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File: 425 KB, 800x629, library of alexandria fire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16194146 No.16194146 [Reply] [Original]

*stops you from reading 90% of the Greeks in your path*

>> No.16194158

Me on the castle fort thing lol

>> No.16194185

Why the fuck do people praise the r*mans again

>> No.16194388

This is a picture of the Christians burning the library of Alexandria

>> No.16194431

no it isn't

>> No.16194458
File: 8 KB, 250x250, F3A18D0F-97D6-4256-BFEE-0A877E1C0F75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> library of alexandria fire.jpg

>> No.16194475


>> No.16194569


>> No.16194588

Ah. I see now. It was old.

>> No.16194596

>be me
>perfect time travel
>decide to check out my favorite place in history
>library of alexandria
>i cant wait to read all these epic writings and maybe even take them back to the future :D
>go pull scroll out of wall
>10 sheep were sold by Amenhotep to Nekauba of Thebes
>pull out another scroll
>5 bushels of barley were traded for 12 clay pots on this day, during the 5th new moon in the year of Ramses II
>nonono it cant all be like this

>all of the scrolls are like this

>set the library on fire

>> No.16194617

The biggest burning was romans first no?

>> No.16194623

Gap in my history reading. I apologize.

>> No.16194630

These memes are funny, but from writers who actually studied in the library we know that it would have contained a lot of important works that were lost

>> No.16194783

Like the Talmud in ancient Greek

>> No.16194794

Wow you really are retarded.

>> No.16194800

You skipped over the whole julius caeser part of roman history?

>> No.16194812

Based Christians.

>> No.16195026

I heard somewhere the burning of the library was just a meme, only a small part of it burned and the collection was moved to safety in time, almost nothing was lost.

>> No.16195045
File: 338 KB, 1500x2000, books in dumpster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Serapeum was vandalized and demolished in 391 AD under a decree issued by Coptic Christian Pope Theophilus of Alexandria, but it does not seem to have housed books at the time and was mainly used as a gathering place for Neoplatonist philosophers following the teachings of Iamblichus.

Cancel Culture 391

>> No.16195065

what did we lose? eat, pray, love in ancient greek? cool. do we really need more homoerotic stories for social outcasts?

>> No.16195142

yeah from reddit r/historians or something

>> No.16195174
File: 27 KB, 313x480, C5A1AFDE-1BBF-4FB0-AB7C-3C77776ACB55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a nice collection of the catalogs that list lost writings? Saphho etc.

>> No.16195180

Just imagine all that ancient culture lost forever. True knowledge, not corrupted by our modern capitalism, the praise of money over everything. Back when religion(s) were meaningful and respected.
>trusting R*ddit

>> No.16195189

You heard wrong. Otherwise we wouldn't be talking about it 2000 years later. It was also burned on more than one occasion

>> No.16195193

Nothing written by dirty p*gans is of any worth.
Greek writings didn't take us to the moon, it was Christian scientific investigations which later on became the basis for secular scientific investigations which pulled us through.
Religion is cancer.

>> No.16195198

I do not trust reddit. I was mocking the ackshually guy

>> No.16195200

I was the White man who did both.

Go kill yourself, commie scum!

>> No.16195228

Christianity brought civilization to white men.
Greeks weren't white, they were m*ds.

>> No.16195244

white men were subjugated far before christianity. the ethnic greeks you read about no longer exist.

>> No.16195288

>Greek writings didn't take us to the moon
Good, fuck your Bourgeois Imperialist fantasies.

>> No.16195365

We're talking about Zeus's exploits 2000 years later too, and that doesn't make it any more true.

>> No.16196486

Space travel is not possible from the perspective of "Christian Science", because, from the Christian perspective, there is no such thing as "outer space" there is only the firmament, the Tehom and beyond that, the kingdom of Yahweh.

>> No.16196577

the Arabs burned it

>> No.16196599

Holy shit shut the fuck up you old, bloated, rancid, washed up WHORE

>> No.16196662

Nah, it was the Christians though the arabs would certainly burn it all down if the library continued to exist in the present age.

>> No.16196671

christianity was progressive at the time tho so you would have supported it

>> No.16196688

> m*ds

>> No.16196738

>do we really need more homoerotic stories for social outcasts?


>> No.16196760

I thank god everyday that the Arabs saved the works of Aristotle and Plato

>> No.16196772

i wish they had blazed aristotle, his my "charging interest doesn't create value" is such a stupid idea and held civilization back for centuries

>> No.16196802

Imagine believing in the moon

>> No.16196893

library of alexandria is nothing compared to Library of Constantinople that got lost twice.
>Over the centuries, several fires in the Library of Constantinople destroyed much of the collection. The library was burnt in the year 473 and about 120,000 volumes were lost.

>> No.16196909

>loss of constantinople library worse
yeah but that's not as good of anti-christian propaganda especially since the most recent conflagration was caused by islamic turks