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16229587 No.16229587 [Reply] [Original]

Read Socrates

>> No.16229603

>Reading philosophy
Read Hesiod, Homer, and the Greek plays.

>> No.16229608
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Read Socrates.

>> No.16229617

and so dear Glaucon, would one buy from a domestic supplier in bulk?

No Socrates, I don't think one would,

Then from whom, would one buy, my dear friend?

From, a merchant like Alibaba or another oriental such seller.

And this is because they are cheaper?


Despite shipping


Very good, and now Glaucon, we have as the Boetians say, grabbed the bull by its horn, but to ensure we have not grappled with a hornless donkey, please answer - do we set up auctions or just sell directly?

Well Socrates, I think an auction would take too long, whereas if we just put the desired price, we can ensure we always make a per-unit profit.

Hmmm it appears that is so Glaucon.

>> No.16229618


>Starting an Ebay business.

Truly ahead of his time that old sock rat

>> No.16229660


>> No.16229694


>> No.16229697

Socrates is to ebay as Thrasymachus is to Jeff Bezos

>> No.16229742
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>> No.16229805

4 minutes after OP, not OP according to poster count. Fucking impressive.

>> No.16229866


>> No.16229907

Socrates didn't write

>> No.16230049

Moron, don't you see that he wrote 'Starting an eBay Business'?

>> No.16230072

/fit/ is so fucking gay lol

>> No.16230471
File: 113 KB, 788x799, osho1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Even poison needs someone to be effective. It killed Socrates - Socrates was not Meera. Socrates was a philosopher, not a sage; Socrates was a thinker, not a buddha. Socrates thought, contemplated, argued. He was a great intellect, but not an enlightened one. If he should argue with Buddha he would win; Buddha would be defeated. He was a rare genius. So when you think about Socrates, intellectually he is incomparable, but existentially he is nothing before a buddha. A buddha will laugh about his arguments and a buddha will say, "You go around and around, and you will never reach the center. And whatsoever you are talking is just talk. You argue; you are a logical man and you argue better than me," a buddha will say, "but you are wasting your life in arguments."

Socrates is not a person who has gone beyond his ego. He is a rare man with a rare, penetrating mind. Even if he talks about ego, that understanding is intellectual. He is not an existential, experienced man. So because of Socrates, the whole West has come to an intellectual climax - because of three men: Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. The originator is Socrates. Socrates was the teacher of Plato and Plato was the teacher of Aristotle. These three have created the whole Western mind. This whole science, logic, philosophy of the West, belongs to these three men. They are the creators.

Buddha belongs to a totally different dimension. Socrates is an intellectual giant, but Buddha would have just laughed at him. He would have said, "You are a giant amidst children. You have reached a climax in intellect, but intellect is a barrier. You have touched the ultimate in intellect, but intellect leads nowhere."

Socrates is different, Meera is different. Meera is a surrendered soul - totally surrendered, totally effaced. When the poison is given to her she is not drinking it, Krishna himself is drinking it. There is no difference now, no distinction. And if this trust is there, poison will become useless. This seems miraculous, but it is not so miraculous. In hypnosis, if there is a deeply hypnotized person and you give him poison telling him that this is not poison, it will not affect him. What happens? If you give him ordinary water and say, "This is poison," he will die. This is total acceptance. Even in hypnosis this can happen.

>> No.16230515

This horseshit could only be written by somebody who hasn't actually read Plato

>> No.16230596

back when faggots were based, not it's a trend

>> No.16230610

Read Protagoras.

>> No.16230621

1. Socrates was a nigger
2. Socrates was a libtard

>> No.16231760

hard kek

>> No.16231870
File: 40 KB, 640x628, EMvmNcXUcAAs1Lk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when the poo in the loo poster drops by another thread to write multiple paragraphs of his schizo gibberish again

>> No.16231876

Socrates was like the complete opposite of a liberal in every way. Read the Laws.

>> No.16231992

Socrates was a nappy-headed nigger and a pimp.

>> No.16231999

>doesn’t restart the book every time

>> No.16232006

Based and checked.

>> No.16232014


>> No.16232020

check'd em anon, check'd em good

>> No.16232037

and to this day indians are defacating openly in the streets