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1624444 No.1624444 [Reply] [Original]

i need to write an essay on the causes of WWI. any suggestions of what i should include? and any helpful quotes?

thank you :)

>> No.1624461

The daily mail! Booyah
Told people for like 30 years that warring the Germans would be awesome, then it happened!

>> No.1624462


thank you :)

>> No.1624476

i really wish that like, there was some kind of, i don't knowq the right word...engine? maybe?
yeah some kind've engine.
that like, you could...search stuff in?
like a search engine? yeah let's just call it that.
like i dunno, i'd want to call it something catchy and memorable if i invented it.
llike...google. or something i don't quite know.

a online encyclopedia...that you can just search stuff about pretty much anything from
i'd want to keep this name contemporary yet respectful to actual physical encyclopedia's.
so i'd probably call it...wikipedia?
i dunno.
cool thread OP

>> No.1624481

The Balkans.
Naval Race between Germany and Britain.

There's a few.

>> No.1624482


if you have that much time and energy to write all that why not write something useful? huurr duurr

>> No.1624483

how slow do you type?


>> No.1624488


maybe its because i have a life and have others things to do than waste my time trolling threads, complaining and writing annoying comments

>> No.1624489


Do your own fucking homework.

>> No.1624490


i am. thats why im not asking for someone to write my essay for me.

>> No.1624493

that's not you!

>> No.1624494

brownbear, getting his two gay cents in every thread in /lit/.

>> No.1624503


No you're not, you're asking other people to answer a question that has been given to you. /lit/ is not a citable reference. Do some research and read a fucking textbook. Peer-review is your friend. Take responsibility for your own education.

>> No.1624638
File: 2 KB, 210x187, 1292681958062.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone who learned world history knows that it was because of ___________ getting ____________ by _____________. They should also know that the ______________ was eradicated, the _____________ of _______________ was enacted, and that _____________ was pretty much ___________ for the entire war, which gave ____________ an excuse to ___________ Europe a little over __ years later.

>> No.1624647

ok here it is. all of the causes of world war 2, in three simple sentences;

it was because of world war one.
world war one started becuase someone was killed.
someone was killed because people are fucking horrible to each other.

>> No.1624650

stoessinger, "why nations go to war" says most wars are caused by misperception

german kaiser made a blood bond to austria, also look up the Schlieffen plan

>> No.1624652


He's writing it on World War One....Derp.

>> No.1624653

The Freemasons caused World War II.

>> No.1624654

It's quite simple:

Baldrick: The thing is: The way I see it, these days there's a war on, right? and, ages ago, there wasn't a war on, right? So, there must have been a moment when there not being a war on went away, right? and there being a war on came along. So, what I want to know is: How did we get from the one case of affairs to the other case of affairs?
Edmund: Do you mean "Why did the war start?"

Baldrick: Yeah.

George: The war started because of the vile Hun and his villainous empire-building.

Edmund: George, the British Empire at present covers a quarter of the globe, while the German Empire consists of a small sausage factory in Tanganyika. I hardly think that we can be entirely absolved of blame on the imperialistic front.

George: Oh, no, sir, absolutely not. [aside, to Baldick] Mad as a bicycle!

Baldrick: I heard that it started when a bloke called Archie Duke shot an ostrich 'cause he was hungry.

Edmund: I think you mean it started when the Archduke of Austro-Hungary got shot.

Baldrick: Nah, there was definitely an ostrich involved, sir.

Edmund: Well, possibly. But the real reason for the whole thing was that it was too much effort not to have a war.

George: By Golly, this is interesting; I always loved history...

Edmund: You see, Baldrick, in order to prevent war in Europe, two superblocs developed: us, the French and the Russians on one side, and the Germans and Austro-Hungary on the other. The idea was to have two vast opposing armies, each acting as the other's deterrent. That way there could never be a war.

Baldrick: But this is a sort of a war, isn't it, sir?

Edmund: Yes, that's right. You see, there was a tiny flaw in the plan.

George: What was that, sir?

Edmund: It was bollocks.

Baldrick: So the poor old ostrich died for nothing.

>> No.1624657

are the main causes. Works great for essay bodies. Google it.

>> No.1624658

Does anybody have that pasta about World War II?

>> No.1624687



is great.

Secondly, is that a california roll made with SPAM op? Because that's a terrible thing if it is. A terrible, terrible thing.

>> No.1624708


I thought it was spam too. God, I hate that shit.