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File: 691 KB, 1977x2560, 91LiylN2PcL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16207134 No.16207134 [Reply] [Original]

Books about Immigration?
Is Pic related right?

>> No.16207150

I can no longer tell if leftypol is baiting pol or if pol is baiting leftypol.
Please, fuck off.

>> No.16207159
File: 1.24 MB, 1075x1287, 0__4Cb3kLs7dLoxuNX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16207160

this book unironically opened by eyes to the fact that the only way we can beat china is through importing cheap labor rather than outsourcing it

>> No.16207169

>importing cheap labor
>what is minimum wage

>> No.16207179

horrifying cover. they look like the button eyed people from caroline

>> No.16207187

Why exactly do we want to ‘beat’ China again? If it comes at the cost of turning our country into a festering stew of multiracial obese goblins working as taco truck merchants and uber drivers?

>> No.16207188

juan and pablo will shovel shit for 7/hr while white college kids think they are entitled to 15/hr to pour coffee

>> No.16207200

Well what are you gonna do with all the cheap workforce when automation manages to eliminate a significant chunk of all low paid jobs
Your gonna have an angry mob of immigrants and people who lost their jobs due to the cheap Immigrant workforce
quite a short sighted approach

>> No.16207205

Just read Camp of the Saints and be done with it.
I used to like SMBC as a teenager.

>> No.16207226

>our country
i don't have to live anywhere near these people to recognize they are the powerhouse of american industry, maybe stop being poor and you won't be subjected to hanging around poor people
children of immigrants outperform natively born anglos in education, their offspring will be middle class drones like you

>> No.16207230

The strange death of Europe. Based and redpilled.

>> No.16207235

>children of immigrants outperform natively born anglos in education, their offspring will be middle class drones like you

>> No.16207250


>> No.16207256

If you are a grown adult not living with your parents in a suburb and have a white collar job, chances are you will be working in a city, thus living and working around poor people. But of course, you live with your parents and do not have a job.

>> No.16207269

>thus living and working around poor people
uh no, my area is expensive and my colleagues are educated, we eat lunch at nearby restaurants not taco trucks, can't relate

>> No.16207279

>whitey isn't as good at trading stocks as a very specific brahmin-asian demographic that can hire wealthy tutors
>therefore, whites deserve to go extinct
No, you dumb fucking hick.

>> No.16207283
File: 618 KB, 536x681, Trust is overrated.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You DO want to live in a low trust city like San Francisco, don't you /lit/?

>> No.16207294

>therefore, whites deserve to go extinct
whites enjoy the fruits of the labor of immigrants
also go to pol schizo

>> No.16207316

[no you don't] So 'you' are a part of this problem, then..


>> No.16207327

no they don't lmao, nobody would be dying to get to America if they were just being used as slave labor, and their own countries wouldn't be shit if they were such good workers and citiizens

>> No.16207335


>asians are better than you
>asian culture values success more
>whites die off as a result

Good. Soak in your shit and piss whitey

>> No.16207338

I hope an angry mob of antifa burns down your town

>> No.16207340

Yeah Houston fucking sucks. It's the worst city in Texas. I'd much rather live in South Dakota.

>> No.16207342

Does it hurt to know that no matter what happens you will always be inferior to people you hate

>> No.16207349

perhaps their country has no prospects, you could make shoes for a few hundred pesos in mexico or a few hundred bucks in america

>> No.16207362

I wonder why their countries have no prospects. And we see Southern California turning year by year into the same thing those people fled, as it fills up with them, looks like the dirt isn't so magic

>> No.16207363

Aint really happening here in Germany
But could because of our welfare state that they really like to milk

>> No.16207364

Absolutely retarded take. The way to beat China is exiling those that help them, closing the Persian Gulf, banning the import of Chinese goods, sanctioning nations that accept Chines goods, and sinking Chinese trade vessels with our Navy.

>> No.16207365


> Does it hurt to know that no matter what happens you will always be inferior to people you hate


Apply this to white people and asians/jews. It's ok, I'd rather be "inferior" and successful, than "superior" and die in a rut like white people today.

>> No.16207366

What do you know about Honduras?

>> No.16207373

you're 30 years too late for that

>> No.16207375

And the college kids are right. If your shithole had actual minimum wage, one could sue the company that rips off Pablo and the tax payer.

>> No.16207379

You overestimate unilateral trade agreements. But hey, what can I say about pseuds who guzzle Trump's cum?

>> No.16207383

Do you say the same thing to black identitarians?

>> No.16207391

america invented obese goblins working menial jobs and is a world leader in that field, and it never needed any interracial breeding to get there

>> No.16207394

One factor would be importing guns from Burgerstan from drug money Burger addicts spend while also trying to murder entire industries under the "war on drugs" pretense.

>> No.16207397

The Chinese economy is still incredibly fragile. Now is the perfect time with the pandemic.

>> No.16207409

Every empire had that retard

>> No.16207410

>countries literally experiencing double digit gdp drops and entering recessions
>let's start another trade war

>> No.16207413

Would be fucking based since it'd isolate Burgerstan from other countries, and kill their own companies at the same time. Apple might move the fuck out, and the rest of the shithole could just disappear.

>> No.16207427

>encounter claim incompatible with world view
>demand source (despite never sourcing own claims)
>cannot easily attack the source's credibility
>immediately turns into a markov chain of insane fascist nonsense

yep it's a /pol/tard alright

>> No.16207429

No, the other guy is right. China is pretty much the only one producing a lot of the products burgers consume. America shot itself in the foot by allowing all those industries to move their factories to China.

>> No.16207441

i 100% guarantee you that source isn't talking about Somalis or Hondurans

>> No.16207447

Japan is looking to divorce itself from China little by little. We should learn from those guys.

>> No.16207457

America is basically a continent. We'll be fine. And not relying on insect labor would boost the middle class.

>> No.16207461

Somalis and Hondurans emigrating to western countries are usually from rich/elite families and not disadvantaged in whatever way you assume they are

the ones you're talking about, who live in extreme poverty, stay home. they don't even apply for refugee status

>> No.16207466

WTF I love capitalism now!

>> No.16207467

The point is that we're capable of producing them and currently have high unemployment, plus a global economic position that allows us to print money. It's the perfect time to rip the bandaid off and jumpstart American manufacturing.

>> No.16207468

whew lad this shit is unironically evil

>you society needs to be just cohesive enough that the goyim can become good debt slaves, anything more is too much, unnecessary and even harmful!

>> No.16207471

The research claims some minority groups outperform some other minority groups in Canada, contrary to the US. It also has a very small sample size how does this support your claim at all?

>> No.16207473

How? They never recovered from the Lost Decade.

>> No.16207476

this, but assimilating to american culture is a bad thing

>> No.16207478

Why would the elites do that? They prefer to pay Chinamen slave wages instead of hiring Americans that ask for more.

>> No.16207479

They are moving their China businesses elsewhere.

>> No.16207484

As would the consumers. Most of your shit would be unaffordable if the wages were somewhat normal.

Manufacturing is a dead meme unless it's fully automated.

>> No.16207496

this can’t be real.

>> No.16207500

>if stuff cost more to make it wouldn't be affordable
>ignoring the reason it costs more is that people are getting paid more

>> No.16207502

This is the terrifying thing about the author's logic, which should be rejected by both right and left. They argue that the borders should be open, but that civic rights should not be extended to immigrants - essentially creating a serf class in the 21st century.

It's a deranged and evil text made more unnerving by the jolly illustrations. At least the Tsar just told you he was God's annointed and tried to intimidate you into submission, rather than inflicting this twee shit upon us.

>> No.16207511

So they want to be dependent on some other third-world shithole? If it didn't work the first time, then what makes them think it will work a second time?
1. Elites don't want to pay the upfront costs of fully automating their industries
2. They don't want UBI either, because inevitably that would mean taxing them more to support an unproductive population

>> No.16207519

At least it's an honest representation of what globalists have already done with the people in other countries.

>> No.16207524

this is liberalism obfuscating power relations.

>> No.16207537

Why aren't Russia or India another China? Those faggots seem like they would enjoying building our shit for peanuts as well.

>> No.16207539

>Heaven and Hell are both united in their disgust with economists trying to justify business as usual.

>> No.16207552

India is to tech what China is to manufacturing. Silicon Valley employs a lot of Indian coders.
Russia belongs to oligarchs who make money with the oil reserves they own and don't want foreigners muscling in their territory.

>> No.16207562

The difference would never close the gap.

Western workers already struggle to buy Chinkstuff made with Chinkwages. Their own wages wouldn't seriously increase while the prices would jump tenfold.

A lot elites actually seem open to UBI. It's more of a generational thing, when boomers can't imagine a world that isn't Arbeit macht frei, while techbro's embrace a future economy with more automation and UBI. Once boomers finally kick the bucket, it could come right away. A shame the environment will be too fucked by then.

India try to be. Russia is a complete shithole with no future while it remains a kleptrocracy.

>> No.16207563

>You DO want to live in a low trust city like San Francisco, don't you /lit/?

Lived in SF for 2 1/2 years. Got the fuck out of there thank god.

>> No.16207636

>Their own wages wouldn't seriously increase while the prices would jump tenfold.
Are you retarded?
>their wages wouldn't increase as they're getting paid more to make stuff that's more expensive

>> No.16207667

They are going to get paid more than Asian slaves. They aren't going to get paid more by Western standards.

Most likely they will get somewhere around minimum wage, but even if you pay them 100k, it's not going to be enough to afford shit that's suddenly WAY more expensive.

>> No.16207794

hello fellow Houstonian, I moved here and am kind of starting to hate it too, but maybe because I live in the boring ass suburbs. Is downtown better to live in?

>> No.16207912
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It's over, lads.

>> No.16207949

You can beat China though many different ways of warfare.

>> No.16207956


>> No.16208015


>> No.16208078

The left is winning by becoming so retarded that you can't make parodies of them any more.
What are we supposed to even joke about when they turn reality into a joke?

>> No.16208199
File: 208 KB, 336x415, Open Borders compressed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one is talking about the book.

>> No.16208239

So are whites actually going to go extinct or is that just /pol/ alarmism?

>> No.16208248

I remember telling you your edit was too big, now you went too far the other way.

>> No.16208293

pol alarmism but the united states is slowly devolving into a central american american country thanks to neoliberal economic policy. they'll have a severely diminished quality of life

>> No.16208328

Those high trust places are the best to live in though, especially if you're not a bugman and like peace, quiet and the outdoors

>> No.16208371
File: 1.11 MB, 1662x1138, Immigration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16208402
File: 320 KB, 1707x2560, 81V8ozIJTVL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Books about Immigration?
pic related
>Is Pic related right?
short answer yes
long answer no but ultimately yes

>> No.16208630

a communist country wouldn't just lie about the state of their economy, would they? It's not like they lied about covid. Right, anon?

>> No.16208672

>Places with no murders tend to be rural and very poor, while places with lots of murder are economically unstable inner cities. However, cities like New York, LA, and Chicago which have a moderate amount of murder are very prosperous! You might think this is bad, but what's ACTUALLY the chance you'll get killed?
>My rule of thumb: as long as no one in your Facebook feed is posting "RIP he gon too soon", you're fine!

>> No.16208680

I've been making consumer products here in Canada during the entire Pandemic. Sales have not slowed, I have not gotten poorer.

>> No.16208740

>They argue that the borders should be open, but that civic rights should not be extended to immigrants - essentially creating a serf class in the 21st century.
Their position and ultimate goal seemed much more to extend the rights even to newcomers, however even allowing them to work here without granting civic right would be preferable to status quo and might be more politically passable.

>> No.16208900

strong culture is more important than money and gives rise to money.

holy fuck that is cringe. Daily reminder that the following values are not held outside of white/western culture.
- cheating/stealing is wrong even if you don't get caught
- it's wrong to help a friend cheat or commit crimes even though they are a friend
- people should be treated like I want to be treated
- people should be judged based on their own contributions and hardwork, not family heritage or status

>> No.16208957

Every land that has economic growth attracts migrants like a magnet. Capitalism is a machine, which needs fuel. Wage workers are this fuel.

>> No.16208965
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>> No.16208984
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wow some really unbiased works here!

>> No.16209005
File: 372 KB, 338x372, C3C13DA0-B990-4935-901D-432BA91FE8C7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beat China by replacing our population with the Chinese, that'll show em!
>beat China by driving our wages even fucking lower, that'll show 'em!
>beat China by creating a greater Domestic demand for Chinese products, that'll show 'em!
Is this bait? No, no really is this the most obvious bait I've ever seen, or are you a fucking retard?

>> No.16209007

Beat them at what? Having a huge number of people in poverty?

>> No.16209028

Anyone who pushes for open borders and/or unmitigated migration are corporatists and they will refrain from admitting as such because they usually, also, hold an anti-corporate ideology.

They're also victims of the technological system; they advocate for more people to be part of the system to ensure the system's infinite life.

>> No.16209480

>economic victory is more important than keeping western culture

Cringe and bluepilled

>> No.16209507

Paul Colliers Exodus

>> No.16209509

Western culture is weed trannies niggers sorry to burst your bubble

>> No.16209514

China’s middle class is rapidly expanding, America is in decline lol

>> No.16209536


>> No.16209577

Probably not, especially if you count slavs as white since no one wants to live (and likely never will want to) in their shitholes. But places like france, uk, usa etc theyll be minorities and be a rare sight kind of how blacks were

>> No.16209589
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>the current state of the West is Western culture

>> No.16209634

He's talking about America.

>> No.16209668
File: 627 KB, 1024x576, caplan2309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mass immigration driving down wages
>Cities so overcrowded it costs 2k to rent a shoebox
>Racial tension at peak since 70s
>Public education system already the worst in the Western world


>> No.16209672

Its pretty silly in that it just assumes that open borders or greatly increased openness will simply scale up the benefits seen under the current controlled system.

I mean take the example of places like India or Nigeria immigrants currently they and their descendants perform very well and are disproportionately well educated and successful - however the way the US immigration system is set it up it makes it very difficult for people who arent in this educated and wealthy demographic to immigrate. By removing the barriers you would be allowing all sectors of this society to enter.

>> No.16209719


>> No.16210164

Weapons of Mass Migration

>> No.16210193

do unironic neoliberals still exist?

>> No.16210320

I'm from San Antonio (where that burgerpunk picture is from). I hate Houston because it is the physical location of everything I hate. I guess downtown is cool if you want to live in a huge city, but at that point just go to Austin and benefit from living in Central Texas instead of a swamp.

>> No.16210435

we will have space program

>> No.16210451

Finally a decent idea

>> No.16210456

They run the country

>> No.16210501

Hello, fren. I will try to split the difference.

>> No.16210781

Blacks are fragile too anon

>> No.16210999

>This is the terrifying thing about the author's logic, which should be rejected by both right and left. They argue that the borders should be open, but that civic rights should not be extended to immigrants - essentially creating a serf class in the 21st century.
This is actually a good idea though, why is it bad if a Mexican wants to earn 10x his base salary picking fruit in the US and then buy a hacienda to retire to? If they aren't going to become future citizens voting for leftists, what's the big deal? End the wage subsidies the public has to pay for farmers and make them responsible for the foreign workers they bring in. Globalization isn't going away, so it will be necessary to demarcate between native and non-native for the purposes of political rights and rights to the welfare state or you will descend into a leftist dumpster fire from the votes of foreigners seeking opportunity.

>> No.16211048

another fragile wh*Toid...

>> No.16211058

>does the dominant political force that has taken control of both parties still exist?

>> No.16211097

>Maybe stop being poor
So only poor people are affected by the presence of poor people? Also, there is another mechanism for not having to hang around undesirables: stop their importation, and deport ones that are not citizens. Why focus on only one solution?

>> No.16211106

So white college kids' valuation of their labor is somehow less "correct" than Juan or Pablos? Why shouldn't white college kids be able to push for more resources at their jobs, and why should people accept Juan and Pablo shovelling shit for 7/hr? Is it because you think it's "impressive" to work for less compensation?

>> No.16211117

What is supposed to be proven by infragility of feelings in the first place, and what is meant to be pointed out by emphasizing the fragility of whites over the fragilities of any other ethnic group?

>> No.16211144

These people are pure evil. I'm blown away how they managed to paint a picture of themselves as the good guys.

>> No.16211159

yikes. so fragile. please just shut up whiteboi

>> No.16211193

Put less nonsense in your post if you want your bait to work better. Just say pic related instead of vomiting words. I know its hard for someone of your intellect, keep it up anon I know you can do it :).

>> No.16211195

How come no parody pages of open boarders for Israel?

>> No.16211231
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>> No.16211245

>Do these cities really scare you?
Yes, greatly.

>> No.16211278
File: 263 KB, 697x421, Open Borders The Wall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16211436

This is accurate. In late elementary school (America around 2005) my friends and I were playing smear the queer and some pearl clutcher, who wasn't one of our mothers, overheard us, was exceptionally offended, and began to lecture us. Our group immediately began to berate her and told her to fuck off (we might have offered to call it punt the cunt instead if she was so worried about the gays). It didn't take long until she retreated back into her car and started listening to music at a loud volume. These people only have power of you indulge them in their asinine rules. Otherwise they crumble at the slightest resistance.

>> No.16211440

it's right

>> No.16211448

t. Immigrant retard

>> No.16211455

Is that last panel the most Jewish thing ever written?

>> No.16211456

There are no unbiased works on the subject. Best is to read something that counters the mainstream narrative, such as that list.

>> No.16211459

Kafka trap strikes once again

>> No.16211548

>DUDE i just LOVE the hustle and bustle of the big city, it’s so DYNAMIC and makes me feel like i’m in one of my favourite TV SHOWS. you should totally come on down to my studio apartment, it’s got EXPOSED RED BRICK walls and everything, we can crack open a nice hoppy ipa or three and get crazy watching some cartoons on adult swim! and dude, dude, DUDE, we have GOTTA go down to the barcade- listen here, right, it’s a BAR where us ADULTS who do ADULTING can go DRINK. BUT!!!! it’s also an ARCADE like when we were kids, so we can play awesome VIDEO GAMES, without dumb kids bothering us. speaking of which megan and i have finally decided to tie the knot- literally -we’re both getting snipped tomorrow at the hospital, that way we can save money to spent more on ourselves and our FURBABIES. i’m fuckin JACKED man, i’m gonna SLAM this craft beer and pop open another one!!!

>> No.16211550

you believe you're saying something meaningful but you're not

>> No.16211570

Even Angels and Demons can't grasp the World of Men.

>> No.16212155

You won the internets good job. Next time do it to your boss or clients.

>> No.16212184

Yes they do. Now go extinct.

>> No.16212190

How are you superior if you're actually inferior to jews?
25% of all stem nobel prizes are given to jews and they're a tiny population.

>> No.16212222

This man is disgusting

>> No.16213226

No. Also begging the question.

>> No.16213254

ok boomer

>> No.16213371

>acculturate enough

As in get social benefits and buy stuff?

>> No.16213470

Do they not realize how ghoulish this makes them look? Jesus Christ.

>> No.16213488

UK China alliance 2021

>> No.16213621

...but anon... the Tsar was God's annointed...

>> No.16214947
File: 30 KB, 329x500, 41p9Z+qHrrL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read this

>> No.16215001

yikes, imagine being so fragile you coin nonsense like "kafkatrap"

>> No.16215025

You can "flip" currencies or whatever.
These countries aren't as shit as people imagine they informal forms of welfare like support from extended family, they can go to first world countries, live cheap and acquire lots of premium currency that translates to actual wealth in their home countries, like someone could work for months in the EU or USA and buy houses in their home country.

>> No.16215123

The plan here is that investors shall be assured that they will never ever in all future history actually lose money, since when inflation is kept low people pulling out of investments causes a massive retraction of resources.

>> No.16215312

>counters mainstream narrative
So, you agree with them that they are biased?

>Only read what is contrarian!
>Camp of Saints as a serious book and not just fictional confirmation bias for xenophobes.

>> No.16215328

what else could it be? western culture is arbitrary anyway

>> No.16215783

>Is Pic related right?
Yes. It is right in that immigration is mostly good for the economy, ie. the rich will get richer from most immigration?
is that what we should wish for? Yes, if we are the rich.

>> No.16215809

Or we could just bomb the shit out of them

>> No.16216398

This. Nuke Beijing, nuke Mecca, and nuke the Dome of the Rock and world peace is here.

>> No.16216738

x person wants b doloor
y person wants a doloor
meaningless it's all meaningless it's all meaningless just get these stupid immigrants out of here and it will equalize but ofc that's not what THEY want

>> No.16216765

Leftists do not like open borders, kindly fuck off neolib shill.

>> No.16217015

Maybe you should let all your antifa buddies know that.

>> No.16217045

Why are so many brown people ugly?

>> No.16217069
File: 146 KB, 1080x1330, Mixed-race beauty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, you're a white supremacist incel

>> No.16217084

anons will say she is ugly simply because of the lack of white facial features anons mothers have
but damn her face is so perfectly symmetrical

>> No.16217117

>lack of white features
>straight hair
>light eyes

>> No.16218475
File: 73 KB, 643x511, Jewed_eagle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the only way you can beat China

Who gives a shit about "beating" China when the consequences are immaterial to the average American? I care about my country, my culture, and our standard of living not who has has a larger economy or more military bases in some shithole region of the world. Keep my wages high and don't overpopulate my country, especially with cheap foreign workers from racial and ethnic backgrounds who don't respect white people or our identity.

>> No.16218593

we. you mean (((we))), of course.

>> No.16218598

reminder: vagina is also a border.

>> No.16218637
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>> No.16218642


>> No.16218651

>makeup or filter
>a fucking hair straightener
How can you fall for photographs and illusions so easily?

>> No.16218762
File: 228 KB, 598x550, Trust-vs-GDP-per-capita-598x550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Weiner presents one graph, but you might also find this one interesting.
Sorry for the mass reply.

>> No.16218983


The only way to beat a slave plantation is to get our own cheaper slaves. I do declare.

>> No.16218988

Anyway newfaggot, nobody wants pakis or spics immigrating into their country.

>> No.16219066

>Probably not, especially if you count slavs as white since no one wants to live (and likely never will want to) in their shitholes.

I'm living in Poland right now and it's much, much better than i expected. In fact immigrants have started trickling in (Rwandans and Indians). I've been told the Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovenia have become just as good. At this rate i see them targeted by mass immigration in the next couple decades.

>> No.16219084

i say we need more muslim immigrants who will save the west by establishing sharia with the force of their numbers

>> No.16219133

Camp of the Saints cannot be confirmation bias since it was published decades before the mass immigration by sea Europe is now experiencing. You may call it prescient or prophetic though. The only thing it got wrong was the majority ethnicity of the migrants, except for Britain.

>> No.16219144

>Yes. It is right in that immigration is mostly good for the economy, ie. the rich will get richer from most immigration?
is that what we should wish for? Yes, if we are the rich.

Not necessarily. If you are already rich, you may value living in a more homogeneous society with less wealth discrepancy over even more money. Multi ethnic countries with huge wealth disparity like Brazil and South Africa have sky high crime rates forcing rich people to live their life with constant and bothersome security measures. I'd rather be rich, but not that rich, and live in Switzerland.

>> No.16219151

he gets it, baptize everyone who comes over by force

>> No.16219164

>Japan has much lower trust than China
>Saudi Arabia has very high trust

I suspect their methodology (asking a direct question) is not great.

>> No.16219191

Anon you're not even trying. There are punishments on theft even in ancient civilizations, like chopping your hands off.
I'm sure there are a lot of Chinese philosophers or however you wamma call them that talk about how work makes you a better person.
Also, there is so many people in this western civilization of ours helping others commiting crimes or hiding them that I can't tell if as a society we condemn it or not.

Start learning other cultures man. There's no need to idealize nothing. Just travel or read.

>> No.16219421

I'm not sure why progressive retards always say this.
When people learn about the rest of the world, and not the white college tranny version, those are the conclusions they come to.
It turns out liberal bullshit is only held by a minority of a minority of people even in liberal countries, and most other places to jail or kill you for even expressing those beliefs.

>> No.16219452

You gotta be kidding, only a jew could write something like this shit (and only a jew could get it published)

>> No.16219581

Not sure if I have expressed myself badly. I'm not saying that other cultures are best or anything like that. I like my culture and don't have any strange complex of white guilt.

I'm just saying that the values listed here >>16208900 exist in other comunities, and in a lot of places or lots of people of ours, doesn't. I believe that can be seen easily traveling or reading.

>> No.16219607

Every single page I've seen posted in other threads is literally
>So you might be worried that importing a bunch of third world retards will lower the country's average IQ. BUT THAT'S OKAY, BECAUSE GDP LINE GOES UP!
>You might also be worried that an infinitely large labor pool will depress wages. BUT THAT'S OKAY, BECAUSE GDP LINE GOES UP!
>You might also be worried about how complete open borders would entirely decimate the very foundations of a functional society. BUT THAT'S OKAY, BECAUSE GDP LINE GOES UP!
It ends up reading like some extended schizophrenic shitpost, because he identifies all these obvious problems, and without actually explaining why turning your country into some South African dystopia, dismisses them with "but gdp goes up so it's okay".

>> No.16219654

It's not a great study, it's based on how many people agree with the statement "most people can be trusted". So really it's a metric of how trusting a people is.

>> No.16220131

i hate this fucking artstyle so much

>> No.16220614

The author is an ancap.

>> No.16220732

This. American's backward culture has forever tainted the world. They're second only to China in terms of negative global influence

>> No.16221318

based groyper

>> No.16221507

The economic factors that allowed China to become such a vital part of the global manufacturing chain are more than simply their population. They already had tons of heavy industry from the Maoist developmental period, as well as a literate population. Other holdovers from the developmental regime, like collective work groups and systems for regulating population movement also helped. Additionally, the country is geographically close to Japan, Korea, Singapore, and Taiwan which meant when their initial manufacturing booms slowed their container ports (very important!) and capital could be utilized easily.

Not necessarily the main point of this thread, but it is frustrating to see the same "cheap, poor peasants are the ONLY thing China brought/brings" idea get thrown around. Essentially, cheap people dont equal prosperity without lots of capital investment and robust systems to funnel them into. This same point applies for immigrants in the US too, IMO

>> No.16222075

"beat china" get your head out the CNN/MSNBC neo lib dumpster fire and focus on the problems facing the working class.

>> No.16222478
File: 597 KB, 2815x2894, EricBeinhockerOnTrustWeb2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16222485

Cool pic

>> No.16222487

Ah yes.

>> No.16222565

I live in downtown right now and I enjoy it, but that's just me.
You're not wrong but Austin costs several times more than Houston for an equivalent living space. Houston is inexpensive and at least pretty interesting. There's a lot to do here.

>> No.16223804

Nice edit.

>> No.16223833
File: 209 KB, 2560x2500, deepculture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3d gen immies can kind of assimilate to the most exoteric and shallow aspects of your culture
whoa time to render white people a minority in every country on earth. think of the ethnic food!

>> No.16224316

>Could I be wrong?
Given this:
Possibly, yes.

>> No.16224507

Good to see this book is still getting posted as bait, as it has been for years, and retards keep eating it up.

>> No.16224891

>Bryan Caplan

>> No.16224997

Hint: use jpg

>> No.16226250
File: 89 KB, 768x1024, 1598185816272m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16227562

>This is the terrifying thing about the author's logic, which should be rejected by both right and left. They argue that the borders should be open, but that civic rights should not be extended to immigrants - essentially creating a serf class in the 21st century.
Somehow I doubt that.

>> No.16228291


i'd rather every country be strong, prosperous, and safe. i don't actually WANT the third world to be so third world. i WOULD like to be able to travel safely anywhere i want to go. unfortunately no matter how much you raise certain peoples up they remain dirty savages. look at india. under british rule for a century and immediately reverted to the rape capital of the planet when they left, streets covered in shit and garbage. and i don't care how poor you are, you can still have the decency to tidy up your trash and not crap in the street. so rather than "everywhere is nice, and you can go anywhere you like," all we get with this open borders shite is that firsties get flooded with thirdies and everything on the planet becomes third world, and not only that but loses its cultural identity in the process, becoming a mongrelized globohomo corporatist mystery meat slum, a stew with chunks of upchunk floating in it every color of the rainbow. there's your modernist utopia. the whole world as new delhi.

>> No.16228338

there are more whites than ever before in history, they are not going to go extinct. the issue is that traditional white countries and only white countries are being flooded with foreigners. now london is knife-attack-istan and swedish girls can't go outside without getting raped. there is also open-air anti-white racism "fuck white people" or "you can't be racist against white people" and the like. it's gone too far to be sustainable, which is the problem. and whites have always been a global minority to begin with, with easily erased recessive genes. but we've been through worse bottlenecks as a species and succeeded to breed and repopulate. the actual issue is the skyrocketing crime rate in former first world nations which is directly caused by importing large amounts of unvetted "refugees" from places that aren't even at war. or even were they at war, a refugee is supposed to be temporary, yet these are treated as permanent additions. so you can say, japan is still 99% japanese, china is 99% chinese, saudi arabia is 99% arab, nigeria is 99% nigerian, but there is no longer any white nation that is 99% white. primarily the issues are the overt anti-white racism and violence, coupled with the lawlessness and insane new crime levels. anti-white hate crimes occur every single day but are ignored by everyone. so yes, it's swung completely into a state of oppression and racial hatred against whites. and that is a problem. "sins of the father" etc. you're punishing zoomers for things that happened in the 1600s.

>> No.16228380

and i should say that if the purpose were to "import workers" that purpose has failed, if it could ever have succeeded at all, because something like 85% of immigrants go onto welfare. in other words they have become a large financial burden and a parasite. that drains out all the tax money that working native whites pay, which used to go towards infrax maintenance and general betterment of the nation, but now go to keeping clothed peoples who commit crimes all day and drive further up the financial burden of their residence. meanwhile we are entering a global economic downturn where young whites cannot afford what their parents and grandparents had, and the additional tax burden is killing them economically. and that creates hatred, when you, a native, work and work and work and toil and go into debt for education and cannot afford a house, but see new immigrants who do not even hold a job just GIVEN a house. that creates resentment. there is no way it would not, and it has nothing to do with race and everything to do with justice and equity. the youth are struggling too much for we as the western world to be handing out large sums to others, especially malbehaved others who commit the majority of crime. it's a bad situation and you don't need to be a neonazi to understand that.

>> No.16229154

abhorrent. these people would sell their own mothers for market shares

>> No.16229210

right wingers: I hate immigrants they need to fuck off
right wingers great grandpa: imma immigrate to the U.S. so I can better myself

>> No.16230280

>my country is second least trustful country
Relatively well off despite it though

>> No.16230407

very insightful
truly a 1000000 iq post

>> No.16230466

What's the solution then? Looking at birthrates in places like America it seems that even if immigration was stopped tomorrow whites are simply going to be out bred. How do we reverse these demographic trends?

>> No.16231069

a man accomplished this around 80 years ago in central europe and the world united to stop him

>> No.16231083

Bryan Caplan is extremely libertarian.

>> No.16231457
File: 62 KB, 545x785, 1597291799331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you fucking stupid or something? The amount of money that goes into welfare programs for the immigrants is so fucking tiny compared to what the (((rich))) steal every day. Literal billions of dollars get sent to Israel every year. Literal billions for the "war". Literal billions for tax avoidance.

You're such a stupid fuck that I can't believe you figured out the "import workers" scam yet didn't figure out the two pronged approach where they also can be blamed for taking money away from hard working Americans.

You stupid motherfucker. Stop posting shit and put your head up your ass.

>> No.16231672

Traitors deserve it. The only exception being mercy on those who immigrated to colonies of an empire, under the assumption it was the same country. Many somewhere like Newfoundland considered themselves just and were British citizens just working in a different province. unspeakable southern italians and swarthy germans and stuff going to america get no pity.

>> No.16232728

Actually I'm looking at demographic predictions and it seems like whites will go extinct in a couple of centuries if current trends continue.