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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 362 KB, 1084x1513, Fernando_Pessoa2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16264734 No.16264734 [Reply] [Original]

>"By his late twenties, with little to no romantic experience and haunted by the fear of eternal bachelorhood, Pessoa is known to have fallen in love with several working-class girls employed in the Campo de Ourique district of Lisbon. He referred to these girls, who each in turn were subject to his ardent but unspoken admiration, as his "little angels" and as "shining diamonds in the rough". Although it would be tempting to assume that his desires for these girls [whose names he was not always able to discover], were merely amorous, the truth revealed in his private diaries is that he desired above all to free them from the shackles of their toil and provide for them a life of loving comfort, as a husband and protector. Resigned as he was to the fact that his part-time employment allowed little in the way of luxury even for himself, and that the small rented room in his aunt's home could not hope to serve as a marital abode, Pessoa records only a long series of fleeting exchanges with the various objects of his desire. Sometimes a smile or the brief touching of skin as money was exchanged provided an emotional reaction intense enough to inspire several pages' worth of jottings."

>"There is no doubt Fernando Pessoa was a very lonely man and, between his reserved nature and selfish literary ambitions on the one hand and a desperate yearning for romantic affection on the other, lay an internal struggle invisible to the few people who could claim to know him at all intimately. When Mariana, an assistant saleswoman in a local fishmonger's, one day joined him for several minutes to smoke a cigarette on the empty sidewalk, Pessoa writes that he returned home smiling to the extent that his facial muscles would allow, his face soaked with tears. Although only a handful of polite words were seemingly exchanged between the pair as they stood beside one another smoking in the Lisbon dusk, Pessoa even considered writing an anonymous letter of gratitude to Mariana for her good work and cheerful disposition at the fish stall. There is no evidence to suggest whether or not this letter was indeed written or handed to Mariana, though even had it been delivered it is unlikely she would have suspected that the ebullient praise had come from the sullen-looking, smartly-dressed man to whose eyes had met her own for the briefest moment a few days before."

>> No.16264746

Literally me.

>> No.16264755

The only reason I refuse to pay attention to Pessoa is that he is completely mainstream here in Brazil and every fucking brainlet I know loves his work.

>> No.16264778

and what did you write so far?
do you even have a single heteronym you pseud?

>> No.16264779
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Good thing is that no one knows him in my country

>> No.16264790

what's wrong liking what other people like?
you might even make friends by talking about him you autist retard

>> No.16264799

So tell us all something worth reading in Portuguese

>> No.16264812

Raduan Nassar and Mia Couto

>> No.16264818

saramago is okay maybe. eça de queiroz is ok too if you like 19th century aristocrats and incest

>> No.16264841 [DELETED] 
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Who cares? AI is taking over. There are more important things to think about.

>> No.16264854

delusional stemfag

>> No.16264866

>and incest

>> No.16264941

Based incel, I do the same thing

>> No.16264967

I wrote a 5 pages long entry on my diary when I saw this girl dancing.

>> No.16264995
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>> No.16265022

I’ve written diary entries describing girls I come across walking down the street since I was 15, it feels pretty good when years later I read them again and I can again experience all the emotions I felt looking at the girls and when writing about it. I’d like to share them but too bad only around 3 million people speak my mother tongue

>> No.16265045

These are people you talk to on here

>> No.16265051


>> No.16265060

Holy shit men are pathetic.

>> No.16265096

I know you guys are outcasts but what the fuck this shit is sad

>> No.16265097

No females allowed in this thread

>> No.16265105

You can not force me to leave.

>> No.16265115

You will never be a real woman

>> No.16265116

I'm a man

>> No.16265118

You are right. With women you always have to use force

>> No.16265121

Nice shot in the dark bro

>> No.16265130

Don't you have a diary entry to write about this moment?

>> No.16265139

Where is this from OP? Exact search not finding anything.
Thanks for posting it btw.

>> No.16265140

Parabéns, idiota subletrado.

>> No.16265149
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When are we going to a biopic starring Ryan Gosling?

>> No.16265153

They are both mediocre. I am not saying they are bad: I am saying they are mediocre.
Nassar's ''poetic'' prose isn't really poetic. He just happened to have the Caldas Aulete by his side when writing his corncobby chronicles.

Read Pessoa instead. Pessoa was a true writer.

>> No.16265156

You will never be a man worth loving and holding.

>> No.16265157

i just say that to random people online just in case

>> No.16265170

Not even the great bukowski was this pathetic

>> No.16265175

Go clean your shit-stinking gash tranny

>> No.16265180

Yeah I gathered, you and everyone else on here, it doesn't get tedious at all as a cis man

>> No.16265186

I'm a man you dumb cunt you see trannies everywhere you're obsessed

>> No.16265194
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I know

>> No.16265207

Who the fuck is behind this derailing? We had a comfy thread in the making and then a massive flood of trannies ruined everything, hate to see it

>> No.16265216

It‘s not too late though. You can still pick up the pieces.

>> No.16265223


>> No.16265226
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the greatest insights into the human soul are those you get when you are lonely and horny

>> No.16265237

Yeah no shit. It‘s your soul screaming that something isn‘t right. Stop being a weakling and do something about it.

>> No.16265255

masturbation is sin

>> No.16265274

No it isn‘t, but porn and degenerate fantasies definitely are.

>> No.16265291
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I actually really want to understand his mentality, because I catch myself doing it too, every time someone mentions they read ancient greek mythology I get a little twang in my heart that my imagined exclusive intellectual club isn't so exclusive in reality. Obviously it's silly to be mad that people share your interests, but the visceral reaction is still there.

>> No.16265304

Yeah that happens when you do something to feel superior not out of genuine interest.

>> No.16265317

What is "genuine interest"? Is wanting to feel superior not genuine?
Would you say one is not truly interested in guitar if they do it to attract girls, or not truly interested in STEM if they want to earn money, or not truly interested in weightlifting if they're doing it to look good? Because I promise you everyone who does those things does it at least partially for those reasons.

>> No.16265323

So uhhh... did he make it in the end, bros?

>> No.16265325

>Yeah no shit. It‘s your soul screaming that something isn‘t right. Stop being a weakling and do something about it.
Translation from roastie speak.

>> No.16265328

>Would you say one is not truly interested in guitar if they do it to attract girls, or not truly interested in STEM if they want to earn money, or not truly interested in weightlifting if they're doing it to look good?

> Because I promise you everyone who does those things does it at least partially for those reasons.
All weaklings. Do you want to belong to them?

>> No.16265334
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>> No.16265336

Imagine genuinely thinking women care about bringing worthless worms back into the dating pool. Amazing anon.

>> No.16265344

>All weaklings. Do you want to belong to them?
Well, I think I do whether I want to or not. Humans are shallow creatures. And I don't care if you think i'm weak for admitting it.

>> No.16265356

I never said you should care what i say. You should care what you think but you don‘t. You care more what others think and worse, you are even too weak to admit that.

>> No.16265369

All it's vanity. Hard truth.

>> No.16265381

Well anon, humans are social creatures and you need to impress other people to live and reproduce, unless you are a monk you too care what people think of you.
Anyway, time to go read.

>> No.16265386

Which means everyone has an obligation to take stock in their own life and cut out everything they do not do genuinely, even if it means sacrificing comfort.

>> No.16265398

People are impressed by dignity, all the things you think you need to impress people are just symptoms of a life lived in dignity. Alright, i see you're bailing. Good luck.

>> No.16265421

Could I read him if I only know Spanish?

>> No.16265423

What the fuck are you robots doing interacting and socializing with other people if you were so far gone into your misanthrophy and reclusiveness lmao

>shallow creatures

>> No.16265427

Gosto de merda.
Manuel Maria du Bocage
Antonio Dinis Cruz e Silva
Almeida Garrett
Alexandre Herculano
Eca de Queiroz
Julio Diniz
Ramalho Ortigao
Some of Jose Luis Peixoto is alright. A lot of people will tell you Saramago is good. Those people are mostly liberal pseuds, just like Saramago. Don't bother with him.

>> No.16265428

I'm a native spanish speaker and I understand about 80% of what he says without a dictionary.

>> No.16265442

Oh, also read Camões if you're into epic poems. Reading him in any language that isn't portuguese is pretty shit tho

>> No.16265459

what a fucking simp lmao

>> No.16265465

You are just out of touch

>> No.16265479

>A lot of people will tell you Saramago is good. Those people are mostly liberal pseuds, just like Saramago. Don't bother with him.

You are a moron and Saramago is a genius

>> No.16265529

>Omg did he really get rid of all punctuation? How subversive! What a genius!
>Religion bad? Woah, never heard that one before!
>Strawmans one of Pessoa's heteronyms to further his politics
He's shit. The school system tricked you into liking him.

>> No.16265572

he is probably one of the only authors in the last 40 years to achieve a genuinely powerful and distinctive aesthetic that wasn't some gimmicky nonsense. He doesn't say religion is bad, he investigates the theopoetic depth to human morality and phenomenology, and Blindness is one of the greatest novels of all time

he was also calling out the EU for decades prior to fucking brexit. Pseud libs like you couldn't achieve the communist credentials he had if you spent the rest of your lives on it.

(and I say that knowing full well that when you call his supporters "liberals", you think that the full spectrum of politics goes from "lib" to "conservative", with nothing beyond, you retarded incel dimwit)

>> No.16265598

>achieve a genuinely powerful and distinctive aesthetic that wasn't some gimmicky nonsense.
How is "just get rid of punctuation lmao" not gimmicky nonsense?
>he investigates the theopoetic depth to human morality and phenomenology
Yes, and ends up arrogantly concluding that religion is bad because God doesn't operate under a human moral mindset like any midwit in the last 40 years
>calling out the EU for decades prior to fucking brexit.
I'll give him that.
>you couldn't achieve the communist credentials he had if you spent the rest of your lives on it.
Nor would I ever want to.

>> No.16265671

Because he does have punctuation. The primary aesthetic departures are the long paragraphs (which only morons would be troubled by) and the commas to signify dialogue (which contribute towards an aesthetic of deindividualisation by figuring dialogue as a kind of continuum between individuals, instead of the dull bourgeois narcissistic monotony of the generic writer). Do you consider McCarthy a pseud too?

He's against god because instead of useless posturing and kiddie-fiddling he prefers a moral framework that actually defends human dignity and opposes the brutality of class oppression. If you were born into irreligiosity in the last thirty years, and you have willingly decided that actually Christianity is the correct path, then your a deluded pseud and of no worth to any genuinely revolutionary movement. I bet that Trump photo with the bible sent shivers down your spine too.

Finally, I am almost certain you're a white man. So, from one to another, let me recommend that you give up on pathetic fantasies in which cultural marxism or whatever is some great civilisational threat, and realise that everything you have ever hated is due to the cultural degradation inherent to capitalism, and start supporting the only political movement that has ever given a single fuck about people's lives outside of the merciless accumulation of money: communism.

>> No.16265703

>He's against god because instead of useless posturing and kiddie-fiddling he prefers a moral framework that actually defends human dignity and opposes the brutality of class oppression
The same reiterations of every single twitter liberal. I'm done arguing with materialists. I bet you have never even read a single theology book or the Bible for that matter. I don't give a shit about Trump and I agree with you that capitalism is decadence. I still think Saramago is a preachy, gimmicky, horrible writer and that communism is retarded. Have fun with your gypsy friends in Avante, shithead.

>> No.16265745

Slave morality

>> No.16265765


That's exactly why I refrain from using my vocal chords or engaging in written communication, since brainlets do it. This is the first time I've ever broken my silence. Now you'll never hear from me again.

>> No.16265781

Diálogos sobre a tirania

"A liberdade individual não pode existir senão depois de conquistada a liberdade social, e, principalmente, a económica. De que me serve a liberdade de escrever um romance se, por uma questão de temperamento, só posso escrever concentradamente, e tenho de ir para um escritório todos os dias?

Ora a liberdade económica existe pela existência do capital. É impossível universalmente; e o socialismo, em vez de ser uma libertação económica, é uma ausência completa de liberdade. O socialismo torna extensivo a toda a gente o servismo da maioria. Não são os escravos que querem libertar-se: são os escravos que querem escravizar tudo. Se eu sou corcunda, sejam todos corcundas,.

É esta a razão por que, sem querer mas sabiamente, a Natureza fez o homem construir o privilégio. A aristocracia é a maneira de se poder pensar livremente. Disse-se que a maioria dos escritores tinham sido favorecidos pelas circunstâncias financeiras domésticas. Tomou-se isso por lamentável para os que não foram favorecidos. Mas o contrário é que é o sentimento bom: há que regozijar-nos com os que foram escolhidos, e não que lamentar os que o não foram, a não ser sentimentalmente.

Bem diziam os homens da Idade Média, concebendo a liberdade, não como um direito, mas como um privilégio."

-Fernando Pessoa

>> No.16265798

>materialism bad hack spiritualism good
not the other anon but you are just another petty bourgeois trad larper that likes dressing up and cares more about the aestheticization of politics

>> No.16265806

fucking absolute moron, nice to see you couldn't mount any defence beyond muh twitter, which I don't have and hate what little I've seen of.

Read the bible all you want (lol at you thinking that I haven't read it, or that reading it at all is some profound symbol of moral education), it was written by tripping monks a couple thousand years ago, it's meaningless today. Modern morality relies on intense distancing from the corrupt and sclerotic husk of Catholicism, but you're probably some fat midwestern NEET who's literally never played sport or gotten laid and so is convinced the resentful mind-palace in your own head counts as a decisive argument against materialism.

Well guess what, when you die there is nothing, absolute nothingness, and if you want to have any moral impact in the actually existing world you better imbibe some materialist and communist perspectives, even if it means confronting the meaninglessness of your current existence. Saramago came from brutal poverty and persisted until his sixties before being recognised for his genius, but obviously your some sub-thirty bougie imbecile who's already given up.

>> No.16265816

It's pretty funny how there's fags who criticize christianity for not being "christian" enough and then call themselves "free thinkers"

>> No.16265826

written a century ago, with completely different material conditions, by a literal incel

>> No.16265833

what? meaningless

>> No.16265835

Read Nietzsche

>> No.16265858

Leftism has fucked our country beyond measure. I don't know how you don't realize this. The way things are, we are patriots without a fatherland. But you don't much care about patriotism, huh? You'd rather have a church burned than be deprived of your hashish high.

>> No.16265893

Capitalism before it was cool or as the old kids call it mercantilism, or even older kids feudalism

>> No.16265905

Jesus christ, can you people get your midget brains around the idea of there being more to leftism than what nancy pelosi scrawls on the chalkboard? how about the opposition of the oppressed and morally righteous masses to the corrupt and decadent elites. The problem is that the elites have succeeded for so long that their degeneracy has transmitted to the masses and now we're stuck in this hellworld where the republicans sell out their people while giving rhetorical concessions to whites, while the democrats do the same thing but with concessions to "poc".

Stalin would have strung up the entire senate by their necks and imposed some fucking order. But nope, what we really need is a porn-star fucking reality TV host with a 90 IQ who's about to lose to a dementia patient. God forbid we tell the rich to go fuck themselves. They're white! They must be on our side!

>> No.16265922

>Portugal's elite is right-wing

>> No.16265930

Little slaves are a bit too much resentful for my taste

>> No.16265950

This thread is ruined. Fuck sake.

>> No.16265956

Blame the commie. All I did was give recs

>> No.16265959

T. Nunca leu Nassar

>> No.16265982

The only slave here is you, a slave to his own ideology of freedom

>> No.16265992

What do you mean? Do you think I give a fuck about freedom? Only the Masters should have the privilege of freedom

>> No.16266016

literally calling yourself a slave, lol

genuinely kys

>> No.16266023

all you did was call out the greatest portuguese writer of all time due to projection and jealously, you idiotic liberal

>> No.16266028

You will never be free as long as the "muh evil elites" live RENT FREE inside your head
See >>16265835

>> No.16266036

>greatest portuguese writer of all time
How many portuguese writers have you read, onions guzzler?

>> No.16266050

i don't care about freedom, I care about the moral valence of society. The evil elites live rent free inside everyone else's heads and lives entirely because they control society. You can tongue their assholes and tell yourself the taste of shit is what it means to be elite, but you're just deluding yourself.

If you're on the /lit/ board and still shilling for elites you are a genuine born slave and should start watching sissy hypno or something.

>> No.16266056

>Portugal's elite is right-wing

>> No.16266064

saramago, lispector, de camoes, de assis, pessoa, n. rodrigues

>> No.16266067

I don't give a fuck about """society""" and this behavior of yours just shows how much of a herd animal you are and how much you wish to belong to it and force everyone else to do the same

>> No.16266075

I think Chagas Freitas might be up your alley

>> No.16266076

oh yes, they're communists, of course

>> No.16266083

Ironic considering how he saw the working class as natural slaves
Portugal doesn't have an elite, unless you consider our inept political "class" as an elite

>> No.16266132

lol what do you think an elite is??? ever heard of money and power?

and pessoa was a desperate incel, similar to lovecraft, do you think you have to believe someone's deepest convictions to talk with or read them? lib

>> No.16266144

quando só uma pequeníssima porção da população tem "liberdade" para criar,
então só uma pequeníssima porção da criação se poderá experienciar.

>> No.16266147

>I don't give a fuck about """society"""

damn, it still kind of shocks me when I encounter someone who truly has never had a friend.

praying for you, chap

>> No.16266177

Nice strawman. Not being right-wing necessitates that they're communists. Why yes, retard, you're correct!

>> No.16266197

Money? What money? The richest men in our country would get completely dwarfed by even an average richfag in Spain or some other shithole. And our politicians have absolutely no power at all as they repeatedly cuck the entire country to China and the EU. In fact, the only power they have is to keep the populace quiet, but that's pretty easy considering that obeying is natural to human beings.
A maioria das pessoas não tem, nem nunca terá, capacidade para criar algo. Isto é um facto, basta ver como o número de grandes indivíduos tem diminuído ao mesmo tempo que baixamos o nível da educação para ser acessível às massas.

>> No.16266204

yeah because your a dummy you think that supporting feminism or whatever is actually hardcore marxism, instead of the bullshit soft wing of international finance that serves to convince absolute dullards like yourself that supporting capitalists who give lip service to frustrated white guys is actually a revolutionary move rather than simple subservience to moneyed interests

>> No.16266212

>t. herd animal

>> No.16266221

>A maioria das pessoas não tem, nem nunca terá, capacidade para criar algo.

até te respondia mas obviamente nem sabes o que um ser humano é, quanto mais o que é criar.

>> No.16266230

empires thrive on convincing local elites to sell out their countrymen. Portugal's elites may not be NYC bigwigs, but they're the richest people in the country, wealthy enough to never feel material wants, to fuck escorts whenever, send their kids to the highest quality independent schools in England. You can support the international opposition of normal, good people to decadent elites, or you can descend into a fantasy of Christian opposition to the evil marxists, but only one path has any comprehension of who the real enemies are

>> No.16266237

I honestly thought that after J. Peterson gave himself brain damage you morons would give up

>> No.16266241

When I hear people have also read the same books as me I get excited and want to talk about it.

>> No.16266242
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>in his private diaries is that he desired above all to free them from the shackles of their toil and provide for them a life of loving comfort, as a husband and protector
Good thing Twitch didn't exist back then

>> No.16266303

And what are you gonna do then? Do you expect everyone to agree with your bullshit degenerate ideology? Oh, let me guess... you're gonna put them in gulags.

>> No.16266314

I came to this thread just to tell you that Blindness is hackneyed bullshit.

>> No.16266335

Só porque podes criar algo não significa que devas. Olha só para a montanha de mediocridade artística que é a cultura do século 21.

>> No.16266356


>> No.16266367

there was a lot of mediocrity in the past but only the worthwhile creations survived.
only after the creation is done can the result be judged by it's merits.

>> No.16266382


>> No.16266385

I'm still waiting for that to happen.

>> No.16266409

Real dumpster fire of a thread, retards.

>> No.16266416

often good authors are only discovered decades after their death

>> No.16266422

Its literally a communist collapse fantasy. Without the trappings of class and privilege and physical identifiers, we become a bunch of filthy degenerate animals who can only survive through the wisdom of the archetypal feminine rather than masculine constructs like authority or society. Men BAD, god ABSENT, free love GOOD, property COMMUNAL, etc etc what a fucking bore it all is. Never mind the fact that the dialogue becomes completely unhinged halfway through, and turns into petty moralizing sermons from the author delivered through the mouth of whatever character happens to be speaking.

>> No.16266421

Tell him to stop posting here all the time

>> No.16266434
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>the guy shrieking in the thread about communism is a stalinist
not even surprised. not sure why this country’s leftists have a fetish for stalinism
also, saramago sucks and Blindness was a chore

>> No.16266448

I wrote a book called The Book of Disquiet, only to discover that Pessoa had already done so!

>> No.16266454


só porque não gostas de algo não quer dizer que não seja bom.
se se faz muita "porcaria" sem qualquer valor hoje em dia é porque mais do que nunca o que é feito é primariamente já condicionado pelas criações do passado que subsistiram ao teste do tempo.
por isso se vê uma certa saturação de conteúdo que se assemelha à vista desarmada.
tal como foi antes também agora será o tempo a decidir o que fica e o que é esquecido.

mas nada disso interessa pois o que interessa é aceitar que o ser humano, na sua natureza mais primitiva, é um ser criador. que por meandros escondidos da sua vontade e por meandros acessíveis da sua acção, faz.

se o que faz é bom ou não o tempo o dirá, mas o importante é fazer.

obviamente que não entendes isso porque na tua cabeça és a única medida universal daquilo que é válido ou não de existir. o que indica um desconhecimento total tanto do que é o ser humano como do que é a sua criação.

sofres do mesmo problema que muita gente sofre, a incapacidade de encaixar que não és a medida do universo. não és o centro do mundo. não és a medida pela qual se mede a existência e o que deve ser experienciado enquanto se existe.

>> No.16266457

A good summary of the book and it seems people have an affinity for Saramago and his works simply because his political views align with theirs and he took some pictures with Castro

>> No.16266494

>he took some pictures with Castro
post them

>> No.16266535

i must confess I never got through the Saramago book i had to read in school.

I might pick something by him again sometime. any recomendations?

>> No.16266538
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>> No.16266561

>castro not wearing a tracksuit
this must be fake

>> No.16266565

read parenti. maybe you'll stop being such a brainlet

>> No.16266574
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the hilarious thing is that I knew this is exactly who was going to be name dropped next. it's like when right-wingers and liberals alike bring up their favorite coon Sowell

>> No.16266579

Communism is good

>> No.16266595
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>> No.16266607

Publish it anyways, Pierre

>> No.16266610

Most people only know a few poems from him

>> No.16266615

>obviamente que não entendes isso porque na tua cabeça és a única medida universal daquilo que é válido ou não de existir. o que indica um desconhecimento total tanto do que é o ser humano como do que é a sua criação.
Só porque pensas que a tua ideia de "direitos iguais" e "igualdade" sejam A verdade não significa que estejam de acordo com a realidade. Tu és o único que veio para aqui moralizar e fazer declarações universais

>> No.16266616

Has the commie finally stopped sperging out or is the thread still a dumpster fire? RIP comfy pessoa thread

>> No.16266636

Brasileiros larpando de portugas

>> No.16266643

>>>>hurr durr

>no séc 21 só se faz merda

não és a medida do mundo

>vens pr' aqui moralizar e declarar universalidades

fodasse maninho. aquilo que disse não pode ser contestado aquilo que disseste é facilmente desconstruído. pior é o cego que não quer ver.

>> No.16266656
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How does one talk to women anons

>> No.16266659

As far as I can tell, not speaking Portuguese is a good start.

>> No.16266661

>espaçamento merddit

>> No.16266665

Unironically become a misogynist. It is far easier to talk to someone you view as lesser than one you put on a pedestal

>> No.16266666

one must not be an autist to do it. I'm sorry anon you never had a chance. furthermore lain a cute and i want to hug her

>> No.16266668

>o meu clube secreto

>> No.16266674

tens que voltar

>> No.16266703

Spanish, i know you don't care
Are you the anon that say about dignity? what would you rec to an underage who has been in this site for 2 years? (i read 10 book all this time) I just recently got ignored by a girl with a bocchi pfp. Don't care about getting ban, i hate this site

>> No.16266722

imagine touching lain's flat chest wouldn't that be funny

>> No.16266794
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Pls help

>> No.16266798

I was joking about Pessoa being an incel, anon, if you actually want advice I will try my best to help you. What would you say your biggest issue is?

>> No.16266841

I just came

>> No.16266865

if you in 2020 call people commies as an insult you are, I guarantee, a virgin and a pseud

(hint: there's only one of those that is a bad thing!)

>> No.16266914

Where did you take these? I want to read more anecdotes on pessoa

>> No.16266921

I guess not, dont you have anything better to do than getting triggered on a mongolian painting board then shitting up a thread with projection and namecalling?

>> No.16266940
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I really wish to know anon, probably autism. I'm just afraid of never experience HS love because i know i will never be close to be a Pessoa, always happens when i watch a movie, anime or reading book that i can't really get it at all, i read then reviews and i realize how stupid i'm.
Sorry for the diary but that bocchi girl destroy me.

>> No.16267002

if you'd ever had a truly emotional experience while reading, you would understand why I am so obsessive in defending Saramago. But I suppose you are just some random generic dude who occasionally read books and has never had a transformative experience doing so, and can therefore not understand.

>> No.16267064

Do you legitimately have autism? I genuinely ask because there is revering an author and there is doing the equivalent of barging into a conversation ranting about the global elites and really just spending most of the time insulting and projecting that everyone else are neets, pseuds, incels, what have you because someone offhandedly disparaged your author. But I'll stop now because I dont want to derail any chance this thread has of getting back on track.

>> No.16267185

you have never truly experienced art

>> No.16267245
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I only get this feeling about stuff when I know how much of a pleb someone is already.

Like my friend, when he copies my EXACT tastes in music, shows, etc. Yet, I can never have a discussion with him about anything cause he is so superficial when it comes to these things and never had an original thought in his life.

This is why I feel rage. How dare you like something without understanding it?

>> No.16267399


anyone watched this? i dont know what to make of it

>> No.16267547

It feels like i'm going for the same lonely way as he did... Feels bad man.

>> No.16267952

>nobody mentions the digits

>> No.16267968

Holy shit.

>> No.16267992

>it's not too late
Is this your brain on female?

>> No.16269414

Popular familiarity hardly bears reaction to it one way or another, since there are things that almost everyone sees every day, while the proportion of those with illuminating things to say about them hardly changes. A neighbor of mine finds the whole of Romeo and Juliet oddly funny, while I find the stately tone of the ghost of Hamlet's father goes over the brink of camp. At whatever depth one reads or writes, it is all meta, decorous illustration of principles & forces that politely neglects enormous quantities of life's thoroughly nasty details.

>> No.16269453

I am ashamed to admit I relate to this.

>> No.16269668
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And I love them just as if they were my own brothers.

>> No.16269692

start practicing talking to girls gradually anon. Go on tinder or something and train talking to them by phone first and then move on to talking to them personally. They're normal people with the same amout of insecurities as anyone else. You'll soon realize its fairly easy, don't beat yourself up for being bad at first, you should beat yourself up for not trying

>> No.16269886

I feel you anon. I did the same with Dante here in italy because professors keep spamming him as the best thing ever. I finally got to read him in my late twenties and found it amazing, for reasons that are very different from those my professors indicated. So, my suggestion is to give it a try anyway, at a certain point. If an author is a classic, there's usually a reason. Most people are very bad at explaining it though.

>> No.16269892

Pepessoa the frog! :DDDDDDDDD

>> No.16270016

Shakespeare is also mainstream in England. Your point?
By the way, some of Pessoa's work - indeed, his best work - is quite ''obscure'' (i.e. referential), and most people are not able to understand it. For instance, how many can really understand Mensagem? You need to be well-acquainted with Portuguese history in order to approach that book.

Here's a list, with asterisks to denote the really major ones. It's just my taste, based on what I've read:

Fernão Lopes***
Sá de Miranda*
Bernardim Ribeiro
Antônio Ferreira*
António Vieira***
Franciso Manuel de Melo*
Filinto Elísio
Tomás Antônio Gonzaga
Alexandre Herculano***
Almeida Garret***
Castelo Branco
Eça de Queiroz***
Machao de Assis***
Euclides da Cunha***
Anthero de Quental*
Guerra Junqueiro
Cesário Verde
António Nobre
Camilo Pessanha*
Gonçalves Dias
Castro Alves
Alphonsus de Guimaraens
Mário de Sá-Carneiro*
Fernando Pessoa***
José Cardoso Pires*
António Lobo Antunes***
José Saramago
Jorge de Sena*
Vitorino Nemésio
Eugenio de Andrade*
Vasco Graça Moura*
Sophia Breyner
Herberto Helder*
Manuel Bandeira***
Carlos Drummond***
Murilo Mendes***
Jorge de Lima***
João Cabral de Mello Neto***
Mário Faustino*
Cecília Meireles
Alberto da Cunha Melo
Haroldo de Campos
Bruno Tolentino
Ivan Junqueira
Ferreira Gullar*
Ariano Suassuna
Cyro dos Anjos
Graciliano Ramos

Younger ones: Gonçalo Tavares, valter hugo mãe, Tolentino Mendonça, Mia Couto*, Érico Nogueira, Nelson Ascher, P.H. Britto, Alberto Mussa.
Some famous authors I haven't yet read: Bessa-Luis, Matias Aires, D. Duarte, Lins do Rego, Gilberto Freyre, Osman Lins, Veríssimo, Aquilino Ribeiro, João Ubaldo, Virgílio Ferreira etc.
Honorable mentions (famous, but not my favorites): Mário de Andrade, Oswald de Andrade, Clarice Lispector, Nélida Piñon, Nassar, Manoel de Barros etc.
Brazilian Joyce: Guimarães Rosa***
Brazilian McCarthy: Guimarães Rosa***
Brazilian Pynchon: Dalton Trevisan*
Brazilian 19th century weirdos: Sousândrade, Qorpo-Santo (very weirdo)
Brazilian Ron Jeremy: Glauco Mattoso
Brazilian Cicciolina: Hilda Hilst.

Sorry if there's any obvious omission.

You can, very easily. But buy a Portuguese dictionary. I do the same with Spanish.

Good recommendations, but you forgot many other important authors.

>> No.16270034

truly King of the Incels

>> No.16270963


>> No.16270982

He was so pure, I truly love this man.

>> No.16271068

What a pathetic mindset.