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File: 1.14 MB, 1740x2281, Don Quixote Calendar 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16239321 No.16239321 [Reply] [Original]

We're reading Don Quixote in September. There are relatively only 3 days left.

>> No.16239663

What a superb coincidence! Although I guess it isn't really a coincidence considering the cultural value of the book. I'm actually writing a paper on Don Quixote for an independent study I'm doing, so I have to read the book. 2 birds one stone! Is it really feasible to read this book in one month? I'm guessing if you read 100 pages a day you could do it pretty quickly. Which translation are we using for non spanish speakers, Grossman is what I was planning to read as it is the most popular. If anyone can persuade me to read a different one I would be happy to oblige.

>> No.16239782

>an independent study I'm doing,

>> No.16239807

At my college you can take classes that are called "independent studies" basically it's just you and a professor deciding what you want to study for the semester, it can be anything as long as the both of you agree to it. Most of the departments at my school require a final class that is an independent study in order to fulfill the degree requirements

>> No.16239813

I hope my copy arrives in time

>> No.16239816

In the discord?

>> No.16239903

Also forgot to mention the independent study is always research based and you, the student, work on it on your own mostly with the professor just supervising or giving you help when needed

>> No.16239921

I have just finished the first volume, but count me in

>> No.16239929

Cool, but where? On the board?

>> No.16239946

Post the schedule anon

>> No.16240305

He... did.

>> No.16240407


I have the Signet Classics version of Don Quixote, which was translated by Walter Starkie. It's at 1050 pages, including the introduction and I think the list of the books contents.

>> No.16240424

Oh fuck. Guess I'm retarded, huh

>> No.16240448
File: 6 KB, 196x257, 1565813559570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, is it okay if my copy is the Pierre Menard one?

>> No.16240455

and you pay money to do this??

>> No.16240467



Here are some links to online e-books of Don Quixote for those who don't have a physical copy or are still waiting for theirs to arrive in the mail.

Gutenberg has changed the layout or the design of their website so it looks different and all but still functions nearly the same, I guess.


>> No.16240474

i have a barnes and noble copy i bought and never read because they were having a blowout sale. its translated by Tobias Smollett, is this any good?

>> No.16240497

Yes, it's school. It's not like I'm paying for the class or whatever I'm learning in this instance. I'm paying for the degree that this will lead up to

>> No.16240502
File: 27 KB, 280x445, Confederecy of Dunces Cover1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished Confederacy of Dunces and am now interested in reading Don Quixote. If I loved Confederacy of Dunces, what are the odds I will enjoy this one?

>> No.16240507
File: 28 KB, 340x356, fuentes_carlos_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's great, unfortunately I'm already verging on the second part in an original language version, but perhaps if I take my time I could wait for you bastards to catch up.
It's such a wonderful book. Carlos Fuentes used to read it religiously, every Holy Week of every year, it was, he always said, his spiritual exercise.

>> No.16240509


If it's from Barnes and Noble it should be an all right edition.

>> No.16240512

are you reading it in original Spanish? because if not then big yikes and dont count me in

>> No.16240540

I read the wordsworth translation last year.
Still i wonder if it was the right choice or if there are better translations to pick from.

>> No.16240554

I want to read it in Spanish but is the original text too far removed for a person with only modern Spanish knowledge
Is there an optimal modern edition that I could read concurrently for maximum comprehension

>> No.16240571

the official discord ^

>> No.16240576

Not really. Smollett's translation is about how clever he thinks his wordplay is, not translating the intentions of the material

>> No.16240587

is this the discord that read war and peace a while ago?

>> No.16240600

No, that reading group died off. Runner got sick.
I've been administrating this one for 4 months now, and we've read Moby Dick, Blood Meridian, and Anna Karenina so far.

>> No.16240713

I'm going to read the Motteux Translation, which is pretty old and apparently shit on by modern translators but I got the book for 3 bucks. I'll read the Grossman translation in the future because this will be my first time reading Don Quixote. Hopefully there will be some interesting contrasts between how we all read our various translations.

>> No.16240837

Cool, I'd love to read it with /lit/ bros but I have a problem: my edition (neither english nor spanish btw) is divided in 2 books, one of 51 chapters and the other 72. How should I read it if I want to follow OP's calendar? Can't we read like the first book this month and the second in October?

>> No.16240860

yeah lets all change the schedule according to this guy's edition

>> No.16241103

thanks for pointing this out. I'll recreate the schedule to align with the whole book when I wake up.
when I first made it, I opened the table of contents and only read the number of the last chapter.

>> No.16241599

I just finished the first book today. I am going to wait for some days to start the second volume.
By originial language do you mean you are reading the cervantes' original writing from 1660 or a later Spanish adaptation? Because I had heard the original Spanish version is too hard for a modern Spanish speaker

>> No.16241608

I mean is the discussion going to take place in threads on the board here, or is there a discord group or something? I'm new here

>> No.16241942


>> No.16242421

Original text mi amigo
It's not too hard once you get accustumed to its idiosyncrasies, it is, however, in a modernised font.
I think I've an advantage because I am currently studying Hispanic Letters in an old Spanish university, and its my native language.
Mine is also showered in annotations by previous academics, I also know the book by heart.

>> No.16242459

That's really cool anon, nothing beats the original.

>> No.16242486
File: 209 KB, 1080x1349, poo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone of (you) post some pics from the pages of the RAE IV CENTENARIO new edition?
It is good quality? the text isnt too small?

>> No.16242974

in threads

>> No.16243574


>> No.16243592

I have downloaded my 1612 translation by Thomas Shelton and I am very excited to sally forth on this adventure with you all gentleman.

>> No.16243784

I had that idea around me for a while and this is a good moment to start.
I'm going to read it in Spanish (since it is my mother tongue).

>> No.16244786
File: 1.99 MB, 2048x1266, Don Quixote Calendar 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>16240837 and everyone
New and fixed Calendar

>> No.16246170

Good luck with your project!


You’ll love it, as long as you read a decent translation. I like the Signet Classics one, but Grossman and Ormsby are both good too.

I haven’t re-read DQ this year, so I’ll happily do it with you all.

>> No.16246175
File: 285 KB, 894x894, 4487c049000e071e96e5679a9f7522e0-imagejpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inb4 you plebs are reading a translation

>> No.16247393


>> No.16247858

Thank you for fixing it, reading it according to the schedule sounds like a quest (2nd week read 400 something pages) but I'll give it a shot.

>> No.16248958


>> No.16249013


>> No.16249020

>reading don quijote in english

>> No.16249252

I'm going to be reading it in Hindi, I hope that's okay.

>> No.16249467

don't trigger the Spaniards anon, they cry over translations like no other nation

>> No.16249823

If Pushkin learnt Spanish to read it, you can't be less.

>> No.16250041

What edition of the Quijote do you have?

>> No.16250054

I’m reading the grossman edition from my library. I’m on the chapter where sancho governs and don quizote spoke to the duenna and was assailed by cats. Hope you anons enjoy it. I wonder how it will end

>> No.16250079

Can someone post a fresh link please