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16260758 No.16260758[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Words alone cannot do justice to the centuries of trauma and violence that racism has inflicted, and continues to inflict, upon Black people and communities in the United States. However, we also recognize that silence is itself a message, and this moment compels us to speak out and state our beliefs.
As many students across the nation and world engage as citizens and leaders in protesting violence against Black communities, we affirm their rights and freedoms to peacefully protest. We stand in solidarity with these students and support their work to end systemic racism in this country. Students who exercise their rights by peacefully protesting will not have their chances of admission compromised.

Words are best accompanied by action, and we are encouraged by the work that alumni(ae), students, faculty, staff and other affiliates of Harvard University are doing to move us further toward equity for Black people and other marginalized groups. We acknowledge that this work has gone on for far longer than the current moment, and has become catalyzed by these recent tragedies. As the Admissions and Financial Aid Office of Harvard College, we will continue to champion the profound importance of diversity in higher education, and advance educational equity and access, while also humbly acknowledging that there is always more to do.
We commit to engaging more deeply in anti-racism work to support our work in admissions and financial aid and in hiring, professional development, and promotions within our office. This will include supporting the ongoing availability of anti-racism and implicit bias training in addition to resources and space for staff to engage in meaningful conversations around racism and the role of equity, diversity, and inclusion in our work. In addition, we remain committed to inclusive admissions and financial aid committees.

>> No.16260764

>We stand with the families of Ahmaud Arbery, Rayshard Brooks, George Floyd, Robert Fuller, Tony McDade, Nina Pop, Toyin Salau, Derrick Scott, Breonna Taylor, and the countless others. We stand with our Black alumni(ae), our Black faculty, our Black staff, our Black students, and other Black members of the Harvard community. We stand with Black people around the nation, and we unequivocally state our belief that Black Lives Matter.
To learn more about the experiences of the Black community and show your solidarity, we encourage you to visit the anti-racism resources on the Harvard Office for Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging website.
In solidarity,
The Harvard College Office of Admissions & Financial Aid

>> No.16260766

Seems par for the course corporate-speak. What's the issue?

>> No.16260776

Harvard invented this shit

>> No.16260816

This make me feel like there's a rope around my neck that is getting tighter and tighter.

>> No.16260830

Yep, by employing Dubois they're more responsible for this sort of thing than most other institutions.

>> No.16260836
File: 6 KB, 194x259, boomy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Harvard is just a Jewish legitimacy generator at this point. Let it die in peace.

>mfw they were advertising on Omegle at one point

>> No.16260841

Typical lip service. Harvard goes on to employ the finance vultures that strip black communities of wealth and opportunity, sells them subprime mortgages, and progressively lowers their wages. Another example of reactionary racialism in order to divert attention away from the class system.

>> No.16260846


>> No.16260854
File: 880 KB, 2016x2880, 1598065624020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rich technocrats support the ideology which legitimizes and expands their power. To them, the society must be managed and they are to be the managers. Fuck em, I cannot wait to give every ivy league and little ivy private liberal arts school professor and student their place on the wall.

>> No.16260910

Yeah. Adolescent attitudes are merged with corporate values. Then the privileged class adopts the language of the discontented as a way to keep people in line. Both the left and the right are guilty of it, the left more so in recent years

>> No.16260978

Who the fuck cares. I couldn't give less of a shit about a bunch of spoiled retards that go to Harvard. You stupid fucks who post this crap need to get a grip.

>> No.16260992

>Tony McDade
Love how they try to sneak these in here. McDade was an insane tranny that had just stabbed someone to death and commit suicide by cop, he's not a victim of police brutality or whatever. Philando Castile is the only black guy killed by cops I can think of that didn't deserve once all the facts were out.

>> No.16261096

I think humanities should stay in /his/

>> No.16261102

Nigger Lives Matter is a >>>/pol/ topic

>> No.16261138

Black lives matter? Yes, but all the blacks living in first world countries are spoiled niggers.