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/lit/ - Literature

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16246804 No.16246804 [Reply] [Original]

I’m about to start reading this. What should I expect?

>> No.16246809

neoliberal shilling

>> No.16246814

Hopefully you will read it outside and expect to get a tan

>> No.16246822

>burning your skin because thats whats in
Helloo normalfaggot tourist.

>> No.16246886

A tan is natural protection, people just go out of their way to get a tan or never go outside until it is hot and sunny these days, neither of which are good for you. Spend more time outside when the weather is cool and the sun less intense so your body can develop its natural protections against the sun before the intense sun and heat of summer.

>> No.16246930

That's disappointing

>> No.16246941


Try reading World Systems Theory instead or if you're dumb Lenin's Imperialism.

>> No.16246972
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>> No.16246982

no one itt has read it op, that should be obvious to you now

>> No.16246999

>he wan't to look like a nigger or a spic in anyway

>> No.16247001

It is true, go out while it is cool, your skin does not heat up and burn but you develop a tan which protects you. Still not good to just cook in the sun, got to keep cool, keep drinking that water.

>> No.16247005

>the retarded normalfaggot american is trying this hard to justify his tanning even though its all a front and thinks every other country has the same whether
You americans really are cancerous. Also stop being so insecure about your tan newfaggot. You only have it because in your country its a trend

>> No.16247006
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A history of Jews in europe and the development of scientific racism, then an analysis on how totalitarian states operate.
I'm not sure why people are saying liberal/neoliberal shilling.

>> No.16247013

Please go back you retarded amerimutt. Go kiss a niggers boot or something on reddit

>> No.16247026
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>every location has the same weather
Do Americans really?

>> No.16247027

Arendt as a Heideggerian, and therefore a Hegelian, takes the position that culture and ideas are determinant in the dialectics of human society. This is pure idealism. Arendt, perversely as a Heideggerian, posits the absolute culpability of the individual as a subjectivity (Trial of Eichmann.) Eichmann's orders defence is laughed off, but when push comes to shove Arendt believes Eichmann to be a fully capable bourgeois subjectivity capable of moral action in the world. How is this not pure liberalism?

I'm fucking serious. How is positing individuals operating in the world of ideas as if they are real and determinant not pure liberalism?

>> No.16247039

>newfaggots telling people to unironically get a tan
This site is truly dead

>> No.16247065
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If you were looking for irrefutable proof that /lit/ is the worst board on 4channel, look no further than this thread

>> No.16247072
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I gave you some karma on your account on you know where

>> No.16247092

Just rangeban all amerifarts and this
site will be as good as new.

>> No.16247101

Amerimutts love spics and nignogs so of course they wan't to burn their skin to look just like them lol.

>> No.16247120
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Something that isn't a Marxist analysis isn't simply liberal shilling. It is a history written by a liberal, but the explicit content of the book has nothing to do with liberalism or neoliberalism. Giving the description "(neo)liberal shilling" is not very informative.
We aren't talking about Eichmann in Jerusalem.

>> No.16247121

Why the fuck are you doing this

>> No.16247136
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>proceeds to chew cheeseburger meet

>> No.16247139

Never been to reddit, been here for well over a decade though.

yes, I think the entire world has the same climate as Fairbanks middle of fucking Alaska. Learn biology moron.

>> No.16247140

Go read a book

>> No.16247146

>Never been to reddit, been here for well over a decade though.
Spoken like a true redditor kill yourself.

>yes, I think the entire world has the same climate as Fairbanks middle of fucking Alaska. Learn biology moron.
normalfaggot amerimutt tourist desperately trying to justify his superficial tan

>> No.16247150

The context of “wan” isn’t used properly here. What word was contracted, (the ‘t in your “wan’t)

>> No.16247154

Is this how you minimum wage burgerflippers from america cope?

>> No.16247164

Her analytical perspective is unwavering. There are also reactionary, non-liberal conservative, and social democratic discourses. Half of fucking Marxism is liberalism. The value in noting Arendt's liberalism is that she claims that a totalising cultural system is historically determinant on a non-historical analysis, using what amounts to a hegelian dialectic.

An idiotic interloper suggesting it was shilling—that fa gonna fa should suprise no one. There's no shilling in Arendt, she is attempting genuine critique using her limited capacities as an individual. That her capacities will oversubscribe determinant purpose to non-productive relations is obvious. Her theory of fascism is effectively a technique to avoid the question of the failure of German social democracy; and, to make some bold daring claims about the Soviet Union in support of a CIA cultural operation. Now the obvious retardation of the CIA's strategy, or of Arendt's intellectual tool kit is displayed in the Hungarian social democratic party (underground) being responsible organisationally for a proletarian councillist uprising against the Soviet Union under conditions of hegemonic control over discourses by that Soviet Aligned party in Hungary: i.e.: her thesis was demonstrated incorrect by History. Arendt's reactions to Hungary 56 are a fucking gold mine.

But yeah if you're doing non-fascist Heideggerians for your honours thesis in undergraduate you could do worse.

>> No.16247165
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here have my upboat friend

>> No.16247175

It wasn’t a grammatical error, genius Europoor friend

>> No.16247199

>spelling error
Could you be anymore new?

>> No.16247205

it wasn't a spelling error since the word itself was spelled correctly

>> No.16247211
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>> No.16247280

Do these sort of trolls ever actually work? I have never witnessed it personally, but I do see a large number of anons use them over and over to no avail. It is kind of sad and pathetic, especially for a lit board.

>> No.16247284

>t. Scandinavia subhuman """European"""

>> No.16247287

Enjoy your cool tan mutt very trendy

>> No.16247294

>American thinks homophone mistakes aren't part of grammar
Holy shit americans are dumb

>> No.16247306

I'm actually in the middle of reading it, you can expect a somewhat dry but nonetheless interesting appraisal of totalitarianism, trying to understand its origins mostly through the prism of the disintegration of the European nation state through expansionism (ie imperialism) necessitated by the increasing demands of industrial capitalism throughout the 19th and 20th centuries. Arendt is a liberal but I don't know why someone would call it neoliberal, I haven't finished it yet. Lenin is probably good associate reading.

>> No.16247310

I swear to God I will kill you

>> No.16247321

Oh just saw this reasoning. It's a little dishonest to explain the book as neoliberal on the basis of a philosophical conception of her work in total. People don't call works of history "neoliberal" on these grounds. And I think Origins is more historical than philosophical

>> No.16247322

Well, I’m enjoying it so far.

>> No.16247325

Arendt is an erudite and witty Hegelian philosopher.

Lenin is a barely competent bureaucrat, a marginal marxist, and except for State and Revolution and anti-worker nomenklatura.

If you were a babby Wallerstein would be a better consort.

If you were mature Braudel would be a better companion. (If you don't understand why, you don't understand interdisciplinary conflict in the humanities over servicing the bourgeois states' repressive needs.)

>> No.16247332

>equates communism with nazism couple pages in

>> No.16247334
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>> No.16247500

I live in glasgow and I even walk around with a fucking tanktop and look as pale as a ghost you are definitely one ignorant mutt, so please stay in your shithole country.

>> No.16248848


>> No.16248938


>> No.16249332

>Arendt as a Heideggerian, and therefore a Hegelian
stopped reading here

>> No.16249452

>vitamin d and nature deprived ramblings

>> No.16249478

it's a good, relevant analysis of historical totalitarian movements. worth the read

>> No.16249495
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>> No.16249608

Most people, even "intellectuals", are idealists anyway. Because they don't get historical materialism. They think it is ideas that move the world, and not the conditions of production and reproduction of material items and humans. They think an idea in a convention have more importance than the practical efficiency and yield of material production. That ideas can prevail against the efficiency of material production at a certain stage of it's development. I think idealists are stupid. The only interesting idealists are those who think you create your own reality, and can literally switch from timeline to timeline regarding on how you perceive reality.

>> No.16250314

city boy does not realize he is protected by a nice layer of smog.

>> No.16250742

What do you mean by determinate? In Hegelian terms, this is just oppossed to indeterminate Being at the beginning of the Logic, but this is immediately moved past. So of course culture and ideas would be determinate; every Da-sein is.

Now, if by determinate you were trying imply self-determinate or self-directing (rather than a natural consequence of materialist forces) I'd agree, that she does this & it is nonsense. It is indeed a side-step made in order to avoid critiquing social democracy.

>> No.16251518

bump for interesting discussion