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File: 16 KB, 251x268, oxfam-camel-donation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1626109 No.1626109 [Reply] [Original]

I donated all my books to a local library.

Not because I thought I was doing a good thing.

I only did it because I was depressed and as such I go off to spend all my money, wreck my stuff, and give it away.

Anyways that's all

>> No.1626120

It was probably a grand or more worth of books. They didn't want to take all the books but I just left them in front of the library anyways.

>> No.1626125


>> No.1626128


>> No.1626153

I donate all the books I buy to libraries anyway. Once you've read a book once, you will never have the same surprise you had when you first read it, so it will never be the same.

The only books worth keeping are books that you constantly reference, like technical manuals. Otherwise you've just got a bookshelf full of posturing to show off when people enter your dreary apartment.

>> No.1626157

oh my god aren;t you just the loneliest saddest little thing to ever donate to the library

you must be sensual and caring

i want your cock just thinking about it

>> No.1626171

I personally feel as I age and reread books, the material in the book changes or perhaps I relate far more acutely to certain pieces of it. People rarely visited my room, so my books were not a source of false pride. I just enjoyed rereading once in a while, even if I would reread only one page.

Now I have a large empty bookcase to stare at. Perhaps I will destroy it so that I will have a nice empty wall to stare at instead.

>> No.1626175

My penis hasn't worked correctly in a while, not certain if you want it.

>> No.1626185

you must be just plain down in the dumps!

you're impotence obv. is a symbol for your deep spiritual problems

the fact that your dick isnt like mine means you're not a regular person and now i'm just so intrigued!

>> No.1626187

he would break your heart. he's a brute and over-physical.

>> No.1626189

yeah i have a have a hercules jaw and an elephant dick

>> No.1626194

I'm think about you, anon. I hope you feel better soon. I hope you realize how important you are. Stay safe.

>> No.1626196

i meant emotionally but thanks for demonstrating the second point.

where you from OP?

>> No.1626202
File: 7 KB, 250x201, Jeffersonbetterthanyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i meant emotionally
say, why don't you suck an egg?

>> No.1626203

you know pityshit like that is just awful. you're a disgusting person doing stuff like that just so you can feel caring.

>> No.1626206

>sadness having an effect on reason

Sure is woman logic.

>> No.1626208

I'm from California

>> No.1626213

Huh. I do the same thing op. Enjoy the rest of your fucked up life.

>> No.1626217


>> No.1626221
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>> No.1626227

When I still lived in LA, I gave books away to homeless people when I finished with them. Most of the time they appreciated it.

>> No.1626229

Perhaps, but I'm not certain if what I did should be considered unreasonable.

-My donation of books did benefit others.
-Items I destroyed were only my own, as such I am entitled to destroy them if I wish.
-And spending my own money could not be considered unreasonable either.

>> No.1626234

I donated ~15 books to the library in september or october. shitty fiction only.

>> No.1626237

But I guess at the same time, you were not claiming my actions to be unreasonable.

>> No.1626267

>I only did it because I was depressed and as such I go off to spend all my money, wreck my stuff, and give it away.

That's why I typed what I typed.

>> No.1626278

I am now building an electronic library of the works I have read.

>> No.1626283

I buy books from our library booksale room which is open twice a week and has over 5000 books, with new donations all the time. I resell them online for profit, sometimes a very large profit, but I never donate anything back to the library. It's not unusual for me to get a book there for a dollar that I can sell for fifty or a hundred dollars or more, but most of the time I only make ten or twenty times what I paid for it.

I could explain what rare and valuable books they're not noticing, but that would only confuse the volunteers. It's amusing to me to know that if they ran their own online bookshop (they get enough donations) they could probably bring in significant new revenue to the library, in this time of budget cuts, but since they just let all the valuable donations walk out the door for next to nothing, that money goes into the pockets of dealers like me, and the other half dozen resellers who sweep the shelves clean every single day that booksale room is open.

>> No.1626290

I wonder what my speed reading will be like from trying to read a book on my computer. I'm use to following the words with a piece of paper I pull down the page.

>> No.1626296

Quick question, any trustworthy sources you people use for your ebooks? From past experiences I had doubted ebooks due to the number of misspellings I found in their works. Even at times paragraphs which had been repeated.