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16219671 No.16219671 [Reply] [Original]

Do you read productively? Reading Ulysses at 4x speed gonna finish it in 3 hours

>> No.16219675


>> No.16219684
File: 304 KB, 1000x1000, Consooooooooom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry OP, I haven't been able to maximize consumption because I'm not a fucking soulless bugman

>> No.16219703

No you won’t

>> No.16219728

This what I exactly do while reading non-fiction books. I just scan the book and if some shit catches my intuition then I stop and start reading. But that's more of my autistic hatred of linear structures.

>> No.16219808

this is horrifying and makes me glad to be a profoundly unproductive person
on the other hand, desu it's sorta close to how i consume albums when I am listening to music, but that's justified because 90% of 99.9% of all albums is pointless inartistic filler
(obvs when i determine that an album is worth listening to i go back and give it some quality attention)

>> No.16219820

Productivity is a cancer of modernism and the calvinist mind virus. I go out of my way to be inefficient in order to change the course of history.

>> No.16219826

This is the final form of Capitalist Man.

>> No.16219853

A paki guy with a jewish nose? Sounds based to me

>> No.16219872

>Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity. What profit hath a man of all his labour which he taketh under the sun?

>> No.16219918

Genuinely nothing wrong with doing this on your first read.

>> No.16220272

perhaps the most based post i've seen in years

>> No.16220287

I always felt like Fahrenheit 451 was the weakest out of the three 'classic' dystopian novels (BNW / 1984 being the others), but lately I've really gotten to appreciate some of its ideas.

>> No.16220293

yes, immigrants working 16 hours a day while listening to audiobooks at 15x speed

>> No.16220294
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>specialists without spirit, sensualists without heart; this nullity imagines that it has attained a level of civilization never before achieved

>> No.16220299
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>Do you read productively?

>> No.16220347


>> No.16220360

I took a course in speed reading, learning to read straight down the middle of the page, and I was able to go through War and Peace in 20 minutes. It’s about Russia.

>> No.16220402
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>hiatus x hiatus
>watching at 3.0x speed then going to normal at "interesting points"
I legitimately feel offended by this wretched creature's existence.

>> No.16220406

Right now I'm thinking mostly of the one-page-classics, advertised with "keep up with your neighbors"; I seem to remember them also watching TV at exaggerated speeds, but I might be wrong since I couldn't find it at a glance. There is also the obsession with speed (on the freeway, for instance) and how a speeding car kills Claire, which is just thinly veiled symbolism.

>> No.16220518


>> No.16220527

he right tho

>> No.16220532

Le gay del hombre du creatura Jude...

>> No.16220537

Yeah i know nigga

>> No.16220547

The society depicted in that book looks more and more realistic with every year that passes. the despotic government is all but invisible to the citizens that live under it, the way that anybody outside the work-entertainment routine is considered dangerous or insane (pedestrians being illegal)

>> No.16220566

The real trilogy is We, BNW, and 1984.

>> No.16220573

You should just listen to it as an audio-book.

>> No.16220588

True; and Beatty's explanation of how things got more and more dumbed down (the censorship speech) seems downright prophetic. Still, I meant only in regards to what OP suggested ironically.

Honestly, thinking of these three as the 'classics' simply comes from my time at school; it's just kinda ingrained.

>> No.16221358

I read pretty slowly, but more consistently than my peers. I've tried to speed read and it decreases my comprehension sharply. Enjoy the time you have on this rock and don't try to rush through everything.

>> No.16221459

I don’t believe in productivity. I’m not a mule.

>> No.16222751

What is the end goal of Productivity?

>> No.16222777

Not this retard again

>> No.16223092

maximize output (complete subservience to Capital)

>> No.16223124
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>hooknosed balding soiman telling me how to consoom

>> No.16223162

This is genuinely one of the most autistic things I’ve seen. No jokes. I know it’s common to call an strange quirk autistic - but this is a video worthy of that word. I can’t imagine living like that.

>> No.16223177

This dude is the biggest bugman faggot

>> No.16223260

Fuck, never thought I'd see Ali Abdaal on here.
I used to really like Ali Abdaal back when he was a medical student and posted about medical student things.
That was the reason I watched him. Unfortunately he doesn't make this content any more.

Recently (past year or so) he'll just turned into a "productivity guru" who parrots the exact same shit as every other YouTuber in his sphere. EVERYTHING must be productive. Every second must be optimised for peak productivity, even his keystrokes and keyboard shortcuts must be as quick and seamless as possible. He brags about listening to podcasts and watching videos on high speeds as if he invented the concept.

He has a "book club" where he reviews the standard self-help business books that every other entrepreneur has read.
He has said in a livestream before that he sees no value in reading classics. Despite this he loves reading young adult scifi/fantasy.

The man cannot cook for himself, eating takeaways every night. He's had 6 years of university, 2 years of full-time work and has never decided it'd be worthwhile to learn to cook?
I suppose he justifies it by saying the 30 minutes needed to cook a proper meal is time he could be using to be productive somehow.

I think the worst thing about him, which has vexed me since I started watching him, is his air of superiority (and he himself has admitted he feels superior to others). He went to Cambridge, is clearly intelligent, and works as a doctor.
But Jesus H. Christ he won't let you forget it. Constantly brings up Cambridge even when it doesn't need to be said, always humblebragging about whatever he can. He posts videos of himself singing and playing piano constantly as well. Fuck me it makes me cringe, his voice is horrible. I have listened to his podcast and it's funny to see how uncharismatic he is, and how he fails to seem intelligent on anything he hasn't pre-scripted.

I cannot stand this man any more. Wish he was reading this, not that he'd pay any attention.

>> No.16223304

>The man cannot cook for himself, eating takeaways every night. He's had 6 years of university, 2 years of full-time work and has never decided it'd be worthwhile to learn to cook?
I suppose he justifies it by saying the 30 minutes needed to cook a proper meal is time he could be using to be productive somehow.
People who can't cook are pitiable

>> No.16223344

Imagine being a 26 year old single man having food delivered from a restaurant every night.
He may be productive but he has no life skills

>> No.16223353

He is a sad case, he will do much but never will be anything.

>> No.16223368
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>> No.16223370

hxh is good though

>> No.16223409


>> No.16223419

seeing this shit makes me thank god i was born with some self awareness because i have these same instincts to be productive, to optimize, and strive for efficiencies, etc...it's served me well at work but ultimately it's been nothing but cringe like this video in my personal life.

what I don't understand is why he must "optimize" a task that is fundamentally unproductive.

>> No.16223505

this is what decades of neoliberalism does to your brain

>> No.16223525

I try to read productively by looking closely at the structure, language, taking notes. But I never end up doing it all the way through and peter out because I'm a lazy dumbass.

>> No.16223561

The shape of his nose doesn't surprise me in the slightest. Also, skimming isn't reading. Anyone can read faster, but you're going to be taking in less the faster you go, which is why it's a skill that's only valuable when studying or vetting sources for a paper

>> No.16223572

Dude is Pakistani or something.

>> No.16223591
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How do people exist like this

>> No.16223616

I don't understand why everything has to be done fast.

>> No.16223626

Binging netflix shows and playing zoomer video games leaves very little time to read books, anon. Gotta make the most out of that 5 minutes a day

>> No.16223645

This kind of person doesn't actually care about the series or movie he is watching, or the book he is reading. His friends are all talking about the latest season of the show and he needs to get up to date FAST about the latest talking points to enjoy the conversations, the memes, the tweets, the youtube videos, etc before it gets out of fashion and everyone is talking about the next thing.

>> No.16223678

So he is just a victim of social convention ?

>> No.16223739
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oh please

>> No.16223889

what books teach this champion mindset

>> No.16223933
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>> No.16223960

how do i free myself of the calvinist mind virus and heal my modernist productivity cancer?

>> No.16224177

It's because most people actually have jobs and therefore limited free time so they can't be useless NEETs like (you)

>> No.16224229

First and last sentence of each paragraph. That easy breh

>> No.16224249

>this soitard is in charge of managing people's health

>> No.16224280

But why not read a single book or watch a single movie at proper speed instead of speedreading 3 books and watching 20 videos at 2.0x speed? What is the hurry? It's because you need to read the whole Game of Thrones while it's still trending and you can interact with pop culture.

>> No.16224307

nice job giving him more money by clicking that video zoomer. I don't know whos more cancerous you, the youtube browsing faggot with adhd that needs constant nonsense fed to him or the guy making all the money from it

>> No.16224311

Neat trick, now I can finally beat the American Dad speedrun WR!

>> No.16224329
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beyond based

>> No.16224337

Because people have lives and things to do and need to work to maintain their lifestyle?

>> No.16224362

The OP video is about watching TV productively. The purpose of watching TV is entertainment. It's to fill time, relieve boredom and make you happy. If you only have 2 hours of free time because you are super busy, why rush to watch a bunch of movies at 100x speed instead of taking your time watching a single 2 hour movie? It's not like it will make you entertained faster or better. The only reason I can think of is as I said, you want to have read and watched all that your friends (and online "friends") read and watched to not be out of the loop.

>> No.16224382

You’re white you cuck and you will be genocided for crimes against NATURE

>> No.16224409
File: 148 KB, 480x480, 1594951606356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism by Max Weber

>> No.16224412

I remember reading an interview from some tech CEO who talked about his reading habit. Essentially he never reads a book at first, he only listens to the audio tape at 1.5x or 2x speed. He takes notes on the broad points of the book and if he feels the book is worth it than he will speed read it. After that if he thinks he still needs more from the book he tries to get in contact with the author so they can talk about the book. Honestly this constant need to optimize your time and hobbies is going to just lead to burnout.

>> No.16224428

Nietzsche said something about this, about a higher kind of man still being higher than the rest even when he's not doing anything. I think it was in all too human, does anyone have the quote?

>> No.16224437

That sounds like a horrible existence.

>> No.16224441

earn enough money to have sex

>> No.16224446

how will this book defeat the calvinist mind virus?

>> No.16224452
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That's a really elegant way of saying "lazy," which I am too.

>> No.16224476
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It shows you how it developed and how it manifests. Once you realise the Protestant ethic within you, you can make a change.

>> No.16225004
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Abolition of Work

>> No.16225135
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>someone wrote the NEET manifesto before i could
noo, i was working on my NEET theory of history too.

>> No.16225292

Why is it that stemfags think you can do the most useless shit productively?

>> No.16225409
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>> No.16225789

Become Catholic and embrace the mid-afternoon nap after Sext.

>> No.16225795

Produce in order to consume in order to produce more efficiently in order to consume more.

>> No.16226167 [DELETED] 
File: 163 KB, 750x651, 118268196_3586171994749827_8601017285414104139_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>remember to take your pills fellas
>stop complaining, we live in the best time of the world.

>> No.16226201

>fake tweet

>> No.16226226

>I go out of my way to be inefficient in order to change the course of history.
How are you going to change history by doing fuckall?

>> No.16226229

Shut up brainlet faggot

>> No.16226247


I'm pretty sure he is a doctor. Which is all the more worrying.

>> No.16226258

Nice argument you coping midwit, dd I burst your bubble with an accurate point?

>> No.16226280


>> No.16226311


>> No.16226316

Good, now get back to work.

>> No.16226399

>tfw you are on life support and your doctor runs your ventilator on 3.5x speed

>> No.16226490

This reminds me of Schopenhauer's maxim that deeply understanding only a few books is better than having a superficial understanding of many.

>> No.16226492
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>anon, didn't I tell you what happens if productivity merely exists for productivity's sake?

>> No.16226495
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I started watching him because i'm a med student and he introduced me to Anki and some other study tips that i use to this day. He sold out and left medicine in order to become a "youtuber".

Since we're talking about studying and productivity i'll shill this guy because i unironically want to meet this guy and shake his hand.

>> No.16226558
File: 102 KB, 1128x866, B477AB55-4FB9-46AB-B0E1-718491F2EB86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not maximizing ur philo gainz via all forms of media


>> No.16226567

black people have been doing a pretty good job with this tactic

>> No.16228135

What are you talking about? Do you work 12 hour days or something?
I've never not had the time to read, only a lack of energy

>> No.16228158
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I just do everything slowly and it works out for me. I enjoy taking my time on things. It's relaxing. I don't partake in this rat race. I don't have FOMO. Feels good, man.

>> No.16228166

Do the same thing with albums, unless I know or expect its going to something of worth

>> No.16228228

Make the best use of your very limited time on Earth, ignore the idiots talking about capitalism, is about making yourself as good as you can be for yourself.

>> No.16228303

Based, anon.

>> No.16228311

It's ok anon, you still get a lot from books by just immersing yourself. Different ways of reading

>> No.16228476

Where fun in reading like that?

>> No.16228506

I forget what did you say again

>> No.16228521


>> No.16229728

>the gist of it is this, young anon: productivity, or rather, the increase of it, must serve the transcendence of society, to come closer to the true "pacification" of DASEIN. If productivity itself becomes the end itstead of a mean to a end, it degenerates into the tool of an oppressive regime which perpetuates itself into eternity, on either side of the dichotomal spectrum of politics. What you witness in your little video, is, by all means, the purest form of a one-dimensional man, or rather, just a being, an entity merely resembling man.

>> No.16230392
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>> No.16230413

cioran pilled

>> No.16230644
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Keep fighting the good fight.

>> No.16230664

What does he produce?

>> No.16231307

A radically based post from a heroic neet

>> No.16231942

There is no end goal. It's productivity for its own sake.

>> No.16232162

I watch most of the YouTube/Animes on 1.5x-2x speed. Why its wrong with that?

>> No.16232238

Refute this

>> No.16232248

Most based thing I've read today

>> No.16232278

I thought it was autistic to read everything in history books even useless information like references and such

>> No.16232285

Either you're a midwit or you chose the wrong career my friend

>> No.16232298


Wasting your life trying to produce a bunch of shit for others is the most cucked thing you could ever do.

Imagine being a Calvinist retard lmao. Live your life, come up with something smart and then fuck off to a lake with a hot bitch for your years.

>> No.16232321

Holy based
the only way to top it is being an anti-intellectual intellectual, ie we must murder every person capable of advancing science and technology, keeping only religious leaders

>> No.16232337

This statement is much more serious and terrifying than you can imagine.

>> No.16232817

Pretty nice way of formulating the idea

>> No.16232961

I have heard that too, and when I was a teenager I legit tried to stop reading all fiction and be ultraproductive, but it was a sad existence and I reverted

>> No.16232969

man that was the comfiest anime I ever watched

>> No.16233058





>> No.16233114

Watching shounenshit of all things is the least productive thing one can do

>> No.16233274

This but unironically.

>> No.16233374

not arab but indian

>> No.16233411

that man makes me think sadistic thoughts

>> No.16233424

This is the real dystopia that not a single science fiction author predicted.

>> No.16233429

To consoom

>> No.16233436

He's also single and can't form relationships with people which is hilarious.

>> No.16233583


>> No.16233667

Ignoring the brainlet reference to using it to watch anime (the onions boy consoomer is funny).

I recently tried this method on a book using audio sped up to 2.7x and just speed read the text alongside it.
Surprisingly, things seemed to slow down as I did it. Nothing was taken away either; on the contrary emotion seemed heightened.
It's definitely worth trying as an altered state of consciousness.

>> No.16234502

i think we just have the wrong type of productivity, getting dopamine from jacking off and consuming products all day is also cancer

>> No.16234832

>Anonymous 08/26/20(Wed)06:02:20 No.16219820▶>>16220272 >>16220518 >>16223409 >>16223889 >>16223933 >>16223960 >>16224329 >>16224382 >>16224428 >>16224452 >>16225409 >>16225789 >>16226226 >>16226311 >>16228521 >>16230392 >>16230413 >>16230644 >>16231307 >>16232248 >>16232321 >>16232817 >>16234502
boy you are stupid as shit

>> No.16235035
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based and Ecclesiastes pilled

>> No.16236882
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Jews pathologically try to dominate other people and impose their cognitive views on others.

For all intents and purposes when Hitler said that America was half judaised and half negrotized he was right. You have a population that perverts spirituality and turns it into something that can be easily digested and used to reinforce their materialism and culture. You have people who are addicted to short term pleasures and comforts who hate the idea of changing or rebeling against their status quo. You have people who embrace the destruction of traditional values for the sake of modern hedonism and they embrace the cancer of atheism because they destroyed god in their lives so they can never find him.

Theres literally nothing worse on this planet than a jew because he corrupts everything beneath him and feels no shame but pride in the act and feels victimized when people try to bring rule of nature and god back into the fore.
The jews are a satanic force of insidious destruction.

>> No.16236917

On a podcast once he said he couldn't understand why someone got annoyed with him for reading and not replying to their text messages for days/weeks on end. With read receipts on and everything.
He seems socially retarded.
Also his Instagram constantly has borderline incel-tier posts publicly wishing he had a girlfriend. He's been like that for years. Kek.