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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 169 KB, 1132x620, donald-trump-sarah-levy-artwork-hero-1132x620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16195266 No.16195266[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

While Ronald Reagan has failed to abolish them completely in 1981. Trump has eliminated funding for NEA and NEH in his term. Why populist right is always hostile to humanities and arts?

>> No.16195279
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They want to eliminate a hostile voting base and lower public spending so they can perpetuate the belief that they are sound economic managers. It's a pretty by-the-books strategy.

>> No.16195283

Hardly surprising, psychopaths don't understand the purpose of art.

>> No.16195293


>> No.16195298


If the humanities where primarily about learning Latin, learning how to draw the human body and reading the classics from literature I would agree.

In reality most of the humanities are home to the scum of society, who think feminist and black authors are worthwhile and art is taking a shit on a canvas.

Removing funding for the humantities will save the humanities.

>> No.16195307


Why are the humanities and arts always so hostile to the right?


>> No.16195312
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Am I supposed to be angry that government money won't be poured into counterculture activism and propaganda?

>> No.16195313

Good riddance.

>> No.16195314

Same since time immemorial
Art has always been sponsored and when a government doesn't like what it's sponsoring, it cuts funding
Evidently, the orange man is not happy with the current humanities
It'd be like continuing to buy food that you don't like because it has a fancy name and everybody else continues to eat it

>> No.16195315


Implying any of that money would go to art and not some trans black woman for the simple fact that's she a trans black woman.

>> No.16195316

It was going to blacks and trannies so nothing of worth has been lost.

>> No.16195317

I like books as much as the next guy but there's a pandemic going on.

>> No.16195318

You're wrong but you're right.
But you'll be seething about it later on.
Mark my words.

>> No.16195320

>implying humanities and arts in the US academia has been anything but communist brainwashing operations since the 60's

>> No.16195323
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>> No.16195328


I love art and have no problem with this. The OP's piece, apparently by one (((Levy))) is telling, but not telling anything we didn't already know. The composition, such as it is, is interesting. Stark reds play against an off white, to produce an orange. The funny thing about the missing/bloody eye is that this reality corresponds to Biden, and not to Trump, much as our dear (((Levy))) would like to put the case otherwise.

The arts will always find private patrons, and currently there are more ways to create than ever before. What deserves to obtain and last, will. Oh no, the state isn't helping art, how terrible.

>> No.16195330
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remind me why I give a fuck?

>> No.16195335

I am not an American, that said, the humanities are primarily a tool for big busines to spread propaganda about racemixing, feminism and other consoomer shit.

Taking away all sponsoring will mostly mean humanities will go back to the catholic academia, rich snooty wasps and jews and small but professional reading societies.

Which is an improvement.

>> No.16195336

You will never become a woman.

>> No.16195338

>I love art and have no problem with this. The OP's piece, apparently by one (((Levy))) is telling, but not telling anything we didn't already know. The composition, such as it is, is interesting. Stark reds play against an off white, to produce an orange. The funny thing about the missing/bloody eye is that this reality corresponds to Biden, and not to Trump, much as our dear (((Levy))) would like to put the case otherwise.

This is the product of modern academia, notice that he doesnt really say anything.

Are we going to miss this meaningless double-talk?

>> No.16195342

The painting in your pic was painted by the artist's blood

>> No.16195392

Go back to yuri videos

>> No.16195396

>same retards: ahah humanities and art are some jewish libcuck shit, good riddance

>> No.16195405

I'm "hostile" to them because they're not politically neutral. These people are leftist and they're destroying the country.

>> No.16195417

So that's why so many leftists are among the artists.

>> No.16195419

Based. The world doesn't need any more fucking artists.

>> No.16195421

Is this not /lit/?

>> No.16195431

This. Tradtard no nothing about art

>> No.16195437

Just because its /lit/ doesn't mean we have to suck art degree cock. The vast- VAST majority of modern literature and art fucking suck and that's entirely the result of the kind of people who get into humanities to begin with.

>> No.16195445

The problem is consumerism

>> No.16195456
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Here's to billionaires waking up and patronizing gentleman poasters to remake culture.

>> No.16195464


>> No.16195488


Yes. Giving money to "humanities and art" doesn't produce good /lit/ though. At best it produces nothing, and at worst it produces derivative works made specifically to induce more free money. Melville or Dostoevsky didn't need government money to create literature. In fact they probably would have written worse for it.

>> No.16195514

Not only about humanities and art also the relative education

>> No.16195523

Because they are producing leftist robots and have been for a long time. It's government sanctioned revolution at this point.

>> No.16195538

I think it's the opposite problem. These artists can take a shit on Christ and encourage kids to be trannies precisely because they don't have to care about what the audience thinks. They don't have to sell their products because they get government funding.

>> No.16195547

Vast majority of so called artists are selling their commodities to consoomers

>> No.16195551
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>> No.16195553

because humanities is so fucking politicized and disingenuous it's insane. like you genuinely cannot reject feminist and gender theory. they will not let you.

>> No.16195555

We do not need more brain washed communists. It's the same situation in Belgium really. You can't point out facts anymore without facing social opprobrium.
e.g fired from work, trying to make you a exemple out of you so other people don't express themselves.
There is no place for dialogue with those people anymore.

>> No.16195567

>when you realise the true artist-patron relationship of old exists on patreon, and they're all drawing fursonas.

>> No.16195571

governments are only indirectly funding humanities and arts, people who decides where to allocate funds only give them to like-minded friends who happen to be artists. that's especially true in France and I can only imagine it's the same thing in the US.

>> No.16195585

Good decision. Modern Humanities are a shitfest.

>> No.16195597

Are these the people that get government funding?

>> No.16195603


>> No.16195636

Not my point, lmao. The leftists in art are like the camgirls of Twitch.

>> No.16195642

everday I more and more glad I jumped ship back in 2005.
enjoy living in First Industrial Revolution again, fuckers

>> No.16195643


>> No.16195649

man this place sucks

>> No.16195654

>people who decides where to allocate funds only give them to like-minded friends who happen to be artists
It's the exact same situation on Australia, government funding of the arts is a complete racket, in a lot of cases it's just welfare for well connected people and C-grade celebrities(writers, actors, painters, etc).

>> No.16195666

>article from 2017
>"president-elect Donald Trump"
In all seriousness, the NEA and NEH barely give out any money. Getting rid of them wouldn't change much, most of the artists people are complaining about ITT get funding from private donors and foundations.

>> No.16195669

Who is acting like this? You people are so divorced from reality.

>> No.16195677

>You people are so divorced from reality.

>> No.16195687

Apparently those who traffic children use art to smuggle children that are sedated. That's why "art" is expensive.

>> No.16195714

Lmao you should go back

>> No.16195730

Thanks for the input /x/

>> No.16195753
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What grants or financing from the NEA should we care about losing?

>> No.16195760

Trump would say anything to rile up his base abd increase his poll numbers, no reason to take this seriously without an official source

>> No.16195763

I'm a philosophy masters student and I agree with him.

Government shouldn't fund anything but essential services. Taxes should not be going to fucking art, or NASA, or any of that shit. They belong to hospitals and police.

>> No.16195839

Bootlicking cuck. All the money should go to art, philosophy, and literature. Anything useful should be cut.

>> No.16195867
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>snubbed by the Guggenheims
get good, Anon

>> No.16195873
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>> No.16195877
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>> No.16195883

I can only imagine that you're writing your thesis on logic as that is the only topic autistic enough to generate this post.

>> No.16195886


>> No.16195895

It's in aesthetics (environmental) but I'm sure you'll find a way to turn that into something that supports your theory: that everyone who is against government is some retarded autist.

ngmi with that attitude kid

>> No.16195922

Because traditionalist culture is Walmart and McDonalds. I wish for a real conservative, someone who is capable of exalting his own culture, praise it and support it. Scruton was the last one who isn't just engaged in reactive shit-flinging and crying about grievance politics, and thus participating in grievance politics. Infinitely tiresome. While the plug should be pulled on american retard academia, you're throwing the baby out with the bath water.

>The arts will always find private patrons
Cool, so not only will even the above-average american eventually know nothing about Melville or Whitman, but also, Elon Musk will get to define the art of this era, and X Æ A-12 will define the art of the next generation. Maybe he'll sponsor some fine Ernest Cline copycats.
There is literally nothing in the entire world that produces more gay shit than the markets themselves, as should be evident even for retarded /pol/acks from the current state of modernity. Do you decry bug-culture too? If so, know that you are defending it.

Succinct and correct.

>> No.16195928
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A strong state should reestablish hierarchy among peoples, relegate the lowest tier (niggers) back to the dregs where it belonged, and break up all (((megacorporations))) that try to undermine the state for their own power. Then the state will be devoted to luxurious spending and it will all go to art, literature, philosophy (which will be avantgarde, futurist, dadaist, useless and destructive, in contrast to the identitarian moralism of contemporary discourses), and a military known for sacrificial spectacles of carnage. No police, no health, no security, no economists, and no bureaucrats, however, who only seek to level everything to a bourgeois anomie.

>> No.16195931


>> No.16195980
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because right wing is full bugmen brainlets who don't understand art

>> No.16195981

good post.

>> No.16195987

>Since 1965, the NEH has sponsored many projects, including:

>"Treasures of Tutankhamen," an exhibition seen by more than 1.5 million people.[21]
>The Civil War, a 1990 documentary by Ken Burns seen by 38 million Americans.[22]
>Library of America, editions of novels, essays, and poems celebrating America's literary heritage.[23]
>United States Newspaper Project, an effort that cataloged and microfilmed 63.3 million pages of newspapers dating from the early United States. The program now digitizes newspapers and makes them available through Chronicling America, a web resource maintained by the Library of Congress.[24]

Good thing based God Emperor Trump showed the trannies by cutting funding for these tranny libcuck cultural marxist projects, MAGA amirite guise? History? More like fagstory, lmao.

>> No.16195988

That fat slob PBS White House reporter is probably not making a good case for public funding.

>> No.16195994
File: 64 KB, 570x372, o-PLACE-VENDOME-PARIS-570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is literally nothing in the entire world that produces more gay shit than the markets themselves
there is literally no difference between public and private funded arts

>> No.16196032

Incredibly based of Trump to kill efforts to maintain the history of his own country, very conservative. That money is much better spent on tax cuts for private jets, so Saudi sheiks can more easily fly into NYC and fuck the most beautiful women of america, paying more money for pissing on their faces than the average Joe makes in a year.

I love being a MIGA-tard and a true conservative.

>> No.16196048

We're speaking not only of art patronage, but also and primarily of education, which is the substratum of the arts, as it is needed for the appreciation of it. Education is the more important topic than patronage.

The reason why retard academia is so prevalent in america, is because the students are not students, but paying customers of private institutions. In my country in Europe, american-inspired retards tried their hand at removing Shakespeare from the literary curriculum, and replacing it with some no-name contemporary grievance author, and guess what? They were shut the fuck down.
Now compare that situation to what is happening at """prestigious""" american institutions, Harvard and Yale, and tell me that the markets aren't infinitely gayer than publicly funded education.

>> No.16196055

You do realise that the people who promote islam and prostitution are working in those same humanities

>> No.16196066

those projects are funded by private patrons you absolute retard. and there's nothing wrong with.
you grug brained faggots deserve this

>> No.16196074

>it is actually poorly paid college lecturers who are the reason for the debauchery and excess of the international finance class, so it is a good thing we're cutting funding for a project that is digitizing american newspapers and maintaining the library of america to celebrate american literary history
As of now, I cannot even begin to grasp how profoundly fucking retarded you are. Please go on.

>> No.16196075


>> No.16196080

If they were good artists they wouldn't need public funding

>> No.16196090

Hey retard, check this out: >>16195987
That's what funding has been cut for.

>> No.16196098

Take your meds schizo you're fighting the people in your head again

>> No.16196113

Next time don't bitch about the left destroying monuments.

>> No.16196120

Again If they are worth anything they don't need public funding People will pay for them
And public funding is cancer for artists anyway It just breeds retarded yes men only trying to secure more funding

>> No.16196127

Take your meds.

>> No.16196137

The masses just want their capeshit consumption. Real art is keep far away from the paying customer.

>> No.16196141

>*leftists tear down a statue*
>*Trump cuts funding from the efforts to digitize, preserve and make easily available historical sources in the humanities, as well as institutions celebrating american literary history*

To a conservative, Trump-tards are perhaps even worse than libshits.

>> No.16196148

I would but you retards don't believe in the existence of ADHD. So I was given no meds because I come from a right wing family.

>> No.16196150

Well in France the academia is equally retarded and yet universities are (mostly) free. I don't know if it had an effect on their curriculum the way it did in anglo unis but it's very doubtful that they would resist an assault from a big enough horde of retards demanding that Shakespeare be banned. Universities are already using a made up "inclusive language", they're often banning events because some groups raised their voices against them, they let far left student unions disrupt classes, bully people and often give in to their demand when they ask for automatic passing grades. Universities are doing all that not because they are weak or because they want to satisfy their customers, but because they share the same beliefs as the retards and the older, milder opiniated administrators and teachers, are being replaced with the more frantic retards through cooption as time passes.

>> No.16196161

>Again If they are worth anything they don't need public funding
I told you what funding has been cut for. I linked the post explaining it. You still do not understand. Profoundly mentally disabled.

>People will pay for them
Ah yes, the söyboys will surely refrain from buying the next Funko Pop, lay off onlyfans for a few months, and support the Library of America instead.
Fuck you bugman.

>> No.16196171

Read antifragile. Taleb would say cut some of the funding not all of it. That way art becomes more antifragile

>> No.16196186

Name a good piece of art produced with NEA funding.

>> No.16196190

>I don't know if it had an effect on their curriculum the way it did in anglo unis but it's very doubtful that they would resist an assault from a big enough horde of retards demanding that Shakespeare be banned.
Pure hypothetical.

Keeping these institutions publicly funded keeps them within the reach of political power, and thus allows at least the possibility of some semblance of quality control (provided the politicans aren't faggots), whereas the market will cater to the most base common denominator instantaneously and without ceremony, as can be seen in american academia.

>> No.16196193

You are actually mentally disabled
Just charge people to see the exhibition, watch the documentary etc etc retard
Your own post says that the documentary was seen by 38 million Americans in 1990 so there is interest

>> No.16196199

He's such a fucking anti-intellectual

>> No.16196206

Imagine browsing /lit/ and defending this.

>> No.16196207

Lol so are you.

>> No.16196214

>You are actually mentally disabled
Wow, nice comeback mouthbreather.
>Just charge people to see the exhibition, watch the documentary etc etc retard
Nice going hiding the two things that will definitely not survive in the market, namely the digitization of american newspapers and the library of america, under your "etc. etc". Are you you being wilfully intellectually dishonest, or are you too stupid to realize what you're doing?
The markets gave you Funko Pops, onlyfans and Marvel movies. You're still willing to defend their superiority. Mind-boggling.

>> No.16196218

I think you're exactly right; no one here receives funding but presses on nonetheless, in poverty or not, and I feel is the better for it. I don't even *want* funding and I'm by common standards 'poor,' but have adequate conditions nonetheless. Practicing a severe personal economy, reducing wants and therefore expenses, is not only good but inspirational to the process. Or so I feel.

>> No.16196220

so? fund yourself with what you sell? what's the problem?

>> No.16196223

Imagine browsing /lit/

>> No.16196235

Again you fail to understand simple 4chan posts I'm suprised you can even read at this point
You can fund the newspaper digitization and the Library of America with the money you earn from the exhibitions and documentaries dummy
And you haven't adressed the second part of my post either the fact that 38 million watched the documentary proves there is interest in this sort of stuff

>> No.16196236

Imagine being offended by fucking government budget cuts like a little r*ddit bitch.

>> No.16196238

>Pure hypothetical
of course
>Keeping these institutions publicly funded keeps them within the reach of political power
It does not, french universities prove every day they can do whatever they want and it's because their autonomy was erected as an unfaillible principle. They legally are autonomous entities. There need to be more than just funding, there need to be direct political control or otherwise they'll still be able to pick who and what can be discussed or studied. The threat of fund cut is not enough, the cunts need to be put under guardianship

>> No.16196261

>Treasures of Tutankhamen
>stealing from Egypt
>the left supports this
ofc fucking hypocrites
>The Civil War, a 1990 documentary by Ken Burns seen by 38 million Americans
>jewish lies about the bloodiest war in american history
no thanks rabbi
>Library of America, editions of novels, essays, and poems celebrating America's literary heritage.[23]
>United States Newspaper Project, an effort that cataloged and microfilmed 63.3 million pages of newspapers dating from the early United States. The program now digitizes newspapers and makes them available through Chronicling America, a web resource maintained by the Library of Congress.[24]
>what is the National fucking Archive
>what is scanning all of that and uploading it online
archive.org already does that too btw.
You know.
The archive that's facing lawsuits brought on by liberal fucks like you to shut it all down.

>> No.16196284

/pol/ ruined an entire generation of men

>> No.16196288

Bro haha just let things that are breeding grounds for your enemies exist lol. Leftoids will gun for this place once they get back in to power get real faggos this is just politics.

>> No.16196317

Those aren't the same tho
Trump hasn't demolished anything they can still continue what they are doing they just have to fund themselves without leeching of your tax money
But the statues are gone

>> No.16196335

>Again you fail to understand simple 4chan posts I'm suprised you can even read at this point
You keep parroting my insults. Unheimlich. Boring. Dumb.
Nonetheless, you are mistaken in believing these things can survive in the market. Annual funding of the NEH was 153 million dollars. You're not going to reimburse that yearly endowment through 38 million tickets. There's a reason why it is state-funded. It cannot survive in the market, and it cannot compete with capeshit. Bugmen will say that then it should perish, because the markets are always right. Are you a bugman? Do you think that capeshit is superior to history, because it draws bigger crowds? Is the market a wise prophet that knows only how to pick out quality and that of value, oh bugman?

I might be willing to agree with that. I hope we agree that privatization and letting universities play to the tune of the market is a very bad strategy.

I'm conservative. That you'd accuse someone angry that history is being defunded for being a liberal shows how profoundly misguided you are, and ties neatly into my very first post, which I'll quote myself:

>I wish for a real conservative, someone who is capable of exalting his own culture, praise it and support it. Scruton was the last one who isn't just engaged in reactive shit-flinging and crying about grievance politics, and thus participating in grievance politics. Infinitely tiresome. While the plug should be pulled on american retard academia, you're throwing the baby out with the bath water.

You're a shitflinger, more obsessed with owning the libs and doing the incredibly easy and lazy thing of pointing out that they are retarded, than you are interested in preserving american history.

>> No.16196350

>I hope we agree that privatization and letting universities play to the tune of the market is a very bad strategy.
It is, but it's no more worse than the political retreating from universities and letting them do whatever they want

>> No.16196387

>he thinks calling someone a retard is an original insult
>he still can't comprehend 4chan posts
It doesn't have to be as successful as capeshit to be viable dummy
Also of course you can't reimburse 153 million dollars with 38 million tickets that was just an example to show that there is a market for these things. You can simply have more exhibitions, make more documentaries etc etc
>it is state-funded. It cannot survive in the market
Says who faggot
Maybe it couldn't survive BECAUSE it was state funded and didn't need to
I'm going to stop replying to you unless your tiny brain can actually form an argument other than screeching about funko pops and bugmen

>> No.16196403
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This post is violently cringe

>> No.16196412

You have no thoughts of any value to offer me, bugman.

>> No.16196420

So you can't then?
I accept your concession

>> No.16196431

>God unironically made your post end in 420
By all means, bugman.

>> No.16196433

I thought right wingers cared about culture and 'western society'.
If trump really pulls the plug it won't be just 'progressive culture' that bites the bullet, but also traditional culture.
Only thing that survives is stuff that has mainstream appeal and can gather funding of its own.

>> No.16196436

>LOOOL every artist and every smart person is always a liberal progressives
>xxDD only the uneducated are conservative and oppose me

>> No.16196439
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Americans do not deserve art or literature, and given the choice will gladly besmirch and destroy it because it’s >libshit or >pozzed
This thread is proof enough of that

>> No.16196440

actually shocking how quickly this obesity epidemic came to be

>> No.16196448


You have no evidence for any of these claims.

>> No.16196453

They do. This is why they want to cut funding to leftists who work to destroy that culture. I don't want my money going to the billionth iteration of "piss Christ". There is nothing traditional about any of it, there's not virtue, morality, or even just an attempt and creating beauty. It's government funded subversion.

>> No.16196473

Can someone cite which classics (art or /lit/) were publically funded? Thanks and kys

>> No.16196478

Imagine trying your hardest to dodge filters for every post you make

>> No.16196481

Intelligent people figure out a functioning fucking business model and make something of value.

>> No.16196483


>> No.16196484

Most academics who wrote books.

>> No.16196485

They must go back

>> No.16196489
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>look at all those spooky leftist getting money
The US is such a fucking joke. Small libraries, musea, art exhibitions, you guys don't care about that. You guys are afraid of muh leftist boogeyman. It's retarded, keep sucking on Trumps dick while he increases military spending or something like that.
Uncultured swine.

>> No.16196491

Okay, so?

Not like either are in a good state of mind right now to produce anything of worthwhile substance, and its just another arm for political activism these days anyway instead of being used for its exact purpose.

>> No.16196492

Yes and which of those are among the classics that will be canonized in western literature for centuries to come?

>> No.16196494

Good get rid of the funding for postmodern trash art. When he is gonna sign that architecture bill

>> No.16196501
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>Intelligent people figure out a functioning fucking business model and make something of value.
Why yes, my sale of Dragon Dildos is doing very well - I chalk it up to the fact that I have created something of value, which, of course, the market has ascertained in its infinite and infallible wisdom, coupled with the fact that I have a functioning fucking business model

>> No.16196506

Libraries and museums are locally funded, idiot. But yeah, go ahead and just give me random links as if that's an argument. Big brain shit.

>> No.16196507

lots of artists were funded by entities who were able to levy taxes

>> No.16196510

>if only my dragon dildo project were publically funded I could truly ascend from this project to my next project: dragon butt plugs, and then later; convince kids to become trannies like me
Reality has a fun take on your ideology.

>> No.16196512

>tfw you realize that people who equate market value with real value are the true postmodern relativist trash
Plato tried to warn us, this is Socrates vs. sophists all over again.

>> No.16196517

Well now that isn't exactly the point, now is it?

>> No.16196518

If you’re gonna make those leaps then everything has been publically funded since everything is only one hop away from a tax/infrastructure project. See, i’m glad we could come to the conclusion the humanities don’t need direct public funding because private individuals are often better at curation than government bureaucrats!

>> No.16196522

It’s where it goes when practically implemented. It doesn’t matter what the point was unless you’re trying to make this a theoretical debate.

>> No.16196524

>New NEH awards will support teams of scholars engaged in cutting-edge humanities research. Funded projects include an interdisciplinary investigation of the origins of writing in Mesoamerica informed by recent archaeological discoveries, and the use of computational linguistics to establish if unattributed editorials in the Brooklyn Daily Times were written by Walt Whitman. Researchers will use new NEH grants to create an online historical atlas of the communities connected to the copper mining industry in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula between 1880 and 1950, and to uncover obscured and palimpsestic contents of a medieval book of chants through multispectral imaging.
Just look at this lefty shit man.

>Other grants will underwrite work on documentary films, including an American Masters documentary on the life and legacy of conservative intellectual William F. Buckley Jr.
I mean god damn, just look at this commie shit.

>NEH will also support continued editorial work on the collected papers of presidents George Washington, John Adams and John Quincy Adams, and James Monroe, as well as the papers of Mark Twain, Thomas Edison, and Jane Addams, and the multivolume Freedom, A Documentary History of Emancipation, 1861–1867.
God damn postmodernist neomarxists and their shenanigans.

>> No.16196525
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>random links
This is what trump wants to stop funding you absolute waste of oxygen. Jesus christ, do you have any braincels? Holy shit 'muh leftist' 'muh leftist', wake the fuck up you imbecile.

>> No.16196527

Are you saying Socrates should have received more funding? He would have disagreed with you.

>> No.16196531

Oh great, a documentary about a leftist neocon. Consider me debunked.

>> No.16196532

The markets, which you are upholding as ideal, produce dragon dildos. According to the markets, these have value.

Publicly funded humanities, produces this >>16196524

Which one of the two do you think has the most value?

>> No.16196535

>Consider me debunked.
I did so preemptively.

>> No.16196537

You're just playing a rhetorical game. They could fund 95% leftist horseshit but you could make the same exact argument, pointing to the few examples that could be alright. You're ignoring the things that are causing the problem.

>> No.16196540


>> No.16196542

>resentful leftist mad that people are able to get the dragon dildos they want and not have the fund the william f. buckley documentaries they don't want

why do u hate freedom? srs q

>> No.16196543

No, I am saying that market-proponents, who believe value is revealed by the whims of the market, such as the retard I originally replied to, are sophists, and that Socrates, who proposed that value exists in itself, would be opposed to market-proponents.

>> No.16196548
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What do you consider leftist?
Is teaching about slavery leftist?

>> No.16196553

>You're just playing a rhetorical game.
>proceeds to make the hypothetical argument that he could, potentially, be right about the NEH supporting 95% leftist shit, without providing a single shred of evidence or indication that this is the case
>You're ignoring the things that are causing the problem.
Write me a detailed, multi-paragraph response, with supporting evidence where needed, of what is causing the problem, explaining what the problem is. Act like I am retarded, because honestly, you are making zero sense whatsoever.

>> No.16196555
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>All these tradcells being happy that art will get more conformist and liberal, not understanding the power of culture and soft power

>> No.16196557

just saying that it's a retarded argument, you can't really say noblemen and churches were properly public entities but for the same reason you can't say they were private entities either. The public/private dichotomy is a recent thing

>> No.16196561

cuz freeDUMB is gay, thats why

>> No.16196570
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>Based Trump
>yeah 1488, fuck these leftist stop gibbing 'em gibs
>damn right! This cuntry is a free market, stop funding these commies

>> No.16196572

Monetary value is not the only kind of value in the world. Leftists seem to be paradoxically obsessed with attacking monetization while at the same time saying it’s not important and isn’t a good arbiter of anything.

The vast majority of great art pieces and literature were created without regard to monetary value or any kind of real funding. They were passion projects that people desperately found a way to create with the means they already had or the means they created for themselves.
Handing someone the means to sit on their ass and simply make art is not inspiration it’s demoralization. Good art is inspired not compulsory with the proper funding. Good art often has a struggle imbued into it, which adds to its greatness.
When you increase funding for art beyond reason you don’t spawn more inspiration you spawn more people who create art compulsively to continue to receive funding and leech.

See: postmodern trannies decolonizing their bookshelves because they’re so vapid and devoid of any remotely decent or virtuous thought in their head that they have resorted to burning what they could never hope to compare to or create but still want to continue receiving public funding for what amounts to book burning and antiintellectualism.

>> No.16196574

Quite right. The humanities are currently a cess pool... Non-STEM academia is a wasteful, malignant growth long overdue for aggressive slashing and burning.

>> No.16196581

It is funny to see leftists constantly talk about "deconstructing whiteness" and changing America, or living in a "post white America" suddenly act like they care about the preservation of American history when they get their funding cut.

>> No.16196585

Yeah I'll get right on that bro.

>> No.16196586

here's an example of the confusion between public and private in the funding of the arts

>> No.16196587
File: 48 KB, 500x386, 001_deleuze.jpg(mediaclass-landscape-large.1df3d6f438769113d26ed8577bc84d61afea2a7e).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you arguing with the strawmans you created inside of your head or....?

>> No.16196591

I was about to say that it looks like things got better between 2015 and 2020 but then I noticed that they just changed their color scale

>> No.16196592

Socrates would also not be for publically funding himself. So your argument is nil.

>> No.16196595

If a small minority of neutral academics did not want to have their money cut, perhaps they should have been more focal against radical movements in academia.

Right now, i'd rather see these products stopped and see the power of neocons and marxists cut, then to see this continue, but also our societies turning into third world nations.

>> No.16196603

>This post is violently cringe
I see, have an argument why its cringe?

>> No.16196607

Right-wing discourse about art is still a mistake

>> No.16196614

You keep talking about art patronage, despite the fact that this discussion is very clearly primarily about funding of humanities research, and not about patronage of individual artists.

Do you think the guys who are editing the papers of Thomas Jefferson should do so while living through a 19th century romanticization of the suffering genius, in order for there to be struggle imbued in these edits? Mate, honestly, what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.16196619

Beloved lit authors like Gass and Gaddis wouldn't fit into your first catagory either. The problem Is popular American thought is divided by absurd extremes which ultimately work to defend financial interests of the elite. You can't expect any of these people to truly push the humanities in a positive direction.

>> No.16196625
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>people out here really arguing Socrates who lived before Christ, before capitalism, before industrialization and saying he wouldn't want funding
Jesus Christ....

>> No.16196631

A confederacy of dunces

>> No.16196635

Based. Art should be a hobby, not something that you need a hand out for

>> No.16196645

>It is funny when genuine american hypocrites point out the genuine hypocrisy of others american
Can't fucking wait for chinese supremacy, not much more than a decade or two away.

>> No.16196646

Humanities research has become how do we fly to africa and study a tribe that has men who think theyre women in it or we need to produce more art about trannies and the victimhood totempole(ableism, HAES, racism, etc.) You don’t seem very well researched on what’s happening to the humanities (particularly in the public sector) right now. It’s entirely dedicated to leftists politics. I’m currently dick deep in the humanities at a major US public university. It’s a fucking dumpsterfire.

>> No.16196647

A strawman requires a subject to misrepresent. I'm responding to my observations about people and their beliefs. They hate white people but now when their funding gets pulled they want to pretend it's traditional to fund their art.

>> No.16196650

Take your meds.

>> No.16196652

Hey look, you haven’t even read Plato’s or Xenophon’s dialogues and know nothing about Socrates.
>projecting your political bullshit onto Socrates because you think you know everything
Leftists make me nauseous

>> No.16196653

What the NEH supports has been quoted several times.
The supposed leftist-academia boogeymen projects the NEH is claimed to support has not been shown anywhere.

>> No.16196654

It isn't that old relationship though. The average crowd-funding 'patron' isn't an aristocrat of keen intellect and refined tastes — they're vulgar consoomers.

>> No.16196656
File: 267 KB, 1024x1097, 2F71A799-B563-4518-8812-EE223EF0D93E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Niggers and trannies seething that they can’t make millions off of their period blood paintings anymore

>> No.16196657

Remind me why this is bad again? These have done nothing to create job and have only been a drain. Japan did it years ago

>> No.16196661


>> No.16196663

Modern art is conformist and liberal, dickhead. You think it's controversial to be anti-racism, pro-immigration and anti-sexual discrimination in current year?

>> No.16196665

>hate white people

Okay retard. Sounds like you overdosed on twitter screenshots. Who hates white people? Why?
Teachers of humanities and arts?

>> No.16196668

Good, the humanities and arts in the modern day are extremely complacent whilst providing almost nothing of value. So either this will kill them and will do nothing significantly good or bad, OR this will force the humanities and arts to justify their existence again by upholding higher standards and producing worthwhile works.

>> No.16196669

What is wrong with you people?

>> No.16196670
File: 81 KB, 790x555, based.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed. If every country was more like Japan, the world would be a more efficient place.

>> No.16196672

These hotels are cheap and made for people just passing through who need a bed.

>> No.16196676

What good art has ever been made where the artist treated it as "just a hobby." Maybe this is why no great literature has been written in decades or any art for that matter. In an ideal society people like Harold Bloom would dictate who receives funding.

>> No.16196680

As another anon noted, that’s is a rhetorical point. That’s not the entirety of where their funding goes. It’s an infinitesimally small % of it.

>> No.16196686

You can't compare some philosophers who lived thousands of years ago to our present day.

>> No.16196695
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>source: my suspicion

>> No.16196698

Ah yes, because as we all know something can't have value unless you make profit from it. Stephen King has written the best books, that's why he makes the most money.

Kys retard

>> No.16196702

He didn't say "just a hobby". He said "a hobby". I ascribe more meaning to my hobbies than what I do for a living, for example.

>> No.16196705

Kek you uncultured burgers. Same shit everyday

>> No.16196719

last i heard thomas pynchon was living on the upper west side and isn't hurting for cash

>> No.16196726

I'm not privy to the role of "art" as far as trafficking goes, but its oft-claimed part in money laundering seems plausible enough.

>> No.16196727

>"if I clump everything I don't like together with zero nuance and understanding, everything's all the same"
>being this delusional

>> No.16196755


>> No.16196767

right wingers are so retarded.

>> No.16196781
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But muh jews muh marxists muh racemixing

>> No.16196782
File: 104 KB, 442x322, eact.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cow's milk has more estrogens than onions
Lies, onions has so much more that it's not even in the same ballpark. Furthermore, even if we assumed animal estrogens are x1000 more potent than phytoestrogens (a generous assumption), onions would still be far more estrogenically active.

>> No.16196783

Unfortunately this will just mean that whatever budget existed for classics and history will be siphoned into gender studies. Trump will have to declare himself dictator and gas all the Social Science departments in order to restore the study of history, theology and classics.

>> No.16196786

You may apply more meaning to it but it's still "just a hobby" when your working overtime for shit pay. Literally every fucking aspect of popular American political thought exists to keep the plebs (everyone not lower upper class and higher) complacent in being plebs. The constant attack on the american mind and the popularization of absurd reaction sans reason ala this thread is a necessity for them.

>> No.16196787

literally nothing wrong with any of those btw

>> No.16196789

Yeah no I agree, the right has gone schizo.

>> No.16196794

literally nothing wrong with phytoestrogens and soi they don't work in the same way as mammalian estrogen this has been proven already.

>> No.16196797

Phytoestrogen doesn't work like estrogen in your body.

>> No.16196799
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The right has always been schizo, the left too but generally the populations of both representing below average iqs.

>> No.16196810

>topic is funding of the arts
>thread devolves into schizo rants about trannies and dietary bro-science
Every fucking time.

>> No.16196825

>noo not my heckin liberal arts!
Literally nothing good has ever come out of it. Real artists are born with talent not made by going to school for it

>> No.16196829

Yeah, both sides are schizo now. Just in - albeit at times vaguely - different forms.

>> No.16196859

>Treasures of Tutankhamen
All artifacts from the tomb of Tutankhamen are legally owned by Egypt and are only exhibited outside of the Cairo museum with permission from Egyptian officials, retard

>> No.16196926

good. i really wish the government here in canada would stop funding amerindian ethnonationalist art. literally all government funding nowadays goes to some fat fuck who does boring crap about "queer fat femme indigenous two-spirits"

>> No.16196938

The problem is that any good artist today isn't going to be known because the market doesn't deem them valuable. Things were at least so decades and centuries ago that they would at least reach some recognition in their time if anything, but now there's a complete absence of recognition for those who deserve it. A Gass of today would be completely lost to time.

>> No.16197058

Conservatism has long been the new counter culture.

>> No.16197082

>Conservatism is the new contrarianism
you don't say

>> No.16197093

kill yourself


>> No.16197135

I wonder how many people ITT have read 10 books in total in their entire existence.

>> No.16197141

Why do the arts need funding by the govt.? If someone truly wants to create art, they can find a way. Poor artists always find a way. Corrupt artists take a govt. handout.

>> No.16197154

I'm glad the US is now completely cancelling its culture. You're running head first towards a massive implosion

>> No.16197157

The arts and humanities have been perverted and reduced low enough that they needed to be put to death.

>> No.16197165

It's an interesting experiment for sure. They've never had the profound dignity of Europe, now let's see what happens when they give up the pretext of having it.

>> No.16197176

None of you have ever taken a humanities course you are all full of shit as shown by the rest of the "content" on this board. A literature board applauding the tearing down of arts and humanities. Imbeciles.

>> No.16197191

what the world needs most is a genocide of americans

>> No.16197201

humanities courses are general requirement for any bachelors u chud

>> No.16197205

This but unironically.

>> No.16197219

Traditionalism and capitalism are not compatible. Modern republicans are one of the stupidest people on the planet.

>> No.16197220

>muh gen ed
these are pleb courses

>> No.16197228

Traditionalism and capitalism are both retarded

>> No.16197230

oh please you parents probably made u do a bug degree and u didnt have the balls to tell your dad accounting sucks

>> No.16197241

I didn't do a bug degree

>> No.16197260
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Ah yes, as opposed to the purple-haired geniuses who illuminate academia from the heights of Mount Parnassus.

>> No.16197269

except for Christian Pulisic: he can be allowed to live. Also with the extinction of the Amerimutts he'd play internationally for Croatia and that's a good thing if you're a Croatian

>> No.16197274

This coming from the same sort of mind that will insist that sex is a social construct.

>> No.16197275

yeah those people are better than you what are you trying to say?

>> No.16197285

no one has ever said that but gender is. anyway if that is your argument for right wingers not only destroying art, humanities, and intellectual pursuits but also having a boot on the throats of working people and cutting social programs and destroying communities than you aren't making a strong case for right wingers. "Culture war" types are imbeciles.

>> No.16197303

the greatest artists are always privately funded by rich guys, moreover the greatest museums in america are all thanks to the generosity of top tier capitalists which is why its so embarrassing that sf bay has no world class museum, javascript bugmen have no class

>> No.16197319

You're correct, but not about San Fran:

>> No.16197327

Nothing your simple brain could comprehend, clearly. As you were.

>> No.16197336

oh yeah itunes u had some good lecture series from there idk what happened to them now that itunes u is getting rolled into apple classroom or w/e probably on youtube anyways

>> No.16197344

>conservative invents a situation in their head and then gets mad about it
Getting tired of this rerun

>> No.16197390

Gender is sex, faggot.

>> No.16197498

all modern art and humanities classes are worthless

>> No.16197559

Ummmm yikes sweaty History of Transexual Nigger Fingerpainting is an extremely important course you incel.

>> No.16197616
File: 17 KB, 194x259, ED4B841E-CB1E-4CE5-8965-40890221E6D9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no one has ever said that but gender is. anyway if that is your argument for right wingers not only destroying art, humanities, and intellectual pursuits but also having a boot on the throats of working people and cutting social programs and destroying communities than you aren't making a strong case for right wingers. "Culture war" types are imbeciles.

>> No.16197644

>the profound dignity of Europe

Nice way to put it. I think certain cultures have that, especially the upper echelons, that goes for India, China, Japan, Turkey, Korea and others. Not investing in your own culture is something even idiots like Erdogan wouldn't do.

>> No.16197652

Bugman brain post

>> No.16197655

This place reeks of estrogen.

>> No.16197688

>muh white male entitlement
Go back and dilate.

>> No.16197715

The psychologist fraud who coined the term “gender identity” was a pedophile who used the concept of gender identity to force mutilating surgery on children, who he then abused, these children later committed suicide. It’s astonishing that Money’s work is still taken so seriously by many people.
Gender is not distinct from sex unless you’re a psychologist, and psychology is not distinct from pseudoscience unless you’re a retard.