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16203353 No.16203353 [Reply] [Original]

>he fears that women take power
>he doesn't know that it happens all the time before big change
>he doesn't know that men give it all up to go "underground" and regroup, re-think and...
>he doesn't know that after this big change men come back with something new to move everything forward again
>he wastes his energy arguing with feminists online instead of...
>making himself a better person, working, coming up with the ideas
I figured out humanity ladies and gentlemen.

>> No.16203366
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Welcome to the club. It's been a slow walk, but we're making it.
My estimate is for women to grow beauty standards as a consequence of men growing standards for the internal state of women in addition.

>> No.16203383
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>he fears women
>he can't have sex
>he decides to imagine an ebin chad utopia that would make him less of an incel

>> No.16203384

humans go through phases of liberalism, conservatism, liberalism, conservatism, over and over.

>> No.16203386

>narrative talking point
>projection in favor of ignoring the post
I can have sex. I just have to lie to do so, since women are scared shitless of anybody as 'radical' as I. That is, a threat to their (and every other kind of jewish) hegemony.

>> No.16203390

>no black sun in the distant
You disappoint me.

>> No.16203392

i like how the most fundamental part of the roastie/incel mythos is the idea that sex is the sole source of meaning and ultimate purpose of life instead of this gross thing cumbrains do when they get horny
like holy shit the thought disgusts me

>> No.16203397

Sounds like you just want a gay rave cave

>> No.16203408

I love women. It's just this >>16203384 And i love everything now after this realisation. I was confused at it's worst. How can you hate women?
Nah i just realised the whole circle of humanity thing. It's fucking cool.

>> No.16203410
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Here's for you, the masculine dark virtues shining over the clear skies; and the bright moon reflecting beauty and virtue to the darkness of womankind.

>> No.16203415

yeah, sex becomes rather trivial if you just have it instead of picturing a porn-induced a mythological version.

>> No.16203422

>Bureaucrats and nerds in charge
>Human rights! Constitutions! --- conscription, mass taxes; humanity becomes a bureaucratic unit, and everything it is becomes a trade, humanity as a whole becomes cells in the superorganism of the state
>Merchants in charge
>human rights for sale, human soldiers for sale, human organs for sale, human lives for sale, human life guided solely by debt; human governments guided solely by debt
>Public education system - and it's perpetualized through spam and brainwashing
>...humanity stagnates after centuries of worthlessness (aka. of arbitrary value)
>women in charge, as they ruled over the arbitrary, expendable males they crafted
I hope we evolve past this particular loop for good.

>> No.16203458

Why is the Black sun so unironically kino

>> No.16203479

>He still thinks people have anything to do with history
How very modern.

>> No.16203491

>believes an ideology from the 1940s which pillages ancient cultures and religions while understanding all of them poorly
>calls himself a "radical"

>> No.16204525


>> No.16204538

why is this stickied?

>> No.16204543
File: 128 KB, 790x1332, 31A80484-D93D-4EC0-9373-8D8EAD8709FB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i figured out humanity
No you haven‘t until you know that the only way forward is to unite men and women and how to do it.

>> No.16204547

Sigh, it‘s on the pic not an actual stick.

>> No.16204553

thanks einstein

>> No.16204652

We are always united. One way or another. dumb dumb

>> No.16204667

Hmmmmm based and redpilled....

>> No.16204673

You know exactly what i mean.

>> No.16204695

It kinda goes back and forth like a wave right

>> No.16204754

Exactly. It's like a family situation. Man usually comes with what family is going to do. But sometimes even a man doesn't know what to do. He goes to his room alone, smokes a cigarette. At this point woman is with kids. She is leading the situation now. He does push ups and comes back. Everything is back to normal. But nothing will be the same you know what i mean. It's beautiful.

>> No.16205099

>masculine dark virtues
The black part of Yin Yang represents femininity
Masculinity is light

>> No.16205108

based and Paretopilled