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/lit/ - Literature

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16212114 No.16212114 [Reply] [Original]

How d'ye do?

>> No.16212634

ur mum

>> No.16212638

Why don't these exist anymore

>> No.16213061


>> No.16213069

They kinda still do. It’s just that you aren’t invited for the same reason you wouldn’t have been invited then: you’re a poorfag.

>> No.16213072

It doesn't even have to be as regal as this. I would take a salon meeting in a garden shed at this point.

>> No.16213088
File: 1.06 MB, 1439x1976, Screenshot_20200824-140138_ReadEra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16213093


>> No.16213122
File: 618 KB, 1439x1169, Screenshot_20200824-140159_ReadEra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16213144

>literally "ur gay!!!!"

>> No.16213538

where is this from?

>> No.16213629

Tolstoy war and peace

>> No.16213913

I thank you.

>> No.16214526


>> No.16214538

twitter is the modern day salon

>> No.16214539

Yeah, Trad Catholic Twitter.

>> No.16214588


As Habermas explained, they were gradually replaced by mass culture, which slowly gave way to 20th c. consoomer culture/mass media. Basically reading is a very specific mental activity and just reading (consuming) isn't good enough, you have to do something creative with the material you've read, like debating it at the coffee house.

/lit/ likes to fancy itself as the salon once in a while, but even this place is just 90 percent shitposts. Proportionally, even wealthy people don't read nearly as much anymore. The television screen, whether tv, internet or phone, is just far too compelling.

>> No.16214634

Do you think it's therefore impossible to maintain a internet-free mind nowadays? Even checking your phone for 5 minutes a day for important stuff leaves a scare in your mind, an habit formed that pollutes it.

>> No.16214735


I personally hate phones but I myself am in front of the tv/internet battle station for hours on end, of an evening. A boomer era screen instead of the contemporary one. Occasionally I pick up a book from the pile but it requires some will. I take notes and occasionally edit Wikipedia if the article really warrants it, great for retention but even this type of activity isn't what Habermas was getting after. Also I'm an alcoholic and hate coffee, so the stimulation isn't there unless one counts soda.

It's "not impossible" only in the formal sense. I caved and got a phone years ago once it became clear that it would be an absolute requirement for work and things like that.

>> No.16215030

So, I'm making a list of improvements I want to make before I turn 31 having just turned 30. One of them is getting organised. I'm being lazy, though. I do wonder how much of the day when people aren't working that they're productive. I wonder and I feel like I'm behind for some reason.

I didn't realise we've changed the title.

>> No.16215131

i recently made a post here about how i'd love to kick immanuel kant in the head, which is of course a modified version of the "I'd love to kick Warwick Davis in the head." copypasta from /tv/. i just want to say i feel somewhat guilty about it now because i actually rather like kant, his goblinesque physique is no fault of his own and should not be grounds on which to make fun of such an important thinker as him. if he is looking down on me from heaven i ask forgiveness and i promise in return i will actually read your books one day

>> No.16215363

Free will is an illusion, life is predetermined. Fate is real.

Antinatalists are right, it is better to have never been born. Thus says the stoics, christians, buddhists and all who have thought it through.

The synthesis of these two perspectives is that life is a self perpetuating all encompassing suffering. With no end.

>> No.16216242

I recommend atomic habits book.

>> No.16216772

This kind of seems like shitty self-help.

>> No.16216946

I think Sartre is deserving of a strong slap

>> No.16216956

If life is pre-determined why be an anti-natalist, do you believe it's fate for everyone to become an anti-natalist and die? Also, nice misinterpretation of stoics Christians and buddhists.
Wait this is bait isn't it?

>> No.16216978

Lit is more refined a community than many in our age. Personally, I think it's due to our existence on the chans and forum culture that keeps it from becoming democratized and "massed" like r*ddit.
That being said, this is definitely a mass-culture place and something like a salon where the educated and interesting gather doesn't exist online (not that I know of), and I don't see any way of doing this sort of thing IRL

>> No.16216983


>> No.16217301

>something like a salon where the educated and interesting gather doesn't exist online (not that I know of),
The "not that I know of" is the important part here. There are private Twitter DM groups where Modern Intellectuals coalesce to talk about whatever they do; you just can't get into them because you didn't play the power game well enough. Call it sour grapes, but I don't think we're missing out on much.

>> No.16217322

Imagine sitting in a stuffy room like this, with a heavy outfit on, with fifty other dudes on a hot summer day without air condition. It has also been about week since anyone present has taken a bath. Imagine the smell, and Sisyphus being happy

>> No.16217326

you’re already here