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File: 19 KB, 259x400, Unabomber Manifesto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16249009 No.16249009 [Reply] [Original]

Is he right? He seemed reasonable to me, and his logic made sense. I went in expecting a manifesto like "My Twisted World" but more eco-fashy, I was pleasantly surprised.

>> No.16249088

Yes. Fetal neural programming is a real science, they can stimulate the fetus in certain ways to cause personality characteristics to manifest. Negative association is childs play compared to this shit.

>> No.16249157
File: 32 KB, 515x515, mA59xMZ5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must become an acolyte of Ted and the monke gang (peak oil, linkola, etc) or else you Will help bring forth whatever the merchants and liberals Jack off to

>> No.16249181

I don't think so but here we are

>> No.16249224

There is a possible middle ground between BNW and return to monks. 13th century France was peak comfy for instance.

>> No.16249238

bro there was a hundred years war

>> No.16249245


>> No.16249276

it was prescient, and that is why people continue to read and talk about it

>> No.16249357

I think he fundamentally misconstrues the problem, and I have made that point here before. First of all, I think much of his argument falls apart when one rejects the notion of "surrogate activities", which is quite easy to do so, as it is a painfully underdeveloped (albeit crucial) point in his thought. "Surrogate activity" is an incredibly perverse renaming of an end in itself. Uncle Ted does not care for people who write poetry or play the cello, he does not care when they say that they find these activities fulfilling - no, Ted thinks only cutting your own firewood gives you a sense of purpose. Needless to say, (hopefully, especially on a literature board) this is terribly dumb.

But the point that he renames and devalues ends in themselves ties neatly into the greater issue I have with his thesis, namely, that he does not identify the root of the problem. The root of the problem is the all-pervasiveness of instrumental reason in modernity, an all-pervasivenss that happens at the expense of other ways or modes of thought - and interestingly, this topic is one of the few areas where Heidegger and Adorno, two of the premier critics of the technological age are actually in agreement - yet Ted does nothing to address this.

On the contrary, actually. Ted does not want to foster other modes of thought than instrumental reason, so that it is removed from its throne of totalitarian hegemony. Rather, he wants to limit the scope of it, to only concern primitive survival. He hasn't overthrown the hegemony of instrumental reason, he has just given it absolute sovereignty of a smaller kingdom.

>> No.16249404

Thank you for posting actual literary criticism.

>> No.16250660

There's literally noting wrong with Brave New World if you're not a sadist.