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/lit/ - Literature

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16259485 No.16259485 [Reply] [Original]

/stack/ thread

I want to brag about the good books I got. Why would you purchase and read things if you can't brag about it?


>> No.16259519

can you tell me what the 7th one is?
in the time it took you to make this thread, i just grabbed 'em all from LibGen for free and added them to Calibre. beamed 'em to my ereader and i'm carrying them all in my pocket now.

>> No.16259528

>everyman's library edition of Flashman
Holy based
Btw why is it so thick? My edition of flashman is very skinny, is the text ginormous or something?
>broom of the system
You got memed

>> No.16259529
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Nice! Good job man!

>> No.16259551

It's thick because it's 3 flashman books: Flashman, Flashman for Freedom and Flashman in the Great Game.

I got it for $4.50 from my local bookstore.

>> No.16259558
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>> No.16259565

Lots of....

young adult fantasy....

>> No.16259612

GOT was a christmas present and LOTR I've had since grade school that I got through that scholastic shit. Have yet to start the former, and only read Fellowship of the latter (didn't love it, not sure I'll continue).

>> No.16259630

P.S., of the rest I've only read 1984, Animal Farm, Brave New World, Flowers for Algernon, Dracula, Of Mice and Men, and The Iliad.

>> No.16259687

they're all classics that are still good as an adult, don't let the pseuds shame you

>> No.16259723

Bloody love Flashman.

>> No.16259757

Unseasonably based

>> No.16259763

Oh, also Dubliners.
Cheers, I do plan on tackling GoT at some point.

>> No.16259768

Didn't know Odyssey was that T H I C C. Looking forward to reading it.

>> No.16259775

What do you think about Fagles? Is his translation the best?

>> No.16259797

i love big books. in fact my nickname in college was Fat Stack

>> No.16259800

I want to buy GoT, but holding off until the last book gets released. Probably will be years but at least I will 1-up everyone who has unmatching "complete" works.

>> No.16259817

Loved it. Very powerful.

>> No.16259818

> he hoped to be done with it in 2021
Also there is another book after that but I don't even want to think about how long it will take for it to be written.

>> No.16260011

I like it, before him I read another one where they didn't even try to poem it up and it really took me out of it.

>> No.16260028

Big boy!
Flashman is one of the greatest historical literature books out there CMV

Remember when he rapes that Afghani chick and she spends the whole book trying to get revenge only to be LEFT IN THE DUST?

>> No.16260305
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they're all classics that are still good as an adult, don't let the pseuds shame you

>> No.16260314

>classics that are still good as an adult
Maybe if you are one of those mentally stunted Ameridumbs.

>> No.16260475

I would've gotten a hard cover version of Paradise Lost

>> No.16260559
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>> No.16261058
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Just picked these up today.

>> No.16261080

I canst tell thou art no dummy-dummy.
Thanks, I like a good deal.
I will live in regret for literally the rest of my life.
This is the gayest thing I've ever read on this website and I've seen two men propositioning each other for hard anal sex.

>> No.16261091

>beamed 'em to my ereader
and not your butthole...imagine being so dumb

>> No.16261236

based Flashy

>> No.16262846
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a kindle with a lot of free books

>> No.16262893

>Why would you purchase and read things if you can't brag about it?
Come on OP.

>> No.16263010

I've recently bought Brief Interviews with Hideous Men, The Pale King by David Foster Wallace and Master and Margarita by Bulhakov. Out of three I've read The Pale King the most and thought it's the best one. Did I do good, lads?

>> No.16263051
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>> No.16263089

Do you enjoy reading Heidegger? Isn't philosophy like fiction but boring?

>> No.16263102

holy high school

>> No.16263109

>El Hobbit

>> No.16263123
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>El ogro de las Américas

>> No.16263153
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Heidegger has a reputation for obtuseness, but that doesn't really apply to his commentaries on other philosophers.

This thing has a whole chapter on Zarathustra' s Animals. It's really great.

>> No.16263212
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Nice selection.

There's a book called 'Herman Melville: The Contemporary Reviews.' You can find it on libgen. It might be fun to read the original Mardi reviews after you've finished reading the book.

>> No.16263307
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Only recently got more into reading. Want to get through more of the notable starter-kit shit before I move into more non-fiction and older classics. Have also read a good amount more than what is pictured on my e-reader.

>> No.16263614

Will do, sounds interesting

>> No.16263625
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>want to save money and support local library
>on the other hand, want to have a respectable book shelf

what do bros

>> No.16263670


Read it from the library first.
Buy it if you intend to read it again

>> No.16263676

was quite literally typing the same thing

>> No.16263757

what if I read things and only purchase them after I know they're a good read? can I still participate in stack threads?

>> No.16264166

Have fun faggot

>> No.16264204
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Have finished the top 5 if anyone wants to chat about them. Im mainly reading Republic and a biography of Crazy Horse rn.

>> No.16264209 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16264222

Bras Cubas is amazing

>> No.16264228

Checkd, just got to the hippo lol

>> No.16264363
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Like to try juggle fiction, non-fiction and poetry

>> No.16264373


>> No.16264473

Thanks mate.

>> No.16264547

buy from library sales

>> No.16264549
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>> No.16264554

Happy to see so many /lit/zens are already reading Machado.

Time to make him /lit/core. He was definitely one of us, and he deserves to be more widely read on this board.

>> No.16264563

lol don't juggle them you read them dumb dumb

>> No.16264617


>> No.16265019

How did you like As I Lay Dying?

>> No.16265053
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>> No.16265123

Report on your thoughts on Powell

>> No.16265359

>massive tome of Shakepeare's sonnets.
They literally fit in 50 standard pages. What's all the fuss about? I don't want to read a novel explaining to me what each poem means.

>> No.16265409

>What's all the fuss about? I don't want to read a novel explaining to me what each poem means.
academics justifying their existence

>> No.16265414

>How did you like As I Lay Dying?
I second this inquiry

>> No.16265463


There is a modern spelling on one side of the page and a facsimile on the other. Then each sonnet has several pages of footnotes.

I only got it because of the facsimile

>> No.16265481

My mother has a massive First Folio facsimile that weighs something like 20 lbs. I'm sure she's never read it. I perused it once for fun, but of course I've only read modern editions.

>> No.16265490

>I only got it because of the facsimile

>> No.16265579

murders in the rue morgue is top tier Poe, but why not get his collected/complete works instead? its so cheap and easy to find

>> No.16265644


The Poe book was 5$ and contains his three detective stories. I kind of like the idea of having them in their own little book apart, but I might sell it to a used book store down the line if I get a book containing these three stories along with others.

>> No.16266647
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>> No.16266670

writes itself.

>> No.16266682

GOT is good don’t let the pseudos shame you. Finished book 4 and I really enjoyed the writing

>> No.16266764

hahahahaha oh man where did you get this picture? Did you set this up for max cringe?

>> No.16267020

how is adolfo? going to read it soon

>> No.16267097

How's that edition of Dante?

>> No.16267133

Everyman's is supposed to be one of the best versions

>> No.16267154

Depends on the translation.

>> No.16267380

Everyman only publishes one translation dumbass... I'm talking about dante specifically

>> No.16267614
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Why are you being so rude?

>> No.16267640
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Double cringe.
Better. Why is that Shxpeare book so big though? You could fit his sonnets into a much smaller book.
Better, but learn Portuguese and Spanish.
Good taste, but too many translation. Reading Dante in English is gross.

>> No.16267889

>doesnt show spine on bottom book
Anon i kekked

>> No.16267927

very nice

>> No.16268111

Based higurashi poster

>> No.16268924


>> No.16268929
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Mein Stack

>> No.16268951

its strongest suits are craftsmanship and creativity. Other than that, I particularly enjoyed its moral humor. Lighthearted

Would love to hear you takes.

>> No.16268962

High recommendations. Hes a gentleman who can bring to life that latin american poetical representation of the soul. Enjoy.

>> No.16269536

does anyone enjoy reading pdf books from computer screen?

>> No.16269553

Nope. I have to force myself to read pdfs of my coursebooks on my pc, I would never read something for pleasure on there, for that there is my ereader.

>> No.16270556


Everyman's Dante is the Mandelbaum translation, which is very good. It's considered something like the standard translation by many.

That's if you're buying new though. Might they have offered a different translation in the past?

>> No.16270566


Not really, but how else will I read while I'm at work?

>> No.16270683

Finish ur books

>> No.16270697


>broom, not infi jest
>m&d not fun time ww2 fanfiction..
>royal flash not The Prisoner of Zenda
>pinguin classic paradise lost..
>the odyssey not translated by T.E. Lawrence...
>Underworld not Blood Meridian...

Nice Troll post.

>> No.16270700


What is "Minerva?"

>> No.16270739
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I like to read multiple non-fiction books simultaneously, but I finish a fiction one once I start it, before starting another

Minerva is the godess of knowledge

>> No.16270793
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Currently reading King Lear
Got the books on “sale” because we are on a yearly event in my country. Still pretty expensive

>> No.16270805

Why would you read the translated version if you know the language in which it was originally written?

>> No.16270871

What do you lot recommend for the reading order for Flashman, publication or chronological?

>> No.16270880


It's personal preference. I do publication date on a first read through, and chronological on a second.

>> No.16270953

Idk, did the same with most of Camus work so probably comfortability

>> No.16271165
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>> No.16271219

In which language did you read Don Quixote?

>> No.16271306


>> No.16271379
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I've got my work cut out for me but honestly, I enjoy the fuck out of all of this. I'm always on the lookout for art type philosophy-stuff so any recs are welcome.

>2666. By: Roberto Bolano
2666 is great and I flew through the first three books but the fourth about the cops/murders is a bit of a challenge (albeit worth it). I fell like I will be thinking about this for a while but I am not sure what the impact will actually be.

>New Dark Age By: James Bridle
A very interesting book that's helped focus some ideas that have been blurry in the mind cloud. The writing is very clear so it is easy to pick up and jump in, the only problem is the information can be a little hard to internalize/process.

>Ice Cream Man and other stories By: Sam Pink
Some pretty good short stories. I started it just so I could get a break from the Bolano for a day or two. It is a quick read but enjoyable. Sam Pink is a pretty cool guy as well.

>The Postconceptual Condition By: Peter Osborne
I got a bunch of these Verso books when they were doing a half-off sale about a month ago. This is definitely on the academic side of writing but his ideas are communicated effectively. What I like most is his objective in catalyzing artistic thought. He's an academic but his language appeals to maybe more creative type minded folk.

>The Power Broker By: Robert A Caro
I have only made it insofar as the introduction and first bit of early life biography. I'm excited to get farther in to really start to see how the dominoes line up, and fall.

>> No.16271403

Why are you getting into Thomas Pynchon? A professor recommended I read GR after he saw I was reading Infinite Jest but I never really looked him.

>> No.16271429

The light fantastic is fun and subtle, though not grand. I have fond memories reading it.

>> No.16271480

I just read the first Discworld book about a week ago and really enjoyed it. It is interesting comparing Pratchet with something like "Dying Earth". They both have this similar element in relating to the reader just how much fun the authors are having writing the damn thing.

>> No.16271483

I have also stalled at the end of 2666.

>> No.16271488

I was quite into Zen a year ago and I've been trying to get back into it recently. Are you studying the Koan for any specific reason? I find they get me thinking in abstract ways which help break up strict logical thinking (which is sometimes helpful).

>> No.16271504

Have you reached the fifth and final book yet? I'm hoping the style evolves some more into maybe a combo of the first four. I can appreciate the cop/murder stuff but Jesus fucking christ there's so many dead bodies.

>> No.16271572

I see everyone with these penguin Fagles translated editions. Are they that much better than the dozens of other translations / copies you can find at your local used bookstore?

>> No.16271605


Homer translations are like pizza. Is one pizza chain infinitely better than all the others? Do you eat from one pizza chain exclusively? etc.

>> No.16271607
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How tf do y'all niggas have time to read.

>> No.16271725
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Charity book sale

>> No.16271805


Good finds

>> No.16271820
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Current stack. Why didn't anyone ever tell me Feuerbach is comfy?

>> No.16271845
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The only stack I need.

It will take me to read it inasmuch time as the other anons will read theirs. And that is a good thing.

>> No.16271852


Sartor Resartus is amazing.

>> No.16271859

that's the best book written by macquarrie and robinson after all

>> No.16272388

>Amadís de Gaula
>Vasco de Lobeira
Good stack though
>Minerva is the godess of knowledge
Isis' a better godess of knowledge desu

>> No.16272488
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recent freebies

>> No.16272572
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This charity sale always has an awesome selection. Here’s last years haul.

>> No.16272668
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And the year before

>> No.16272750

Proud of your choice? Lol
Im sure its dense as hell actually.

>> No.16272927

Ask anyone who thinks Fagles is good whether they have read any other translations.

>> No.16273007

Read Lattimore or go to hell.

>> No.16273094

giga-cozy, what are the prices like?

>> No.16273118
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>eating from a pizza chain
Where do you live and why

>> No.16273276

Depends on the condition, but usually 1-2 bucks for a mass market paperback, 5-10 for a trade paperback and 5-15 for a hardback.

Found an uncorrected publisher’s proof of IQ84 a few years back that I sold to a bookstore for 80 bucks.

>> No.16273341
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Suck it

>> No.16273372

My dad likes McCullough.

>> No.16273433

I hope that you read those in public.

>> No.16273531

>every single book is obviously unread

>> No.16273554

>over 100 books
>two on hitler
You're obsessed

>> No.16273576

Don't you have to be 18 to post here?

>> No.16273578

I've read like 4. Fagles is best.

>> No.16273603

He doesn't have a bookshelf...

>> No.16273694
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Who /JR/ here?

>> No.16273750
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>> No.16273770

-- woah like holy I mean

>> No.16273780

How'd you get the new NYRB printing?

>> No.16273790

Hey I fuck with JR big time. Blew my mind when I read it at age 18.

>> No.16273814

Yeah I like goddamn JR it's the best goddamn American novel way better than anything by goddamn Pynchon

>> No.16273850

Which ones have you read, out of curiosity?

>> No.16273858

>two books on Stalin

>> No.16273866

>he doesn't know Pynchon and Gaddis are the same person

>> No.16273874

Like a goddamn knife

>> No.16273895

I've been trying to get my hands on a copy that doesn't cost 10000000$ used and shit-stained. I

>> No.16274202

Lattimore, Butler, Fitzgerald, and Fagles.

>> No.16274222

Better than The Recognitions?

>> No.16274243

Which books suggest I'm under 18?

>> No.16274269

>most still in perfect condition
You have to get to work my friend

>> No.16274312

NYRB is rereleasing it soon! save your money

>> No.16276014

I didn't mean it like that retard, I just thought that the cover was funny.
You're obsessed with /pol/.

>> No.16276134
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I apologize for the horrible state of my desk. the three books are sorted into fiction/nonfic/didactic bookmarks for the invention of morel, the morville hours, and amusing ourselves to death. I haven't read any of these yet in any of these stacks 1/4

>> No.16276145
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I think nobody has read the manifold destiny here and it will never be on libgen or archive. interesting author 2/4

>> No.16276154
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yes I got pynched 3/4

>> No.16276163
File: 3.58 MB, 3024x4032, 1dac42d0-c0a1-486d-bea5-c28074434080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres some of the memes I've also picked from thee years. I don't regret any of them 4/4

>> No.16276524

t. one who prefers buying books to reading them

>> No.16276528

why did you buy every nabokov before you read any nabokov
same question for hardy
same question for etc etc.

>> No.16276557

Did you got recommended all this by Goodreads anon?

>> No.16276738

If something has below a 3 rating on goodreads and the complaints aren't about incest/rape I won't read it.

>> No.16276810

I have similar thoughts
In case of reading documentation at work its normally, I meant reading a novel in pdf in front of computer screen.
I asked because I really enjoy reading paper books, but when I have to read a longer pdf its literally no fun for me

>> No.16276847
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Weather's fuckin miserable today. At least I've got some books to keep me company and that.

>> No.16276890

that guy is just the biggest pseud that ever pseuded

>> No.16278368


>> No.16278499

that stack is hoppin with flavor!

>> No.16278529
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>but holding off until the last book gets released

>> No.16278634

No, but how else am I going to read obscure books?

>> No.16278656
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Yes, currently on page 42 (21) and this experience took me 3 days.
The retard that I am, it takes me time to fully comprehend some paragraphs, but along the way it gets easier. All this up until you stumble on another paragraph that gets you confused. I stopped at one page for almost one hour (I am taking notes in the meanwhile) and I thought that maybe its nothing significant worth understanding. But pursuing the text, going pages back, sometimes just a little ahead, takes me once more to the page and EUREKA! Finally I can digest the words adequately. Oh, and they are so neatly put into the sentences. And it gets easier because your curiosity doesnt just follow you, it leads you to a methodical inquiry, all while guided by Heidgger's text.

Hubert Dreyfus also mentioned how when younger, he had a low attention span when reading, but said that this was an advantage for him, as he mentions that we can't just comprehend pages of magnitudinal works of philosophy without a careful reading of it, accompanied by breaks. From what he was saying as I recall, he couldn't read more than 10-20 pages per day. And his sublime openness and care gives me hope.

>> No.16278866

Hows the Burton translation?

>> No.16278892
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>Hows the Burton translation?


>> No.16278908

Great post. You've made me consider Heidegger for the future. Enjoy.

>> No.16279515

-> >>16263307

>> No.16279630

How did you get the NYRB JR? Its not due to release until october

>> No.16279761

Rerelease in october

>> No.16279899
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Currently out of town and just got these books. The ones with portuguese titles are:
The Interpretation of Dreams
The Communist Manifesto
The Art of Literature
Beyond Good and Evil

>> No.16280433
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>> No.16280579

Rare display of good taste

>> No.16280585

When are you going to open your first one?

>> No.16280723
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Loving all the Pynchon ITT

>> No.16281558
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>> No.16282901

substantially based

>> No.16283033
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Based-conscious choice anon.