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File: 377 KB, 600x450, 1502992405558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16248585 No.16248585 [Reply] [Original]

Why was Gibbon right about everything? Christianity is the bane of western civilization.

>> No.16248605

Look at that bloated porcine excuse for a human. I'm sure he understood the glory of Rome well from the bottom of a pastry dish.

>> No.16248609

Read City of God, retard

>> No.16248613

yes he did, much more than your cucked religious apologists ever did
>read schizophrenic christcuck pulling new gods out of his ass just to slander a cult whose believers he never met in his life
get crucified

>> No.16248619

Isnt this more /his/? also I now is bait.

But wouldnt a better meme be formated differently, since it was only a few centuries after the roman raised Judea that it fell as well?

Also, why specifically say Gibbon? its not exactly a new or nuanced take, are you trying to shill for him?

>> No.16248624

christianity is inherently jewish

>> No.16248631

.........Ok. That is out of left field. that didnt answer any of my questions.

>> No.16248636

it doesn't matter whether jews have their own country or not because they've always been able to subvert other countries and christianity is one of their most successful attempts at subverting the west

>> No.16248640
File: 24 KB, 361x447, jewish_yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16248650

What a fucking pleb
>victim complex
Its the romans fault they adopted this bullshit religion. Its not like the Jews could have forced them.

Western society deserves to be under the Jewish thumb. Your all a bunch of lazy, selfish degenerate idiots.

>> No.16248707

jesus says in the bible jews arent gods people anymore.

>> No.16248712

damn those jews really want all in on the scheme what with the crusades and all

>> No.16248718

Unironically yes. There was only one irrelevant religious war in history prior to the arrival of christianity

>> No.16248728

>dude what if we take Mithras, Dionysus, Stoicism, and Judaism and make them fuck in a dark room


>> No.16248731

how so?

>> No.16248743
File: 116 KB, 867x627, ngorefurechriscucks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude what if we take a random roman soldier and make her fuck a jewess then the jewess pretends she's still a virgin with her kid for good girl points

>> No.16248769
File: 188 KB, 596x1280, Ef6b2EOXkAAk_y_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Care to comment?

>> No.16248778
File: 96 KB, 960x532, 7a9731d4676031fd2733597d92c8c18cd7032aa5e1fd92ced0f9a19a20b9c7a7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you had some brain cells left you'd realize jews and christians and muslims are the same

>> No.16248792


>> No.16248794

How are they same?Spamming meme images is not an argument?

>> No.16248802

It is also inherently Aryan, thanks to their famous subversive nature.

>> No.16248805

Early christians were jews, jesus was a jew, the apostles were jews, it is based on a jewish religion

>> No.16248824

>it is based on a jewish religion
Just because it is based on a jewish religion it doesnt mean that its completly jewish europeans transformed cristianity and gave it an Aryan character.Also jesus and the apostles werent jews in the modern sense.

>> No.16248834

>they weren't real jews trust me
Naive retard

>> No.16248860

im not even a christians.but this just shows you have no real arguments besides meme images.Just take the loss and move on bro

>> No.16248862


t. half jew

I love it when one of us is the savior of white people LMAO

>> No.16248879

Jews back then were jews in every sense of the word. They subverted civilizations and constantly meddle with foreign businesses. Jesus was just a jew trying to jew other jews by claiming himself God to subvert and have a monopoly on judaism.

>> No.16248887

Except Christianity doesn't preach that jews are chosen, LIKE at all.
Jews lost all such claims after plotting to kill the Messiah and rejecting him.
Only you kikes believe in this fantasy.

>> No.16248898

You are both just mongrels with an identity crisis.
Kikes have nothing to do with ancient heebs.

>> No.16249067

>implying this doesn’t prove the point that christcucks are just jews

>> No.16249072

Cryptojew cope, jews have always been like this, the very first part of Herodotus’s Histories mentions the possibility that the wars between Greece and Persia were started by a false flag operation carried out by semitic merchants. It was (((them))) thousands of years ago and it’ll be (((them))) for thousands more if we don’t stop it

>> No.16249358

Yes it does. The Chosenness of the Jews is implicit in Christianity. Not only does it affirm that pre-supercession the Jews were God's Chosen People, but the very conception of religion in Christianity DEMANDS that the Jews be God's Chosen People. There's four options for what a person can be:
>Non-Yahwist pre-Jesus, Yahwist post-Jesus
A heathen.

>Non-Yahwist pre-Jesus, Yahwist post-Jesus
A Christian.

>Yahwist pre-Jesus, non-Yahwist post-Jesus
A Backslider.

>Yahwist pre-Jesus, Yahwhist post-Jesus
A Jew.

The Christian intersection of time and belief REQUIRES that Jews be Chosen. What exactly THAT means can vary ("They're Chosen, so we bully them", "they're Chosen, so we exclude them", "they're Chosen, so we say they can and cannot do certain things"), and who fills that required slot can vary (Ashkenazim, Sephardim, Mizrahim, Black Hebrew Israelites, it doesn't matter). But, it still affirms that they are special.

Which, really, is all that Jews want. They want to be Chosen. Being Jewish is to be Chosen. It is to be inherently sacred, special. Sacred means to set aside, to keep apart. Christianity affirms that the Jews are Chosen by affirming that they are special and different at a fundamental level. The fact that this state of Choseness and required affirmation of special-nature are BAD (they're Christ Killers, after all) in the Christian conception is irrelevant, because the Jews don't care. They only care about being Chosen. Jews don't think like you. They think like Jews. If being Chosen results in them being punished, tortured, mistreated, oppressed, then so be it, it'll be worth it. Because they're Chosen. And you will never be.

>> No.16250086

And writing is inherently Semitic.

>> No.16250086,1 [INTERNAL] 

You people are absolute niggers. Christianity was invented by Romans, in a Roman Emperor's palace, the New Testament is full of Roman values, it negates Jews and is anti-Semitic. The end. Christ was not Jewish, you stupid twats. The Old Testament was even more anti-Semitic. You retarded niggers can't fucking read, there are no "chosen people" in the Old Testament, and certainly not Jews. Nowhere in the Old Testament are Jews said to be the "chosen people." Prove me wrong, you dumb niggers.