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/lit/ - Literature

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16226852 No.16226852 [Reply] [Original]

What did you guys think about it?

>> No.16226856

i don't read books written by women

>> No.16226865
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>i don't read books written by women

>> No.16226876
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>> No.16226883

he cute

>> No.16226884
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>> No.16226889

What did YOU think about it?
>inb4 haha nutting

>> No.16226896

LOL!!!! nutting in the pussy on the cover!!!!

>> No.16226897

made me very uncomfortable and realised a teacher-student relationship in highschool that i witnessed was really fucked up in retrospect. he may have been 18 but i wonder what kind of stuff happened in classrooms that he didn't understand

>> No.16226898

>walk into bookstore
>all prominent displays are books about vaginas and niggers, written by vaginas and niggers
>turn 360 degrees and walk away

>> No.16226920

Women only read and write smut.

pure garbage

>> No.16226931

explain? Can we go a bit further from the typical incel "women bad" response to something more?

>> No.16226968

let's play a game, anon:
name one (1) prominent piece of literature written by a woman in response to this post, then other anons will post books of the same type in response.

you will be declared the winner if there is no quality answer to a posted female-written book, and shall be granted one (1) instance of Reddit Gold.

>> No.16226972

Frankenstein and that's it

>> No.16226992

Hellbound Heart.

>> No.16227000
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>> No.16227020

incel alert

>> No.16227041

Alissa "I'm totally not a pedo, haha" Nutting

Reminds me of how Nabokov said he was inspired to write Lolita by reading about a monkey in a cage...people actually believe this.

>> No.16227081

>replying to my harmless game with anger
opinion ridiculed, and discarded.

>> No.16227187

it made me leak grool

>> No.16227191

you guys are gross

>> No.16227202
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>where's the beef?

>> No.16227252

how are we going to stop the evil person-approacher? what a monster, i hope he gets the rope

>> No.16227467

I was intrigued and did the audiobook. She's a decent writer and I found her honesty to be if not disturbing, then at least insightful and thorough. She manages to capture just how emotionally driven women are - how they allow themselves to be completely consumed by lust and passion with all disregard for consequences or ethical standing. Her descriptive passages are literally dripping with pheromonal heat - the classroom is covered with the female predator's musk and juices and she outlines the psychological underpinnings of predatation with an alarming awareness - demonstrating the methods of pinpointing potential "mates" through subtle and not so subtle queues and language play. You feel dirty, sure...but I'm interested in psycho-sexual development and the occulted view of female sexuality.
Not a literary prize like Nabakov in any way - but compelling and make me both intrigued and uncomfortable.

>> No.16227489

I will never not be surprised how "well-read' people can be fucking morons and incels. What is this shit?

>> No.16227498

not realistic enough, needs more frayed threads and acne

>> No.16227659

Wouldn't recommend. There's better fleshlights out there.

>> No.16227676

Well done faggot, you've managed to contribute naught to anything, mirroring your life's achievements I dare say. Try literary crit. or at the very least using some semblence of intelligence to make a valid point concerning the topic at hand.
TL;DR: you're a little bitch. Bring something of value or shut your shitposting hole.

>> No.16227705

Stop posting, anon

>> No.16227711

>TL;DR on a two line post
Consider the exit.

>> No.16227716

he can't keep getting away with this

>> No.16227726

Go back to /b where you belong.

>> No.16227746

Two lines! Oh the horror! Cliffsnotefag can't handle it. Bitchbois like you make this board worthless.

>> No.16227765

Like Lolita, but shit.

>> No.16227771

I think he means that you made a tl;Dr for a very short post, either way I'm on your side anon

>> No.16227820

Not him, but do yourself a favor and stop breathing anon.

>> No.16228113

You type like a fag, most likely a a fat person

>> No.16228178

Terrible at gazing into your crystal ball anon. But nice try. Why are you even on a /lit board?

>> No.16228184

Well thanks, but I think you missed the point. No harm done.

>> No.16228271

Some good fap, but it's shit.

>> No.16228281

>picture of a pussy on the cover
Yeah, I'm thinking based and coomerpilled

>> No.16228370

It's an innocent buttonhole! Get your mind right anon.

>> No.16228642

It was hot. Didn't read it

>> No.16228686


>> No.16229185

>come to literature board expecting discourse on actual literature.
> discover shitposters from /b
What did you honestly expect anon. Shame.

>> No.16230651
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Never read it, see >>16226856.
She's cute, I think that made the success of her book possible. Pic not related btw, Nutting is blonde.
It's mediocre. Lindgren is good for kids.
Women cannot be predators, anon.

>> No.16230657

Oh and there were no hot teachers when I was in hs, unly ugly ones. Some came after I left, fml.

>> No.16230771

I have no idea what you meant by this post.

>> No.16230784


>> No.16230797
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I wouldn't mind nutting in Alissa if you get what I'm saying here.

>> No.16231475

Would you mind expanding on that?

>> No.16231491

King Lear

>> No.16231500

to the lighthouse

>> No.16231508

>guys, it's harmless, he's just harrassing women and uploading it to the internet for no reason!

>> No.16231516


>> No.16231605
File: 332 KB, 960x1441, Alissa_Nutting_2017.5bd1d33010c04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16231670


>turn 360 degrees
>walk away


>> No.16231677

get out while you still can newfriend
it's only ever downhill...so far down...

>> No.16231774

I would expand her button hole if I'm getting my point across.

>> No.16231885

I would prefer some milky from her boobies if you get my drift

>> No.16232073

I would breach the sovereignty of her cotton armour if you’re picking up what I’m putting down.

>> No.16232165

found the silly english

>> No.16232247

don't listen to him, he's trying to corrupt you
one of us
one of us
one of us
one of us
one of us

>> No.16232266

It has a fucking vagina stitched into the cover.

It has a 0% chance of containing a single thought worth reading.(and you know that.)

>> No.16232289


>> No.16232291

that's a button whole, virgin

>> No.16232304

that's a button hole, virgin

>> No.16232316


>> No.16232328

got a problem incel?

>> No.16232391

>you've tried to talk to me about superhero movies before
>aren't you a bit old for those?

Holy fucking BASED

>> No.16232419

These Nuttings