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16223393 No.16223393 [Reply] [Original]

I used to read a lot, as in, I spend most of my day with something in my hands, but two years ago I had an alcoholic phase and I haven't read since. I get distracted too easily now, I don't read as quickly, and my concentration is super fucked up.

did anyone go through anything similar? how do I go back to the good old days?

>> No.16223406

Start with the Greeks.

>> No.16223411

You are baiting anti-anime fags
Fuck off nigger

>> No.16223458
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stop blaming your "alcoholic phase" for your laziness in the present

knuckle down and read and learn to love reading again you lazy cunt

>> No.16223478
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unplug your computer and force yourself to read a couple hours a day
that's from a western videogame, this is from an anime

>> No.16223534
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Do you think you got cognitively damaged from alcoholism? Have you tried taking B vitamins?

>> No.16223544
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>I spend most of my day with something in my hands

>> No.16223573


that's the impression I'm getting, yes. I feel a lot dumber and slower now after my alcoholism. And no, should I?

>> No.16223586


one meaning pre-alcoholism, another post-alcoholism.

>> No.16224681


>> No.16226092

You need to consciously fight your urges.

>> No.16227303

Stop drinking at all until your brain recover. This may take very long period of time. May be five or even ten years i don't know. Brain recovers very slow. So be patient.

>> No.16227944

You should talk with your paretlnts about this problem if they still alive and move to their home for a long time recovering of your brain.

>> No.16228978

wow that really makes me want to fuck some guy in the ass

>> No.16229380
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It takes a long time for alcohol to fuck up your brain to such an extent, at least 20 years or more. Maybe try better literature. You probably got older a bit and can't read the YA crap from before. Or U just lazy, and blame your alcoholic phase.

>> No.16231009


>> No.16231017

Your brain is amazingly plastic and resilient. You can create new neural pathways.

There is hope. Google it.

>> No.16231212

>how do i read?
read, retard. you're not 3 years old

>> No.16231438

>after alcoholism

Sorry anon, but if you truly caught the -ism there isn’t any “after”. Esp when the “phase” was this recent. Lean into it, read some misery inducing poplit, trainspotting, tender is the night, doctor sleep, leaving Las Vegas

>> No.16232850

Start with anime, try watching the first episodes of many different shows that you haven't watched before, then move to movies, and eventually to books

>> No.16232879

Turn off your computer/phone and make it a hassle to turn it on again, either by locking it up in a box or dissassembling it as much as you can. Turn off your wifi, make it forget the password everytime, and make the password something evocative, like I_AM_WILFULLY_GOING_TO_WASTE_MY_TIME followed by an obscenely long and annoying string of letters and numbers.

The internet absolutely destroys attention spans, but a lot of it can be regained in a matter of days.

>> No.16232897

Fuck this fatalism. Its origin is in the religious and escathological thought of AA and AN, and it does more harm than good by cultishly an by self-fulfilling prophecy making addiction an intrinsic part of your personality.

I did heroin everyday for two years straight half a decade ago, and I don't think about it at all, and when I do, it is with cold distance and disinterest, as if thinking about a mediocre movie I once saw.