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16194901 No.16194901 [Reply] [Original]

>Which books do you find yourself rereading often?




>> No.16194913

Welder or Mechanic. What has more plot potential for a protagonist?

>> No.16194922
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Unless they're inherently short, none.
There has been no piece (other than Dune + Dune Messiah really) that I've wanted to revisit ever.
The stuff you can hammer out in a quarter of a day or less - a lot of Machen's works and weird fiction in general, a lot of Conan stories, smut - I've read at most twice or three times.

I don't know, you choose anon.
We aren't writing your story.

>> No.16194927

But you're so eager to share your opinions on other things

>> No.16194937

That makes no sense. Why can't you choose something about the thing you're writing?
Make them a Plumber.

>> No.16194939

Good idea he can use a drain snake as a familiar. See this is why I asked

>> No.16194944

This is slightly autistic, but do you guys like stuff like the LOTR Appendices, AWOIAF, and Fire and Blood? I love history-style fiction, and was wondering if anyone had scifi reccs for this style of writing.


>> No.16194948

because this is the only way anyone will ever engage with his work.

>> No.16194958

A welder does one specific thing and might take pride in a job well done. Nobody cares about welders because they're a tiny component in a larger team (except in oil rigs or that kind of shit). He fixes things by connecting them. Lots of welding is done by robots.
A mechanic needs to know a bit of everything. He's either a clockmaker or a clever savage who knows how things go together. They're more responsible, typical side characters, sometimes unethical.

Neither has more potential if it's one random checkbox in the backstory you had planned. You could make either's favorite color 'blue' but if this has no significance for the plot, it's all the same. What I mean is it's all up to you to pick an occupation and make it relevant to the character or the story.

>> No.16195008

Why don't fantasy books use illustrations here and there? If they had stuff like the OP pic to show the world I would feel much more immersed since I can't picture places for shit.

>> No.16195072

Japan does this. They are called light novels.

>> No.16195081

Nah they mostly put pictures of the girls. I'm talking environments.

>> No.16195169

I, too, wish fantasy and sci-fi novels would sprinkle some art work through their pages. I have no idea why, for example, Brandon Sanderon's publisher won't dish out a few more bucks to at least put some art in his hardcovers. That wasn't an endorsement of Sanderson by the way; he's shit. I'm only using him as an example because of his popularity and I'm sure he's raking in decent money for his publisher.

>> No.16195207

They're books for the big boys. You're supposed to read if and because you have an imagination. They're limiting, they cost time and money and good illustrators are scarce.
Illustrations were usually, historically speaking, included to attract children into reading. Which is why the demographic for LNs is teenagers and manchildren.

>> No.16195219

Yes because adults don't look at artwork. Retard.

>> No.16195220

To me it's the same reason why I don't like looking up the faces of people who talk on podcasts I listen to. As soon as I see a face that goes against the vision I created it completely kills the interest in the podcast for me. Not saying that's rational, just how it is for me.

The same might happen if I envisioned a ship some way just to see them paint a giant dildo bridge sticking out the front

>> No.16195224

>you want to see a nice illustration or two in that fantasy or sci-fi novel you're reading? heh what are you; a child?
Never go full retard, anon.

>> No.16195257

I'd hate if there were illustrations for books. I do my best not to look at the cover art. The whole joy of reading is letting your imagination run wild with the author's ideas.

>> No.16195269 [DELETED] 
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near future > far future > distant future > literally all of the way to the very end of time

>> No.16195275
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>> No.16195309

Quick question. Have you read graphic novels and/or comic books in the last 5 years or after the age of 18?
Adults usually look at artworks, yes, but not in novels. In art books, museums, etc.
Some special editions with illustrations do exist, but they are more expensive because they require a different printing process if you want a quality print (i.e. better paper) and good illustrations are costly.
Fiction books with illustrations usually are for children and teenagers. I only presented a fact. You've yet to argue why, a practice limited to children's books, should extend to adult fiction.
And, btw, one of Sanderson's novels does include some shitty illustrations about some race or shield formation.

>> No.16195349

>You've yet to argue why, a practice limited to children's books, should extend to adult fiction.
lol you want me to "argue" why adults might want to look at a nice illustration or two in the novels they read? Del Rey sprinkled in plenty of art for their Conan collections; you think any adult reading them thought, "Heh these are like books for children"? You say "adults usually look at artworks, yes, but not in novels" and I say that's because there's barely any artwork IN novels to begin with. You think those same adults would complain? Just because children's books use lots of artwork and illustrations doesn't mean a novel meant for adults can't.

>> No.16195355

Any series that I enjoyed the whole way through I have reread at least once. There's a smaller bunch that I've reread at least 3 times though:
>Black Magician trilogy by Trudi Canavan (4 times)
>Riftwar Saga by Raymond E Feist (5 times)
>A Song of Ice and Fire by George RR Martin (3 times)
>Shadowmarch by Tad Williams (3 times)

I also reread any non-fantasy fiction that I enjoyed the same way. I think I've read Shogun by James Clavell probably 8 times.

>> No.16195357

Nothing you said in this post makes sense. Adults like art just like anyone else. But instead of kiddie art you could have nice detailed pics like the OP pic. There is no reason not to have them, the only reason they aren't included in adult books is because it costs extra money. People that can afford it like Sanderson don't need them because he sells like hot cakes anyways and less popular authors can't afford them.

>> No.16195363

Sanderson's Stormlight Archive books have sketches in them. It adds a nice touch since they're supposed to be sketches done by one of the characters.

Also there are some illustrated versions of fantasy books. I have a beautifully illustrated hardcover set of Lord of the Rings, as well as an illustrated anthology volume of the Earthsea Cycle.

>> No.16195369

>The whole joy of reading is letting your imagination run wild with the author's ideas.
Not if you have a shit imagination.

>> No.16195370

>Illustrations were usually, historically speaking, included to attract children into reading.
lol you could not be more wrong

>> No.16195373

>Black Magician trilogy
Good stuff, Anon.

>> No.16195378

It's just so comfy. I love each book for its own reasons. Makes me wish the rest of the novels in that setting were as good.

>> No.16195385

>"We should expect this young woman to be more powerful than our average novice, possibly even more powerful than the average magician."
>This year, like every other, the magicians of Imardin gather to purge the city of undesirables. Cloaked in the protection of their sorcery, they move with no fear of the vagrants and miscreants who despise them and their work-—until one enraged girl, barely more than a child, hurls a stone at the hated invaders...and effortlessly penetrates their magical shield.
>What the Magicians' Guild has long dreaded has finally come to pass. There is someone outside their ranks who possesses a raw power beyond imagining, an untrained mage who must be found and schooled before she destroys herself and her city with a force she cannot yet control.

Really guys?

>> No.16195397

I generally find short story anthologies like JG Ballard's Low Flying Aircraft, Gibson's Burning Chrome, and Philip K Dick's Second Variety. I've kept coming back to those three for about 15 years.

>> No.16195407

I'd say Welder because they can end up in all kinds of weird places, underwater, tunnels, inside storage tanks. Mechanics generally stick to the shop, unless you mean a machinist, which is something different entirely.

>> No.16195411

Any books that fit OP's pic?

>> No.16195422

Really what? It's a fantastic story. Classic rags to riches boarding school narrative, with mystery, intrigue, and some romance. There's no big complicated mythology to keep track of or confusing timeline of events to untangle, it's just a simple straight forward story with likable characters and solid arcs. It's nice to go back to it to unwind after reading something unpleasant or difficult.

>> No.16195423

is the mistborn trilogy worth reading?
I've only read lotr
and should i read the stormligh archives after?

>> No.16195430

Going from Tolkien to Sanderson might give you whiplash. Not that you won't enjoy it, but if your only exposure to high fantasy is Tolkien then reading a more modern style, especially Sanderson's style in Mistborn, might seem so jarring to you that you wouldn't even think of it as the same genre.

>> No.16195468

No, And also no. Sanderson's audience heavily overlaps with people who read LitRPGs and that's basically what you're going to get reading any of his series.

>> No.16195470

There's lots of people who like Mistborn and Sanderson. There's no telling if you will though. If you really liked Lord of the Rings and want more stuff like it, then Mistborn is unlikely to satisfy you. You'd be better off reading other works by Tolkien then maybe looking around at some of Tolkien's contemporaries, or maybe his imitators up through the 1980s. Since you're new to the genre you should know that it's quite a bit more diverse than you might've thought getting into it. Tolkien is very influential but there are plenty of big names that operate outside his traditions. Sanderson is one such.

>> No.16195487
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I would say yes, if you like anime. The characters, plot and fights are very much like an anime style.

>team: assorted people and beings with different powers
>power: infinite
>goal: save the world

>> No.16195568
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Some do.

>> No.16195581

expensive. They should do those barcode things that take you to a website with the art work. That way it could even be color.

>> No.16195615

Mechanic by miles. Welders only work as a single part of a larger project. Mechanics can be part of a larger team or independent. A mechanic could be sent with a group of scientists, soldiers, explorers, anything really. You could also extrapolate those skills as a reason for him knowing other things. Like, if he discoverers an alien ship he might be able to discern that he’s looking at a cooling system or a guidance system and know how to do a basic repair. Welder could be good though in other ways. In the first pacific rim movie the guy takes a job repetitively welding beams on the coastal wall and hates it. You could do something like that.

>> No.16195923

Ahem. Fock EE Willie Brown

>> No.16195953
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What am I in for lads?

>> No.16195959

Not if you're an imaginationlet like the OP. He can't imagine something described to him, so he wants them to draw a picture.

>> No.16195967

It came out in 2001, before name of the wind and it's copy cats.

>> No.16195968

Lots of pro-rape propaganda

>> No.16195971
File: 47 KB, 250x380, MalazanBookOfTheFallen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No mater what people say, this is the only long series that will probably satisfy you after coming from the lord of the rings.

Sanderson is teenage fantasy.

>> No.16195985

Malazan is one of those things that badly needed illustrations.

>> No.16196010

I'm actually glad that something The Malazan Book of the Fallen. it will never be turned into a tv series.

>> No.16196128
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there is lots of fan art

>> No.16196179

Caladan pls

>> No.16196240

Rapey Conan written by a weird fetishist lacking any skill.

>> No.16196427
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Kharkanas > Malazan
Kind of disappointed he decided to work on the Witness books instead of finishing that up before.
Karsa is based, but I really enjoyed jaghut bantz in Kharkanas and Draconus is a good lad.

>> No.16196730

the first 3 were not terrible but young adult fiction so it will never be great.
the faux-wild west books that come after are utter trash and i don't think anyone in there right mind would read them more than once.

>> No.16196745

what is google, my man.

>> No.16196900

Do HFYs go in here?

>> No.16196975
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What's some books on the ice age or stone age?

>> No.16197122

Is 'Johannes Cabal The Necromancer' any good?

>> No.16197123

reddit is probably a better place for reddit memes. try there.

>> No.16197266

If they're good, yeah. If not, go to reddit.

>> No.16197548
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I want to fuck a spider.

>> No.16197622
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What hugo winning novels have you read that you thought were good? What ones have you read that you thought were overrated?

For me

>Starship Troopers
>A Canticle for Leibowitz
>The Forever War

>The man in the high castle

>> No.16197677

Just finished the nexus trilogy. Fuck you Ramez Naam you glorious bastard for that gut wrenching ending.

>> No.16197924

Why are all the female characters in r scott bakker books relegated to being useless fuck dolls?

>> No.16197930

It's trying to be realistic.

>> No.16198037
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>They call me the Spider. I'm the most feared assassin in the South — when I'm not busy at the Pork Pit cooking up the best barbecue in Ashland. As a Stone elemental, I can hear everything from the whispers of the gravel beneath my feet to the vibrations of the soaring Appalachian Mountains above me. My Ice magic also comes in handy for making the occasional knife. But I don't use my powers on the job unless I absolutely have to. Call it professional pride.

>> No.16198049

I read Blood of the Tiger the other day, it was pretty good. Ended fine. Didn't make me care enough to seek out the other two books in the trilogy.

>> No.16198096
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What fantasy authors should I read to improve my prose? What fantasy author is considered to have the best prose? Some names I've heard tossed around a lot
>Gene Wolfe
>The big man himself, Tolkien
>Robert E. Howard
>Ursula Le Guin
>Guy Gavriel Kay
>Madeline Miller (specifically in Song of Achilles)
>Patricia McKillip
>Peter S. Beagle

>> No.16198180

You don't have to read fantasy for that.

>> No.16198238
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>reading tolkien for prose

>> No.16198276



>> No.16198294

This is terrible writing. Why do you read this, anon?

>> No.16198308

You don't read other fantasy to develop your prose. Work on your English and try to have your sentences flow into each other. Don't do cringey shit that would break flow.

>> No.16198314

He wanted to fuck a spider. That girl is called Spider, so he can fuck her.

>> No.16198381

PKD famously didn't read much if any scifi and was radically dismissive of it. same with Stephen Erikson. Most any good fantasy or sci-fi author says the same thing, it is not what they read. Stop being an utter brainlet, >>16198096

>> No.16198412


>In those days, despite her fractiousness, Jehane’s father’s words had been as text and holy guide for her.
>Garcia had resolved upon his course even while walking and stumbling north through darkness after the raid on Orvilla. Blood dripping from his torn cheek, he had kept himself going by visualizing the naked figure of Miranda Belmonte twisting beneath him, while her children were made to watch their mother’s defilement. Garcia was good at imagining such things.

>> No.16198450

>She shifted then, sinuous and smooth, and was above him now, more urgently, his manhood still within her, sheathed in liquescence. Her mouth descended, covered his. Her breath was scented with mint, her kisses a kind of threading fire. She stopped his speech, her tongue like a hummingbird. Her nails raked downward along his side. He gasped.

>Even so, he was drawn to water when distressed, when something within him needed assuaging. Far from the desert, the desert lay inside him like a wound or a weight, as it lay inside them all.

>Alvar didn’t recognize himself. He looked like an eagle. He looked dangerous.

>> No.16198482

>not being able to differentiate between prose and content

that's a yike

>> No.16198510

welders go places, machanics do things
you don't have to be a machanic to fix thing, but you absolutely need training and practice to weld good

>> No.16198520
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Goodreads group
September Book Selection has started in the goodreads group
Downloads: https://mega.nz/folder/boM2VYIL#tIAAgdpTC_khpDE5jLMAWw
Will be added to as need, probably, assuming I get around to it.

The Rage of Dragons
August 24th-29th
I'll be posting my daily thoughts in these threads.

Discord Schedule from aeos, but go at your own pace.
Feel free to discuss in the GR group or in these threads.
Chapter progression by day
Mon: 2
Tue: 5
Wed: 7
Thu: 10
Fri: 14
Sat: End
Reading/Will be reading: 3 members
Previously finished: 4 members
Previously to-read: 4 members

CURRENT SCHEDULE (subject to change)
DISCORD - https://discord.gg/KWPCM7m
24-29th: The Rage of Dragons
30th-3rd: Red Country

4th-6th: Sharp Ends
7th-12th: A Little Hatred
15th-20th: The Trouble with Peace

>> No.16198540

>not being able to follow a 2 post sequence between a question about prose -> prose examples
I couldn't care less about the trad female and the rape. I just posted a few examples of bad similes and mediocre writing.

>> No.16198762

Please help me find this book I read when I was a kid.
The main character is a little inventor dude who lives in a fishing village set on high cliffs. He has invented a wing/paragliding thing and is interested in tinkering with stuff and studying the natural world. He is friends with a boy in the village, but all the adults hate him.
The boy steals the wing to go fly, and his body is found tangled in the nets hanging off the cliffs. The corpse is torn apart, ans the villagers blame the inventor. The inventor thinks it looks like the boy was attacked. He leaves to find out what happened. There are other view points, and the royalty of the nation live in giant trees that are still growing. The thing that killed the boy was a dragon type thing. I remember that the book was pretty long, but it had random sketches of different scenes interspersed through the prose.

>> No.16198777

Just gotta have an “engineer” protag as if engineering classes in college teach you how to make anti biotics, gunpowder, and combustion engines

>> No.16198789

I think that's How to Drain Your Dragon

>> No.16198892

if dude doesn't understand what eithr of these things involve he wont be able to write them. it's like writing a story in a city you've never experienced. there is no point in trying to help the man.

>> No.16198942

as per, >>16194958, the solution is to have welder vs. mechanic. Specifically, the chad welder antagonist vs. the virgin mechanic protagonist.

>> No.16198968

>brandon sanderson
>for big boys
kill yourself

>> No.16198999

Read Terry Pratchett to get the funny

>> No.16199011

>My Ice magic also comes in handy for making the occasional knife
modern fantasy can suck a fucking dick

>> No.16199072

shit tier fantasy is nothing new, anon.

>> No.16199079

I've recently crushed the entire first mistborn trilogy, first book took me 3-4 days, second a day and a half and the last one <1 day.

As with Stormlight Archives, the books get progressively better. Sanderson has a writing style where he reiterates a lot of information, very basic information, that you'll already know by heart if you read it all in a row. The books are obviously constructed in a way that you can easily pick up a series again if you left off on the book before.

But enought ranting. They're enjoyable, solid books, even though frustrating at times (mostly the last book where all the plot-relevant information is already given to you, and you can see troubles coming from far away already).
If you can get them for not too cheap, i'd say they're a good intro to modern fantasy. Or you could go for something like WoT.

>> No.16199281

Nope, it was a book. I probably read it late 90s or early 00s

>> No.16199288

These kinds of posts are just fucking absurd. You clearly don't know anything about writing or about fantasy. What the fuck are you doing with your pretensions of being an author?

>> No.16199308

Reading fantasy for prose is like going to the opera so you can have a place to sit down for a few hours.

>> No.16199325

This is like a parody of trashy urban fantasy.

>> No.16199337

I think the dragon may have been a magical construct from an enemy country used to attack the protag's homeland. But the dragon was definitely malicious.

>> No.16199448

*struggles to contain awsomeness*
just don't

>> No.16199626

Are there any good female fantasy authors? Why does it feel like every time i see a fantasy/sci-fi book by a woman, it's always le epic seductress main character that's also the strongest in the world? Is the problem female authors, or that female main characters are often trash?

>> No.16199637

Have you read any Robin Hobb?

>> No.16199698

fuck off discord tranny.

>> No.16199780

>protag molests an incapacitated female enough so that she falls for him

Catch a western writer following this trope, never in a million years

>> No.16199820

You're sly anon. You're asking for recs, while not asking for recs.
I know a few books where this happens, but since you are so sure it doesn't happen, I won't list them.

>> No.16199843
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REH's prose isn't anything special
GGK's prose is on the purple side, there's still value in reading his work to improve your own style though.
Miller's Circe is better than Song of Achilles imo.
To add some more to your list;
Mervyn Peake's Gormenghast for top notch atmospheric prose. If you were only going to read one book, read this.
Janny Wurts' work for really dense prose.
Lord Dunsany's work for prose that flows like poetry.
Catherynne Valente; another poet turned writer who could paint a vivid picture with her words.

>> No.16199881

>REH's prose isn't anything special
Never go full retard.

>> No.16199940


>> No.16199972

Perhaps you're seeing too much romantic sff. Try some Ada Palmer.

I suggest Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell, even though you asked for sci-fi. It has the history stuff in the footnotes between the story.

>> No.16199979

>Robin Hobb
>Lois McMaster Bujold
>Ursula K LeGuin
>Susanna Clarke
>Katherine Arden
>Patricia McKillip
>Jacqueline Carey (main char is a concubine so kind of fits what you’re hating on)
>CJ Cherryh

There are plenty, they’re just hidden in a wave of YA and urban fantasy trash. What have you been reading?

>> No.16199982

I've read and enjoyed books by Trudi Canavan, Karen Miller, Ursula K Le Guin, and Janny Wurts. Le Guin aside, the other authors I mentioned have some similarities to one another, and differences from male authors that I've noted.

Karen Miller likes to write male protagonists, the books I've read by her feature them, anyway. Sometimes with female protagonists alongside them, sometimes it's a pair of men together. Surprisingly, no homo. Her characters tend to be very emotional though. Male authors tend to sublimate feelings of love with descriptions of duty or honor or loyalty, being more concerned with the expression rather than the emotion underneath, but Miller remains very focused on the emotional aspects of character interactions. Her male characters are still honorable, loyal, and dutiful, but much more direct about their emotions. There were times reading Kingmaker, Kingbreaker that I became very aware I was reading a woman's interpretation of two men talking.

Trudi Canavan does female protagonists with an older male deuteragonist, in a student/teacher or servant/master relationship. In one case her work took a decidedly hard feminist bent, but the other two series I've read by her are not very aggressively political. Her female protagonists tend to be naturally gifted but ignorant and in need of guidance, hence the inevitable relationship with an older male character who possesses the same gifts. She tends to give her female protagonists a singular goal almost entirely unrelated to the main story, and the larger plot is mostly about how events get in the way of her achieving that goal and embroil her in larger conflicts that she's forced to ultimately participate in. The one series that differed, the one with the feminist bent, the ultimate goal and the primary conflict were one and the same, so it was a departure from her usual style in more ways than one.

Lastly I'll talk about Janny Wurts. I've not read much by her, a series she co-wrote with Raymond E. Feist, Daughter of the Empire and its sequels. The setting and characters are Feist's, but the plotting is likely mostly Wurts'. I say this because I've read a lot of Feist's bibliography, over 20 novels of his in fact, and am very familiar with his style. Daughter of the Empire feels distinct. Similar to Miller, the way she writes men is extremely emotional. The concepts that male authors tend to focus on are there (loyalty, duty, honor) but once again the raw emotion driving them is given more emphasis than in Feist's other books. He tends to write very dignified and solemn important characters who crack wry half smiles and harden their gaze to pain. Wurts' characters will scream, will rage, will tremble with barely contained fury. Also they will fuck, a lot, and much mention is made of this, which is absent from a lot of Feist's books (except Faerie Tale which I like to think was a much-needed outlet for him to write all the pent up sexual content).

>> No.16199987

Just read actual literature

>> No.16200097

>“Y-You too, Miss...” He said smoothly

>> No.16200141

>Also they will fuck, a lot, and much mention is made of this, which is absent from a lot of Feist's books
I recall a lot of sex in Serpent War Saga, or I might just be inflating the presence of sex since it was one of the only memorable parts.

>> No.16200178

Lol. you are crazy if you think RH and LeGuin are hidden. they are two of the biggest names in fantasy and scifi respectively.

What's this from? how is one able to wrist so badly and still get published?

>> No.16200182

Rise of a Merchant Prince, I believe, and yes he did put some saucy scenes in there. Something of an anomaly really. Feist's characters aren't chaste, but his stories never seem to have any time for sex, and its at best implied to have happened with anything potentially arousing cut out. RoaMP was a bit different in that you actually got a point of view character in bed mid and post coitus, which is a lot more intimate than you get anywhere else.

>> No.16200232

I wrote the hidden comment after writing the full list, so just ignore that. The sentiment still feels right.

>> No.16200270

Fair. Did you like Hobb btw? I didn't like most of her work, seemed basic but i thought the Soldier's Son trilogy was amazing. rare we get a narative that lays outside or opposed to civilization within fantasy. the only other i can think if malazan.

>> No.16200528

Plenty of mechanics already, do the welder just for novelty's sake. Can even do fantasy or scifi welding, like the guy who's got to climb inside the leyline and suture the dragon veins, or the one in charge of making all those "seamless" magical doors in the wizard tower. Or maybe someone constructing the outer shell of an atmospheric dome on Mars, which will never be completed in his lifetime, or a back alley doctor inn a biopunk setting that "welds" people back together frankenstein style. Or maybe a normal welder story about veraious interesting or dangerou places, or a welding horror story about being trapped in a caved in pipeline or ontop of a mile high telecom tower during a hurricane. There's infinite possibilities in every premise, just pick literally anything and go from there.

Why a welder or a mechanic specifically? Why not a botanist, or a painter, or a ditch digger, or a janitor, or a bus driver?

>> No.16200641

She’s hit and miss for me. She has a way of making me emotional like no one else can because of her prose and characters, but her plotting in later books gets contrived. The first 7 books in RotM ending with Fool’s Errand are some of my favourite fantasy and act as a great self contained story, but it goes downhill after that. Relationships start to feel less natural as characters start acting in ways Hobb wants them to, rather than how you feel they would. It’s all because she decided that Fitz and the Fool have the best relationship ever, and then tried to retroactively make them best buds ever, while making Fitz ignore every other actually interesting character. Feels like a betrayal to the her best characters, who all got replaced by one silly clown man.

Yet to read Soldier Son but I usually hear bad things. Yours is the first positive.

>> No.16200677

Hobb is one of my favourite authors and I read all of her other work, but I couldn't get through Soldier's Son. I read the first book and though I liked the first half, I found it very frustrating in the second half. It's been a while since I read it now so I'm not sure I can go into any more detail though.

I usually say her first 9 books are very good and her subsequent 10 are very mixed. The Rain Wild quadrilogy felt like YA to me and the final Fitz trilogy was totally unsatisfying.

>> No.16200810

so at the end of wheel of time, did rand realize that the world he lives is a dream?is that why he could light his pipe? It reminds me of a concept in hinduism that the universe vishnu's dream

>> No.16200816

You conanfaggots are becoming chartfag levels of annoying.

>> No.16200830

So long as we keep triggering you simpoids.

>> No.16200837

Nah, he just got creator powers

>> No.16200853

>literal faggots are out in mass tonight to defend their muscled imaginary barbarian bf

>> No.16200875
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>Nuuu, what do you mean it's pulp trash? CONAN has peak literary value and amazing biceps and he gets ALL the girls.

>> No.16200900
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What the fuck am I reading?

>> No.16200941
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>"In March 2019, Erikson described progress on the series and informed his fans that Karsa might not appear in the first or even second book of the series. He noted that Karsa had made a big impact on his world and the repercussions needed to be examined before returning to Karsa himself"
>stopped writing Kharkanas for this
>main reason to read the books wont even be involved for most of the trilogy
Fuck you cunt.

>> No.16200943

Thank you for proving my point, simpling lol

>> No.16200952

That's what happens when you don't outline lol

>> No.16200955

Norse-Arthurian isekai

>> No.16200961

I don't see this as a problem. My boi karsa has caused a lot of uproar in the world and i'm happy to see the outcome of that and how others have reacted to his anti-modernity worldview.

>> No.16201047

I'll give the Conanfags this much, at least it isn't Malazan.

>> No.16201055

Fahrenheit 451. Every time I read it we get closer to Montag's world

>> No.16201058

>Unless they're inherently short
lol what a retarded sentence, just say "unless they're short" , inherent is superfluous here

>> No.16201063

I picked up Embassytown by Mieville at a second hand store today. I also wanted some Zelanzy, but they didn't have any. They did have Schild's Ladder by Greg Egan but I was too scared to buy it.

>> No.16201071

oh and they have Fall; or, Dodge in Hell by Stephenson, but I was also afraid to get it. Stephenson and his shitty endings..

>> No.16201088

PKD was a terrible writer, though.

>> No.16201092

amen. terrible ass prose.

>> No.16201184

Who ever shilled coiling dragon here thank you.
That was the best bro before hoes I read for this year. They also put that conniving thot in her place and publicly ruined her.

>> No.16201189

A minor matter, Second Bro.

>> No.16201221
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Timewyrm Revelation was a great book, didn't expect Cornell's prose to be noteworthy or for him to put such interesting and abstract stuff like the unconscious Jungian psyche of the Doctor. Now I see why he is so well regarded, I had fun picking up the little call backs to Classic Who stories and the interactions between Doctors.

Just the sort of inward analysis of the Doctor's mind and his relationship with his companions that I didn't know I needed. The part where those 3 appeared to him was so fucking good, horrifying yet described with sublime language. Cornell definitely won me as a reader with this one.

planning on starting the Scar soon as a first Mieville

>> No.16201231

I've only ever read The City & The City by Mieville and really enjoyed it. the best word I can use to describe the book is that it was very "refreshing"

>> No.16201233
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Just finished BotNS. Can some kind anon please point me in the direction of a review or analysis which can help me to understand it?

>> No.16201247

I swear someone asks this question in literally every thread. We have a chart for female authors in the mega, it can't be that hard to check

>> No.16201264

Karen Miller is such a misery fetishist, I honestly don't know how anyone could enjoy her work

>> No.16201274

yeah i read a bit of PerdidoSS a while back but left it unfinished god knows why, I remember however it all seemed really creative. Vandermeer's "City of Saints and Madmen" gives me a bit of that vibe too

>> No.16201391

I read all of the Bas Lang series and i really enjoyed them. I kind of wish he'd leave his politics at home but they also add a lot to the stories, maybe if he just toned it down a little?

>> No.16201417

Also, should I read book 5 right away or after a short break?

>> No.16201437

Right away. It will also likely answer many of your questions, a bulk at first, and some of the more obscure ones over the following weeks.

>> No.16201469

>Thinks How To Train Your Dragon isn’t a book

>> No.16201507

>replies to obvious bait

>> No.16201567

Kingmaker Kingbreaker was suffering.

>> No.16201624

Could anyone recommend books with solitary protagonists, traveling and dealing with practical problems? A character like Severian, but maybe in more a low fantasy setting.

>> No.16201749

Why are there no good sci-fi book series? Every good sci-fi book is standalone

>> No.16201754

they're usually based around a single concept/gimmick that only lasts one book

>> No.16201775

scifi has more literary value than post-tolkien fantasy

>> No.16201779

I'd also like to know. Feels like every fantasy I can remember has parties, companions, or the solitary guys are either villains or one PoV among many.

>> No.16201788

Prince of Nothing is actually scifi.

>> No.16201839

ENDER'S game is so fucking GOOD.

>> No.16201868

What's the LOGH of the west?

>> No.16201884

Oh, I remembered one. Jack of Shadows by Zelazny, but it's mostly about revenge and kind of high fantasy.

>> No.16201909

What's the RotTK of the west?

>> No.16201940

The Iliad, I guess.

>> No.16201944

Leave it to me

>> No.16202083

Of the following, which would be good after reading a series and a tome?
>Gideon of the Ninth
>Complete Conan (including essays and the 'notes' apparently)
>Jack Vance's Complete Dying Earth

>> No.16202139

its good. I havent read it since i was a kid but i remember enjoying it. Its also obviously written for girls but i still enjoyed it which is rare. The magic academy setting is just really comfy.

>> No.16202145

ive actually read this lmao. About as trash as youd expect.

>> No.16202166

Conan is light fun

>> No.16202198

One of those things is nothing like the others.

>> No.16202204

I have to be in a mood for it. Kingmaker, Kingbreaker always makes me sad, but it's a nice story. Godspeaker at least has a happy ending. For some characters at least. The ones who aren't forced to kill their mother to stop her from committing genocide.

>> No.16202210

It's not entirely clear. But it is possible that the world/worlds are in fact just the Creator's dream and Rand is now aware of that. (see how when Egwene is in Tel'aran'rhiod she speaks in all caps...the only characters to do that in the series are creator and the dark one.) So it does seem that Rand's power is likely related to the dream world somehow.

>> No.16202212

I picked up Kingbreaker on a whim because I liked the cover and read it with my mom, and she hated it so much that she brings it up every time I recommend her a book now

>> No.16202308

Did you know that scifi are Tolkien clones?

>> No.16202319

Neither. They all trash.

>> No.16202323

Conan then Dying Earth then delete or throw away your copy of Gaydeon.

>> No.16202328

Nice try, Brandon.

>> No.16202338

Brandon is trash filler too, just like Vance and REH.

>> No.16202388
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Thoughts on China Mieville's hot take?

>> No.16202392


>> No.16202400

I'm having trouble finding sf/f that I like
I remember trying to read A Princess of Mars, and thinking it was quite good but disliking the prose and not being terribly interested, liking Conan, but again not finding it particularly moving, loving Elric, just finally tried to read Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser after so many years and found it unreadable, I like The Hobbit but I'm not in the mood for that kinda stuff lately, I rally like sword and sorcery/sword and planet

what should I check next

>> No.16202410


>> No.16202420

The same dull ass take every fantasy writer is obligated to have.

>> No.16202437

And what fantasy do you not consider to be trash?

>> No.16202439

He doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about.

>> No.16202485

I really liked Ender's Game.

>> No.16202502

>just finally tried to read Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser after so many years and found it unreadable
Get the feeling you tried reading the later stories instead of the earlier (superior) ones. BUT I suggest you check out Rogues of Merth if you still might have that itch to read bros-being-bros S&S. It's a blatant homage to F&tGM, but written in an easier style. Just fun adventure stories. If you'd like something a bit darker but not grimderpy then check out The Great Die Slow and Other Tales of Dark Adventure by Harry Piper. I finished it the other night and thought it was quite solid overall (the last two stories in particular). You can read the stories in any order since none of them are connected except they all take place in a vaguely dark ages fantasy Celtic setting so I would definitely suggest you start with the last two stories since they were the strongest IMO.

>> No.16202511

>ehEhHEhh tax policy

>> No.16202513

I did used to read a lot of sci-fi, and liked Ender's Game, I don't think I'll be reading any sci-fi again anytime soon though, maybe planetary romance though
I started at Swords and Deviltry, I'll try them

I just checked out Clark Ashton Smith and Wagner's Kane, loved both, so I'll get them

>> No.16202524

But a guy on a Sri Lankan Scuba Diving Forum does.

>> No.16202553

>I started at Swords and Deviltry
Swords Against Death has the best stories. And if you want some TRULY dark and morbid S&S in the vein of Klarkash-Ton then get The Throne of Bones by Brian McNaughton.

>> No.16202999

Recommend some smut friend.

>> No.16203053

Robin Hobb is trash.

>> No.16203083
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>a lot to dislike
>literally lists some of the things that make tolkien great

>> No.16203130

Will ASOIAF ever be finished?

>> No.16203146

based and correct.

>> No.16203152

No, we might get Winds from a draft left behind by grum after he kicks it but there is no chance we're getting the last book unless they hire a new author to finish it.

>> No.16203161

Doubt it. Although Sanderson may be hired to finish it after GRRM dies.

>> No.16203176


>> No.16203222

Best thing I can say is that it isn't impossible. But don't bank on anything.

>> No.16203264
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I just received 55 paperbacks, I paid 3000 yens for them (yes, I live in Japan).

>> No.16203315

So like, $25-35?
Are any of them even decent and not just toilet reading?

>> No.16203615

iirc Clan of the Cave Bear
tried reading it once but it was meh, enjoy!

>> No.16203671

Found it. The book is Dragonworld, by Byron Preiss.

>> No.16203723
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A toilet is a sacred place.

>> No.16203733

>clugging your already small place with shitty books
>not just reading Japanese books
Never gonna make it.

>> No.16203764


Galatians 4:16 for you lads

>> No.16203780

I'd rather off myself before reading anything beyond Edogawa Ranpo, I hate japanese literature.

>> No.16203853

My grandad really liked Jurassic Park, what should I get him to read next? He particularly liked that "the complicated science stuff" was explained to him so that he could understand it, but also that the story was actually interesting.

>> No.16203875

Sphere and Prey were my favourites of Crichton's back in the mid-2000s when I last read them.

>> No.16203979

Good critique. 10/10. literal retard

>> No.16204166

>still trying to shill people into reading shit Faggard and the Gay Mouser
You s&s freaks need to be posted and target practised

>> No.16204192

Are you female, or newhalf? I always wanted a qt Japanese gf to plant my seed deep in. Your lustrous hair, your silky smooth supple skin, your beautiful almond eyes. Please let me breed you.

>> No.16204207

>My grandad really liked Jurassic Park, what should I get him to read next?
Egyptian book of the dead. So he can prepare.

>> No.16204268
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Sorry, I'm an argentinian guy.

>> No.16204271

Anybody read the Expanse series? Has a lot of good reviews but not sure if its genuinely good or just normie dick sucking because of the show.

What are some space operas that are recommended?

>> No.16204299

RRRREEEEEE why can't real females come on here? Don't they know we want to use them as an onahole?

>> No.16204307

She writes on Latin American soap opera level. I can't understand how people kike her contrived, unoriginal, uninspired, melodramatic and overly emotional misery porn.

>> No.16204308


>> No.16204310

lmaoooooo, just ride the wave bro, don’t fight it, trust in gene, and ride the wave.

>> No.16204329

They all are in /soc/ and /cgl/, and I'm very happy knowing that those vipers are in their containment boards.

>> No.16204338

Out of curiosity, how did you manage to get to live in Japan, and what do you do for a living/your visa?

>> No.16204363

Spouse visa, my wife is japanese. What do I do for a living? I work at a guest house, these aren't good times but I'm hanging in there. I'm free to work, study, do whatever I want as long as I stay married.

>> No.16204392


>> No.16204402

Expanse was objectively shit.

>> No.16204418

You met your wife in Argentina, or came to Japan and met her there?

>> No.16204471

Sure, but why? Anything you would recommend in place of it? I got the hankerin' for some epic space pankerin'.

>> No.16204487

I think what i hated about it so much is that it builds up so much potential just to fall of the edge at around the 3 or 4th book. Also not amazing but the Culture series has some real good books and do not need to be read in order or even as a series really.

Take all this with a pinch of salt as i'm not a big Space Opera kind of guy.

>> No.16204568

You're not the first person to say that it has squandered potential. Which is a bummer because I was looking for something in the space epic genre.

>> No.16204624

space is gay, embrace reactionary fantasy

>> No.16204656

How do you guys like your zombies in fantasy settings?
Like the magical kind where they cannot infect but can be raised from any corpse, or the biological/pathogen type where they increase their numbers through transmission? (as examples, if there's other ways feel free to list)

>> No.16204668

It's just my opinion my friend, you might really like them. :)

>> No.16204694

And I appreciate your opinion friend

I'm open to it. What would you suggest?

>> No.16204703

>my wife is japanese
Can you give her a mating press tonight for me, bro? Make sure to nut in her and say "this is from anon". Would really mean the world to me. I can't get a gf, much less a qt Japanese gf, so I have to live through others (it's why I read so much genre fiction).
Thanks, Argentinean-Japanese bro.

>> No.16204759

so going deeper, the creator ,robert jordan, is dreaming

>> No.16204761

Why can't you get a gf my man?

>> No.16204768

Even EwBrown's goodreads and rebbit pages are out of date. How can he even recover?

>> No.16204822
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Actually I met her on Craigslist. Long story short: it was 2015 and I was planning on going to Japan (my first time), I'm a big fan of the japanese hardcore scene so in an attempt to meet someone in Japan who could go with me to a couple of shows, I ended up posting my plans on Craigslist. A person contacted me, and we exchanged emails for a couple of weeks, always talking about music (she did it because she was into an argentinian band). I swear I was 100% sure that it was a man, I had the impression that there are no women on the internet. I added her on Facebook and even after reading her name I thought "that's a strange name for a man", it wasn't until I checked her profile that I found out her genre.
Well, I went to Japan, met her, went to see bands together, hang out, etc. Almost 5 years later, 4 trips to Japan (long ones, usually for 3 months), 2 to Argentina and the definite trip in December of 2018 (when I moved to Japan), here I am, married, with a cat and more books than ever.

>> No.16204840

I'll do it after tomorrow.

>> No.16204852

>I'm a big fan of the japanese hardcore scene
Nice anon. How is going ot shows there as a non-jap person? I really like a lot of japanese music including the hardcore.

All my friends go to tokyo but the only reason i'd like to go to bigger cities is for the live music.

>> No.16204854

Meds from a young age fucked me up for life. Hormones system is shot, plus I got a penile fracture at a young age and was scared to tell my parents, so my junk doesn't work right. I can impregnate a girl (I think), but I wouldn't be able to keep her, she would cheat on me.
Girls are not like from my parent's youth, they don't self sacrifice to keep a relationship working, all girls want cummies these days, even grannies are sleeping around. I just watch on and mirin at what could have been.

The upside to this is that when girls see I'm not interested in them, they open up around and to me. I wouldn't want a relationship in this era. Even the devout church girls are sleeping around on their bf. Girls these days have no remorse, the things I heard girls say, and they are the ones that you think are trustworthy or look/behave like they are kind. These girls are ruthless for their coom, I can't knowingly get involved in that, even disregarding my other problems.

>> No.16204864

Brah you're what the experts would call an incel. It's all your fault and your fault alone.

>> No.16204876

>a Hitler cat

>> No.16204880

Nice man.
I have a friend that'd lived in Japan for nearly 10 years, and he tells me quite a lot of foreigner + Japanese wife horror stories. Any comment on that? Not necessarily on your marriage, just generally, is that true or overblown?

>> No.16204885

>I'll do it after tomorrow
Is that a dangerous day?....

>> No.16204889

I'm going to be in Japan for the next three years, any tips?

>> No.16204904

There are a lot of foreigners, specially if a mainstream band like Crystal Lake is playing. We aren't a novelty.
I've been in all kind of places, but the small live houses are the best: Antiknock, The Game, eggman, etc.

>> No.16204907

So girls wanting to get in a relationship with me, and me refusing them, makes me an incel? Okay.

>> No.16204910

halfway through The Dispossessed right now and god damn is it comfy.

>> No.16204912

>foreigner + Japanese wife horror stories
Japanese housewives cheat on their husbands with foreigners?

>> No.16204930

Read Wen Spencer's 8 million gods

>> No.16204963

If the documentarijis I've read are accurate, Japanese housewives will cheat with literally anything.

>> No.16204969

Nah foreigners marry Japanese women and after a couple of years the marriage turns into a living Hell, usually right after children. Meaning many Japanese women want hapa kids and don't care a single bit about the sperm donor after they get them. I mean look and the YouTuber EpicNameBro, his Japanese wife lied that he had a miscarriage, when she aborted their second child. Dude didn't see it coming at all.

>> No.16204976

>his Japanese wife lied that he had a miscarriage, when she aborted their second child. Dude didn't see it coming at all.
Jesus Christ..

>> No.16204995
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Couple of /lit/ questions and general questions;
What's it like getting "Western" literature over there? Is it easy to get english copies?
Do you read more or read any eastern lit at all now that you live in Japan?
Are there language barriers or do you speak Nipponese(in general but moreso when buying books)?

>> No.16205018

Always go out with you ID, cops can be assholes and stop you even in front of your house. Always go to Ok Mart or Hanamasa, those are the cheapest supermarkets in Tokyo, if you live close to Costco even better. Don't buy books in Kinokuniya, it's too expensive, although they have good sales from time to time; Bookoff, Mercari, Yahoo Auction and Jimbocho are a good source of book. If you want brand new books you will have to resort to Bookdepository or Amazon Japan. And get ready for supper dry winters and super wet summers because buildings don't have fucking insulation.
I've heard them too, but the worst that could ever happen to a man (whether foreign or not) is having their children kidnapped by their mother. It's legal and there's nothing you can do about it.

>> No.16205063

Cool. Thanks anon.

>> No.16205074

You mean doujins?

>> No.16205096

>his Japanese wife lied that he had a miscarriage, when she aborted their second child.
So Japan's low birth rate is the womens' fault? Men are actually pumping them full of seed and the women are aborting? Is that why Japanese guys are marrying foreigner women?

>> No.16205119

>What's it like getting "Western" literature over there? Is it easy to get english copies?
It's easy, at least for me because I live in Tokyo.
Bookoff is a great source of books, not all of them carry books in foreign languages, and the selection is absolutely random (quantity too). But it's great when you find a hidden gem for literally a few coins, they don't know what the are selling.
Jimbocho is a neighborhood very close to Akihabara and it's full of bookstores, many of them specialised in foreign books, however it can be very expensive because most of them sell rare books, first editions, old books, etc, and too be honest their prices aren't good. But it's a nice place to visit from time to time, just to see those books you can't afford.
Kinokuniya is a bookstore where you can buy brand new books, but it's too expensive, go there during sales (20-30% off) or that annual big sale (75% off).
Mercari and Yahoo Auctions are great, but you to be constantly browsing and searching different words because sellers tend to misspell the tittles of the books (pick related).
>Are there language barriers or do you speak Nipponese(in general but moreso when buying books)?
You don't have to speak at all when buying books, or at least I never had. And no, I don't read eastern books, but I like Edogawa Ranpo.

>> No.16205131

>but the worst that could ever happen to a man (whether foreign or not) is having their children kidnapped by their mother. It's legal and there's nothing you can do about it.
So Japanese women are just looking for children? That means I can go over to Tokyo and manwhore around? Leaving my progeny spread across the mainland?

>> No.16205157

Well, Roppongi is infamous for its gaijin hunters, you won't find love there, only sex and nigerians.

>> No.16205167

Japanese women are cold as ice, they often mistreat men and you won't receive any sympathy because you're a foreigner, nobody cares

>> No.16205188

Thanks bro. I searched for porn with that name and got the jackpot.

>> No.16205191

I though golddiging whores were at Roppongi, I don't think randos, especially ones without mad social skills will get anything there outside of being scammed out of their money.

Btw, any tips for a foreigners that want to find a genuine relationship in Japan?

>> No.16205199

>Btw, any tips for a foreigners that want to find a genuine relationship in Japan?
Learn Japanese and stop being a simp

>> No.16205206

>gaijin hunters,
>They're hungry for sex/ relationships with foreigners!

>Being the polar opposite of someone that has ‘yellow fever’, the gaijin hunter is someone (more often female than male) that specializes in going after foreigners for sex/ relationships.

>> No.16205210

East or West women do the same shit my guy, the effects are going to be compounded since you're an ignorant foreigner.

>> No.16205214

Of course, I didn't mean to imply otherwise, just that going to Roppongi as a clueless foreigner might not end well.

>> No.16205223

Share the porn bro.

>> No.16205236

Try not being an incel first, then think about relationships.

>> No.16205242

I'm already not an incel though.

>> No.16205247

if you're asking for dating advice on 4chan you're an incel, at least in spirit

>> No.16205248

Bro if you ever want to get a gf you need to throw out all these weird ideas about what women are or are not. How old are you may i ask? Real life simply does not work this way.

>The upside to this is that when girls see I'm not interested in them, they open up around and to me.
Yes, it is easier for women to like you when you are not thirsting after them. If you continue like this, drop all these weird 'incel' notions you have and not call them girls you should be golden. The penis stuff should be the biggest issue in that it should not stop any woman ever to be interested in you.

Thanks anon, if i ever do it and meet an Argentinian I'll say 'Hi, scifi Anon' in the hopes. :)

It is a good book, good at showing both upsides and downsides of certain strains of anarchism but i didn't like how it ended. let us know what you think of the end when you're done.

>> No.16205250

First step is acceptance, my dude.

>> No.16205256

>any tips for a foreigners that want to find a genuine relationship in Japan?
Be yourself.

>> No.16205274

If you think that me saying there are only gold digging whores at Roppongi makes me an incel, you are a simp,

>> No.16205290

/sffg/ - Japanese sex tourism

>> No.16205301

When I try to talk about sff books on here, I get no replies

>> No.16205306

Don't give Hiroshima more ideas, did you see what he did to /v/? I bet the fucker is data mining everything.

>> No.16205309

Mate you made multiple comments in this conversation, not just that one, that makes it very apparent you're a hyper thirsty incel that hates women and blames them for not wanting them to be with you. Enjoy a terrible unfulfilling life if you don't wanna change, that's only on you. As it is you're simply scum and no normal person would want to be anywhere near you.

>> No.16205310

So it isn't true that if you make her come lots and lose her mind in sensation she will fall in love with you?
Why are Japanese women so cold? Even the books I read "tiger moms" are the worst. They just care about their children and their standing in society.

>> No.16205311

Do people really go to jap for sex tourism? it seems to me there are easier asian countries to go to for this and japan seems to culturally and ecenomically not really be the ideal place for it, especially compared to places like Cambodia or Philipines..

What is your question about sff, anon?

>> No.16205321

I just like "real" porn, not the artificial shit studios put out. Seeing real reactions on Japanese women is better than the fake moans banshee screeching.

>> No.16205327

Don't be mean, anon. Unfortunatelly there are some shitty people on 4chan and other places online these days that give people very warped ideas about women. acting like a spergy retard like you are is only going to make them double down on the bad advice and unrealistic views they hold.

>> No.16205328

>>What is your question about sff, anon?
Usually about recommendations. I want fantasy that has deep subtextual meaning that doesn't revolve around politics (in world power machinations or real world propaganda). If its similar to Book of the New Sun, its a bonus.

>> No.16205344

>you made multiple comments in this conversation, not just that one, that makes it very apparent...
1. Like what?
2. How doe sit make it apparent exactly?

No snark, asking genuinely.

>> No.16205348

Post only the names of the clips.

>> No.16205350

>talk about popular book
>get complaints
>talk about nonpopular book
>no replies because nobody else reads it

>> No.16205362

>the conversation I saw was just that one guy in Japan with books and a hitler cat and one other person
>obviously no one else was asking questions
>4chan is an echo chamber
>if I didn't speak to someone then only one other person spoke to them
You are an autistic simp cuck, who will be lead by the nose throughout his life and fleeced of all his material worth.

>> No.16205370

I know i sound like a broken record but have you tried Malazan?

This is something i'd like in fantasy too but unfortunately it is something i have barely found and a big part of why i no longer read it. Scifi is better for this, imho.

>get complaints
>letting simpletons dictate what you post
No, anon. just ignore them. It's probably mostly just dumb kids trying to shit up the board, why let them win?

>> No.16205380
File: 2.15 MB, 4270x2592, P_20200818_184813_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chill out people, I'm going to sleep.

>> No.16205388

I though Malazan was all about in-world politics?

>> No.16205389

IS Jarusalem good, anon? I have not yet read any Moore that isn't graphic novel.

>> No.16205400

There is a political element to them but it's hardly all about politics, i wouldn't say it was even mostly around politics. I would say that if you were going into malazan looking for a story about politics you are going to be very disapointed because it's mostly all in the backround. For example we rarely even see those who have real power in the malazan empire, maybe only a handful of times through the eyes of other characters.

>> No.16205408

>Bro if you ever want to get a gf you need to throw out all these weird ideas about what women are or are not. How old are you may i ask? Real life simply does not work this way.
I'm over 30. With the low thirst and seeing how women really act I don't want a real relationship, I Will be cuckolded, and I would rather avoid that.
I'm a vocel, I love how women look and admire them, but I will never trust any of them in a relationship. It's why I don't pursue women when they openly show interest, or ask me to hang out. Fucked up dick aside.

>> No.16205418

>No, anon. just ignore them.
I do but it doesn't change the fact that it still is. That has been the state of this general for years.

>> No.16205427

That's for you to figure out with self-reflection and ideally a therapist since you don't seem to be able to do the former by yourself. Not in a thread for speculative fiction. If you "genuinely" want help make an appointment with a therapist and verbalize the comments you've written. Last post since it's off topic, fix your life or don't. It's your problem.

>> No.16205428

>/sffg/ - Japanese sex tourism
Actually /sffg/ is 'sex for foreigner gaijin'

>> No.16205440
File: 14 KB, 1640x189, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16205448

This seems sad to me on a personal level that your defualt assumption is that you will be cheated on.

I guess as long as you are happy though friend, you do you. :)

So how do you think your aspy ranting will change it?

>> No.16205454

4/6 is pretty good. Mostly aimed at the other guy.

>> No.16205461

I don't think the other 4 that are not me are the same guy as well.

>> No.16205479

>the conanfag is an Argentinian larping as a Japanese
It all makes sense now.

>> No.16205481

I forgot one post, it's pretty obvious. He began three of those posts with "So" and followed up with a nonsense incel question.

>> No.16205489

How can the post about spreading progeny be from the same guy that said he has dick problems?

>> No.16205500

Autists will grasp at any straw, anon. Just ignore him.

>> No.16205503

>I can impregnate a girl (I think), but I wouldn't be able to keep her, she would cheat on me.

>> No.16205518

The dude said he cant satisfy a women thinking because of this she will cheat. Do you really think this guys can have success in casual hookups, seriousness? Also he said he avoid all intimate attention from women, and he himself doesn't pursue them.

>> No.16205542

The same guy said he a vocel. So I don't know. I would imagine the girls would be able to identify him from his mangled dick and claim child support.

>> No.16205577

Look dude, you see what you want to see, I'm not here to convince you. This is already off-topic enough as is, you can re-read his posts and piece it together if you're that invested in his life. Let's get back to sff.

>> No.16205629

>simpoid still crying about Conanchads
lol let it go.

>> No.16205887

Aaaand as soon as Japland discussion ended, thread died...

>> No.16205890

imagine not being in love with this book by the first few pages

>> No.16205929

Saving you from Discord trannies one new thread at a time. You're welcome.


>> No.16206873
File: 2.64 MB, 3500x3500, 1686D36E-0955-4164-974B-0EF6EE3A32C6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If any of these authors are here, how many copies/e-copies have you sold? Did you advertise it at all?