>> No.16266866

Why are women so compassionate in real life but mean over the Internet?

>> No.16266873

have you done something of note?
genius is does not refer to your intellectual capabilities - which is not something that can be precisely defined - but rather to your creation.
so, what genial work have you done?

>> No.16266885

shut the fuck up. you clearly have no idea of what are you talking about.

>> No.16266890

ok mom.

>> No.16266893

this is not "understand", by Ted Chiang

>> No.16266899

You find out after death in your literary/scientific/etc legacy

>> No.16266902

If you are not Edstrom then you are not smart.

>> No.16266905

I haven't done anything to be honest. But all geniuses started with blank slate right?

>> No.16266932
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Do people tell you you're a fucking retard all the time? If so, good news! Chances are that your ideas are way ahead of their time, and people just can't appreciate your superior intellect. Dab on the haters and move on to new heights, Anon.

>> No.16266942
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It’s all a part of my genius

>> No.16266943

but they weren't geniuses until they did something.
even a retarded neet in his mama's basement may be considered a genius if he finds the secret for, say, cold fusion.
now, if you have literature in mind, then you'll have to write, publish, and see.

>> No.16266948

But there are geniuses that were appreciated in their time

>> No.16266955

Mozart started composing at the age of 5. The clock's ticking, anon.

>> No.16266962


What if you're coy?


>> No.16266965

You think of your great predecessors not as unreachable superhuman ideals, but as your peers. Also, you're exceptionally proficient at idea theft and reintegration.

>> No.16266973

When you no longer have to ask the question.

>> No.16266982

Van gogh also started drawing at 29

>> No.16266985

edgy answer

>> No.16266989

If this board is, in your mind, mostly "low-midwits" then what does that make you?

>> No.16266991

If you're marginally less dumb than a dumb person, he's still going to think of you as a genius. Praise isn't a good indicator of success, spite is.

>> No.16266994

>You think of your great predecessors not as unreachable superhuman ideals, but as your peers
Very important point. Tell me about yourself

>> No.16268045
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He doesn't know

>> No.16268049

Why are men so compassionate in real life and compassionate over the Internet?

>> No.16268051

Congrats! You are officially a genius. What are you going to do with this information?

>> No.16268058

If you have to ask, you're not

>> No.16268070

Wrong, if you have to ask you are, if you know you're a genius, you're not

>> No.16268074

What are the categories?

>> No.16268076


>> No.16268091


>> No.16268125
File: 76 KB, 400x300, A83409BC-6FE1-4F84-A6BA-8F94345CF2E3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mathematical genius, musical genius, evil genius, sexual genius, etc. There’s a bunch of categories. Quite difficult getting one covered, very rare to see two or more types in one person.

>> No.16268144

She aged like milk.

>> No.16268152

ye. Becuase a geniuse a midwit and the retard could all do that. its more about if they carefully concider the fact fairly..

>> No.16268156
File: 280 KB, 1000x1000, E5C1CEE5-FC3B-4D52-B35F-37C39B854E1B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She’s 54. Had two kids.
Lets see you do as well after that.