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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.17 MB, 1641x770, top 2019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16246600 No.16246600 [Reply] [Original]


I'm putting a chart together similar to pic related but I want to try to get a larger sample size if possible. Also open to going up to a top 30 or top 50 if there are enough replies. Reply directly to this OP with a series or book if you want to nominate it, and then reply to that post if you want to add a vote for it. So far the tally is

LOTR: 2 votes

Redwall: 1 vote

Stormlight Archive: 1 vote

Prince of Nothing: 1 vote

Since this is a new thread please re-nominate these if you want and I'll count it as a vote.

I plan to update each new thread for the next week or so to get as many anons as possible to participate. Cheers.




>> No.16246609
File: 351 KB, 554x555, path.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where my /saberhagen/ syndicate at?

>> No.16246614

LotR gets a vote. I'd also like to nominate Liveship Traders if that's how it works. You really should use Google docs.

>> No.16246636

So a post like this would count as a vote for LOTR and a nomination for Liveship Traders, yes.

An anon in the last thread mentioned that people were resistant to using their personal emails on something 4chan-related last time around. If I were to make it so that anyone could edit it would become a free-for-all on Google Docs, so I might as well just make it a free-for-all here.

>> No.16246640

Stories of your Life and Others, by Ted Chiang

>> No.16246664

Wait, so you want people to vote only 1? H-how is this thing even supposed to work?

Book of the New Sun (definite vote if it's 1 per user)
Lyonesse series
The Books of Babel

>> No.16246684

I don't understand your chart. It's called "Top 20 books 2019" yet none of the books were published in 2019. So really it's just a top 20 book list and you're just revising it each year, there's no reason to bill the year in the title of the chart, you can just put "updated for 2020" in the subtitle or in the corner.

>> No.16246692

I don't think that's anon's chart, just what he's using as a base for his idea.

>> No.16246700

Anyone else think fall of Hyperion is even better than the first book?

Also can someone recommend me something that has the same aura of mystery and horror? I really enjoyed the trip

>> No.16246705

Regardless, I don't like top 20 lists where you only get one vote. There should be ranked choice, it shows what really has the widest appeal. If people get one vote then it is much easier to rig and becomes a contest for pushing undesirable books off the list. If you let people vote for 20 books that they like, you get a much more accurate picture of what this community is like.

>> No.16246712

I agree FPTP is a sucky system though how would you recommend we implement anything much more complet than this?

Also no clue why you're replying to me since I'm not the anon who's organizing this

>> No.16246723
File: 341 KB, 503x526, iwgtsi2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I was thinking of doing was having it so that each individual reply to the OP would be a single nomination. So if you want to nominate more than one book or series, just make more than one reply. This would basically count as the first vote. And then, people who would also nominate that series can just reply to that post, or as many as they want at a time, and each reply for each series/book will count as one additional vote. Does that make sense?

>> No.16246732

If anyone is familar with how /mu/ puts together their charts most of the time, that's exactly what I have in mind here. Although I understand /sffg/ is a lot slower and less populated than /mu/

>> No.16246770
File: 54 KB, 783x542, google forms ranked choice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You replied so I replied. It's called conversation. And you can do a simple ranked choice easily enough in google forms, though I don't believe this will weight responses for you, you'll have to do it manually since you're just using a multiple choice grid for it. If you want to break it up you can do it in blocks of 5 like this.

You can sample for nominations using other methods but once you have your set list of candidates you can use this.

>> No.16246775

That doesn't work well because it's too much effort to add new series all the time and people aren't going to go back to change their answers for other books.

>> No.16246785

Nobody is ever going to agree. Make your cute little list and we'll put it on the fridge

>> No.16246790
File: 28 KB, 650x551, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> You replied so I replied. It's called conversation
And I have no issue with that. I just think your recommendations would be more effective if they were made to the person organizing this rather than to a random anon.

> Google forms
Does Google forms actually keep track of the person's email? becauuse if not then it's great.

One way we could use it is to just have one Form with one (or more) open fields for people to input the series, pick from those the ones with most votes and from there do your idea of having people rank each presented series.

>> No.16246791

If it's too much to actually get people's input then don't bother asking for input and just make the chart yourself. Given how basic this general is you can probably guess most of the top 20 anyway.

>> No.16246801

You've misunderstood me.
It's not a one time only thing.
People could have to be checking back all the time on the form to see what was added recently and the person in charge would have to be constantly updating it. If it got up to tons books, that format wouldn't scale well.

>> No.16246803

who /qualtrics/ here

>> No.16246812

Already this has fallen prey to the same problem that yearly /lit/ overall books have. It wasn't thought out beforehand and is rather slapdash in general and just think it's going to all work out without putting any effort into it. No organization and no operationalization.

>> No.16246813

And yes, someone would have to sift through the data to pick the most selected books, but with 30~ responses like we'll probably get it won't be that big of a deal

Hell, I could even go through the data if the anon who's currently working on it actually goes through with this idea

>> No.16246815

You can set the form to collect email addresses, but the option is turned off by default. Limiting responses requires a sign in though, so you'll have to decide if you want to restrict it to people who have gmail accounts (which lets face it is most people anymore so it's more about whoever is too paranoid to sign in).

As for collecting the initial list of nominations, you could do it manually by asking votes on /sffg/, generating the largest possible list, then doing a checklist form to winnow it down.

>> No.16246818
File: 673 KB, 1217x2009, John Ringo The Last Centurion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Last Centurion by John Ringo, published 2008
>"Bandit Six", the book's protagonist, discusses his adventures following a withdrawal from the Middle East by U.S. forces in a time of chaos and disease. He commands a Stryker company that is left behind in Iran to guard a U.S. military equipment depot after a worldwide outbreak of mutated bird flu. He and his company repeat the journey of the Ten Thousand to return home, where he assists in agricultural recovery efforts and leads a military operation to regain control of a major American city.

Its almost prophetic work of fiction

>mutated bird flu breaking out in 2019 in China, goes global pandemic.. causing people to drown in their own fluids.
>international, domestic travel shut down, quarantines.
>social distancing, people trying to use dust filter masks to protect themselves from infection etc..
>talk about problems with pandemic preparedness, vaccines, receptor site mutations, antiviral drugs, prophylactic drugs, protecting the economy vs. stopping the virus..
>shooting rioters in self-defense against being shot at gets you charged with crimes
>media gets everything wrong, importance of personal responsibility

>> No.16246819

There's no need to sift through any data with a few spreadsheet functions.

>> No.16246821

what's the point of voting on what books we like best every year?
like most of the OP chart came out before 2000.

>> No.16246823

There isn't an initial list of nominations. It's all ongoing. There won't be any winnowing down.

>> No.16246826

You can dump responses into a google spreadsheet and collate it with a function, no need to do it by hand.

>> No.16246831

People like doing it. It's been done since 2014 or something for books in general on /lit/. It's all very silly but it's something people apparently enjoy messing with.

>> No.16246833

The list serves to rank the quality of the userbase, not the books

>> No.16246838

Spreadsheets are exclusively for people who are autistic and have no place with anyone else. Stop suggesting they be used.

>> No.16246843

You're assuming that either people won't fuck up when writing the names of the books and will always use the same standards for the name (i.e 1st books vs Series name), or that I'm capable of writing a function that accounts for people not writing the name properly.

So yeah, functions can be used but manual cleanup is required to be sure everything lines up correctly

>> No.16246859
File: 47 KB, 250x380, malazan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

+1 for Book of the New Sun specifically

Nominating Malazan Book of the Fallen

This shit isn't rocket science. If you think something belongs on the chart, vote for it.

>> No.16246868

Is Black Prism/Lightbringer series by Brent Weeks based or cringe?

>> No.16246871

Just use Unique() and pick a standard.

>> No.16246881

>writer spends an inordinate amount of time explaining how things look
Goddamn is that annoying. I love Wagner, but he's spent more time on this story I'm reading explaining how homes and objects look than on building up a proper horror atmosphere.
>an entire paragraph detailing how a fireplace mantle looks which will play zero role in the story
WHY? I understand it's meant to be a nice-looking mantle, but why in the fuck would ANY reader care what it actually looks like? Especially since it doesn't matter at all.

>> No.16246883

Different people enjoy different stuff.
I hope one day you understand this.

>> No.16246888

That brings up a problem when tallying how many responses we have for each entry, since we will be ignoring a few.

But now that I think about it that wouldn't really be an issue, since this open ended poll would be just to select the books for which people will vote on another poll, so tallying is useless.

>> No.16246890

If like the other anon said the expected responses are less than 50 then there's really no need to overthink it. You can do all the collation manually in notepad or a google sheet if you're feeling nerdy and probably not even bother with google forms.

That said I still think it's a waste of time unless people can vote for multiple series, especially with this few responses spread across this many books. And if you're going to let people vote for multiple books you'd have to keep a very close eye on the IP count of the thread to make sure no book got more votes than there are total IPs, and that the number of voting-posts is also not heavily disproportionate to the number of IPs.

>> No.16246891

It's maxes out both attributes.

>> No.16246904

Voter manipulation is irrelevant. It's just for fun anyway. There's no need to be so serious about it.

>> No.16246920

Or it's an excuse to pad out the story; which is something Wagner did. But for a short story? Ridiculous.

>> No.16246936

This is a science fiction general on an anime imageboard, why would you expect us to not be a bunch of lonely autists?

>> No.16246947

You only like to think you're the majority, but that hasn't been the case for years now.

>> No.16246956

I pity the fool who can't accept others.

>> No.16246984

I wish I had as much hope you do for people.

>> No.16246988


>> No.16247009


>> No.16247012

My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.

>> No.16247020


>> No.16247025


>> No.16247045

>pad out the story
Are you trying to speedrun books? Take some time to smell the roses

>> No.16247048

Why do female authors love dragons so much?

Are they just the fantasy version of dogs?

>> No.16247050

They want to fuck them.

>> No.16247063

Nominating Realm of the Elderlings if we’re counting a series of series, otherwise Liveship Traders.

>> No.16247079

>not listening to audiobooks on 2x speed
There's not enough time in life to do otherwise. Sometimes I count reading book summaries as having read the entire book.
But, best of all are the nonfiction book summaries written by experts and then individually sold. They read the book for you and then present to you an executive summary in a couple pages of it all its insight. What a distilled experience!

>> No.16247084

Who wouldn't?

>> No.16247095

different anon but I couldn't fathom even listening to an abridged version of an audiobook, nevermind at double speed

>> No.16247100

That's just a collection of content from prior sources.

>> No.16247109

Next you are going to tell me you never skip entire chapters in books and skip over reading paragraphs constantly while reading!

>> No.16247115

I sometimes find myself skipping backwards to re-listen to parts as is

>> No.16247128

>spacing between the nominations.
Looks bad.

LOTR: 2 votes

Redwall: 1 vote

Stormlight Archive: 1 vote

Prince of Nothing: 1 vote

LOTR: 2 votes
Redwall: 1 vote
Stormlight Archive: 1 vote
Prince of Nothing: 1 vote

2 Votes: LOTR
1 Vote: Redwall, Stormlight Archive, Prince of Nothing

There are various other ways to do it.

>> No.16247131

That's a sign that you aren't that interested in it.

>> No.16247168

well, no, its just the reality of multitasking, right now I am watching a youtube video, a movie and browsing here

>> No.16247172

An Archdemon's Dilemma - How to Love Your Slave Elf Bride

>> No.16247179

wew, now that's a consoomer

>> No.16247182

Ah, thanks for describing how ADD feels.

>> No.16247188

Multitasking doesn't exist.

>> No.16247198

exactly, thats why I have to rewind if I feel like I missed something important

>> No.16247200

An attempt was made.

>> No.16247206

Imagine not reading every post in every thread.

>> No.16247208

>>16247179 2 liv iz 2 consoom.

>> No.16247209
File: 138 KB, 493x328, Butthisisnotaperfectworld.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>play dnd
>>dude I don't need to know what the room looks like lets just roll initiative and get this dungeon over with

>> No.16247210

Good call. Noted.

>> No.16247217

I just want this to go as well as it can. We're off to a good start.

>> No.16247221

>The Last Centurion by John Ringo

Sounds interesting. Will read.

>> No.16247222

That's a horrible analogy and you should feel bad for having typed it.

>> No.16247226

>skips chapters of a novel because it's 'not relevant'
It's a great analogy you're just mad it btf out of you

>> No.16247237

I don't argue with those who think they win arguments by decree.

>> No.16247240

I don't care who you argue with

>> No.16247245

You fags need to shut up and kiss already.

>> No.16247244

I care less than you care.

>> No.16247250

You down for a threesome?

>> No.16247251

It's Redwall but in Shawshank

>> No.16247295

No, only you think that.

>> No.16247317

Discord: https://discord.gg/KWPCM7m

We're reading the First Law series:
aug 30th- sept 3rd: Red Country
4th-6th: Sharp Ends
7th-12th: A Little Hatred
15th-20th: The Trouble With Peace

>> No.16247326

Ginger finally straightened, stretched cozily from her cramped position. “Mmm,” she purred; then: “Lord, what is that dog chewing on so! We didn’t have more than a plate of scraps for him after dinner.”
“Maybe Dan caught himself a rabbit. He’s always hunting.”
“Oh! Go see! He killed a mother rabbit last week, and I know her babies all starved.”
“Dan probably saw that they didn’t.” Brandon rose to go look. “What you got there, boy?”
Ginger saw him stiffen abruptly. “Oh, no! Not another mamma bunny!”
She darted past Brandon’s arm before he could stop her.
Dan thumped his tail foolishly and returned her stare. Between his paws was a child’s arm.


>> No.16247346


>> No.16247368

Karl Edward Wagner continues on

>> No.16247379

I already did it faggot

>> No.16247384

>thinking people read the thread

>> No.16247387
File: 69 KB, 1029x1179, mymeat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Finally, Szeth raised his Blade over his head, looking down at the king.
>"What are you?" the man whispered, eyes watering with pain.
>"Death," Szeth said, then drove his Blade point-first through the man's face and into the rock below.

>> No.16247399

Sanderson can't keep getting away with it!

>> No.16247485

What does this even mean?

>> No.16247501

Extinct like a sabertooth.

>> No.16247505

Redwall but the prison in Green Mile

>> No.16247507

No one should be.

>> No.16247514

Anthropomorphic mice in prison?

>> No.16247520

Yea, and the one guy that kept Mr Jingles is the Willard of the story

>> No.16247569

>Anthropomorphic mice in prison?
There must be dozens of hentai about his.

>> No.16247572


>> No.16247596

Yep. Just finished .220 Swift and it was good. Though I didn't understand all that stuff about the albino possibly being a hitman.

>> No.16247615

Why don't people here like Sanderson?

>> No.16247618

Why should we?

>> No.16247624

Why shouldn't you?

>> No.16247626

We do though.

>> No.16247630

This thread was made way too early. The other thread is still on page 8.

>> No.16247635

I'm gonna look into this. Might read it

>> No.16247642


>> No.16247664
File: 142 KB, 585x768, IMG_20200426_060941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me fantasy with the most flowery prose ever.

So flowery that it could trigger my allergies.

>> No.16247671

It's the wen on the arse of fantasy literature

>> No.16247673

Jabberwocky - Lewis Carroll

>> No.16247675

Why should we?

>> No.16247706
File: 19 KB, 158x272, armorant.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no military sci-fi on the chart
There's plenty of great ones
Starship Troopers
The Forever War
I'm nominating the best though, Armor (pic related)

I'll give Lord of the Rings a vote too

>> No.16247707

Because it's a bad chart in general.

>> No.16247733

because /sffg/ is a bad general

>> No.16247734

because /lit/ is a bad board.

>> No.16247756

because 4chan is a bad site.

>> No.16247761
File: 63 KB, 341x512, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Rage of Dragons, The Burning #1 - Evan Winter (2019)
The author's parents are from Guyana, he was born in England, he lived for some years of his childhood in Zambia, and now lives in Canada. This is supposed to be a Xhosa inspired African secondary world fantasy novel with bronze age technology, so a few thousand years ago, though he admits he didn't do much research. I can't say whether that's true or not, because I wouldn't know. There's also magic, but I wasn't particularly interested in it. This was originally a self-published novel and I think that comes through clearly in a lot of ways. A considerable number of Xhosa words are used, though some editions supposedly have a glossary. I'm undecided whether they added flavor or were just an annoyance, though I lean towards the former. I would have preferred in there was more consistency in its usage though. I didn't do particularly well in my attempt to imagine every character as black because it turned out that I didn't have enough visual material to work from to form exemplars and had to fall back to prototypes, specific characters I was familiar with. This is a power fantasy novel with a protagonist who uses the power of determination to accomplish his goal. The results of his training were far more than I thought they ought to have been. Arguably it's also wish-fulfillment. The protagonist core motivation is revenge, which he would have you believe is more important than literally anything else, and he goes far in convincing everyone that's true. The content is almost entirely fighting and training, as the protagonist is interested in little else. The protagonist was particularly disagreeable to me, so that was a problem. Most of other characters were fine. Overall, I found it to be consistently meh and I don't plan on reading the second book, but it may still happen sometime in the future if I have the proper motivation to do so. The rating may seem a bit high considering what I've written, but I didn't feel right to have it lower, so it isn't. Those I read it with have significantly lowered its average among /sffg/ members.
Rating: 3/5

>> No.16247788

>This is a power fantasy novel with a protagonist who uses the power of anime and friendship to accomplish his goal.

>> No.16247798

Read Imaro, and other books by the same writer, if you want GOOD African fantasy.

>> No.16247811
File: 162 KB, 198x348, Screenshot_2020-08-30 Imaro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've been posting about it for a long while and I looked at it a long while ago.

Not really. It's more videogames probably overall despite me post about being like a light novel. Also, what friendship? It's mostly unrequited from Tau's end.

>> No.16247824


>> No.16247842
File: 90 KB, 512x384, 12146548857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Malazan series not being on this list is a crime

>> No.16247848

BOTNS was so overrated

>> No.16247864

>yet another person who didn't read the thread

>> No.16247866
File: 43 KB, 310x247, mad girl_face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Armor is the shit.

>mfw Felix goes all out at the end

>> No.16247868

Make your own chart, faggots, no one will ever agree on anything.

>> No.16247869

because internet is a bad decision.

>> No.16247876

What blows me away is Erikson writing ten books in almost just as many years with page counts ranging from 700 to 1200.

>> No.16247878


>> No.16247879

Ah so it's not this site that's bad it's all sites

>> No.16247888

because people is a bad existence.

>> No.16247905

Sexiled - My Sexist Party Leader Kicked Me Out, So I Teamed Up With a Mythical Sorceress!

>> No.16247909


>> No.16248117

>135 posts
>previous thread is on page 9

>> No.16248140

>chart idiot wants to make a shitty chart nobody gives a shit about so he hijacks the new thread.

>> No.16248145
File: 111 KB, 743x288, throne-of-glass-series-banner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Throne of Glass series.

>> No.16248169

anyway, is the chronicles of amber good?

>> No.16248648

What are the best totally-not-viking novels in fantasy genre?

>> No.16248757

>No Game No Life (banned in various countries for being too pedo)
In which book does pedo shit happen, I've watched the series and it didn't seem more pedo than other nipshit.
Chinks are such bugmen.

>> No.16248823

Are you falseflagging discord trannies or are they really this pathetic?

>> No.16248846

No, no, they really are that pathetic. The last book they read was written by a nigger and the one before that was about lesbian necromancers (yes really). It's only fitting that they moved onto memecrombie.

>> No.16248900
File: 472 KB, 700x700, 1583968138057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I nominate that you fuck e william brown.

>> No.16248908

It's like you guys really hate reading.

>> No.16249045

We really hate discord, not reading.

>> No.16249087

You're calling people pathetic for reading books.

>> No.16249136

not him but, shut the fuck up tranny

>> No.16249310

Just picked it up and blitzed through it, I usually hate when authors tell a story by telling two other stories that have nearly nothing to do with the actual plot at play but holy shit am I loving The Last Centurion, sure, the Author likes his author tracts but the rest of the book is just that fucking good where it completely eclipses the generic “insert political beliefs”

>> No.16249317

I don't like bad books.
Simple as.

>> No.16249381

if you're in market for more reading I can heartily recommended his other works as well

>> No.16249469

I just finished Star Maker and kinda liked it
are there similar books? I'm thinking Diaspora

>> No.16249562

I nominate Dune for getting the fuck off the list

>> No.16249599

Why other than being a contrarian

>> No.16249607

Because the prose was piles within piles within piles of shit

>> No.16249609

I said without being a contrarian

>> No.16249624

so educated opinion is that Dune's prose was good?

>> No.16249635

>educated opinion
>Because the prose was piles within piles within piles of shit
Choose one

>> No.16249652

It's just a yes or no question. Does Dune have good prose?

>> No.16249676


>> No.16249685

Could you point to a passage that was well written?

>> No.16249698

Can you point out where your subjective claims become objective fact?

>> No.16249713

Yeah, pretty much the whole book.

>> No.16249720
File: 1.24 MB, 854x480, 1548344525624.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah, pretty much the whole book.

>> No.16249732

You're welcome to post some examples of good prose from Dune if you'd like.
You can always just ignore this post too, since the thread is based on opinion. No need to get too worked up over someone not sucking Dune's dick for the thousandth time.

>> No.16249741

> to post some examples of good prose from Dune if you'd like.
But why would I waste my time when I've already ascertained that I'm not dealing with someone capable of separating objectivity and subjectivity?

>> No.16249761

I clearly gave an opinion, if you don't want to engage with it then why would you waste your time giving me a (You) to argue anyway you dumb cunt

>> No.16249767
File: 23 KB, 720x643, 1551485097087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I clearly gave an opinion
>Can you point out where your subjective claims become objective fact?
>Yeah, pretty much the whole book.
your last (you)

>> No.16249780

>your last (you)
Thank fuck for that.
Anyway, as I was saying >>16246600, please remove Dune from the list on account of being a few hundred pages of absolutely rank prose. Cheers.

>> No.16249784

That's a complicated choice.
I'm fascinated by the concept of a work comprising a total deconstruction and dissolution of itself and Blindsight has to be the closest thing that I've ever seen to a work that does that.
tl;dr it's hooked itself into my mind to get me to bring it up out of nowhere just for the purpose of saying that I hate it **could I salvage this post by asking: Any recommendations for books exploring similar themes in which it's clear to tell that the author is exploring these themes deliberately and you're not left just having to assume that the author is only pretending to be a giant hack?**

>> No.16249787

Please keep Dune on the list >>16246600

>> No.16249791

House of Leaves

>> No.16249827

Nominating Book of the New Sun

>> No.16249839


>> No.16249872

Naw, House of Leaves works with contradiction in the ontology of its narrative, but it doesn't put forth a narrative revolving around themes that in turn are put forth solely for the sake of having the narrative itself contradict and ultimately dissolve those themes the way Blindsight does. Of course, that reading of Blindsight depends on the assumption that Peter Watts really was only just pretending to be a giant hack, so that's going back to the issue of the intentionality that I'm hoping to be able to find in other works after having failed to find it in Blindsight.

>> No.16249878
File: 28 KB, 429x399, 43daebf214340e877481502642b2323e421d65146ce356e6478b333dfcb63a74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Given the mention of House of Leaves, though, maybe Daddy Borges would have written something along these lines at least at one point. Go figure when I count him as my favorite author but I haven't really read that much of his bibliography overall.

>> No.16249894

Any collection is fine by me, but Stories of Your Life has a better selection than Exhalation, in my opinion.

>> No.16249895


>> No.16249902
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Here is an update with the tally so far:

Book of the New Sun: 3
Malazan Book of the Fallen: 3
Liveship Traders: 2
Stories of your Life and Others: 2
The Last Centurion: 2
Redwall: 1
Stormlight Archive: 1
Prince of Nothing: 1
Realm of the Elderlings: 1
Armor: 1
Throne of Glass: 1
Dune: 1

Although there has been some confusion about the rules, I've tried to count everything that seems like a genuine nomination or vote. I did originally account for people responding to nominations for conversational purposes, so not all replies have been treated as votes. Going forward, if you want you reply to count as a vote or votes for other books/series that have been nominated in a given post, please just use this format:



>> No.16249937

Nobody cares about your chart

>> No.16249940

When did /sffg/ become so pleb and cringe? People used to have some taste here.

>> No.16249976
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I assume I can only vote for one?
Anyway nominating Alfred Bester's The Stars My Destination.
In between Malazan and Prince of Nothing with my vote, but I think I'm gonna have to go with the latter.

>> No.16249987

>science fiction
George R. Stewart - Earth Abides (1949)
John Wyndham - The Day of the Triffids (1951)
Walter M. Miller - A Canticle for Leibowitz (1959)
Clifford D. Simak - Way Station (1963)
John Brunner - Stand on Zanzibar (1968)
Stanislaw Lem - His Master's Voice (1968)
Strugatsky brothers - Roadside Picnic (1972)
Ursula K. Le Guin - The Dispossessed (1974)
Cordwainer Smith - Norstrilia (1975)
Gene Wolfe - The Book of the New Sun (1983)
Greg Egan - Permutation City (1994)
Neal Stephenson - Anathem (2008)
China Mieville - Embassytown (2011)

E.R. Eddison - The Worm Ouroboros (1922)
Lord Dunsany - The King of Elfland's Daughter (1924)
Hope Mirrlees - Lud-In-The-Mist (1926)
Mervyn Peake - The Gormenghast Trilogy (1946)
Poul Anderson - The Broken Sword (1954)
John Crowley - Little, Big (1981)
Alasdair Gray - Lanark (1981)
Jack Vance - Lyonesse Trilogy (1983)
Tim Powers - The Anubis Gates (1983)
Guy Gavriel Kay - Tigana (1990)

>> No.16249996

Just one nomination per post, but you can vote for as many that have already been nominated as you want. I'll go ahead and put you down for voting for both Malazan and Prince of Nothing since both have been nominated already. Might seem like a weird technicality but this is just to keep people from doing shit like this >>16249987

>> No.16250020

>Earth Abides
Thank you for reminding me

>> No.16250188

Seconding Prince of Nothing

>> No.16250411

Any books were females try to be strong and independent but get bad endings? Like the witcher?

>> No.16250431

My sister

>> No.16250544

Gay list is gay

>> No.16250569

why don't you put forth some challengers?

>> No.16250591
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*buggers you*

>> No.16250641

Another vote for malazan

>> No.16250703

+1 for Throne of Glass

>> No.16251123

From Page 8 we come

>> No.16251139

Bitches, leave.

>> No.16251202

This chart faggotry bullshit killed the thread.

>> No.16251453

>it's just for fun bro
>don't take it so seriously bro
This is why you organize. Do it properly or don't bother. this community is basically dead anyway, making the chart is just so a namefag can get attention.

>> No.16251504

What do ya'll prefer?

>Reading a series back to back
>Reading something else between books

>> No.16251553

Voting for throne of glass by Sarah J Maas.

>being this retarded
Have you even read the books? Just try one before you dismiss them. The publisher picked questionable covers but the books themselves are the pinnacle of modern fantasy.

>> No.16251593

>book of the new sun
i thought you had to be over 18 to post here?

>> No.16251637

>but the books themselves are the pinnacle of modern fantasy.
lol and you think that's an endorsement?

>> No.16251660

Return to your containment board: >>>/lgbt/

>> No.16251668

I dunno if you can nominate several books, if not then sorry, only count the first one pls.

Gateway by Frederik Pohl
Childhood's End
The Northern Caves
The Stars My Destination
Foundation and Empire
The Man in the High Castle

+1 for LotR and Dune.

>> No.16251688

Depends on the series, if it's fat and bloated (wheel of time), I would most certainly not want to read them in one go, it would be far too much of the same thing
But if the series has better pacing, are shorter, or don't really have books as episodes, but as a whole
I really want to read everything at once, not "get out of it", until I'm done

>> No.16251691

Quick question. Have the pessimistic posters ever contributed anything to the thread? Seems weird they'd be fixated on its quality.

>> No.16251694


>> No.16251854


Mmmm, chronology.

> Shy
I don't like that there's a Shylo and a Shy, but oh well.
Shy says "Lamb" is 25 year older than her. I'm all but certain he's Logen, but it could be a misdirect, but I don't think so. Logen was 30-35 or so in the trilogy, and this is 13 years later, so 43-48 or so, which probably makes her probably 18-early 20s. "Young-ish" as she says.

Needle press and printing press.

Is Sworbreck meant to be Abercrombie commentating on himself?
> Enough to fill twenty volumes!’
> ‘Three will be more than adequate—’
The original trilogy being the three. Then various other comments.

Time to for the UNION to MANIFEST DESTINY!
The year may be 590, but that's only 1 digit off from the 49ers.

As as expected of Cosca, he lost it all again and continues on with his ways. One would think they'd have a better choice than him, but seems he works well enough for their purposes I suppose.

Each man seems to think he's the best man in the company.

> He's my wife.
What a joke she (Crying Rock) made!

Seems there are various spoilers for the previous "stand alone" books.

Previous characters mentioned (Seems reading these in short order helps in remembering)
Lamb (Logen), Glama Golden (seems he recovered well over the years), Scale & Calder (as oxen), Nicomo Cosca (40 now apparently), Friendly, Sazine (long dead), Pike (formerly known as Salem Rews), Lorsen (Oh the whimsey of fate that Pike, his former prisoner, is now his literal Superior.), Brint (In every book except BSC, he gets around, as to be expected of Bayaz's back-up in case Jezal didn't work out), Shivers, and I think that's all of them. More than I expected.

>> No.16251992

Why are you here if you think reading is for trannies?

>> No.16252126

+1 for ToG. Can confirm, books are truly underrated.

>> No.16252154
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Reminder: Read more fantasy, sci-fi, and horror that has shit like pic related.

>> No.16252193

What about Cthulu but Redwall

>> No.16252205

That makes me think of Annihilation by VanderMeer.

>> No.16252241
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>want to try my hand at writing a fantasy short story
>live in a part of the country that is mostly farmland
>not that much experience being outdoors in dense forest areas
>plus the fucking lockdown we are currently in

I mean I don't really have to go full Tolkien on this one but how do you write about this stuff when you don't that much first hand experience?
It's not like I've never been in a damn forest, plenty of times between family vacations and school trips, I guess, but not for anything longer than a couple of days and never that far away from populated areas.

>> No.16252249

watch drone footage from amateur youtubers. EDM optional

>> No.16252278

EDM mandatory.

>> No.16252284

They don't want things to get better. They just want to bitch.

>> No.16252300

I guess you just can't write a story until you have at least a Master's in forestry.

>> No.16252351

admiteddly, its mostly me having trouble visualizing the spaces the characters are moving in, and how to describe them

>> No.16252490


You have the entire fuckin internet at your disposal, man. This was the first video I found typing "hours of walking around in a forest" on youtube, I'm sure you could find something better with a smidgen of effort. If you're that starved for references for your imagination then this is the very least you can do.

>> No.16252519

If I really like what I'm reading why would I stop reading it to read something else? I only take breaks if I'd rather be doing something else, which means the series isn't that gripping.

>> No.16252563
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Hey I live near there

>> No.16253030
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Never read much SciFi outside of a few Warhammer novels, doing my due diligence.
A Canticle for Leibowitz is on its way, god bless abebooks. What else should I pick up?

>> No.16253077

Is Dogzard next?

>> No.16253141

An e-reader to save your wallet.

>> No.16253150

You have to meh ones and two good ones in that pic (dune is overrated and if you disagree you have no taste). Why not go for the classics if you really haven't read anything? Dying Earth by jack vance and the robot series by assimov for sci fi and go for LOTR and the black company for fantasy.

>> No.16253189

I really love the atmosphere and general vibe of Dune, though I agree it's not the greatest thing since sliced bread.
Which other one would you say is meh? The only two of the pile I've really started see Ringworld and Rama, the prior is really interesting and the world building seems great, only little weirded out by Louis fucking the great great granddaughter of his ex girlfriend who looks just like her

>> No.16253208

/sffg/, I think I just did one of the stupidest thing I've done in years

I got done writing a romantic scene and got curious to look up the childhood crush who inspired her on facebook to find she's
>exactly as cute as I remember her
>still in my city

I also grabbed a pan that had been in a 425º oven moments later but I think the first one was stupider

>> No.16253235
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>> No.16253286

>using an e-reader
Is ringworld any good?

>> No.16253289

No doubt you're stupid enough to think this means you got KEKED by her.

>> No.16253347

Just astral fuck her and get it over with

>> No.16253379

I was, years ago. I had a mental breakdown in college over it. It resulted in a complete breakdown of my personality. I went through the kind of incel phase most people here on 4chan never get past. I did get past it eventually, after years of misery, suicidal self-hatred, the complete destruction of many of my social connections. Eventually though I did recover, though I never really ended up dating again after all that, partially because I'm not really dtf, partially because I remembered how fucked up wanting someone made me and partially because I was still hung up on her after all these years.

I don't blame her for not being interested. Hell, I never should have blamed anybody, I'm just not her type. Plus, in retrospect I'm like 70% certain she's not even into guys.

still, this is exactly the kind of thing I never should have even thought to do.

>> No.16253450

It's the ring world, while its perfectly fine as a one off piece, you have read the other, often better, earlier Larry riven works you can see it's a rehash of concept with the "big world" sprinkled in.
But as I said is ok as a stand alone. The sequels get exponentially worse and can easily "taint" the original if you bother to read them.

>> No.16253561

what is the sffg consensus on the Culture Series by Iain M. Banks

>> No.16253585

You don't actually want a consensus and you wouldn't believe it either way.

>> No.16253605

You've probably wrote enough posts on here about yourself to compile a autobiographical novella.

>> No.16253653

I think you know I am looking for anyone’s thoughts on the series

>> No.16253851
File: 27 KB, 552x361, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Search in the archive linked in the OP for more info. Use search terms such as culture Iain banks not necessarily all of them.

"The Culture series or Culture cycle refers to a series of novels and short fiction written by Scottish author Iain Banks. The stories center around the Culture, a post-scarcity semi-anarchist utopia consisting of various humanoid races and managed by very advanced artificial intelligence.

They do not need to be read in order and, while there are some interconnections, they are minor. "

Image is from the /sffg/ goodreads group which is currently at 242 members.

There only seems to be a single review for one of the books written by the /sffg/ members. If you want full length reviews, you'll have to look elsewhere.

>> No.16253860

Absolute cringe

>> No.16253869

The Fionavar Tapestry

>> No.16253880
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>> No.16253907

Nominating powder mage trilogy

>> No.16253910

Add Cradle series

>> No.16253917

Curse of chalion

>> No.16253933

The coldfire trilogy

>> No.16253946

I want to read some more Ursula le Guin. I read the first Earthsea a few years ago and liked it, but I'm not sure whether to read the next with my rusty memory or to read The Dispossessed instead. Which has the better writing style and most organic prose?

>> No.16253963

Abhorsen series

>> No.16253977

They are entirely different from each other.

>> No.16253985


>> No.16254047

I am reading the black company and in one chapter The Lady says
>I never done this
What does she mean? Kissing? Cuddling? Sex? I am so confused

>> No.16254061

Anon, ambiguity is intentional. It's whatever you want to believe it to be. There isn't a right or wrong answer.

>> No.16254063

Yes but Croaker seems to know what she implied and that bothers me, if its gonna be a mistery at least let it be for the both of us

>> No.16254228
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>They is four things that can destroy the earth, he said. Women, whiskey, money, and niggers.

>> No.16254238

Just shut down /sffg/ now

>> No.16254243

For future reference, quoting one line among hundreds of thousands of lines, specially with no context, is not a great way of asking a question. Don't assume everyone has some book as fresh in their memories as you.
I read The Black Company 2 or 3 years ago and I have no idea what you're talking about. From what I remember, Lady was a virgin, her marriage not consummated, just some wacky magical way to keep her in check. The Dominator had other fucktoys.

>> No.16254264

That doesn't seem possible.

>> No.16254297

So which is the one I'm looking for?

>> No.16254304

Chartvoting, trannycalling and fuck x posting are all the same cancer. If you want a better sffg, keep it to a minimum or find a better way to tally/nominate stuff.
Bonus points for actual discussion of books, but who am I kidding.

>> No.16254340

The Dispossessed is an ideological novel about anarchism.
Earthsea is a young adult magic school.
Figure it out yourself.

>> No.16254346

>implying anyone cares about "actual discussion" of books.
It's always failed when I've tried. There's various reasons for that.

>> No.16254359

>People this mad that one or two weeks of chart voting
>Like it's going to stop their bitching about bashing female authors
>Like it's going to stop their shitty writing questions
>Like it's going to stop their mono-genre is best genre attitude

Makes no sense shutting down sffg when the problem isn't chart voting.

Vote for Dune (collective if possible, if not, just the first)
Also, I'd unvote Stormlight Archive.

>> No.16254393 [DELETED] 

+1 Throne of Glass

>> No.16254404

+1 for Throne of Glass

>> No.16254556

The Mistborn series does this as a twist ending. Turns out all the deux ex machina coincidences, bullshit plot armor, and generic chosen one prophesy shit was all a con, in reality a bunch of cultists were using their magical powers to alter the historical record, brainwash people to follow their script, and secretly aiding the "hero" the whole time.
I still don't know what he was going for, almost convinced me to drop the book I hated it so much, and then the ending is almost literally "I was only PRETENDING to be retarded!" and I don't know if that's supposed to redeem it or make me hate it even more.

>> No.16254983

Finished Perdido Street Station. Really slow start. Annoying prose that's so densely descriptive a few times it's actually good. It wouldn't get published or praised otherwise. The dialogue and vocabulary, world building wise, was atrocious. Chymicals, Perrickish, head-legs, handlingers. The stupid street names, god dammit.
And there's such a weird mixture of styles. The Weaver thing, Yag's monologues (pretty great arc overall, if you forget the slow shift to a a more fluent cityspeak), the odd PoV. The whole math/programming bullshit near the end almost ruined it.
I thought it tried being so dense, plus original, in details it was kinda overwhelming because it's all contained in a little nothing of an adventure (sort of).

I was about to discard Mieville until I read he really liked Gene Wolfe. I guess I might check some of his shorter novels (there's no way I'm reading 800 pages of weird SF as written by communist Dickens) but I'm in no hurry to do so.

>> No.16254997

get this garbage of the chart

>> No.16255299

Why not, crap like Way of Kings is up there too.

>> No.16255449

This list isn't contrarian enough for a /lit/ top 20

>> No.16255526

Anyone here read Symphony of Ages?
I started it in high school and just picked it back up when I found out the conclusion trilogy got released. I really enjoyed it, especially the last book which felt so disconnected from the previous stuff. I liked the romance, as much as I read reviews talking about how mary sue/gary stu they are. They're fantasy heroes so I don't give a damn that they're overpowered as fuck by the end.
Anything else similar?

>> No.16255584

Halo is alright too, if ur interested in military sci-fi.

>> No.16255602

I'm currently reading Armor. Oh my fuck, can we just all agree to remove the Jack Crow bits?

>> No.16255613
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This little book deserves way more love. Has anyone read it?

>> No.16255630

Yes, you are pathetic if you lack the brain cells to distinguish between worthwhile and awful literature. The shit you read isn't even bad in an authentic, self-aware way. It's just awful books for awful people.

>> No.16255669

hahaha retard

>> No.16255673
File: 2.46 MB, 1280x2243, Read Expected Got Meme Template Expectations.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started out the Wheel of Time. Been having a blast so far. Didn't expect it to be so fast-paced and wacky.

>> No.16255680

Seethe more, tranny

>> No.16255707

>fast-paced and wacky
i quit after ~200 of their walking and complaining

>> No.16255717

Enjoy this while it lasts. The pace continually slows until it basically stops, then it picks up again right before the end.

>> No.16255722

Brainlet detected

>> No.16255742

did /v/ make this chart

it fucking sucks

>> No.16255743

what part except the monster was good again?
Everything else is trash. Terrible character abysmal MC, shitty space vampire, retarded underling philosophy.

>> No.16255756

Your chart has already been trolled.
You have rebbitors putting shit like lotr and Sarah maas ass' throne of glass. There was an anon who read through throne of glass and gave detailed reviews, it's shit.
Dune is also a bloated dated mess. It's great to read it to see how things evolved, but it's dated shit now.

>> No.16255780

Just admit Watts is too cerebral for you

>> No.16255796

epic trole have an upvote sir

>> No.16255817

>not using an ereader
>consooming bulky books only at home, if you're traveling you have to take your streamer trunk with you onto the bus
>being redshit and saying oof
>not an heroing
>being a luddite and hating advancing technology for reading
>responding to this post with yikes, like a true piece of shit rebbitor. Kys

>> No.16255847

>What does she mean? Kissing? Cuddling? Sex?

>> No.16255868
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>vampires in space

>> No.16255879

That book was misery incarnate.

>> No.16255903

I took it to mean physical intimacy with someone she didn't loathe and/or wasn't looking to use for personal gain.

>> No.16255951
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Some people don't get it even after all these years.


Soulcatcher a waifu

>> No.16255963
File: 71 KB, 500x455, great hunt seinfeld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah well. Great Hunt was nice, too. Even if the Shadow's choice of weapon for the big sky battle was kind of odd

>> No.16255990


>> No.16256027
File: 73 KB, 352x500, 786462-352x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ada Palmer - Too Like the Lightning

Can anyone recommend this shit? Premise seems cool and I live the cover.

>> No.16256032

Shit, I remember crying at the end of it.

>> No.16256033

>I live the cover

>> No.16256044
File: 65 KB, 488x488, GUEST_e5993890-62d2-4736-a7a8-bbd32bd40906.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignore the scholastic sticker and recommendation for children and do yourself a favor and read this.

>> No.16256045

Soulcatcher is the whore. You even catch something from all those men she was with.

>> No.16256078
File: 198 KB, 487x750, 49088677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5/5, best fantasy book written in the last decade

>> No.16256109

How old are you be honest

>> No.16256116

Nearly 30. I will admit to you the dialogue is childish, but that's because the characters are children. I read this as a kid and hated it, revisited it as an adult and it's got a whole new feel. Really awesome book.

>> No.16256123
File: 337 KB, 839x1000, Seguleh Third Mok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are they so good?
What the fuck were they thinking going against the Moranth?

>> No.16256138

I appreciate the sincere post

>> No.16256140
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post comfy/feel good books

>> No.16256173

I just think books are better experienced when physically in your hand, removed from all possible distractions.

>> No.16256179

I was interested in this book but it ultimately fell flat for me. I particularly didn't care much about 2 of the main characters so it just felt like an average western. Fun at times but imo by far his weakest book. Still, the conclusion of the story was very nice, and it includes 2 of the most metal scenes he's written.

>> No.16256188
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>Tanigawa finished a new Haruhi book before grrm finished The Winds of Winter

>> No.16256204

Have fun anon. It was a long and comfy journey for me

>> No.16256211

But it's just an anthology of 3 stories, only one of them is new.

>> No.16256246

Usually /a/ would bring this up but I only found about 4 posts in a >3000 page sticky discussing that. Sad.

>> No.16256270

Just use https://www.strawpoll.me/..
Guards against duplicates based on IP, so no login required. Easier to game, but a good middle ground imo.

>> No.16256323

Any sci-fi books about big ass wars and ships?

>> No.16256325

Bad decisions will continue to be made.

>> No.16256355

The entirety of the first baron harkonnen scene.

>> No.16256403
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>> No.16256630

I read the first and didn't care for it. Off-putting in a way that was not provocative but merely ugly.

>> No.16256700

I really liked player of games rest was shit imo

>> No.16256726

Read The City and The City. It's tight where Perdido is a sloppy mess.

>> No.16256746
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I liked Kraken.

>> No.16256789
File: 3.99 MB, 1137x1804, The_Laundry_Files_Stross.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is /sffg/s opinion on The Laundry Files?
I think the ones with Bob are pretty fun.

>> No.16256969

Page 8

>> No.16256974

Yes ringworld is good. It's a cool space adventure book. Louis wu and speaker to animals are still 2 of my favorite characters

>> No.16256984

Jack crow is annoying compared to Felix but don't worry you get more Felix before the end and it's worth the wait

>> No.16257042
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>> No.16257136

What distractions, you ignorant piece of shit.

>> No.16257173

The ereaders are physically in your hands.
Do you print out 4chan posts before reading them?

>> No.16257181

Page 10
Sffg is kill

>> No.16257198

Then start a new one my man of color.

>> No.16257201

Stop getting so defensive.
Scientific studies have been done on this. They suggest that people who read with a physical book are more likely to remember what they read.
They found that people who take notes pen on paper are more likely to remember it than people who take them on the computer.

>> No.16257318

lmao post links of the retention study.
If it's the same study from a few years ago, that reached those same conclusions, I remember it was carried out with less than 50 CHILDREN using tablets, not e-readers, with no follow ups.

Retention is different from distractions. You open an ebook, you read it just like any other book. From left to right, you switch pages, you go back, you check an instant dictionary, and the book could've cost you literally nothing.

>> No.16257333

Just got to that point, he's currently dick deep in ants.
Why the fuck is nathan such a pussy?

>> No.16257342

well can you understand someone having a preference for physical media?

>> No.16257382

I haven't read it, but people who like "rational fiction" in my blog feed seem to like it a lot

>> No.16257392

>I am steward of this land
>I am steward of this sand

Unironically beautiful. My favorite chapter probably

>> No.16257607

It's great.