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16236899 No.16236899[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Have you read it /lit/?

>> No.16236903

Read what?

>> No.16236927
File: 496 KB, 500x282, 1586261330137.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god

>> No.16236963

That stuff is pretty cringy but what are you gonna do, the zoomers and normies need their watered down shit and it has a useful funneling effect

That kid will probably have a family in ten years and not even remember internet meme conservatism, he'll just be plain conservative, and then ten years after that his son won't be a tranny. Even that Baked Alaska faggot might help save a life indirectly by saving one normal kid from becoming a tranny or internet polyamorous 420 anarcho-communist.

>> No.16237053

Why does every white supremacist look like that?

>> No.16237096


>> No.16237165
File: 497 KB, 630x725, 2FDB6654-C552-4722-8BCB-435FB92815B4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s like claiming that every left of centre person looks like pic related.
I knew an outspoken white supremacist at university; he was handsome and in really good shape.

>> No.16237172

Do Americans really look like this? Why are they so mentally ill?

>> No.16237205
File: 44 KB, 600x600, Yarvin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think about it.

Right-wingers are ostracized by society and driven out of the mainstream, and into the dark corners of our communities. This naturally bleeds into escapism and results in things like obesity. It's pretty sad and pitiable. if only the left wasn't so horrifically intolerable of people not upholding their faith.

>> No.16237208
File: 29 KB, 753x707, the fool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unfortunately so
i can only guess it's the same kind of populist charisma found among contemporary political talking heads that drove hitler to power, hooking into the lack of deeper meaning and purpose in modern capitalism which leaves these younger minds so vulnerable

>> No.16237214

they tend to look like neanderthals. Breivik and Tarrant are especially simian in appearance

>> No.16237273

Nononono groups I dont like are ugly thus not human and my side is beatiful!

>> No.16237362
File: 41 KB, 750x379, 1593862891304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are trumpies all fat

>> No.16237403

because they're americans

>> No.16237726
File: 399 KB, 1000x750, peg-sparkly.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Yarvin is marvin up the thread

>> No.16237752

It's the other way around. What makes people ostracize us is precisely the fact that we look like picrelated or worse (in fact he might've been pretty handsome if he burned that layer of fat).
T. 25 yo incel with nonexistent chin and probably the only /pol/tard in my country

>> No.16237795

Why do righttoids not read ? and like on the rare occasion (very rare) they read meme magic?

>> No.16237858

More like he'll just remain a right wing shitposter spending his days watching Nick Fuentes' show and pointing to the "roasties and jooz" as the reason he won't start a family

>> No.16237870
File: 9 KB, 200x252, vzbuhj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello léddit

>> No.16237871

more like they were already unpopular and ostracized in their youth due to their insufferable personality and various flaws like greed leading to their obesity so they adopt a racial ideology to cope

>> No.16237882

Yeah I don't find "da joooz did everything bad" interesting at all. Sorry not sorry.

>> No.16238041

So how long does it take to burn a body then?

>> No.16238086

Why doesn't the jannies ban the /pol/tards like in your picture OP? They are just edgy immature privileged brats

>> No.16239186
File: 26 KB, 539x569, soymilk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do righttoids not read ? and like on the rare occasion (very rare) they read meme magic?

>> No.16239209

Can't Americans stop being despicable for a second?

>> No.16239210
File: 40 KB, 640x394, Ee4DFCLU4AETzva.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look like what?
He looks young and moderately overweight. Bith of those are easily fixable.
Meanwhile, leftists look like genetic abominations that have been further permanently ruined by multiple drug overdoses.

>> No.16239220

>ICP fans
Both question the science of magnets

>> No.16239443

This is a white man. He has deep ties to Byzantium.

>> No.16239515

I don't know quite a long time I guess. But I suppose you could research more on the holocaust since it's one of the most well documented atrocities in world history

>> No.16239527

s pic is not just over weight lmao. Look at his disgusting chimp lips not to mention he literally looks like he has down syndrome. Those eyes lmao

also if you're fat that just means you're greedy and have no self control so you're automatically subhuman

>> No.16239546 [DELETED] 

Too bad they didn't win :(

>> No.16239550

Why does every white burger look like that?

>> No.16239560

>documented atrocities in world history
Not him but too bad they didn't win the war because now all you have is degenerate trannies and faggots and the most privileged people in the world crying

>> No.16239569

No, he just looks young and fat.

>> No.16239578

Hello reddi*tor neck yourself soon :) Also niggers are usually criminals and why is that?

>> No.16239596

Look at his chimp lips and soulless eyes. He's subhuman as fuck
lmao keep crying for some random kekistan faggot
>he most privileged people in the world crying
Yeah whites don't have any real problems so they have to make up shit like "white genocide" and cry about that

>> No.16239636
File: 35 KB, 238x159, you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16239722
File: 1.19 MB, 1439x1482, antifa tranns.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His lips look fat because the rest of him looks fat. His eyes don't look soulless, only sunken due to his fat face.
I never seen a conservative with that MK-Ultra 1000 yard psycho stare like your average leftist has.

>> No.16239759

>This kid is banging hot chicks and basically fuck you.

>> No.16239775

Maybe being obese was the reason for ostracization in the first place

>> No.16239801

People are just looking for an identity and sense of belonging, these kids aren't evil just misguided young men. However they have the potential to turn into real gollums if they go down the /pol/ rabbit hole, the guy in the pic is probably nice if you were to meet him despite being cringe