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16207807 No.16207807 [Reply] [Original]

You anons say women can't write, but I see women destroying men in literally every twitter argument.

>> No.16207824

destroying is the opposite of creating

>> No.16207826

I have never actually seen a twitter argument, it's always at most 2 or 3 replies of people being snarky and not addressing each other's points

>> No.16207830

Nobody said women can't argue

>> No.16207836

Men aren't on twitter that's why

>> No.16207839

Well said

>> No.16207843


>> No.16207846
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Maybe you should go back there then.

>> No.16207851

arguing is what women are best at besides popping out babies

>> No.16207855

You are seeing the wrong arguments.

>> No.16207856


>> No.16207858

whether snarky or not, women still outdo men in every instance

>> No.16207867

sorry I didn't get this, someone explain?

>> No.16207878

Twitter "arguments" are below even 4chan arguments, as they are almost universally attempts to hack out "hot takes" , empty zingers, and "GOTCHA!" s. Sometimes this culminates in trying to get the other person blacklisted from employment/schooling.

>> No.16207880

your idea of winning is probably 'she insulted him in some way' instead of her actually arguing

>> No.16207884

Can you post one twitter argument in which a woman dismantles a man's argument point by point and doesn't just resort to namecalling or using her social capitol to shame/cancel him?

>> No.16207887

post tits

>> No.16207894

The men that argue with women on twitter tend to be right-wing brainlets who own themselves.

>> No.16207902

Even if it's an insult exchange, women still outperform.

>> No.16207904

post feet you dumb broad

>> No.16207924

again, whatever the game is, men and women equally participate in it, and men can't stand upto women most of the times.

>> No.16207928
File: 45 KB, 645x769, B5D6894B-2560-4F27-90DC-4D79680474CD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i look at this cute /lit/ girls twitter page every day, can she see that i’m doing this like on insta

>> No.16207934

it's not an insult exchange. One person argues a point and the other can't so they resort to insults

>> No.16207935

w-wait, y-you're telling me girls can see when you're visiting their profiles on instagram?

>> No.16207951

you may have noticed that if a man and woman get in a heated argument on the street people tend to take the woman's side. Do you think this is because she was making better points?

>> No.16207955

Are you implying women are better at catty gossip? Yikes sweaty

>> No.16207972

and the man has the option to insult back which he does and fails

>> No.16207978

Thot: "Sweetie, look at your profile photo! Eww! Your peepee must be small, too! Check your privileges."

>> No.16208046

Good insults require a combination of good use of words and fast thinking. If women are better at insults than men, that indicates she's better at those two than the man.

>> No.16208066

id agree that women are usually better at insults because that's how they think, they constantly assess social status and probe for personal weaknesses. That's not arguing though, they're not winning arguments

>> No.16208143

yeah you’ll come up in their suggested, not sure about twitter tho

>> No.16208178
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>Women good at insults
Not at all. The only thing they know is calling a man a virgin or in some way that the man in question cannot get laid. If this man has a 0-7/10 girlfriend or wife then they immediately go to attack this companion while implying that was the best the male could ever get. If the man has an 8+/10 girlfriend they say she's only with him because of wealth or just pure pity. If everything else fails she will use the "well I will never have sex with you" card as a final attempt to damage control, and then storm off before she is fully btfo. Women are just a gigantic steaming pile of never ending cope.

Arguing with women only shows you actually think of them as an equal, thus you have automatically lost.

>> No.16208200

lol basically grew up feeling women were the crowned experts of arguing.

>> No.16208228

women actually know which stuff to say that'd make the man hurt the most which is the entire purpose of insults, and the man being unable to find stuff to match the same tier is a failure from his side.

>> No.16208245
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Ignoring a women is the ultimate insult to them. As I said before; Arguing with women only shows you actually think of them as an equal, thus you have automatically lost.

>> No.16208269

Woman are easier to insult because you can just call them fat and ugly.

>> No.16208275
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Hyper based.

>> No.16208280


>> No.16208283

incel quoting another incel

>> No.16208292

And thats a good thing.

>> No.16208317

women can't argue they just attack the person instead of attacking the argument and they'll cry every single time if they start losing they don't actually get personal they constantly live taking every single little thing at heart and personal
I have never lost an argument with a woman and i always end up making them cry even at parties, once i made a roastie cry so hard she immediately seeked the nearest chad to find consolation and fucked him the guy thanked me later and we became best friends
>inb4 incel joke
i have a gf that i treat differently

>> No.16208352

You cannot have a legitimate argument on twitter.
Character limits are too small for a well-rounded argument, but perfect for insults.

>> No.16208448

Ha, reminds me of my veteran uncle who lives in the woods in upstate NY in a little hamlet he, his sons, and brothers built. Every few years the state sends a tax assessor to squeeze as much money out as they can (a lot of rich Manhattanites own summer cabins up there), but he knows the tax code in and out. Last time they sent a woman and she showed him some aerial pictures of the property, saying they were going to assess this and that building. He walked her around and showed her that they were just a bunch of wood sheds and chicken coops. Then he pointed out that none of the buildings had a concrete foundation, which takes a good bit off the worth of the property. Lastly, before the visit he took all the doors off all the buildings, which renders them "unfinished". She actually started crying and left in tears.

Cuomo, if you and your gay buddies see this, fuck you and suck my dick. Jew faggot.

>> No.16208459

wait is that my my ex and her new bf keep showing up? God fucking dammit go away

>> No.16208487


>> No.16208498
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arguing with women is like arguing with children. even if you win you lose.
>twitter argument

>> No.16208519

What good insults? It's just the same shit over and over again

>> No.16208545

Show us some of these exchanges.

>> No.16208548
File: 77 KB, 743x664, 1587939389343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Women are directly adapted to act as the nurses and educators of our early childhood, for the simple reason that they themselves are childish, foolish, and short-sighted—in a word, are big children all their lives, something intermediate between the child and the man, who is a man in the strict sense of the word. Consider how a young girl will toy day after day with a child, dance with it and sing to it; and then consider what a man, with the very best intentions in the world, could do in her place.
Arthur Schopenhauer.

>> No.16208557


>> No.16208564

every single twitter user needs to be shot and dumped in a mass grave