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16254931 No.16254931 [Reply] [Original]

I want to write one of those stories where something creepy happens in someones childhood but i cant come up with anything creepy that hasnt been done before. I can only imagine the vague possibility of original creepy stuff but when you get down to it, its all the same. Id be happy just to find a good creepypasta.

>> No.16254944

Creepy how? Supernatural or mental?

>> No.16254957

Just be vague and imply that something disturbing might have happened.

>> No.16254980

when i was a kid, i always had strangers coming up to me or watching me and i think they were gang stalkers. one time in middle school, my french class was having a party, and they called me down to the front desk during that period. i get down there and the lady says that my """dad""" dropped off cupcakes for the party. i tell her that there's no way (because my dad, and not even my mom, would know about this party because i don't tell them about school or anything), but she says that it was definitely for me because my """dad""" explicitly said they were for me and used my first name and last name. this lady at the front also knew me, and her son was in the same grade as me, who happened to be the only other kid in that grade with the same name as me, so there's no way it was meant for him. also they were the same cupcakes from the same store that my dad would sometimes buy. so i didn't even take them because i automatically thought they were poisoned or something. never spoke to my dad about it and he never brought it up. but there's no way it was him because he would never buy me anything when i was a kid, not even mcdonalds. i also have like no early childhood memories outside of school.

>> No.16255063

supernatural is hard to do bcuz its usually all the same stuff and if youre introfucing supernatural stuff it has to be two times as scary. but both, just creeoy

then i wont find it creepy

good read anon. could you talk to your dad about the cupcakes so we get some closure. it seems like he just heard about the party somehow and bought you cupcakes. but i didnt know gang stalking was a thing

>> No.16255084

a babies head gets stuck in a plastic bag and and a slightly older but still young sibling watches as they scream and shake in pain.

>> No.16255094

A few years ago i‘ve read about a girl who developed about 57 or so split personalities in order to cope with her ritual abuse from growing up in some satanistic commune. They explained that it was her way of surviving because whenever something traumatic happened, she just created a whole new person. This way, every personality only had one trauma, which made it somewhat bearable. That legitimately made my skin crawl and i‘ve thought about using that to write something since then.

>> No.16255113

>boy's friend gets kidnapped
>years later, boy is now man
>man is pedophile
>downloads CP
>recognizes his old friend

>> No.16255115

i don't talk to my dad anymore, and trust me, there is no fucking way he would do that unless he was having a stroke.

>> No.16255157
File: 33 KB, 340x544, Zero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a creepypasta similar to what you're looking for. It's from the golden age, of when creepypasta was just starting out. Enjoy


>> No.16255160

I also like the „russian sleep experiment“ creepy pasta.

>> No.16255425

thanks anons. heres some good ones from /x/ ive found

>>25997869 (chills)
>>26005627 (original)
>>26006382 (pretty scary)

disturbing/depressing isnt scary
in irl split personalities seem scary but like charlie says in adaptation, theres only one thing thats more overdone than serieal killers and thats split personality

>> No.16255437

If you want to be original, but have no criativity, push the boundaries and write something truly shocking. I don't even want to name it but you know.

>> No.16255445

I don‘t find the aspect of someone whit split personalities creepy, it‘s the circumstances that made them necessary. What can be so disturbing a human can just split personalities? I‘ve had some rather creepy experiences in my life but i have not split myself, which makes me wo der wtf happened there.

>> No.16255560

yeah now that youve put it that way that does seem disturbing. someone reflexively denying reality just to cope with it. i dont wanna get too poopolosical but sometimes thats how life feels. maybe not the outright traumatic stuff but we forget the bad stuff to move on. its like we are different people at different times or different moods. there is something scary there for sure.

id like to read about the real life satanic commune you mentioned but ive read just two stories about girls raised in satanic communes yesterday.

ive seen all the boundry pushing disturbing stories. i need something that works even if its not the baby rapist torture clowns of skinwalker ranch. scary and creepy is the goal, not disturbing and depressing

the actual creepypasta is a bit shoddy but i really enjoy experiment stories
endings a bit meh but i liked that the girl just went on with her life

>> No.16256470


>> No.16256532

I’m 90% sure I experienced a poltergeist at the age of 11 that ended with my family having to leave the house for 3 days because my parents got so freaked out.
Mom has a Masters degree and works for a hospital as head of HR, dad owns a multimillion dollar company. So they’re not exactly crazy people in the traditional sense.
Might do a write up after work if you’re interested

>> No.16256539
File: 51 KB, 686x676, mountaindew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're thinking of the trope called "fridgehorror"

here are some ideas, anon:

>1, a child's brain was transplanted into a dog's body and raised as a pet without telling the child that it was an animal so the child grew up as a dog without realizing it until later

>2, a child is actually an adult who had his memories erased and regressed mentally into a child mental age. the reason they forcefully erased his memories is that it's the new death penalty. society has decided that instead of kill criminals, they will kill all memories of the criminal instead. so no one will remember him or even what he wrote because they track all your online philosophical posts and erase the memories of anyone who read your posts so that your ideas die. and it turned out he was a philosopher with groundbreaking ideas but someone framed him so that his ideas would be automatically deleted from the public consciousness. how all that erased history is found out to the reader is your problem.

>3, a child realizes he's been a child for too long. it turns out the government tests all children and if they are at risk of realizing concepts that are bad for society, they will forcefully prevent that child from developing to adulthood and will suspend his development at 12yo forever. It takes the child a long time to realize something's weird because he's still a kid and the only thing he has going for him is that if he were allowed to develop to adulthood he would be a top thinker.

>4, a reverse isekai, where a hero from a magical world transmigrates into this mundane world and his memories are blurry so he might or might not be crazy