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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 311 KB, 1048x1001, Screenshot_20200827-170726_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16230274 No.16230274 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that this is what Tolkien thinks of Amerimutts.

>> No.16230285

Ban kike phoneposters

>> No.16230286

And this is what I think of Europeans.
*Pulls down pants revealing huge bare ass cheeks*
Oouhhh... this is gonna be a big one, I swear...
*Engages glutes*

>> No.16230311

Tolkien wrote pseud books better suited for children.

>> No.16230313

Tolkien literally said it might be better for the Nazis to win the war than the Americans lmao

>> No.16230319


>> No.16230324

sauce? based if true

>> No.16230326

>his country is on the brink of a civil war
>still won't admit that maybe he was wrong
Never change Americans, never change.

>> No.16230330

>I’m thinking of one of Tolkien’s, where he writes to his son in 1943 that he thought an American victory in World War II might almost be worse for Britain’s “mind and spirit” than a Nazi victory, since America is all “sanitation, morale-pep, feminism, and mass-production,” while Germany is at least a country that values continuity with its past! Yikes.

>> No.16230338
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>> No.16230345

When you light a pipe like that does it just stay lit like a cigarette or do you have to relight it for each hit?

>> No.16230352

what a based lad.

>> No.16230357

the tobacco burns retard

>> No.16230376

You didn't answer my question

>> No.16230379

Are you perhaps american?

>> No.16230385

Would you please answer it, or if you don't know then don't post anymore.

>> No.16230388

it keeps burning. he did answer your question idiot

>> No.16230390

I'm going to take that as a yes

>> No.16230397

So he says this but also cries about muh precious jews. I feel like either quote was made up.

>> No.16230400

>the tobacco burns retard
This is in fact ambiguous.

>> No.16230405

American can you just take the L and move on. You are clearly the retarded one here.

>> No.16230408

It stays lit. Why would you think you have to relight it? It’s the same principle as a cigar you just don’t burn the tube.

>> No.16230416
File: 4 KB, 179x170, 837E6DD8-8459-4336-B5E8-9F26991D809B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's mutt, so you already know hes doesn't know
how to use his brain.

>> No.16230417

Because if you smoke weed in a pipe you have to light it for each hit.

>> No.16230426

No you don't you fucking virgin. Can you zoomers mutts piss off?

>> No.16230437

As an American this really bums me out. It’s sad to see the little brother mentality goes so far back.

>> No.16230441

yeah you do, it at most leaves an ember, the weed doesn't catch of its own accord from other lit weed. Neither does tobacco depending on what you roll it in and how it's been processed. It's a perfectly reasonable question

>> No.16230447

>yeah you do
Zoomer you are really confused and its clear you're one of those 'ive done it once or twice' guys that thinks he knows. Piss off mutt.

>> No.16230450

you relight it for every time you address the dq; the daughter question

>> No.16230451
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>all this damage control

>> No.16230457

You made a mistake, it's quite alright.

>> No.16230461

>NO Ur wrong im right
Is this how brainlets cope?

>> No.16230468

>Because if you smoke weed in a pipe you have to light it for each hit.
clearly you've never done.

>> No.16230481

>weed has the same moisture content as dried tobacco
>everyone smokes at the same “take a big hit then cough a bunch and wait” speed as I do
>weed and tobacco pipes are designed exactly the same way, both have carbs
All your premises are wrong.

>> No.16230487

No i remember quite clearly

>> No.16230494

Alright expert cool druggy zoom zoom. You are totally correct and not wrong.
Does that help your ego now that I said that?

>> No.16230495

Hence my asking the question

>> No.16230499

You can walk into a corner store and buy weed where I live..

>> No.16230501

The question was answered but it seems
your cognitive abilities are lacking quite a bit,
so you failed to comprehend anything that was written to you, mutt.

>> No.16230507

Wow?! really that is so kewl zoom zoom that must make you an expert and not retarded (this is poor logic by the way) and my country is totally not that like that either

>> No.16230509

He said 'the tobacco burns'. Really not clear what that means in context

>> No.16230513

That's probably because your cognitive skills are very subpar which was already said lol

>> No.16230514

Then you will appreciate that nobody considers weed even really a drug anymore

>> No.16230520

It is actually a sign that you lack intelligence that you can't see the ambiguity in the sentence and think it must only mean what you interpreted it as.

>> No.16230521

If I can offer a piece of advice on the side, smoking weed at a chill puffing pace is way better than the faggy “massive bong rip” method. Learn to roll joints or get a pipe that stays lit, you’ll enjoy it more.

>> No.16230522

Imagine caring about what a Papist thinks.

>> No.16230523

What's your point here mutt? Are we talking about how a drug is defined? Why are you trying to completely change the subject now? Can't just take the L you took earlier lol?

>> No.16230535

I don't smoke weed, I don't like it

>> No.16230537

>no uR DUMB
very witty mutt. Pro tip: Try reading a bit more and maybe your comprehension skills will improve, so you won't get btfo'd like you did

>> No.16230538

There is no need to become agitated.

>> No.16230541

What do people here think of Snoop's portrayal of smoking weed?

>> No.16230546
File: 65 KB, 645x729, 1587203540842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>durrrrr does tobacco burn guise

>> No.16230551

>u mad
Can you newfags actually try harder with your replies this isn't the youtubes or twitter mate.

>> No.16230560

You don't have to relight it every time but if you take to long between smoking then it will go to out just like a cigar will if you let it sit for too long. People to start out smoking a pipe usually either smokes it way too fast like it's a cigarette or too slowly which means they have to relight it a bunch. If you smoke a pipe regularly then you usually only light it once.

>> No.16230566


>> No.16230569

wait a bit more than 1 minute between samefags, it gives it away if its exactly that much time

>> No.16230577
File: 171 KB, 326x281, 064.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can walk into a corner store and buy weed where I live.. and like I think I know so much about it!!

>> No.16230578

Why, the two opinions aren't incompatible

>> No.16230589

>crying samefag
This is the I can't think of anything to say but am assblasted reply

>> No.16230597

>hahaha i was wrong and ur samefag!!!!
Yep you really got me with that one zoom zoom.

>> No.16230599

It honestly says more about you that you saw the post that way, I was just giving an example as to why I was unsure about the tobacco.

>> No.16230607

There was no reason to tell that though, so their are obvious implications there you fucking mutt and denying it won't do anything for you.

>> No.16230608

you did it again lel

>> No.16230612

This is almost as bad as you just saying u mad over and over except it seems more desperate for some reason like you really are trying to squeeze some wit out of that burgerbrain.

>> No.16230614

The implications may be obvious to you because of the sort of person you are, you imagine that others are the same way.

>> No.16230624

Well I'm glad you agree that there where implications. This post doesn't seem like it has much meaning but alright I'll give a C for effort.

>> No.16230627
File: 64 KB, 220x247, tenor (2).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>does tobacco burn?

>> No.16230633

What an abhorrent thread.

>> No.16230635
File: 64 KB, 461x394, zoomer-soi-mouth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell me more about the epic kewl weed shop near your house bro!

>> No.16230637

Well why are you samefagging? And I'm not an american, where are you from?

>> No.16230645

He wrote tongue in cheek stuff poking fun at nationalities all the time, I don't know why anyone would think this is something of gravity

>> No.16230646

>someone asks a semi-stupid question
>complete rage filled emotional breakdown, furiously hammering out replies

The Europoor Union isn’t sending it’s best and brightest anymore.

>> No.16230647

Took you 4 minutes to muster out this reply?

>> No.16230649

1:02 apart

>> No.16230654
File: 115 KB, 1300x956, young-businessman-in-shirt-and-tie-yawning-WJAN22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another your dumb retort

Thank you but pointing that out doesn't hide the ass ramming you got itt

>> No.16230658

Why do people care so much about smoking so much? It's bad for you, anyway.

>> No.16230665
File: 8 KB, 232x217, 1536155664893.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can somone tell me if tobacco burns?

>> No.16230671

>>someone asks a semi-stupid question
>>complete rage filled emotional breakdown, furiously hammering out replies
Except this is not how it went but instead you decided to double down on your retardation and couldn't just take the L

>> No.16230680

anon no matter how many samefags you post I know very well you're in a state of agitation again, i did this to you yesterday too

>> No.16230690

>u mad
You need to put some effort in your replies once again. Oh and yes everyone is mad but you of course.

>> No.16230698


>> No.16230699
File: 7 KB, 259x194, download (3).jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Haha I owned you yesterday anon you are so mad Im trolling you so hard hehehe I was just pretending to be retarded at first

>> No.16230705

>IP count the same
You got me

>> No.16230740

you honestly troll yourself, all i have to do is make completely reasonable replies to you and you go ballistic

>> No.16230753
File: 20 KB, 612x408, gettyimages-904149370-612x612 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you honestly troll yourself, all i have to do is make completely reasonable replies to you and you go ballistic

>> No.16230764
File: 89 KB, 800x799, 1593462162772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ur mad

>> No.16230775


it probably is a christcuck honestly

>> No.16230796

Where are you epic troller? Come back please.

>> No.16230802

I didn't troll you. I asked a question and then I replied normally to your escalating breakdown. The exact same thing happened yesterday lol

>> No.16230810
File: 90 KB, 1300x866, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude I so trollered you yesterday u mad lol

>> No.16230821


>> No.16231723
File: 14 KB, 220x348, 220px-Tolkien_Letters_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking hell /lit/, couldn't you just talk about literature without sperging about bloody weed?

As for the thread, I highly recommend to read Tolkien's letters, they're a precious insight on his views on morality, religion, love and war; some of them also have some interesting takes on language, and explain his philosophy at large.
As I said, highly recommended if you're invested/interested in the author, unless you want to end up like that Anon over there >>16230311

>> No.16231901
File: 61 KB, 600x681, merry_pipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To answer the retard here >>16230345
Yes a tobacco pipe will stay lit as long as you keep puffing on it. It won't stay lit longer than a minute without help, at which point you then relight it. Personally it takes me about 3 relights to smoke the whole thing down to the bottom, but there are some who can do it with only a single light.

>> No.16231906

rent free. also

>> No.16231911

Tolkien's preference was more Germany wins but the Nazis are thrown out and the Kaiser restored. Tolkien found Nazi race shit to be cringe but as a hardcore Catholic he hated America's shit too.

>> No.16231913

It has shit for brains

>> No.16232086

Or maybe, just maybe, it’s possible to maintain a sense of national pride and tradition without extinguishing a specific group of people as a sacrificial scapegoat.

>> No.16232217

>>I’m thinking of one of Tolkien’s, where he writes to his son in 1943 that he thought an American victory in World War II might almost be worse for Britain’s “mind and spirit” than a Nazi victory, since America is all “sanitation, morale-pep, feminism, and mass-production,” while Germany is at least a country that values continuity with its past
Was he wrong?

>> No.16232249

>since America is all “sanitation, morale-pep, feminism, and mass-production,” while Germany is at least a country that values continuity with its past! Yikes.
Wew, I wonder where they got those values from? Couldn't have been Britain...

>> No.16232334

Uh, Ground maintenance?
Code brown. Someone just took a dump in aisle 4 again
You'll be there in 20 minutes? That's great

>> No.16232498


>> No.16232984


>> No.16232994

>it might be better for the Nazis to win the war than the Americans lmao
mmm yeaa I'm thinkin; heckin based.

>> No.16234009

Puritans that thankfully left this country.

>> No.16234020

Nigga wot.
Christians have been smoking for years.

>> No.16234024

Really making me think...

>> No.16234036
