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16197907 No.16197907 [Reply] [Original]

The older I get the less I respect Nietzsche and his influence.
>pic very much related

>> No.16197925
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would pic related benefit from any of those books?

>> No.16197926

You mean Sartre, retard

>> No.16197944


All that guy needs is to shave, lose a little weight, take care of that acne, maybe get a good haircut, and he could easily be a decent to high 7. Very possible for him to improve his looks.

>> No.16197946

>the older i get the more susceptible my opinions are to being entirely reactionary
good job op, you're clearly progressing and not regressing

>> No.16197960

Is his influence supposed to be that everyone is doing shit he advised against?

>> No.16197970

All the books in the OP are incredibly consistent with Nietzsche's philosophy.

>> No.16197974

Why are you asking a question to OP as though he has the faint idea what he's talking about?

>> No.16197994

>To live is to suffer, to survive is to find some meaning in the suffering. - Nietzsche
But that's wrong. I feel great right now to be honest.

>> No.16197993

No, most of the explicitly condone the philosophy of the last man, what Nietzsche was against, and all of them represent the superfluous men created by the new idol, which is basically a bastardised continuation of Christianity
I live in hope

>> No.16198012

As you ought to. The sappy little Germ was nothing more than a perpetually butthurt, coomer incel who decided to pull a bitch move and declare nihilism as truth while ending his conscious life hugging a beaten horse while telling it he understands the horse.

What in the actual fuck.jpg

>> No.16198022

>thinking Nietzsche's German
>thinking he lived in resentment
>thinking when your brain is already so broken by social media that you're basically an alphabet soup of pointless neologisms
Well, at least you have fairytales about horses in there.

>> No.16198040

Lol, no

>> No.16198057

Nietzsche was about as Polish as Boston white trash is Irish

>> No.16198071

Does this image make anyone else want to cuss less? Like realizing how ugly it sounds

>> No.16198072


The asterisk they put on all the covers even looks like a clenched anus.

>> No.16198073

He's less German than a Turk.

>> No.16198076

I don't know, I'm sure there were plenty of woman after andré the giant

>> No.16198083

Its okay OP, not everyone can be strong and usually succumb to preassure. Have fun with your life of comfort I guess lol

>> No.16198110

Interesting how all the assumptions you've made about you are false. Makes sense that people who like Nietzsche are also very detached from reality, given his views on objective truth :)

>> No.16198186

Cringe. Imagine going to Nietzsche for the objective truth lmao, this only proves you never understood him in the first place, hence why you're so bitter towards him

>> No.16198204

You mean a bastardization of Nietzsche. Which might have actually been inevitable. I blame the internet.

>> No.16198234

>fuck this
>shit that
The absolute state of self help.

>> No.16198258

Never did I say that I went to Niezsche for objective truth. I merely remarked on his views on objective truth itself, namely that it doesn't exist. Again, no surprises here about the IQ of Nietzsche's fanbase :)

>> No.16198274

>be OP
>read Nietzsche for the first time
>Think Nietzsche wrote for the majority of people and he can follow his advice. When in reality he only wrote for the few who are actually brave enough to capitalize on their potential without religion
>realizes he's a weak sperg
>hurr durr I couldn't be strong! Its Nietzsches philosophy that is wrong >:(
>Goes to /lit/ and posts a self help bookshelf in order to wrongly connect Nietzschean philosophy to the cancer that is anglo bugmen self help. Only proving he didn't understand Nietzsche at all


>> No.16198463

>>pic very much related
How? Lol

>> No.16198517

All of them are the modern manifestation of the acceptance of "master morality" in stead of "slave morality". Fuck feelings, stop caring about others, stop giving a fuck like a peasant, YOU DO YOU, BECOME WHO YOU ARE, STOP GIVING A SHIT, YOU ARE A BADASS, FUCK THAT.
If you can't see how this is Nietzschean I suggest you read one of his books.

>> No.16198523

imagine having such an incredibly plebeian interpretation of master/slave morality lmfao

>> No.16198524

Not just what I said about master/slave morality but it's also the theme of developing your own morality independent on others, encouragement of independence, caring only for yourself, elimination of pity.

>> No.16198557

I've read TSZ, BG&E and GoM and you're retarded beyond belief and clearly never read him
Modern anglo self help is much similar to a poorly executed version of stoicism combined with petty materialism than anything resembling Nietzsche lmao

>> No.16198570

>but it's also the theme of developing your own morality independent on others, encouragement of independence, caring only for yourself, elimination of pity.

How is this bad? The only slight problematic one there is apathy but even that is needed in moderation. And modern society edges way too much towards empathy

>> No.16198604

If you have something you disagree about, why don't you say it instead of just gloating how much of his books you've read and merely insulting me.

>> No.16198614

you never read nietszche lmao

>> No.16198620

>modern society edges way too much towards empathy
does it?

>> No.16198627
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Why is it that whenever you BTFO Nietzsche the only defense his onanist fans can come up with is "You haven't actually read him!" without even providing any reasons they think that way.
Absolute cope.

>> No.16198670

>does it?
Yes lmao. Christian humanism reigns supreme and capitalism only augments it

>> No.16198680

>You haven't actually read him!" without even providing any reasons they think that way.

I literally provided though, apparently you can't read animeposter

>> No.16198690

what a waste of paper.
Fuck all these nu-help soi books. You don't need it.

>> No.16198699

you clearly haven't read him, why do you want to keep this charade up? you're anonymous ffs

>> No.16198709
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>> No.16198711

I read his whole wikipedia page and understood everything I needed to know.

>> No.16198734

Its true though

>> No.16198787

Why does Nietzsche hate ascetic idealism when the 'free thinker' and Overman must be ascetic from the herd to achieve their will to power?

>> No.16198802

Neither capitalism nor christianism are humanist.
And of course putting capitalism on a conversation about empathy... jesus. You're american aren't you?