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16260195 No.16260195[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This is an excerpt from “In Defense of Looting” by Vicky Osterweil. What does /lit/ think?

>> No.16260203

>here's your intellectual discourse, bro

>> No.16260214

white liberals go into ecstasy at the thought of Black Bodies committing crimes, it's really pretty weird and creepy

>> No.16260216

One would almost hope she gets ripped, teared, burned, and destroyed, gives birth to a new world and leads to a miscarriage,

>> No.16260224

Any black anons willing to put a dress on and go give her a taste of her own medicine?

>> No.16260237

Routine perverse destruction are protests of weakness rather than strength. They represent the bankruptcy of life within the movement rather than the quintessence of it. By using the birthing imagery there is a grotesque satisfaction in rampant destruction justified by the inversion of what they will never experience. This sort of description is only the type of thing an impotent and infertile mind can come up with.

>> No.16260239

>riots are femme as fuck
The left have managed to make even their one point of coolness, that they burn stuff down, into lame wokery

>> No.16260246
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is this the book you're talking about?

>> No.16260250

She's using highly symbolic language that does not actually map to the real world. Riots do not "create a new world" in any sense. They do not "give birth" to anything. There is nothing "femme" about them. These are meaningless metaphors, the result of someone with 105IQ trying and failing to use the phraseology of Jews and French people with 135+IQ.

>> No.16260253

I think I'd rather read the Trumpets of Jericho than read 300 posts of people who can't screen grab a whole page of a book and had the misfortune to be born American.

>> No.16260272

>using fuck like that in non-fiction prose

bad writing

>> No.16260287

The author still has yet to publish their home address. They have no skin in the game and, thus, can be dismissed.

>> No.16260297

>Rioting is how sterile people channel their impossible desire for children
Interesting idea

>> No.16260302
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It's a tranny. The birthing metaphors are just a cope for "her" barren womb. Destruction becomes her legacy, and the fruits thereby become her ideological child.

>> No.16260304

I thought it was pets?

>> No.16260352 [DELETED] 

Leftist logorreah is always good for a bemused chuckle.

>> No.16260356

Can you imagine someone who writes like this being able to take care of an animal?

>> No.16260362
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More like she-man and her symbols

>> No.16260367

I never said they were good with pets. It's not like nonsterile humans are necessarily good with pets or children either. This does not stop them. If bad writing stopped people from being published there would be far fewer books too.

>> No.16260372

Kek. I didn't know that, looked up a pic tho and you're correct. That explains the French-larping and the needless profanity.

>> No.16260376

It's very easy to defend looting when it's not your shit that's getting fucked up.

>> No.16260387

These freaks are not leftists.

>> No.16260425
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>> No.16260437

>The ripping, tearing, burning, destroying leading to birth is Vicky dwelling on the idea that by having his dick and balls removed he has given birth to his female self; and is seeking validation by projecting this 'birth-by-violence' onto a bunch of nogs nogging, which is why he feminizes them twice in one paragraph
Oh, that makes much more sense.

>> No.16260655

The book is full of abysmal writing. I did an analysis of a different passage in a different thread, and another on /pol/.

>> No.16260672

I think someone ought to have taken a coat hanger to this fetus.

>> No.16260691 [DELETED] 

"femme as fuck" my god what cringy wording. If anything riots are "masc" as fuck because they unleash pent up physical aggression for purely destructive ends.
This passage is fundamentally incorrect in its assertion, however. Rioting is a measure of how aimless, disorganized, and chaotic a political cause is. When a movement lacks intellectual capital it results in riots as a sign of failure. Properly organized and disciplined movements know how to channel aggression to impact effective targets.An effective movement seeks to recruit as much public support as possible and avoids actions which damage that. What violence it does employ is aimed at strategic objectives, symbols of state power with strategic value like the Bastille, not Ye Olde Antique Shop.
Some Twitterites actually have the gall to call what's happening a revolution. Such contempt for history is staggering. Rioting and looting represents a flailing and failing movement, not one that is strong and focused.

>> No.16260720

Any chance you have the archive link to that? I'm morbidly curious and want to tear into this book's spurious reasoning further.

>> No.16260903

it does

>> No.16261099

> she

>> No.16261654

That isn't how history works. It is however how "theory" doctorates do.

>> No.16261683

if this is satire, it might be the best satire ever written

>> No.16261736 [DELETED] 

Imagine having a man that butchered himself to ressemble a woman be in the position to defend rioting aimed mostly at middle class business.

This all around screams "I despise myself and the world".

If these fucks had accomplished anything I wouldnt be so disgusted at it.

>> No.16261742 [DELETED] 

"In Defense of Ultraviolence: Study on How Jamal's Rapes Are Feminist and Heckin Valid"
by clueless twenty-something twitter revolutionary

>> No.16261939 [DELETED] 

I'd agree in a sense. The current riots are a sterile affair engineered consciously by a police structure that understands their utility for the maintenence of state power. Violence which could have potential or could be directed is neutralized as it is pointed away from any meaningful symbolic acts of destruction. A police station is burned; it is an anti-symbol, a building dressed to the nines to play as white noise. Walmarts and Targets, warehouses, but mostly just nobodies hurting other nobodies. The media records and arranges the two hundred or so words that now compose the description of truth ('small businesses' 'police brutality' 'racial justice' 'black/blue lives matter') Some corporatist milsec deathsquad drives a seething escalated crowd away from anything they've been paid enough to protect; everyone else wakes up with a hangover. Each structure continues to play its part and in the end the future is foreclosed.

Maybe the best I could say for over-enthusiastic leftists is that they are in some way hopeful. That they are blinded by an action that has only been given an appearance and will be given polite applause in some unreal stage space some years later. It might be the hope that revolution will come to America so that we can all lead the charge to the promise of the future. A suburbanite like this writer, like me, probably like most of you should probably know better. That none of this is revolution as long as it remains so thoroughly and obviously controlled as narrative and as practice.

As bad as any stilted academians prose is this piece is a hundred times more famished and desparate. It's really a terrible thing to diminish the gravity of the situation with this adolescence.

>> No.16261948

sometimes use few word better than use many word

>> No.16261949

Most feminists just want primal jungle cock and try to come up with reasoning to soothe their minds.

>> No.16262013

>rioting ... is a form of queer birth
I completely agree with this conclusion, but for quite different reasons

>> No.16262049

You're a certified midwit if you actually read shit like this to criticize. No one cares what's in this book, not the people praising it, not the people shitting on it, not even the person who wrote it. Get over the idea that you have to give a good-faith effort to actually challenge ideas. Literally just judge the cover.

>> No.16262064

This is all just insane. The weak metaphor. The edgy profanity. The conception of childbirth as something destructive like a riot, instead of something nurturing and beautiful. The author’s blatant deficiency in thought, whereas he seems to think he is saying something brilliant. The fact that the author is a tranny and is very obviously projecting their psychological issues onto their (very threadbare) analysis of the world. I don’t know what to make of it. It’s not like it’s an intriguing sort of mental illness, where one can sit and analyse it with empathy and curiosity, it’s just uncomfortable to watch, like seeing a madman in an asylum eating his own shit.

>> No.16262073

is the "black trans women did Stonewall" thing even true? I've heard people say Marsha Johnson wasn't even trans, that was just his drag name, but it wasn't what he went by outside of doing drag.

>> No.16262076 [DELETED] 

And once again they turn out to be not just mentally ill and trans, but also jewish. Every single time.

>> No.16262111
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>In most instances, however, they transform and build a nascent moment into a movement
This seems untrue. I haven't read the book, so it's possible he goes on to support this thesis a little better, but I doubt it. The idea that riots somehow build movements in themselves, and that they are therefore justified, seems rather wishful and naïve. A riot can be a spark, but there must already be kindling for it to do anything. By this I of course mean that when social tension reaches its breaking point, for example in the form of mass rioting, there must already be leaders, plans, and well-defined goals in place if the energy is to be channelled toward real changes. If this work has not been done ahead of time, rioting is just noise and meaningless destruction. Because this work has not been done in America, the rioting here is just noise and meaningless destruction.

>> No.16262142

The composition of the class has been atomised by neoliberalism, much like enclosure atomised the early non-factory urban working class. Therefore the form the class takes is the mobility. Therefore the immediate form of political action is riot.



>> No.16262156

>justify 1979
based and redpilled

>> No.16262181

I much preferred Sorel’s defence of violence I’m not sure what this queer births stuff is abiut

>> No.16262228

Arsebabies and womb envy.

>> No.16262257 [DELETED] 

>The current riots are a sterile affair engineered consciously by a police structure that understands their utility for the maintenence of state power.
not it is leftists who view riots as a baptism into being leftist.

>> No.16262280

I couldn't have said it better. I like the idea of defending looting/rioting, but it just came off as insincere, stifled. I thought it was interesting how Ostweiler appropriates some of Fisher's language (new world type stuff), to try to build up the idea of new possibilities under the current structures, but it's more desperate really. In an interview DFW said something like the only really revolutionary tactic is not just not buying things, totally unremarkable, impersonal changes.

>> No.16262304

>it's another episode of leftist who didn't read Baudrillard
I can't wait the end of the season, when she becomes disillusioned.

>> No.16262343
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So was Carmageddon right all along?

>> No.16262354

Yeah we've had black blocks actively rioting for years and the only thing they ever accomplished is that some poor gilets jaunes stupid enough to follow them lost a handful of eyes and teeth. I've talked with some of them, while being generally nice people they're incredibly naive when it comes to politic and direct action.

>> No.16262363 [DELETED] 

very based, I urge all Amerifats on this board to apply this to anti-leftist violence too

>> No.16262406

And I saw you last week at the radical shop stewards meeting…oh wait.

More praxis will be developed by burning a few cop cars than by your anal wank on 4chan. It isn't like you put your service to the class in.

>> No.16262412 [DELETED] 

This is a really good post

to the OP: The femme metaphor is more to challenge the symbolic association of violence with masculinity but I don't think it is successful - it also misses the purpose of symbolism within a society - epically reversing symbolic associations to create some new political order is sterile.
Hell Trotsky argues the exact opposite - revolution and uprisings are in fact conservative in the fact they aim to hold onto something - call it freedom, call it order, call it opportunity, that is under threat by current material conditions. This is dialectical in the sense that change and stasis are clearly oppositional. If something is conservative it is in a sense realisable and you have the fusion of the utopian revolutionary moment and the necessary conservative drive in action.
It is ludicrous for a modern liberal to oppose masculinity and another concept if gender is personally defined yada yada. It is a mess.

>> No.16262414

Third Worldists are right to seek to liquidate you baizuo.

>> No.16262458 [DELETED] 

I do not consider myself a leftist, but I find political discussion with any side interesting. Fact is, you don't know what you're talking about and you'll never achieve anything with these kind of "tactics". The praxis you're, ironically, anal wanking about on 4chan is pure spectacle, an useless symbol of your powerlessness and of your blind rage. The Fouquet's, the Rotonde, whatever bank these guys burned are fine, the financial elites keep on doing money, mass consumption still reigns and was never shaken on its basis, but still, some idiots lost their eyes and I feel sorry for them. Know that you will achieve nothing. It's over, all is lost.

>> No.16262479 [DELETED] 

Yeah, nah, where I live tankies actually join their fucken unions and do better work than trots. I see you live in LARPistan. Actually read and understand Lenin in England on organisational form suited to the compositional moment, and while Tad and Barb are getting shot in the face while fiddling with leaf blowers, go burn a fucken cop shop. You'll want to read the third part of EP Thompson's _Making_ and Hammond & Hammond's _Urban_ and _Skilled_

>> No.16262506

any other books like this? i'd like to try to write a character out of that lunacy someday
Are there any books describing how to run a woke company as well?

>> No.16262510 [DELETED] 

>Fact is, you don't know what you're talking about and you'll never achieve anything with these kind of "tactics". The praxis you're, ironically, anal wanking about on 4chan is pure spectacle, an useless symbol of your powerlessness and of your blind rage. The Fouquet's, the Rotonde, whatever bank these guys burned are fine, the financial elites keep on doing money, mass consumption still reigns and was never shaken on its basis, but still, some idiots lost their eyes and I feel sorry for them. Know that you will achieve nothing. It's over, all is lost.
Keep saying that mate. I hear class abolitionism off the floor that I never heard 20 years ago.

Also your liberal conception of politics reeks.

>Some idiots lost their eyes.
I know four people who lost their backs due to employers.

>> No.16262550

>Aussie tankie
>not LARPing
Ok m8