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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 58 KB, 600x600, B77FC84A-2732-477C-B483-6497E0B88678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16193457 No.16193457 [Reply] [Original]

Books that are soul crushingly depressing and full of grief?

>> No.16193461

I don’t want to listen to that album ever again

>> No.16193462

Charlotte's Web

I was never the same again........

>> No.16193471

It's hard to listen to it. I can't imagine suggesting someone listen to it.

>> No.16193473

Pic related only has value from a lyrical standpoint, and even then from a songwriter-lyrical standpoint
Phil's best work, musically and lyrically, is the combined The Glow Pt 2 or Mount Eerie

>> No.16193481

The Sound and the Fury

>> No.16193484

my diary desu

>> No.16193490

It's bleak and desolate and it almost simulates the intense loss of a loved one
Is there anything like it in literature?

>> No.16193500
File: 30 KB, 408x306, 5a6b2da30af21723a090ddf5e138a052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gay faggot music taste

>> No.16193506

The Tartar Steppe
Lonesome Dove and especially it's sequel Streets of Laredo

>> No.16193508 [DELETED] 

Okay start posting Red Krayola lyrics then Pam

>> No.16193521

Jealous europoor

>> No.16193535

Okay start posting Red Krayola lyrics then Darlene

>> No.16193537
File: 701 KB, 1524x2286, 91ssMd0aOKL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Book Of Disquiet is pretty depressing. Not in the way that grief itself is depressing, but it's a very close and detailed examination of depression itself, and the feelings and thoughts associated with a depressed person's inner monologue.

>> No.16193550
File: 108 KB, 640x882, Brazilian-Girl-Football-Fan-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your music will never be good you amerifatt faggots, your taste in music is literally soi and low T faggotry

let me heal you

>> No.16193557

>The Book Of Disquiet is pretty depressing.
It's not about depression and it's not a depressing book, retard. Did you even read it? It's literally the opposite, the protagonist is pretty consistently happy via the power of imagination, dreaming and aesthetic escape.

>> No.16193562

Haha you dumb faggot I can't name a single musician from your shithole country. I'm not watching your faggy video I didn't even embed it.
Just ask yourself how many american musicians you can name off the top of your head.

>> No.16193568

lanny by max porter might make you feel that way. depends on you really

>> No.16193567

>he thinks i'm brazilian

>> No.16193611
File: 120 KB, 190x265, image3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A victim economy, a political economy of misfortune: a positive tradeable stock, which, in all its forms, has substituted itself for the impossible exchange of evil.
>A differential of victimhood that nowhere pays off so well, is nowhere so lucrative today, as in the negotiation of oneself as waste (something magnificently illustrated by contemporary art). Many people's only talent in life is to mobilize this affect and this alternative solution.
Stop wallowing in misery for reparations, fag.

>> No.16193613

I dont know where you're from but unless your British I promise you I've never heard of a musical act from your country. And if you are British, go see a dentist.

>> No.16193614
File: 42 KB, 478x600, 1491676390935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Books that are soul crushingly depressing and full of grief?

>> No.16193621

shes hot

>> No.16193622


>> No.16193629
File: 150 KB, 387x500, Cat_yawning.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unless your British I promise you I've never heard of a musical act from your country.
>he's never heard bach, wagner, chopin, debussy, mozart, vivaldi, beethoven, shostakovich, schubert, verdi, liszt, etc
imagine admitting to being such an absolute fucking pleb HAHAHAHA
>oh yeah i only like gay indie bands that women and homosexuals also like almost exclusively esp if it's sad and makes me cry like a pussy
HAHAHAHA you are gay bro

>> No.16193635

seriously, i had such a different expectation for this book going in because of the way /lit/ treats it. but it's actually a based and egoist rejection of reality, very reaffirming in some respects

>> No.16193643

why are you listing german, russian, and french musicians?

>> No.16193644

Yeah, that book is actually pretty white-pilling. Only retards think it's depressing. I feel like they just don't get it.

>> No.16193662
File: 557 KB, 584x415, 1551832054659-sexuality-ancient-egypt.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you said you've never listened to music outside england and US, exposing yourself as a fucking pleb HAHAHAHA NOW DILATE

>> No.16193677

Damn son, that guy’s dick is humongous. That’s like a toddler’s leg.

>> No.16193686

sorry, i'm not that anon, just misread your post
pls continue

>> No.16193699

Wow, you're German, French, Holy Roman Empire-ian, Italian, Russian, Austrian, and Hungarian?! That's so cool! And I thought Americans were the mutts.

>> No.16193713
File: 1.53 MB, 256x256, 1598141247163.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you must be retarded. you said you've never heard music outside england and the US, so i listed a bunch of composers you're missing out on due to being a faggot and an absolute pleb, you're so retarded you seem to extrapolate from that my nationality, which is a absurdly retarded, fuck, not only are you a pleb but you lack basic logic and literacy, go back to listening to your faggot gay homosexual indie music for women and dilate, gay tranny

>> No.16193741

>indie music is the only music that isn't 'clasical'
If you think I'm >>16193461 you're wrong. You would probably like >>>/pol/, where they have poster IDs. And flags, that way everyone can know what non-country you come from.

>> No.16193750

>indie music is the only music that isn't 'clasical'
never said that, once again ur retarded and illiterate

>> No.16193752

What country are you from?

>> No.16193757


>> No.16193776

Why are we arguing

>> No.16193781

i was making fun of ur music taste and u got butthurt

>> No.16193804

But you posted>>16193500
I've never even heard the album in the OP I just wanted to make fun of you for being from an irrelevant country.

>> No.16193812

I could not think of a more suicidally depressed book. Holy fuck they need to shrink wrap it.

>> No.16193825
File: 66 KB, 770x511, c2e4f71d85094340c35d33adc7f07ec4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, i just posted a random pic lol i think it's funny, OP is a big gay tho, listen to this soi music HAHAHA you can hear the low T in his voice. he is the guy in the right in pic related in sandals and khakis HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.16193827
File: 185 KB, 612x612, 9A54AD76-0CD6-44FF-987E-F0D0ED7741CE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No More Parades - Ford Madox Ford
Lie Down in Darkness - William Styron
Easter Parade - Richard Yates
The Lost Weekend - Charles Jackson

I can vouch for every one of these being excellent

>> No.16194027

is this millennial's Elliott Smith?

>> No.16194970

Wuthering Heights

>> No.16195237

wahh my wife is dead even though I remaried like a month after please give me money
*sadboy rock noises*
10/11 Pitchfork

>> No.16195362

what a fucking hack this narcissistic faggot is

>> No.16195463

Children of Hurin

>> No.16195467


>> No.16195482

You're both faggots who have been duped by Phil's Pitchfork-backed scam to exploit his wife's death.