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/lit/ - Literature

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16216687 No.16216687 [Reply] [Original]

Share with me the best bro science method for learning a new language. Pls i need to learn german

>> No.16216698

Sie sind ein schabiger jude

>> No.16216713


Fuck, u speak german, you're so based it hurts.

>> No.16216740

the best way to learn a language is to live where it is spoken. since you cant do that, go to german websites

>> No.16216753

Will I get more motivated if I get an anti depressant prescription or does that just dampen the suicidal thoughts.

>> No.16216859

>Buy any textbooks on the language, do some research and see what's best. Have a series that goes from basic to advanced.
>After learning the basic language structures, read kids books and then YA or something. Highlight words you don't know and write them in flashcards, I recommend Anki as you can put sound and also hear the pronunciation. Works with sentence structures as well.
>Keep up with textbooks on language structures and progress through them in your pace. Use books for vocabulary and getting used to the words and structures. Listen to lectures/podcasts/songs in said language with subtitles. Highlight words you don't know and flashcard them.
>Train with your flashcards DAILY and try interacting with the language you want to learn as much as you can.
>Hire a private teacher at least once a week to talk to for about an hour. There are online services for that too and German people (surprising, I know) so you can try that

Just be consistent with your studies and don't give up, Nowadays it's ridiculously easy to learn any language, you just need a couple hours a week Your progress will be higher the more tiem you spend with the language, you will most likely end up reading books in German for fun so you'll learn quickly. Godspeed anon, I've been wanting to learn it as well to read my economic books in their native language. I know at least how to read and write fairly well Spanish, Portuguese, English and French, poor conversation tho.

>> No.16216862


Is signing up for a german language course or hiring a private teacher out of question? Because it should be your first choice.

>> No.16216891


as a german, i can say i am pretty sure he just google translated this

>> No.16216905

make a german tulpa gf in your head and talk to her all day every day using only german.

t. actually did version of this for another language and it works

>> No.16216950


>Latin makes learning Romance languages easy


>> No.16217077
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you'll find the way that works best for you. the most important thing to do right now is just jump into it. i spent countless hours reading random shit and opinions and blogs and theories on how to learn a language, and it was a waste of time.

start with shit like duolingo or lingodeer or memrise for rote memorization if you just want to learn vocab and phrases. then you can look on wikipedia or lurk forums on how grammar works. i personally like anki, it's a free spaced repetition program and there are a fuckload of decks you can download for free online. the best way to learn grammar is to come across something new that you don't understand so that you'll have an actual question. because of this, you should try and consume media that's in your target language. you'll make more connections and experience the eureka effect more often as you keep learning.

in my experience, the fastest, most accurate and natural way to learn is immersion. next to that, there's being around someone who is bilingual in both your native tongue and the one you're learning to speak.

not trying to shill, but when i was learning japanese i used anki.com to find a private tutor, and it made the learning process so much fucking faster because i could ask question after question without feeling bad or annoying, because that's what i was paying them for

since you already speak a germanic tongue, a super basic level in german should be easy to attain, but when you get into the nittygritty it gets intense. i'd like to learn myself someday so i can read all the german authors i like. good luck, OP

>> No.16217171

desu don't bother with german

>> No.16217177

>desu don't bother with German
I know for a fact that I didn't type 'desu.' Seriously. I typed another dumb meme, granted, one that I've cringed at a hundred times but one that has lost its currency and therefore much of its most irritating qualities. It's the one with the letter T, then the letter B, then the letter H, but lowercase. There has to be some kind of scripting/filtering here.

>> No.16217180

you must be new senpai

>> No.16217186
File: 2.18 MB, 384x378, 1597265556580.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16217212


>> No.16217425

mitaine et chou

>> No.16217434

I wish I was still this new lads, for then it might still not be too late for me.

>> No.16217628

Indeed. We despise and laugh at the newfags simply because we're jealous of their innocence.

>> No.16217659

duolingo with methylphenidate then de.ninemanga.com until you reach 99% understandability then watch youtube

>> No.16217663


>> No.16217666

oh my god you guys everyone look, anon finally completed his mandatory five years of lurking and just made his first post today! i'm happy for you anon, i hope you have a great posting career here, don't spend too much time here though, heheh

>> No.16217725

make /lang/ your home general.

see https://4chanint.fandom.com/wiki/German

>> No.16217726

>been on 4chan since early 2007
I don't even know where I will go when it is inevitably shut down by the feds.

>> No.16217768

Then you'll bring your /lit/ wisdom into the real world, surround yourself with like-minded people impressed by your immaculate knowledge, and start a new literary movement with them. Perhaps you'll even have a harem of art hoes.

>> No.16217806

>Perhaps you'll even have a harem of art hoes.
I very strongly prefer my jezebel folder, thank you.

>> No.16218691

Cringe desu senpai

>> No.16218737

That image explained everything. Find a grammar book, work through it, then start reading.

>> No.16219341

native, write me your contact in email and something in german

>> No.16220370

ESL here. I started learning German on duolingo this month but I decided to select English as my 1st language. So that means I'm using English to learn German. Would that actually help me compared to using a romance language (Portuguese) considering I pretty much only consume media in English (yes, books too) and they are both Germanic languages?

>> No.16220379

Basically, just look up Krashen. He was right about almost everything.