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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.84 MB, 2016x1300, True love.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16193358 No.16193358 [Reply] [Original]

Books about true love?

>> No.16193380

Saikano: You'll Either Cum or Cry

>> No.16193390

you mean dopamine releases meant to make you bond to a presence algorithm so you stick around and give offsprings a higher survival chances

>> No.16193393

Fundamentals of demonology. Part 1-4

>> No.16193396

And oxytocin.

>> No.16193400

Definitely not my diary, desu

>> No.16193409
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>> No.16193423

except that consciousness is not chemicals in my brain unlike "love"

>> No.16193428

Love is an emotion which consciously occurs in the brain.

>> No.16193486

and it deceives every midwit in existence into either regret or cope. If you can't find something better to put your time into than another person than chances are you don't got a self

>> No.16193492

Amnesia of the dick is a man's worst enemy.

>> No.16193533

It's a comfy feeling but it always becomes torturous.

>> No.16193540

The monkey mind disapproves and thus tries to break you away from it.

>> No.16193545

i want to love....

>> No.16193553

I want to feel them coming together. Sweet sugar of love so divine.

>> No.16193599
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Those aren't boys.

>> No.16193616

lmao your gay

>> No.16193646

Cannot ensure human progress into the future as not even buttbabies are real.

>> No.16193649

Kama Sutra

>> No.16193655

Cuma Sutra

>> No.16193658

tfw no bf

>> No.16193673


>> No.16193734

>human progress
You mean illimitable suffering and folly and the eventual enslavement by trillionaire technocrats and or artificial intelligences

>> No.16193747
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>If you say, I love you, then you have already fallen in love with language, which is already a form of break up and infidelity.

>> No.16193801

Yeah, that. Or you can go rumprange in the woods. No one cares.

>> No.16193947
File: 207 KB, 1252x1600, Murakami-Haruki-2012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16194720

Sound of Waves or Spring Snow

This fucking pseud pic. every fucking time

>> No.16194752

Still Life with Woodpecker

>> No.16194756


>> No.16194758

Imagine being this soulless and thinking you're going to live a life worth your friends or family.

>> No.16194780

Doing what to help them survive? Beat on a cash register? You failed neuroscience student/Starbucks barista.

>> No.16194959


>> No.16195265

Sadly true

>> No.16195281
File: 1.57 MB, 942x960, C32D0221-4159-4FAF-84BF-5B55E2D7AE61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hypocrite that you are

>> No.16195628

>divide it into abstract objects present, then pretend those abstract objects are equivalent to the entire phenomena
>then suffer from the subjugation of your entire reality to a mental image
Your mind cannot recreate the Universe or any of its qualities. Magenta as an experienced color has no connection to a photon's wavelength. Your worldview is error.

>> No.16195896

I want to catch something that I might be ashamed of

>> No.16196056


>> No.16196059

I love this image so much.

>> No.16196063

>Mickey is washing a dish, not grabbing Donald's shirt
huh, it seems so obvious. Somehow this makes the meme less amusing.

>> No.16196083


>> No.16196105

oh now i noticed. yeah you are right

>> No.16197449

Yes it is

>> No.16197534

My diary not

>> No.16198046

who gives a shit about arbitrary scientific concepts, I only care about what I can truly experience: feelings

>> No.16198048


>> No.16199045

Stert with the Church fathers

>> No.16199111
File: 89 KB, 724x1024, 1589613865070m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try some Doujinshies

Ichihaya, Misao., Noise, alp

>> No.16199161
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>> No.16199353

Don't read. Just coom.

>> No.16199434
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>Magenta as an experienced color has no connection to a photon's wavelength
Please stop anon, I don't need any more existential crises.

>> No.16199449

Romeo und Juliet

>> No.16199455
File: 44 KB, 1454x244, why love is meaningful.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bet you really like rick and morty

>> No.16199471

Dunno what he meant by that but it felt beautiful.

>> No.16199486

You watch Richolas and Mortician, don't you?

>> No.16199497

Plato's Symposium

>> No.16199506

I was 17 too once

>> No.16199786

This reduction doesn't even provide an adequate model to explain anything, in fact it is little more than an aesthetic dogma and fear of what is real in your mind. Imagine trying to be delusionally scientistic and still failing completely. Retards getting their hands on the outer layer of the sciences is a tragedy.

>> No.16199811
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little homie here proving you wrong by literally just walking get rekt

>> No.16199838

Is that really how that works?

>> No.16200044

please help i've chased away every woman who showed interest in me i'm lonely but not r9k

>> No.16200116

Yeah exactly, nothing like giving your offspring a higher chance to spread your seed, fucking great shit man

>> No.16200239


>> No.16200695

my diary desu

>> No.16200754

This and VNs. Visual novels are basically true love simulators.

>> No.16200811

What VNs are you talking about? Don’t say Clannad.

>> No.16200827
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>for you trust the chemicals in your brain to tell you they are chemicals
Why not? Chemicals are not capable of lying.

>All knowledge is ultimately based on that which we cannot prove.
Says who and why? See this is why unlike the brainlets hooting and cheering at this shitty non-sequitur comic I just find it ridiculous. It does not refute the argument it only puts forth fallacy and insult.

Science and scientific understanding is not about arriving at an unquestionable and unchanging truth it is about finding the best reasonable explanation for how things work and adjusting that understanding as new information presents itself and is vetted by the scientific method.

>Will you fight?
Fight what?
>Or will you perish like a dog?
Everything that lives dies. If the metaphor is that dogs are slaves, (to something) then what difference is there when the thing you choose to be a slave to is just blind striving to go against the grain? You can fight all the windmills you wish but at the end of the day you will still die and the world will go on.

>> No.16200885

>why yes officer i did just ejaculate into that consenting eleven year old girl. we are engaged to be wed as soon as she finishes elementary school. she did not want to wait to consumate our relationship and as her fiance i am obligated to take care of her wishes. yes, her parents are aware and have given us consent to both marry and engage in coitus. there is no danger of pregnancy at this stage as she is yet to have her menarche.
genuinely what can the police even do here? start crying?

>> No.16200895
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there is no true love in this world.

>> No.16200951

Recommend some. Only one I've ever played through was Katawa Shoujo.

>> No.16200963

Story of the Eye

>> No.16200964

>How does intelligent life exist?
>We're made up of billions of microorganisms also exhibiting intelligent behavior
>How are they intelligent?
>Chemicals or something how should we know
I increasingly doubt

>> No.16200968


>> No.16200970

I'm redpilled.

'True love' is a jewish Hollywood fiction made to emasculate the white man and make him easy to control. It's a way to get women power and subsequently have liberal beliefs (women feelings) pervade all aspects of society so that the white race can be eradicated, i.e. by lowering birth rates and importing immigrants.

In reality women cannot truly love, as they are too shallow to be truly ethical or loyal. true love exists only between white male nationalists fighting for a cause in the trenches.

>> No.16200972

go back to your containment board

>> No.16200982 [SPOILER] 
File: 403 KB, 671x894, 1598229606010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did you know?

>> No.16201020

women are less than even insects, because at least insects have a survival drive, whereas women are used to pussywhipped basedboy beta male leftist simps to support their wrenched asses. honestly there is nothing good about women at all and they should be ground up and fed as dog meat. no filthy cuntnigger is going to steal my virgin essence; the nature of which uplifts my very own aryan soul. no, not ever.
the fucking jews did this to us, you guys. they're evil, you know. they even faked the holocaust and imported millions of nigger chattel into our pure white homelands. what homelands you ask? why europe. nevermind the fact that i am an american mutt, who is only an amalgamation of europe, or EVROPA as i like to call it. there is only one race of people on this planet worth a single fig, and it is the white race, which is of course only all that consists of my genetic background. haha slavs are subhuman lololololol and jews arent white. ok thx
t. high iq /pol/ user (iq 89)

>> No.16201065

it should seem that you need some clinical supports

>> No.16201067

Cunnyssuers can always tell.

>> No.16201080
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/lit/ contains highly advanced forms of irony which only the highly intelligent can understand. For example, the attached meme is only fully comprehensible to those with an IQ over 170. The weaponized strains of irony contained on /lit/ are extremely dangerous to anyone with an IQ lower than 140. Symptoms of browsing /lit/ with an insufficient intelligence level can include insomnia, vomiting, diarrhea, convulsions, sexual arousal, and death. If you experience any of these symptoms, please close your web browser and consult a doctor immediately.

>> No.16201094

i was just practising a literary technique :^)

>> No.16201095
File: 951 KB, 896x720, 1579591431452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saya no Uta is usually the one people recommend to beginners. Its really short and has an interesting concept. Its a love story but not the bubbly escapist kind. It focuses on horror and thrills.

Grisaia no Kajitsu is another one that's pretty good, it's well written and I did get some lovey feels from Michiru's route(pic related). That one is really long, 50+ hours. Its sort of a crime thriller/comedy. Each route is pretty different in theme.

For something that is a pure dating/falling in love experience, Koisuru Natsu no Last Resort is pretty good. Onii-kiss is great too if you like incest.

Overall, they are all smut and not of high literary merit. They can be fun to read though, just zone out and enjoy the escapism.

>> No.16201113

This stuff becomes absurd and funny when you add it all up like you did.

>> No.16201121

somebody touched a nerve

>> No.16201124
File: 826 KB, 1260x1820, Freud intensifies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incest doujins are your best bet t b h

>> No.16201135

rate my post

>> No.16201145

Based. Let's be honest here bros the truest and purest form of love is the love between an older man and a cunny.

>> No.16201151

what does this mean?

>> No.16201160

this is why /lit/ is a shit board now

>> No.16201170

It's all singles, or as I’ve recently taken to calling them, non-repeating digits.

>> No.16201176

okay faggot

>> No.16201183

calling yourself redpilled unironically is the cringiest shit

>> No.16201191

You'd be fucking arrested for admitting you raped a child you depraved animal
Seek mental help

>> No.16201210

Girl detected, she'll now drone about how she'll kick his ass with grill powers. I used to let my bros kick me in the balls to build up resistance to below-the-belt maneuvers. A meager girlkick is nothing to me. And yes, my balls still work just fine.

To be honest though, my girlfriend also said I that was a pedophile.

I said "gee, that's an awfully big word for a twelve year old."

>> No.16201213

>man consents
>girl consents
>girls parents consent
i'm not seeing any rape here

>> No.16201263

This is the second time I've had to write this line on this board in one week.

>> No.16201271

loves a sham but Stevie Wonder is the one of the most poetic artists of the twentieth century, what do?

>> No.16201286

This, but unironically.

>> No.16201295

I don't know what the thread is about (just got in). While I don't disagree with you, I'd like to point out this is very much culture-specific. As I understand according to the Islamic law girls aged nine years or above are considered adults ready to be wed (it's 15 for boys). Again, I agree with you, but taking one's own cultural norms as the absolute law is rather close-minded.

>> No.16201303

idk bro i was 11 once and i definitely remember being able (and wanting) to have receptive sex with adults
>t. early-blooming former homo who, for better or for worse, never ended up finding a matching pederast
i just can't take you people seriously when the historical record is full of this stuff. maybe it's bad for abstract theological reasons (which are completely valid and important), but "it hurts kids, but not adults, for some reason" is not really one of them

>> No.16201315

You can teach them consent

>> No.16201320
File: 7 KB, 227x222, 1567296696678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bro i was 11 once and i definitely remember being able (and wanting) to have receptive sex with adults
>early-blooming former homo

>> No.16201322
File: 313 KB, 1031x1500, Mama_naranai_Onna_tachi_023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16201327

in your opinion and in the scenario given above the girls parents have also consented to her having sex

>> No.16201345

cool it with the homophobia. So what if he wanted to be fucked in the ass when he was 10 years old? That's his business and he's not hurting anybody.

>> No.16201353

>cool it with the homophobia
Make me faggot

>> No.16201356

Based. Was it anything like ancient greece? Did you learn anything from the relationship as greeks thought it would teach?

>> No.16201357
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>> No.16201384

pedophilia isn't true love, stop talking about it

>> No.16201390

Cunny love is the truest love to ever exist.

>> No.16201413
File: 1.92 MB, 711x400, they do it for free.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16201428

KEK I haven't seen this in months. Saved.

>> No.16201459

Actually it is the only true love

>> No.16201505


>> No.16201568
File: 394 KB, 1280x1830, 100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God bless the cunnybros of /lit/ and may they find true love

>> No.16201627

>complaining after his lg goes above and beyond for him
What an absolute piece of shit. Not (You) though anon you're outrageously based and I hope life treats you well always.

>> No.16202746

the dead from dubliners

>> No.16202771
File: 518 KB, 1200x1714, 150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lolis are the best

>> No.16202776

Brehs I've been noticing the cunnyssuers are winning almost every debate. Could it be they are actually right and the people arguing against them are just arguing from emotion?

>> No.16202861

the popularization of science has been a massive disaster

>> No.16202868

God Russel is such a pretentious fuckhead. >"hurr durr people like me who are moderate are so smart for being perpetually indecisive and unsure"

>> No.16202959

The 120 days of Sodom

>> No.16202984

Yes. Electrons LMAO.

>> No.16203026


>> No.16203047
File: 234 KB, 850x1134, 1591712126611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sauce me up sempai

>> No.16203060
File: 858 KB, 1536x2965, 1597542899493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unironically Jesus and his disciples in the gospel of John.

>> No.16203181

>I fucking love science
Not really true love but I like him.
They are just cope, leave vidya for good.
Cringe, there are a lot of love stories in the past like I dunno Paolo and Francesca.
Being a pedo is just being a parasite: sucking of blood and life from young people and then leave when your shallow sexual desires are satisfied. Have you ever heard about a pedo who want to marry a young girl? No, because they are just driven by lust. Drop this Foucault mentality.

>> No.16203431

Based. Women BTFO.

>> No.16203594

This was kind of disappointing, but I can see where you’re coming from in mentioning these titles

>> No.16203686

>*nglo image
didn't read lol

>> No.16203754

Well,we don't really get much translated. And to be fair I'm not an expert on the medium. I just try to answer best that I can. I know there are ones that are more /lit/ than those, but they go into different territory and don't really have romantic or heartwarming scenes.

>> No.16203765

white album 2, Daitoshokan, Subahibi, Aokana

>> No.16203785
File: 1.21 MB, 2507x3541, nedi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16203847

What about dead girls?
Asking for a friend. "My little friend", I call him.

>> No.16203855

Epic argument you simpering creature too cowardly to really fuck kids

>> No.16203885

>too cowardly to really fuck kids
This, pedophiles are brave heroes following the call of true love.

>> No.16203951

Song of songs.

Sad it took this long to come up. Glad that I managed to remind you.

>> No.16203963
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>Have you ever heard about a pedo who want to marry a young girl? No, because they are just driven by lust.
Yes, because I am one. I like little girls but also older women. I'd never touch any girl unless I loved her, that's not even appealing to me.

>> No.16204002


>> No.16204011

"Brave" in the sense of willing to risk social consequences, not spiritual bravery, which is best exercised by not letting your defective brain and cock make decisions on your behalf at the expense of the well-being of children.

>> No.16204015

Whats so bad about lust? I would rather listen to my innate desires than conform to a degenerate society's brainwashing. Most people who have sex with alcohol drinking acne ridden roasties are just doing it out of lust aswell except this time it's a lower level of lust

>> No.16204022

But aren't we all children aswell? That would mean our well being matters and we all know that sexuality is detrimental in that aspect.

>> No.16204191

The cunnypedos aren’t /lit/ basically none of them read anything because they’re tourists from /tv/

>> No.16204228

Subahibi is incredible, but it’s a pit of despair with light at the end. The relationship I think you’re referring to is kind of an ironic situation that makes the light at the end not seem unrealistic, since it’s a fucked up relationship that shows the protagonist is not suddenly pure, heroic, or whatever. I envisioned that after the end, the main character would be taken away from her as part of an investigation into his actions, so the relationship won’t last, and she’ll probably find someone else.
Is it the similar with the other VNs you mentioned? This kind of “true love” that’s also a messed up relationship that probably won’t last long. That contrast.
Since I don’t know of any truly quality VNs that have enough optimism to depict true love that works out.

>> No.16204250

>Fixated pedophiles are true pedophiles, they are only sexually aroused by kids. Opportunistic (regressed) pedophiles would rather have a hot 25 year old, but will take the best offer. Regressed pedophiles don't think they are pedophiles.
Speaking for myself, little girls are the most beautiful and my favourite, but I'm also attracted to adults. When I'm outside girls age 6 to 12 are the most eye-catching to me and I can't stop looking at them, but I also look at teenage girls, girls in their 20s and busty MILFs. As for starting a relationship, I certainly wouldn't settle for a 25 year old, unless she was really special and a virgin and I happened to fall in love with her; the highest I'd go would probably be 16 to 20. Ideally I'd like to marry a girl as young as I could, but then it all depends on the specific person in question.

>> No.16204263

check yourself for gay

>> No.16204273

>The guy on the IM or chat who gets a 14 year old girl to meet him at the pier-- he's a "regressed pedophile." He would have liked her to have been a 25 year old NFL cheerleader; but, let's face it, a 25 year old NFL cheerleader would sooner swallow her own eye than hook up with this freak, and he knows it. So he bypasses her ("they're all sluts") and cons a 14 year old. It's no surprise that 75% of heterosexual pedophiles described their offenses as "compensation."

You're literally regressed.

>> No.16204284

literally this. Talk to them about all of the implications of sex and its good to go if they consent to it

>> No.16204305

ofc, when people are angry their reasoning is clouded. And cunnyposters have a noble cause to fight for. Imagine how clear your thinking is when you have a noble goal vs angryposter who is seething and bubbling with rage

>> No.16204330

OP here.

I was sincerely interested in hearing recommendations of good romance books.

Why the fuck did you guys turn my thread into a pedophilia discussion?

>> No.16204337

But that's the opposite of what I said, I don't prefer older girls.

>> No.16204343

That's a hilarious roastie power fantasy

>> No.16204347

you don’t even need to even talk about chemicals to point out love isn’t real, everyone knows it deep down. relationships are always chaotic if you try to make them last longer than what is natural

>> No.16204367

Best romance is with 10-20 yo girls

>> No.16204408

I think hook-up culture and apps caused the degeneration of relationships and people romanticize girls that aren't yet introduced into this shitshow that causes women to become vapid materialistic whores. Thats why cunnyposting will be on a rise in the coming decades. I'm all for it.

>> No.16204412

only because you're retarded, romance is a juvenile dream that you still haven't managed to grow out of

>> No.16204421

Have you even been in a relationship...?

>> No.16204430

yeah, twice in a long term. why you ask?

>> No.16204438

Because you sound like you've never had sex in your life.

>> No.16204448

I've had a lot of sex in my life, why you have to pathologize every position that doesnt cater to your modern sentiments?

>> No.16204460

Why do you have to pathologize every position that doesn't cater to your outdated sentiments?

>> No.16204470

>>We're made up of billions of microorganisms also exhibiting intelligent behavior
where the fuck did you get that from cells are dumb as shit its all emergent properties

>> No.16204485
File: 748 KB, 800x599, Screenshot_1291.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Books about true love?

>> No.16204491

Why does this sound so true but my logic refuses to understand it? Is it that if you have the urge to say it it means you rob the moment of it‘s magic by trying to reduce it to such an over- and misused phrase?

>> No.16204496

Still does not change the meaning of it for us human beings.

>> No.16204503

well yeah, I've exaggerated it a bit. There is nothing wrong with whoring out. I'm not trying to moralize. My point would be that tinder and other similar dating platforms create a dating culture in which men have to be held to really high standards to find a "decent", "normal" girl. There are a lot of studies and social experiments that show how men have harder time on dating websites. Is their rage justified? I dont think so. But one of the outlets will be the romanticizing of girls that haven't yet developed high standards.

>> No.16204517
File: 874 KB, 561x316, 1591282889207.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>'True love' is a jewish Hollywood fiction
Clearly a jew here.
He is making retarded anti-Semitic points to dilute the real Jew issues, and make them seem less real.
Sneaky lil jew

>> No.16204531
File: 85 KB, 500x515, E90E543D-D2D4-455E-A813-A318EC8E3F98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It‘s astonishing how little people on this board know about love. Not that i knew of a book to point out that portrays true love, which is another very sad testimony to humanity. I guess it is time i get to finally writing it.

>> No.16204559

Love is an emotional experience, you can't explain for fully describe it in words. That would be like drawing a painting that accurately describes the sound of a guitar solo. At best you can analogize.

>> No.16204578

That‘s the whole point of poetry and fiction though. One can at least try.

>> No.16204586

Shut the fuck up

>> No.16204591

>Love is an emotional experience
only if you think biological reactions are all there is to the human being. There are so many layers of social interpersonality, cultural influences, personal experience, structural relations between different sexes and etc. that if someone blurts out that we should looks at such phenomena as love only trough the lenses of modern science, he discredits himself immediately.

>> No.16204592

It doesn’t have to be expressed through words. It’s a mysterious feeling. if you can provide the nuance and mysteriousness of it, in tandem with the lack of reason and aggressiveness associated with it, you’ve sufficiently expressed it. Words can be used just to inspire the thought or feeling of something, without directly referring to that thought or feeling

>> No.16204598

I see the lack of love in your life now with kristallklarer view.

>> No.16204605

I want to kill myself

>> No.16204610

Lolita posting is native to /lit/. I'm not sure how many people here were and are unironic pedophiles but culture that fetishizes young girls has been present here for some time.

>> No.16204612

Yet people have always and will always try.

>> No.16204621

There there

>> No.16204632

The guy literally says you are pedo for being attracted to 16 year old Britney Spears ok lol

>> No.16204633

>Have you ever heard about a pedo who want to marry a young girl?
Lurk more.

>> No.16204649
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>> No.16204659

>all the retards that took this joke seriously

>> No.16204738

Because no matter how hard the modern world tries to convince you otherwise, no man wants his true love to have a double digit body count.

>> No.16204758

Truth be told, no man wants it to be higher than zero. Nor should they.
The real comedy though is that men think they can come to such innocence in all their filth and be embraced. If it wasn‘t so funny it would be very tragic how they can not see it.

>> No.16204765

You’re right. I think that’s the reason we have this thread — because some depictions have been unsatisfactory.
Have you read Joyce’s short story, Araby?

>> No.16204782

>no man wants it to be higher than zero
I agree but I needed to go higher to make a point for all the brainwashed numales. These """people""" think settling down with a woman who has had 15 different men inside her is a reward.

>> No.16204831

Such is the tragedy of humanity having gotten to a point where humiliation is a source of satisfaction and pleasure. You can thank christianity and their martyr mindset for that.

>> No.16204886
File: 11 KB, 454x520, 1574983536735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ayyy, its lil homie kinesin. favorite thing I learned in bio.
that being said the line of thinking that because you can pinpoint a biological process that corresponds to something felt/experienced by an individual makes that feeling/experience any more or less valid is deeply flawed and actively disapproved of by the scientific community. sure you can (in your case clumsily) reframe a discussion of love (or addiction or liking chocolate) into terms of biological processes, but you would not be saying anything interesting or new and run the real risk of grossly oversimplifying a complex harmony of processes, behaviors and environmental conditions to an idiotic statement that only goes to reveal yourself as a braindead consooomer of shitty pop science and wikipedia articles.

This article and its sources may be of some interest:

>> No.16204926

Popsci retards
Actual fucking scientists:
>I used this biomolecule to make a plate that should be able to withstand much higher energy bullets than Kevlar. Want to come to the range with me and dump .50 cal rounds into an undergrad wearing it to see if it works?

>> No.16205023

By the definitions of most people in the 1st world, you are. It's stupid but it's true. It is generally considered weird to date someone significantly below your age, and especially if they're less than 18. People may even think you're a pedophile if you're fucking 60 and you date a 30 year old. The crux is that modern society supposes that you should stay roughly within your age bracket in all relationships, including friendships. E.g., Plato's *Symposium* has Socrates, who is 60-70 or so, attending a party with a group of men who appear to between 20 and 40 in age. Most people today would see that as really bizarre to the point of even being disturbing, but for most of human history it has been pretty normal for children up to just past puberty to exist in basically their own world, and above that to be considered adults and mix all together.

I think we as a board tend to see that as weird because it was unusual a century ago and is really a contrived societal thing of right now. But most people here are reading books from a long time ago where these kinds of relationships were normal. So we look at some roastie going "Eeeeeww!" at a 40 year old man and a 19-20 year old girl and think "What the fuck, they're both adults, what's wrong with this?"

>> No.16205078

> But most people here are reading books from a long time ago where these kinds of relationships were normal
spot on. The lack of historical consciousness is one of the main things that contributes to the instant reflex of disgust at something even close to pedophilia that predominates twitterfags and redditors

>> No.16205084

I dunno, maybe that is more common in USA and western europe. I live in eastern europe and have a friend who dated 14 year old when he was 20 and nobody really cared. Some of my friends who are above 20 date 16 year olds as well. But I can see why older woman might get mad because of this

>> No.16205103

You sound especially triggered

>> No.16205138

I'm gonna die alone. I'm gonna die alone. I'm gonna die alone. I'm gonna die alone. I'm gonna die alone. I'm gonna die alone. I'm gonna die alone. I'm gonna die alone. I'm gonna die alone. I'm gonna die alone. I'm gonna die alone. I'm gonna die alone. I'm gonna die alone. I'm gonna die alone. I'm gonna die alone. I'm gonna die alone. I'm gonna die alone. I'm gonna die alone. I'm gonna die alone. I'm gonna die alone. I'm gonna die alone. I'm gonna die alone. I'm gonna die alone. I'm gonna die alone. I'm gonna die alone. I'm gonna die alone. I'm gonna die alone. I'm gonna die alone. I'm gonna die alone. I'm gonna die alone. I'm gonna die alone. I'm gonna die alone. I'm gonna die alone. I'm gonna die alone. I'm gonna die alone. I'm gonna die alone. I'm gonna die alone. I'm gonna die alone. I'm gonna die alone. I'm gonna die alone. I'm gonna die alone. I'm gonna die alone. I'm gonna die alone. I'm gonna die alone.

>> No.16205226

>What the fuck, they're both adults, what's wrong with this?
A 40 year old dating a 20 year old is perfectly normal. Fucking Americans think their Puritanical mindset should be the universal norm.

>> No.16205244

>By the definitions of most people in the 1st world, you are.
If you think most people in the 1st world are a handful of US states. The average AoC in Europe is 14-15. The majority of states have 16. Anyone who thinks fucking a woman who has been ovulating for about 5 years straight is pedophilia has been irreversibly brainwashed.

>> No.16205266

So? Why does something have to have absolute reality to be meaningful

>> No.16205291

There is no way a 30 yo banging a 16 yo is totally normal in West Euro, is it really? This is just motivation to flee to Switzerland even faster.

>> No.16205329

It's not normal for 30 yo, but definately normal for 16 and 20-26

>> No.16205360

on the other hand, who cares if its normal or not. Determine yourself by your own principles.

>> No.16205401
File: 1.58 MB, 1840x2300, 1598216794053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ctrl + f
>no illiad
I'm disspoint /lit/

>> No.16205407

>implying millenials have friends who would care about their social standing

>> No.16205772
File: 105 KB, 900x675, 1448278270227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically, yes.

>> No.16206304

There is something immediately striking about this kind of post. I can't say I'm not intrigued.

>> No.16206372

Outdated in what sense?

>> No.16206460

I can tell you're a fat, unkempt spic

>> No.16206480

Two out of three, but not an argument

>> No.16206758

I‘m swiss and nobody seriously bats an eye if a guy in his twenties dates a teen girl. I was 17 when i move in with my bf who was 27 at the time. My sister once had a bf who was 36 when she was 14. It‘s not the norm but after the age of 16, nobody asks about age difference anymore because it would be idiotic to act as if those are still kids who can‘t consent. But american influence is slowly creeping in. I don‘t think it will hold up much longer. Still i‘d say it is a rather white trash move to let your young teen daughter date a guy so much older.