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16217622 No.16217622 [Reply] [Original]

If Sonya is a believer in the Christian god, why would she degrade herself to prostitution and sin? Wouldn't her belief in God and that God would judge her accordinly and accept she's trying to make the best out of her bad situation, be enough for entry to into paradise?

>> No.16217649

So... she did exactly what you would prefer - try to make the best out of her bad situation.

>> No.16217650

Is this part of your homework assignment?

>> No.16217653


>> No.16217672

I mean trying to the best without the prostitution.

>> No.16217707

Maybe she could just find no other option to make enough money? Does that really sound unbelievable to you?

>> No.16219534

There were not a lot of job opportunities for women who lived in russia during the early days of the reform. If you were born to an urban peasant with no skills and no man to provide for you, it was prostitution or starvation. I don't think russians have ever had a good time

>> No.16219738
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Poor poor Sonechka.....

>> No.16219787

Somehow it was her only choice
I remember her or lizaveta saying to themselves that they know its sinful, but God will understand because he is compassionate and merciful

>> No.16219792

Christcels are retarded.

>> No.16219935

You do know her family was starving right?
It turns out alright, don't worry anon

>> No.16220001

Because Christians are retarded and make rationalizations to cope with how they can't enter heaven

>> No.16220006

There is a sense that every young woman is at the mercy of lustful men, one way or another, and Sonya is doing it in the most "secure" way for her family.
Remember, the money-lender's sister (I forget her name), practically being propositioned in the Hay-market, the drunken girl who is being stalked by that guy, and Svidrigailov's servants, and his proposition to Dunya and the child-bride?
There is very little escape for the young women of the destitute. Even the better-off characters like the neighbours of the Marmeladovs' and the German woman are all implied to be whores, adulterers or what have you.
It was far more complicated than, "just don't sleep with men for money".
Because the key women in the story are those that have done what they have had to do, but have never debased themselves for their own gain like many of the tertiary women, and chiefly the men.

>> No.16220049

Stupid, stupid retard.

>> No.16220938

What the fuck is wrong with atheists? Why can you not comprehend any nuance? Do you genuinely think religion is this simple? Its no wonder you retards think it so easy to bat away

>> No.16220941

>If Sonya is a believer in the Christian god, why would she degrade herself to prostitution and sin?
to degrade oneself out of love for others is a very Christian theme, i would imagine

>> No.16221560

It worked out for Magdalene alright.

>> No.16221951


>> No.16222999

How's this translation ?

>> No.16223083

Nice double trips.

Constance Garnett or bust.

>> No.16223098

Because she didn't want her family to starve to death?

>> No.16223125

never read that one but oliver ready is really good

>> No.16223414

I've read the Penguin edition and that one and I prefer it.

>> No.16223580
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AI could write that novel.

>> No.16224098

Just read the chapter today in which her mom beats her kids in the street and tells them to dance before she dies of tuberculosis.
Really, if your dad is an alcoholic and your mom is slowly losing her sanity and dying, it makes sense to resort to prostitution in order to feed your young siblings.

Also, fuck Luzhin. I greatly enjoyed watching him get his shit pushed in at the funeral dinner

>> No.16225181

Luzhin is a bitch

>> No.16225682

Luzhin is the most wronged character in the whole book. He just wants a nice loyal wife and figures elevating a woman out of poverty is a safe way to secure that. And then Dosto has to contrive some ridiculous scheme about him planting money IN PLAIN VIEW OF SOMEONE WHO HATES HIM. So stupid

>> No.16225739


>> No.16225762

It's easy to bat away because it is so clearly cope. Every religion has it's "nuances" and they are all mutually incompatible. It's all just rationalizations and whatever "feels" right to you, largely influenced by your cultural upbringing

>> No.16225972

Because Dostojevski's conception of faith fetishizes self-debasement for the sake of self-righteous altruism, unaware that this humanist pity whoring is the furthest thing from actual religious enlightenment.
Based. Every character who doesn't serve as a platitude spewing writer substitute is an incoherent concoction of an infantile imagination.

>> No.16226665

luzhin got off on the idea of having total authoritarian power over dunya. that's a pretty big red flag

>> No.16226674

you sound like a complete faggot

>> No.16227215

based reductionist midwit who barely reads!

>> No.16228241

In case you hadn't noticed, the irreconcilable differences between religions is one of the primary sources of conflict throughout human history. This has nothing to do with "reductionism" or reading more, it has to do with beliefs founded on faith about matters which are inaccessible from investigation but held with such conviction it can compel individuals to great extremes.

>> No.16228361

Dostojevski is faggotry personified, as my highly informative post effectively shows. The thanks I get for trying to enlighten halfwits

>> No.16228452

i'm sorry i didnt mean it. you sound cool

>> No.16228485
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this board is more retarded than /pol/, /tv/, and /v/ combined

>> No.16228505

kys faggot.