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/lit/ - Literature

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16230194 No.16230194 [Reply] [Original]

it's a really good and fascinating book that i started reading but put down and now i can't find it


>> No.16230199

moral: dont stop reading guys, you may not get another chance

>> No.16230207

one day it will come back to you anon

>> No.16230216

thx fren

>> No.16230227

Once I left a book in a park for several days, when I went back it was in the same spot

>> No.16230253

This is literature related how?
This is an /r9k/ diary post. Fuck Jannies. You could've at least said something about the book, LIKE IT'S TITLE, and why you like it. Fuck off (((feels))) tourist.

>> No.16230268

I left the book vague as a literary device, pleb.

If you must know it was a copy of Fr. Garrigou-Lagrange's Three Ages of the Interior Life. I can't find it.

>> No.16230382

No you didn't.

>> No.16230420

>all lowercase OP
>zero punctuation
>no mention of title or genre

It was a literary device. It was intentional. I am subtly inviting smart people to tell stories about their book tragedies, and telling thick-skulled pedants to fuck off. Fuck off.

>> No.16230861

Have you tried looking in the last place you left it?

>> No.16230884

That's unfortunate anon, I hope you find it

>> No.16231094
File: 127 KB, 1484x1094, 0D5E7304-26F3-44C3-B7BD-B5FE6D6B801D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss the days when books were an escape. Maybe I’m too old now and it’s time to write something of my own or just call it a night. I hope you find your book fren, ill let you know if I see it.

>> No.16231232

i heard it's a hard book, fren, will i make it