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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 282 KB, 1350x670, FAGGOTTS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16238352 No.16238352[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

There is no point in having in it.
Do you agree?

>> No.16238358

Jannie needs attention from her intellectual superiors

>> No.16238363

Petition to ban threads like these.

>> No.16238364

what does that mean?

>> No.16238367

what stick

>> No.16238371

where do i sign?

>> No.16238381

This board is a no porn version of /b/. Once I realized that, I began to have fun with it.

>> No.16238384

>This board is a no porn version of /b/
Isn't every sfw board?

>> No.16238408

I want to have more fun. that's why i want to get rid of the sticky

>> No.16238666

I want to turn back time to when /lit/ wasn’t like this with you dopamine addicted tourists shitposting constantly
>inb4 it was always like this
It wasn’t, in fact it wasn’t even like this a year ago, the people who claim it was are like the leftists who say
> it's not happening, its happening and it's a good thing, it was always like this
As they damage society further and further

>> No.16238676

nice digits

>> No.16238681

Satan blessed me so I could speak the truth

>> No.16238690
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nice digits

>> No.16238694

the penultimate one was me

>> No.16238697

Post more. I accidentaly deleted my folder last week.

>> No.16238701
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>> No.16238723

The problem is the rampant racism from teens trying to be edgy and the only reason they choose to say on this site is because they know redd*t won't tolerate their nonsense

>> No.16238730

I'm perfectly fine with the racism

>> No.16238733

Adding -fag suffix to various words doesn't help either desu.

>> No.16238740
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>> No.16238744

-fag is probably the only thing left of 4chan culture anymore

>> No.16238747

That doesn't make it alright...

>> No.16238754

I didn't say it was.
i'm latino

>> No.16238758
File: 2.13 MB, 1813x3078, 20200828_215149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16238760

This board absolutely did change recently, /lit/‘s traffic has more than doubled in the last 6 months and board quality has reduced accordingly. What a coincidence that during that time, a bunch of subreddits got closed and /tv/s traffic went down.
>mainstream site
The fact that you view the site as a monolith makes it no surprise that you think all boards are the same, if that were true then we wouldn’t have boards at all. /lit/‘s extremely poor moderation has allowed this to worsen and worsen

>> No.16238761

>I didn't say it was.
Well then I don't see why you would have a problem with it being moderated.

>> No.16238767
File: 20 KB, 251x201, F60D066B-D639-4268-AC62-96F7555B7998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16238768

Here: ____________

>> No.16238773

I don't. Jannies sometimes delete posts containing the word nigger if they are reported as racism.

>> No.16238776

>a bunch of subreddits got closed
Stay there little guy im sure you'll find another one

>> No.16238779

rent free
/lit/ is the only board i use.

>> No.16238784

You realize more and more people are becoming OK with ideological murder right? Last year I couldn't be open about my beliefs, now I can discuss mass murder on a serious scale with extended friends.

Pendulum theory is going to get you killed.

>> No.16238785
File: 110 KB, 444x544, 14D6A0ED-8219-4FD7-B81E-FE9821C3CEC4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16238792

No one with an album of soijacks could be taken seriously.

>> No.16238796
File: 10 KB, 216x234, 77A7E6AA8-4459-4336-B5E8-6F26991D809B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one with an album of soijacks could be taken seriously.

>> No.16238798

I’ve never used reddit, nice try at deflection.
It was widely talked about here when it happened because everyone knew it would cause a flood of newfags, sure enough suddenly there were way more Jordan Peterson threads than before

>> No.16238808
File: 78 KB, 1000x1000, y4ytgbx9sop21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’ve never used reddit

>> No.16238818

Heres and Idea Can you go be a piece of shit
somewhere else?

>> No.16238830

This place is full with redditors
Just look at:

>> No.16238831
File: 9 KB, 259x194, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16238839

It's not the leftists desu, nor is it their equivalents on the right; I know when some conservative subreddits got banned there was a spike in conservative traffic here, for example, and none of it was /lit/erature related
It's distinctly the kids who want this to be a shithole for fighting or discussing random other shit instead of books because "lolol it's 4chin stop taking it so srs"
I just want to get good literature recommendations and find stuff to read but instead everyone wants to shitpost, talk about w*men and basically anything but talk about books

>> No.16238847

So if someone chooses not to be a terrible person, they're from reddit? Cool I got it.

>> No.16238850

I really don't mind it.

>> No.16238854
File: 79 KB, 1024x804, transgender.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in this thread

>> No.16238861

Then you shouldn't be against the moderation of words such as faggot and the n-word then.

>> No.16238866

I assume you and others are from reddit because casual racism is very common here and if you weren't newfags you would be used to it and because everything is /pol/ or trumptards for you.

>> No.16238872

>casual racism is very common here
How does that make it alright, again? Or like can you not answer that?

>> No.16238882

when did i say it was alright?
If you don't like you can always Go Back

>> No.16238887

If its like not alright then why allow it then?

>> No.16238891

Calling people a retarded triple niggerfaggot is a part of *chan culture. It has little to nothing to do with actual racism, you moronic cuntwagon. Bitching about the language is the most Reddit thing you could do because it's so painfully superficial yet you can still pat yourself on the back to think you've done something: you stood up to a heckin' racismerino!
Half of it's banter, half of it's just the culture, and from a purely linguistic angle it's the reclamation of a slur but used in a broader sense, so in a way you could even argue it's anti-racist for many users here.
You're so painfully new. Go back.
>inb4 "no ur a racist nooooooo" level seething
I'm fairly far to the left and am dating a black woman (and have been for over two years).

>> No.16238898

I already told you. You can report it. Are you so retarded that i need to explain to you how to report a post?

>> No.16238903

Hows being racist working out for you, just you know a question?
And how does culture MAKE it ok?

>> No.16238909

I’m against the moderation of faggot and nigger, we should use whatever words we like and be racist and sexist. I’m an ethnonationalist politically. However I also have a great passion for literature, which I want to discuss on the literature board, rather than have it filled with illiterate pseuds

>> No.16238910

Its odd when someone stars getting to the core
of what you are (closet racist) and sees you for what you are, you start to name call.

>> No.16238919

Are you indian? all the indians i've met are really offended by the idea of racism, more than even white people are.

>> No.16238920
File: 32 KB, 600x349, ching chong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ is useful as a filter because anyone who is seriously upset by /pol/ instantly outs themselves as a newfag tourist fresh off the boat from reddit/twitter.

Only newfags care enough about some other guy's opinion disagreeing with theirs to try to censor him and throw a hissyfit when they can't. Long explanations of how "/pol/ has ruined this site/board" are just whiny copeposts from tourists mad that they can't downvote here.

Notice how these posters are always humorless and femininely emotional. They respond to banter by digging in their heels and crying more. God bless /pol/ for filtering these tourists.

>> No.16238921

Ah, so you're illiterate. Go back.
I'm not explaining semantic shift to a child. You can do your own homework, or you can go to a place that you'd rather be.

>> No.16238924

I didn't say i was not racist. but if your life mission is to fight racism and "terrible" people, why are you so ineffective at it?

>> No.16238927

>I didn't say i was not racist
Then you are ruining this site. Period.

>> No.16238929


you don't have to tell us you're menstruating, we can tell

>> No.16238931

I don't take not being racist as a badge of honor, retard.

>> No.16238948

Saying offensive slurs because others do, doesn't make you too bright, ya know?

>> No.16238947

Didn't read. Go back.

>> No.16238956

your kinda a piece of garbage

>> No.16238960

Okay, you got your nice little 4chan experience now you can go back and share it with your redditor friends

>> No.16238963


>> No.16238964

What does that have to do with it? We do it because it's funny

>> No.16238965


>> No.16238967

He's agreeing with you with a brief effortpost.
Yes, yes, ad hominem, I'm well aware of how you faux-leftists pretend to win an argument. However, using insults in a broader context and reducing them to a generalized insult reduces it from a slur, unless you'd like to argue that anything that could hurt someone's feelings is bad.
Now, for the benefit of both 4chan and yourself, please go back.

>> No.16238981

that's /v/, you have to pretend your OP is atleast tangentially related to literature here.

>> No.16239030

Odd because the Indians I've met don't fucking care at all and even say nigger

>> No.16239114

Get some new material.

>> No.16239205

Are you ok?

>> No.16239616

i genuinely believe /lit/ is the board with the highest amount of users below the age of 16 and the most amount of users presumably above the age of 40. i have no statistics to back this theory up.

>> No.16239639

No don't remove sticky it has the link to the book stealin' website and I never remember to bookmark that.

>> No.16239662

Im a 26 years old mexican lawyer not a wh*te teen, ill be as racist as i want, i hate niggers and faggot emo Nietzsche

>> No.16239679

>wasn’t even like this a year ago
seriously, you can see this directly by browsing archived /lit/ in the yuki.la archive

>get good literature recommendations
read the /lit/ wikia for legit book recs (or make your own thread if you want recs)

>> No.16239694

>anything but talk about books
There are plenty of threads discussing books though, anon. Maybe stop reading random junk food fiction and you will see lots of discussion here.

>> No.16239715

>seriously, you can see this directly by browsing archived /lit/ in the yuki.la archive
I’ve looked, and I can’t see all the same political shitposts and Twitter screencaps that we get regularly now, it looks how I remember it looking. There are a lot more creative writing threads, and they’re a lot more organised.

>> No.16239724

How do you define junk food fiction? I seriously doubt that the anon in question is asking after YA reca?