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16218609 No.16218609[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You are not even human. You are just a retarded little monkey throwing his shit at another retarded little monkey because he is wearing a [red/blue] shirt then pretending you are any better than him
Imagine co opting your thinking and judgement to a hivemind
Imagine being this much of a tribalist retard then pretending you are a critical thinker
Imagine latching on to a party of millions just to try to have an identity because you are that shallow of a person

>> No.16218612


>> No.16218614

Feels good not to care about any of this. I don't even know what a fucking democrat or republican is. All I know is niggers are caner.

>> No.16218617

This board needs to be reminded of this because so many people here LARP an intellectuals

>> No.16218621
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>> No.16218629

Shut up you fucking hypocritical motherfucker. The people saying "both sides are dumb" are usually and always without fail, fucking ARDENT leftists. I don't know why and I don't care but I know that you are exactly what you preach against you fucking scum of the earth

>> No.16218634

Again you stupid retard you try to label me as your enemy tribe
It's okay to hold political opinions (you should) but motherfuckers become completely absorbed into this shit

>> No.16218671

Based. Capitalist politics are for retards.

>> No.16218674

"Both sides are bad" is itself a tribe.

>> No.16218711

Maybe but I'm not fucking obsessed with it
My whole point was that this type of retarded tribalism kills free thought

>> No.16218713

Take it to /pol/, please.

>> No.16218714

My point wasn't that all politics was bad my point is that retards absolutely immerse themselves in this ''cultural war'' then pretend that they can actually think on their own

>> No.16218717

These are both me the OP by the way I am very fucking tired

>> No.16218719

No one is capable of thinking on their own. Not a single person. Everyone is completely reliant on the ideas of others. What makes the difference are the ideas relied on and the methods used in selecting them.
Also this thread is still off-topic. Go back to your containment board.

>> No.16218749

Massive cope
Of course you are heavily influenced by other thoughts but you should still be able to create your own ideas or add an original take to others opinions or else every book would just be combinations of the same caveman grunts and every philosophy would be the same

>> No.16218776

No. I cannot create my own ideas. I have never had an original thought in my life, and neither has anyone else. The only thing that anyone has ever done is develop and extend the ideas of others. This is the nature of what we call originality. And every philosophy is an extension of what came before. The few attempts to create something "new" turn out like the work of Sam Harris: hackneyed, boring, restatements of what already exists within the cultural milieu of the individual, and therefore inferior restatements of what came before.
In order to even begin thinking outside the framework of the present system, we have to absorb something different, that is, some product of a long chain of transmission and development of ideas that differs from that with which we are familiar. But the inevitable result is the exchange of one received mode of thought for another. At that point the element of choice appears. This is all that most can ask for. On the other hand, the truly intellectually gifted are able to perceive something latent within their received system of thought and develop it, albeit never in a manner completely out of step with what they have received.
In a word, originality is the shibboleth of the unoriginal. The intellectual aspires not to originality, but to faithful understanding, reproduction, and extension of what has come before. This is the source of all developed thought.
Also, shit thread. Go back to your containment board.

>> No.16218818

> The only thing that anyone has ever done is develop and extend the ideas of others
What was the first idea then? Someone had to have had an original idea for other ideas to develop from. If he could do it why can't we?

Also if no one had an original thought before no one would be able to develop on ideas as well, as the thought of combining a few ideas in a way not done before would need to be by definition original

And what if we had a child grow up without any human interaction wouldn't they be able to think of anything at all? Or are you suggesting that humans are psychicly linked?

I could think of more questions but I am very sleep deprived right now reply quickly or I will go to bed

>> No.16218829

We're getting into unmoved mover territory here. There does not have to have been an initial idea, but if there were one, it would be God.

>> No.16218841

There does though how would other ideas develop from nothing if no one can have original ideas