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16235680 No.16235680 [Reply] [Original]

Why'd he do it bros

>> No.16235692
File: 653 KB, 730x1068, Tsuyoshi-Nagano-thegallerist.art-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did SHE do it?

>> No.16235760

You know how ants all seem to have the same mission and when humans are born we all follow the same mission too to aquire money, power, and social status. This is because we are all the demiurges narcissistic children giving him supply. The winners of the tournament meet the demiurge and he places them in archon bloodlines as a reward to become gods of earth. The losers reincarnate in an infinite energy farm to feed him loosh.

>> No.16235804
File: 1.37 MB, 2541x3463, 1598068772716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16235859

>the material world is evil and created by an evil being. we need to strive for the perfect world beyond the material, where i will meet my goddess waifu who looks like a hot girl from the material world

>> No.16235920
File: 1.97 MB, 1500x1286, 1598592784021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oopsie doodle!

>> No.16235931

desu I like the material world, it's cool

>> No.16235933


>> No.16235939

Post the full version.

>> No.16235943

Ants have the same mission because the vast majority of them are infertile, and 3/4 related to their siblings, meaning the only behavior that can help their genes reproduce is cooperation in service of the colony at large. This reproductive bottleneck in one individual makes the ant colony arguably a single organism.

>> No.16236096

It's really long. Can't be bothered. Reverse Image search links to an /x/ thread with all of them though.

>> No.16236105
File: 3.04 MB, 1500x9002, MkHkxKI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16236188

so somehow this explains blood meridian?

>> No.16236330

Hi fellow book lovers!

Recently, I've been speaking to a lot of friends and they all share the same sentiment.
The process of selling or giving away books online is not as simple and straightforward as it should be.
As a result, I created a questionnaire to help us readers and I was wondering if you could spare 2 minutes of your time to fill it.
The purpose of this questionnaire is to evaluate how easy and convenient it is for other book readers to sell/give away books.
The questionnaire is completely anonymous and also covers those not looking to sell books.

Please share and leave feedback if you can.
Thank you in advance.
Emma, a fellow book lover


>> No.16236399

What's with the baby talk? Some kind of tranny thing?
Border Trilogy as well, yes

>> No.16236412


>> No.16236456

thanks gnostics for giving me a boner 2000 years in the future

>> No.16236658

the material world isn’t necessarily evil, it is just so many steps away from the true good that there is little good left. Plotinus was right

>> No.16236815

plotinus was wrong. emanation implies extension: extension into what?

>> No.16236843

Gnostics actually believe this

>> No.16236851

Your "true good" is a cope, it does not exist. Find the good here in the real world and stop running away from your life

>> No.16236868

>get to work goy


>> No.16236878

extension is attribute only of extended, physical, spatial things

>> No.16236898

Then replace extension with that in virtue of which the emanative process is depleted.

>> No.16236922

there is no depletion, you're thinking physically about what is not physical, temporal, spatial

>> No.16236928

this in no way crazier than anything other christians believe

>> No.16236972


the shape of the universe could be represented as a spiral, extended indefinitely, infinitely


you don’t even know what I’m referring to

>> No.16237060

>dude these schizo drawings i have on hand are perfectly comparable to the bible!!! yeah I'm an edgy gnostic, cool !!!

>> No.16237442

Just to suffer

>> No.16237547
