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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 121 KB, 1080x1350, 44910223_350703152158388_4514217240635469293_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16213070 No.16213070 [Reply] [Original]

How do I get a /lit/ gf like this?

>> No.16213094

o.O how is the evian writing backward but the rest forwards?

>> No.16213096

That's a man.

>> No.16213118

>like this
theres only one anna, anon

>> No.16213123

based anna doesn't give a fuck that trannies have more feminine faces than her, because her skinny lanky body is so tight. anyway just go to red scare live shows.

>> No.16213128

>o.O how is the evian writing backward but the rest forwards?
actual evian bottle out of frame, to the right
visible evian bottle is reflection thereof
hope that helps

>> No.16213138

Wait, that's actually a cis woman?

>> No.16213142

Why do women need to insert themselves into pictures of their book collection? Rhetorical question, btw.

>> No.16213146

Queen anna

>> No.16213147

Delete this thread and go back whence ye came.

>> No.16213160

I'm kind of obsessed with Red Scare. To the point where I'm tempted to actually pay for the premium episodes. It's the only good dirtbag left podcast desu because they're actually unafraid of doing hot takes on feminism.

>> No.16213166

stop posting women
stop talking about women
stop thinking about women
just stop

>> No.16213171

you don't, women don't read like you or I do. they broadcast their 'reading' simply for attention, or to excuse their narcissism, like mirror selfie manface here

>> No.16213183

Chapo Trap House

>> No.16213190

It does, anon, it does.

>> No.16213193

Move to Brooklyn and be enough of a successful pretentious faggot in her orbit.

>> No.16213198

Your hell is of your own making.

>> No.16213224

case in point. >>16213160

the lithoe 'reads' enough to realize that if she can fumble together basic critiques of feminism in front of a microphone every week, she gets both attention and her bills payed by the lowest forms of human life. it has nothing to do with 'knowledge' or mastery of the word

>> No.16213236

listen to chapotraphouse and read theory

>> No.16213245

Chapo is crap

lol seethe more incel. She's just a regurgitation of Lasch and Paglia but there aren't any good young contrarians, so I'll take her.

>> No.16213307
File: 128 KB, 1200x1200, malcolm-x-9396195-1-402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more time on the internet i bet

>> No.16213350

Right-winger here

She is actually a cool person for a Leftist

>> No.16213360

Is this really a chick

>> No.16213370

Proof that men are even better at being women than actual women.

>> No.16213593

odds she's copying what a bf or ex-bf thinks are like 90% sorry

>> No.16213853
File: 134 KB, 1080x1350, 97077020_861423974341720_308451847008501917_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16213881

Yes it's called being Caucasian (in the geographic sense)

>> No.16213889

That's a man

>> No.16213897

That is a male (won't say "man", it is obviously NOT a man) hiding his adam's apple.
When you think about it, pretending to be a woman when you aren't is cringe as fuck.

>> No.16213903 [DELETED] 
File: 109 KB, 1080x1350, 63E33580-B6B6-432A-BCB5-6D409938CE3B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a better man than most

>> No.16213907

Photoshopped male head on some random chick's bod.

>> No.16213919

have u incels ever met an iranian or afghani? trannybrain is real

>> No.16213926


fuck this 40yo tranny still taking "selfies." literally 40 years old and TAKING SELFIES like a teenage girl, making sure to prop up a book. i hate this filth failed humanity. "um i'm a 'dirtbag left' podcaster and i love to read artaud.." yeah that's real cool if you're 22 years old at a party you pathetic fucking whore.

why does everything have to be this awful combination of worthless, pathetic, and still somehow smug about it. how many barren wombed whores are we going to have to see delusionally taking selfies into their 50s and tweeting about how they're political activists.

>> No.16213932
File: 165 KB, 1080x1350, CD0E1302-4C09-4039-B47E-9322329AB8D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you Anna

>> No.16213943
File: 347 KB, 1400x2036, 1597703101475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does /lit/ always shill women who age so horribly? Why not pick a nice drug-free white girl who took care of her skin?

>> No.16213944

I'm one of the guys you quoted.
I'm Afghan myself you retard. She looks like a man.

>> No.16213972

>doing hot takes

>> No.16213994

Half iranian here, Anna could transition very easily.

>> No.16214005

>Black hole
yes, indeed

>> No.16214012

>a nice drug-free white girl
kek, nice oxymoron

>> No.16214017
File: 298 KB, 1536x2048, km353ajdesi51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16214036

>90's girl power heroin chic meets 20's vamp meets 10's pseud art-hoe e-girl

>> No.16214057


>> No.16214063

someone needs to post the meera shaggy image

>> No.16214070

Hang yourself while ironically liking rap music as a white guy and tweeting something lowercase and snarky like a Daria character even though you're 36 and childless

>> No.16214074

anna and dasha if you’re reading this so you can post ebin 4chan memes on your pseud twitter accounts you’re both ugly anorexic midwit whores and the men you’re trying to farm attention from will just gravitate to 20something year old art hoes because you offer the same things to a relationship except the 20something year old may have functional eggs

>> No.16214077

Because this board is crawling with ugly depressed drug-riddled faggots

>> No.16214080

based schizo

>> No.16214081

Lot of projection and even more seething. You alright?

>> No.16214092

Most of the people they grift to are fellow art hoes and literal faggots.

>> No.16214094
File: 532 KB, 1280x1714, 1547216903373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>heroin chic
no, she is still fat for that
pic related is true heroin chic

>> No.16214143

no, that's full treblinka mode

>> No.16214160
File: 38 KB, 778x512, 439[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gib anna gf

>> No.16214205
File: 70 KB, 768x1152, celine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>treblinka mode
this is exactly what heroin chic is

>> No.16214217


>> No.16214220


>> No.16214260


Anna looks weird for sure but I would absolutely rail her

>> No.16214280


What do you think her vices are?

>> No.16214297
File: 258 KB, 900x1350, 1579581229902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cope harder

>> No.16214339

dasha if youre reading this get that shitstain on your chin surgically removed

>> No.16214637

it was removed, it's now her cohost

>> No.16214645

purging with a toothbrush, getting old for fun, menthol cigarettes, casual sex, STD ridden addams family lurch frankenstein selfie addiction, acquiring bunions

>> No.16214656



>> No.16214665

you mean woman, you fuckin' fag

>> No.16214670

Sweeping things off of tabletops and other surfaces with huge swings of her long arms and going "Urgggh! Raaggghh!"

>> No.16214772

anyone subscribe to their patreon and want to zip all the premium episodes onto mega?

>> No.16214980
File: 14 KB, 241x209, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to dig up this image from my miserable childhood, its the only thing that makes sense. You are welcome.

>> No.16214995

you must be in the band Oneohtrix Point Never for a red scare gf

>> No.16215125

they became fat instathots lol

>> No.16215163


>> No.16215197



>> No.16215286

People usually post links to the patreon shit on their subreddit lel. They don't seem to care since they still make bank anyway

>> No.16216342


according to her it's ketamine and shitty celeb drama rags

>> No.16216447

I did and I was in LDR with multiple ethnic looking masculine Turkish girls with wide jaws but I have never seen a Middle Eastern girl this closely resembling a male. There's a gay attentionwhore on /fit/ and /soc/ that looks cuter and more feminine than this "woman"

>> No.16216451

I don't think Anna does drugs at all apart from cigs and booze. Dasha's the drugged up (ket, adderall, benzos and bunch of other shit) hoe

>> No.16216635

Wow, this is the only photo of her that she actually looks attractive in, in every other photo I've seen she looked like a 4 or 5 but here she's a 6 or 7

>> No.16216643

i dont live in a 3rd world shit hole so no

>> No.16216999

Yeah I'm more of a cool Adam kinda guy... guess the "dirtbag left" just loves ugly bitches!

>> No.16217012

>Become a huge faggot

>> No.16217019

Goddamn /lit/ really sucks now

>> No.16217962

She looks cute in the 2020 pic

>> No.16217985

Me too I'm an Adam. It's ok though he has his moments. Seems he might get better with age

>> No.16218000

Oh sorry bro that I can't be as chill and smart as Girardfag. But guess what I'm here and he abandoned you. So what does that say about you.