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/lit/ - Literature

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16242139 No.16242139 [Reply] [Original]

Politics is not literary. Literature is not political.

>> No.16242147

Everything is political, even if you don't want it too.
Also OP is a faggot

>> No.16242180

Politics is political. Anything that is not politics is not political.
Politics (n):
the activities associated with the governance of a country or other area, especially the debate or conflict among individuals or parties having or hoping to achieve power.
Literature is the creation of fanciful stories with highly artistic prose.

>> No.16242311

>Politics is not literary.
Very true, too many illiterate pseudo here only post about politics because they can’t into anything else, most of them even subscribe to the left-right dichotomy, it’s embarrassing
>Literature is not political.
It can be and very often is, literature can certainly have something to say about politics.

>> No.16242349
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The origin of the word is anything that people, the community, does. The topic comes up in literature often enough, though you no doubt prefer the solitary act of reading.
So why hang out online? Anonymous are people. Go. Hide.

>> No.16242832

Politics has to do with poleis (the city), not with populus (the people). What concerns the state and the governance of it need not necessarily reflect what private individuals do in their friendly interactions amongst one another.

>> No.16242848

>CLICK HERE to find out how one (1) man BTFO'd an ENTIRE FIELD OF LITERATURE with this one (1) simple trick
I salute you OP

>> No.16243065

I can only recommend reading Walter Benjamin for you personally.
Not to be persuaded by him but to understand how the commie unironically thinks. The commie will not be satiated till Everything has become political and brings awareness towards the commie cuck ideology (cuck because it is not proper marxism but cuck, unrepented faggot kike “”””marxism”””).
Truly their active efforts are to take over the Arts (tm) and make them political. It is difficult to fully deny the omnipresent aspect of politics but the understanding of politics to allow such is very different from what the unhinged, sophist commies believe to be politics, which is a blunt, crude form that therefore actually is not present in art that does not specify being political.
Start with his “das Kunstwerk im Zeitalter d...” essay.
t. not a commie

>> No.16243221
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I like monki

>> No.16244428

b since all the political retards should see this

>> No.16244545

Left started it and your "neutrality" just means you want to passively absorb leftist propaganda with no pushback.

>> No.16245086

You have to be 18 to post here

>> No.16245954

This is just one interpretation. It's just as easy to say nothing is political.If you go out searching for politics in everything- then yes, you will find it. But as this anon points out >>16243065 the urge to politicise everything is used by some actors in politics to mobilise culture toward their political goals. None more dull and mean and soul crushing than the communist censors who want to reduce all art into a drum beat for da revolushun.