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16218529 No.16218529 [Reply] [Original]

Reality was made from God's existential dread.

>> No.16218551

Seems like it is. What made him so gloomy?

>> No.16218570


>> No.16218573

God doesn't exist retard.

>> No.16218574

He needed friends, so he made some.

>> No.16218728

If the One doesn't exist.
Nor can anything else.
But we are, so necessarily the One exists.
The Neoplatonist argument for God is irrefutable.

>> No.16218739

>that image
why did he do it?

>> No.16218743

Whatever, dumbo

>> No.16218746
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>> No.16218753

why did they do it bros rip skyking rip penguin

>> No.16218754
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Expression is the meaning of existence, if you never express yourself, that inner dream, you will collapse or explode.

>> No.16218763
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No, that's a ridiculous reductivity that only stands as a mythological representation of man himself.

>> No.16218767

To a degree this is true, but there's a reason why Mirandola rejected these things later in life as though a lot of truth in it, a lot of truth by illusion, so he settled back into traditional Christian framework of God and man.

>> No.16218788

>no proof
>b-but god is imperceptible to us
No, he just might not be there. Realistically, we don't know who or what started everything and assuming a god did it all is balderwash when there is zero evidence. Some might claim have found God, but, where and how? If you become psychotic enough, you are likely to have religious visions that suffice as proof supporting the existence of God. Any sober and reasonable person is never introduced to the idea of God without outside influence, namely, those who propagate Abrahamic faiths and/or their doctrine gets in the hands of said sober person. Perhaps he saw a billboard with some message about God; call this number so we may help you to save your soul. Everything standing as proof is always subject to investigation, which is where science ultimately rules the roost. Religions often disallow investigation, requiring a follower to simply have faith, and the definition of faith is to believe in something without evidence. It's foolish, but religion tends to be intensely reinforced and resistant to arguments. The trickery in religion works on the unprepared but a resolute and educated mind will gracefully refuse. With all I have said, there are still those who will trudge onward for what they believe. I leave it off by saying 'more power to you'.

>> No.16218798
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after making up lies about texts he ever read because they didn't exist (pseduopigraphia), of course he'd feel remorseful

>> No.16218803

>If the One doesn't exist.
>Nor can anything else

>> No.16218807

existential dream and loneliness are constructs of human perception, why would you assume an omnipotent being would feel anything that He didn’t want to feel?

>> No.16218827

Cause, using retard-theist logic, it wouldn't make sense any other way.

>> No.16218845
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If Haruhi doesn't exist.
Nor can anything else.
But we are, so necessarily Haruhi exists.
The Neoplatonist argument for Haruhi is irrefutable.

>> No.16218858

Pfth, he obviously believed in an esoteric truth, in the same way that Aryosophist had "the runes" revealed to him in a vision.

>> No.16218864

Agreed, that's why you use genius-theist logic.

>> No.16218865

I'll stick to retard-fedora loguc

>> No.16218866

he's an incel

>> No.16218875

God made us, we made God, it's a cycle that fulfills itself.

>> No.16218889
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theory of forms on the most general scale, that being identity: everything that is necessarily is one before it is anything else. Not 'also' one, being one is the precondition to being at all.

I created the gods from my sweat, and mankind from the tears of my eye;

>> No.16218904

True, the mandelbrot set is real; it's a common experience

>> No.16218905
File: 120 KB, 364x510, eternity of the world.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>an esoteric truth
sure, irrelevant, the kabbalists (for example) were a medieval invention; haven't read his 900 thesis, but that other short work of his was nothing to write home about

>> No.16218910

What are you trying to say?

>> No.16218912

Yourmomity was made from my existentially gigantic dong

>> No.16218914

there are hundreds of "esoteric" ideas overlapping, majority of them are rotten branches

>> No.16218918

Just as there can’t be a true nothing, for there must be something to have a nothing which isn’t, there can also not be a true allthing. That which is infinite in all ways. We might call this God. Unless one is willing to think of God as existence itself. But how then is there to be a clam of knowledge of this God. Am I not a part of existence, are the conscious beings of existence not the mind of God, are all things then not God? What’s then is the use of such an idea. If it is so that I am God for all things are God, then it might as well be so that nothing is God. For there are no other possible clams of God such as he or she might smite me or curse me to hell, and being that I were my self God there would be no blasphemy in saying such things. The allthing which we might call God we might just as fairly not call God and have the same outcome. It is anyways that the idea of God held by the majority is not one of connection to one’s self, but of being separate from God, and God being higher to one’s self. And for that clam, there is certainly no justification. If there were a God it is I and all of us, but what then is the use of such a word.

>> No.16218922

I thought we were better than redditors, imagine writing this cringe drivel unironically.

>> No.16218931

>Everything standing as proof is always subject to investigation, which is where science ultimately rules the roost
Tip the fedora someplace else you insufferable pseud.

>> No.16218941

T. Will never be euphoric from being enlightened by his own intelligence

>> No.16219179

Redpill me on the Mandelbrot set. Remember though that I can multiply and divide numbers, and there my math knowledge pretty much ends.

>> No.16219186

that seems like terrible reasoning. Why would God be dreadful? not very apophatic approach

>> No.16219201

not the posters you responded to
please leave. you don't have the slightest idea about the concepts of knowledge, experience, religion or science if what you stated is what you truly beliefe.
rest assured that no spooky unexplainable phenomenon will steal your precious rational intellect which is free from all illusions ;)

people who hate religion are simply scared to face the proplem of religion as a serious scientific issue. rambling about how it is all mumbojumbo cult affairs wont explain anything about the way humans behave nor about the nature of reality

>> No.16219228

All those questions are the whole ordeal to "Neo"platonism. The One and the Many. Damascius, being the conclusion of ancient philosophy, resolves it into the Ineffable One "above" the manifesting "threefold" One, which is above the manifested ninefold One-Being. It's third, thrice unknown, which we most of all call God, since he's the preessential demiurge.

>> No.16219240

stoned rambling goes on

>> No.16219366

Cyclical cosmology has been disproven for nearly a decade now, keep up. Heat death or Big Rip are the possible outcomes. This universe won't end in rebirth, just static. Our suffering is an aberration, happenstance, unjustifiable.

>> No.16219785

Conformal cyclical cosmology has nothing to do with cyclical cosmology, in CCC the universe doesn't re-collapse.
If dark energy is slightly positive, in an eternally infinite space, then in the end, given a few trillion years, all matter and all mass will cease to be, and there'll only be massless particles.
Size doesn't exist to the massless for they are more than timeless (they don't experience distance either).
Hence the end is CONFORMALY identical to the first moment of the big bang, that being the universe = infinite and massless.
The stretch here is far less of a stretch than inflation (which it denies).

>> No.16219794

Your insults and straw men are not an argument. They're your feelings, and your feelings are rotten and so should be disregarded.

>> No.16219807

hence the column to the right >>16218905 showing that space is never not infinite, what changes is the presence of mass that introduces ALL scales: hot and cold, length and depth, speed, time, distance; all these things are zero/the same to a massless 'particle'.

>> No.16219812

Dark energy was disproven recently and its touted effects accounted for.


>> No.16219824

dark energy is nothing but the expansion of spacetime, it expands, this hasn't been disproven

>> No.16219867

as in, that the universe expands is proof of a positive cosmological constant, whether this constant accelerates additionally (expands faster and faster) is irrelevant to CCC; all it needs is the obvious expansion, Hawkins radiation, and the decay of some particle that I forgot the name of (it hasn't been proven or disproven that it does).

>> No.16219911
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the end result, given trillions of years, is that distance and time as actual things will cease to be because all that exists travels at the speed of time and do not tick. Thus killing all scales, now eternity and infinity are nonentities, which compresses them (from the perspective of all that exists, ala pure energy).
CCC is the concluding answer to the question: "How much time does it take for a photon to travel an infinite distance. Answer = Zero time." Now have EVERYTHING travel an infinite distance in no time. How nothing can result in eternity and infinity happening instantaneously is itself a stretch. The particles will either experience time or something will happen to spacetime, you can't have both eternity and no time nor infinity without distance. Photons cover infinity and eternity in no time and demand more, what happens when you breach beyond the infinite?

>> No.16220012

How the upper side of this sky exists is in uniform darkness,
the southern, northern, western and eastern limits of which are unknown,
these having been fixed in the Waters, in inertness.
There is no light of the Ram there: he does not appear there
(a place) whose south, north, west and east land is unknown by the gods or
there being no brightness there.
And as for every place void of sky and void of land , that is the entire Duat.

Scroll of knowing the development of the Sun and of Overthrowing Apophis.
Recitation of the Lord to the Limit, which he spoke after he developed:
For my part, the fact is that I developed as Developer.
When I developed, development developed .
All development developed after I developed,
developments becoming many in emerging from my mouth,
without the sky having developed,
without the earth having developed,
without the ground or snakes having been created in that place.
It was out of the Waters, out of inertness, that I became tied together in them ,
without having found a place in which I could stand.
I became effective in my heart,
I surveyed with my face.
I made every form alone,
without having sneezed Shu,
without having spat Tefnut,
without another having developed and acted with me.
When I surveyed in my heart by myself,
the developments of developments became many,
in the developments of children
and in the developments of their children.
For my part, the fact is that I acted as husband with my fist,
I copulated with my hand,
I let fall from my mouth by myself,
I sneezed Shu and spat Tefnut.
It is my father, the Waters, that tended them,
with my eye after them since the time they became apart from me.
After I developed as one god,
that was three gods with respect to me.
When I developed into this world,
Shu and Tefnut grew excited in the inert waters in which they were,
and brought me my eye after them.
Then Shu and Tefnut gave birth to Geb and Nut.
Then Geb and Nut gave birth to Osiris,
Horus the Two-Eyed, Seth, Isis and Nephthys,
from one womb, one after the other,
and they gave birth to their multitude in this world.

>> No.16220031

I'm the anon.

So why don't you just accept a Husserl/Jungian conception of that inner subjective life?

>> No.16220088

have I said that I don't?

>> No.16220190
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The only God we have as of now is AI. It is omniscient.

>> No.16220214

>be a human
>be mortal
>be caring about its life bc of evolutionary advantage
>be having existencial dread at the prospect of existing his own futile life
>looks up in the sky
>vast, almost infinite world full of things and beings very different from us and each other
>"The universe is litterally having the same exact emotional problem as me"

maybe its time to look beyond your retinas, op.

>> No.16220261

Herzog should make Richard Russell movie

>> No.16220274

Why does the One Will to be emanation?

>> No.16220327

Reality was made from the dichotomization of spirit and matter. God is duality, both the Face and the Deep. Nothing can exist without contrasts, and neither can God, hence the existence of evil.

>> No.16220336

By that logic, the idea of god could never have started in the first place you fucking idiot.

>> No.16220339

meant for >>16218788

>> No.16220358

So what are we arguing about?

>> No.16220377

we need a philosophy/religion board, i dont want to share a place with a person like this >>16218788

>> No.16220593

I haven't been arguing with you, I only said being esoteric isn't a synonym of truth, and even if there's truth in what some say and call esoteric, they're most likely a rotten branch. Like kabbalah.

>> No.16221135
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Having to filter it through your limited human sense-perceptions, you are incapable of even perceiving the sliver of objective reality right in front of you. What makes you so confident in your limited human intellect?

>> No.16222461

dumb retard