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16232673 No.16232673 [Reply] [Original]

Are they worth reading? Or listening? I’ve got about 70 GBs of them and I was wondering. I only really care about the Sith. I hear the Thrawn Trilogy is good. Is it good by Genre Fiction standards or Licensed Genre Fiction standards?

>> No.16232704
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No not really, sorry. Maybe if human life spans were greatly increased, maybe then, OP, but not otherwise

>> No.16232714

Will someone please explain this meme to me?

Read the Bane Trilogy for the Sith. Most of these titles are good to okay, but by Licensed Genre Fiction standards.

>> No.16232716

Whats to explain?

>> No.16232750

>Bane Trilogy
That and darth plagueis. There's some darth maul books too but can't vouch for those
Thrawn books are good

>> No.16232825
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I think out of all of them Bane is the best, especially if you liked KoTOR. The only reason being though is because it's the only worthwhile series in the EU without a comic book adaption. In my opinion Star Wars is a visual experience and I feel you lose something in the books. Like in the movies you see some crazy contraption or alien and it pulls you into the world, but the books kind of suck when it comes to recreating that feeling. I think a story needs to be justified in it's medium and Star Wars kind of isn't justified without some kind of visual stimulus. If you want more Star Wars I would look into the video games, comics, and cartoons, but if you really want to read a Star Wars book you'd be better off reading the books that inspired the movies like Dune or Foundation.

>> No.16232830

>Read the Bane Trilogy for the Sith.

Sounds like a big guy.

>> No.16232859
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The Darth Plagueis audio book is fantastic, read the bane trilogy for sith. The Tale of The Jedi comics cover about the sith the most. The books go far beyond anything the movies could offer; NJO is basically the EU's sequel trilogy around 19 books long. The EU is what really makes the star wars universe great imo.

>> No.16232948

OP here. I’ve got the old DH comics as well. Really, I was wondering if it was worth going into the whole Mara Jade/Jacen Solo/Voghn stuff. But I suppose it is kind of a waste of time, and I certainly can’t devote the amount required of 20+ books.

So, if I just go for the Bane Trilogy, plus Plagueis, then I’m done Sith-wise? Is the Thrawn Trilogy stand-alone or do I need to read all the other stuff about Luke’s new Jedi Order?

>> No.16232975

Well, OP, look at it this way. They're licensed genre fiction books, written by literal whos for a paycheck. In the time it'd take you to read/listen them, you could do a myriad other things. From the sounds of it, you don't really care about anything past the Sith (they are the most interesting thing about the universe, let's be honest). I doubt you're some 50 YO Boomer with ample free time, and will instead say that you're in your 20s. Do you really want to pour all that time into something as meaningless instead of... I don't know, learning a new language or anything that might help in your career/job? Working out a bit more? Reading some more worthwhile books, at least?

Watch the movies and GenndyWars, play KotOR I & II, read the Bane Trilogy + Plegueis and that's all you need out of the SWU. Like >>16232825 said, you can look into the comics and the Original Inspirations, like Dune.

>> No.16233039

For you

>> No.16233140
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If you only care about the sith then yes its a waste of time, one of the main characters does turn to the dark side though. NJO is probably the best thing in the EU imo though.

>> No.16233150
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Also thrawn trilogy is a stand alone, its the first thing recommended to new comers, Zahn writes fairly modern and easy to read. The books are burners finished them in about a month,