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16189493 No.16189493 [Reply] [Original]

I've been reading Moldbug's hackernews posts today and he's based and redpilled as fuck


>There are three kinds of blacks in America today - feral, traditional, assimilated. Traditional black people are the nicest people in the world and have the coolest churches. Unfortunately they're all over 50 and have high blood pressure. Assimilated black people are just like white people except for the little box they check when they want to get into Harvard. (Samuel R. Delany's memoir, The Motion of Light in Water, is among other things a wonderful evocation of the old "Jack and Jill" black upper class.) Feral black people need to be rounded up, flex-cuffed, laser de-tattooed, sent to boot camp for three months, and placed in the unconditional custody of traditional black people, who will know exactly what to do with them.


>Neighbor, please.

>"Most professionals" live and work within ten miles of this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5MGJ87hPGw.. If you worked for me and weren't comfortable with this kind of diversity, I'd cap your ass. Period.

>Tech culture keeping it realer every year. Throw down some rude JS or get your app-cache timed out. That's the way we live and die in the 415, neighbor!

and responding in an argument about racial IQ differences (guess which side he's on)

>You seem interested in reading my comments. You'll read quite a few before you see me flame someone who hasn't already flamed me - usually twice.
It's everyone else who's obsessed with "IQ and Race stuff." They're just obsessed in the other direction. Worse still, they don't know it - because everyone they know has the same obsession. Fear is a kind of obsession, too. Don't we think of the Victorians as obsessed with sex?

>> No.16189515

trash fuck off.

>> No.16189543

I like Moldbug. I just got his book "A Gentle Introduction to Unqualified Reservation." Not sure how I never heard of him until his recent round on youtube podcasts, guess I'm a sucker

>> No.16189565
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so hot #vapedaddy

>> No.16189573


here he is arguing against privilege theory in 2012. I must be a high IQer just like him because we agree so much and think so alike

>> No.16189588

If he published physical copies I’d read him but I’m not ebook scum.

>> No.16189708

reminder for anyone interested that his ebooks are all on github, btw: https://github.com/KeithAnyan/

>Moldbug's hackernews posts
yeah these are great
see also his long debate with scott aaronson in the comments to the latter's blog (ctrl+f boldmug): https://www.scottaaronson.com/blog/?p=3167

>> No.16189731

>based and redpilled as fuck
Go back.

>> No.16190161

Hackernews is one of the only good sites left you should know better than to not post it here

>> No.16190260

>dead Youtube Link
This is what OP was referring to:
viewer discretion is advised

>> No.16191403

You should read the web version instead honestly he has a habit of linking to tons of shit for context.

>> No.16191404
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>falling for this racist propaganda

>> No.16191732


>> No.16191984
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>being an anti-semmite

>> No.16192065

>Hackernews is one of the only good sites left
meh I find less and less interesting stuff there, the comments are still somewhat decent but the increase in young midwit startup wannabes has scared off the few really smart people who used to post a lot back when PG was running Y combinator.

>> No.16192392

you're not american are you?

>> No.16192422

Yeah I got into his ideas through some of the content creators that recently got another wave of popularity, a gentle introduction to mencius moldbug by distributist on yt is a good watch, like an hour long but covers a lot of really interesting stuff.

>> No.16192614

documenting behavior is propaganda?

>> No.16192639

>be a stirnerite
>get mad about muh racism and muh antisemitism, uphold literally spooky beliefs like human rights
Go back.

>> No.16193226

quite a jump there anon, and nary a period for rest

>> No.16193234


>> No.16193249

It's infested with webshits and VC-types who've never touched a text editor in their life. Cf. >>16192065; HN users are the STEM equivalent of /lit/ pseuds who've never read a book but still don the trappings of literary culture.

>> No.16193338

>When the USG starts shutting down the exchanges, which will happen any minute now, Bitcoin will go to zero and stay there. Everyone who thought their BTC was worth USG will want out - and find that the doors are now locked. The BTC price won't even be epsilon. It'll be zero.


>> No.16193375

HN has been very bad for at least 5 years now. Comments are good only when it's strictly a technical subject-mattet. All other commentary is Reddit-tier

>> No.16195011
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>Starvin' Yarvin straggles in from the mean streets of New Haven with unexplained bruises

>OMG Curtis are you OK?! What happened to your leather jacket?

>There are three kinds of blacks in America today - feral, traditional, assimilated. Traditional black people are the nicest people in the world and have the coolest churches. Unfortunately they're all over 50 and have high blood pressure. Assimilated black people are just like white people except for the little box they check when they want to get into Harvard. (Samuel R. Delany's memoir, The Motion of Light in Water, is among other things a wonderful evocation of the old "Jack and Jill" black upper class.) Feral black people need to be rounded up, flex-cuffed, laser de-tattooed, sent to boot camp for three months, and placed in the unconditional custody of traditional black people, who will know exactly what to do with them.

>> No.16195552

HN is objectively awful unless you're some VC "ideas" guy that knows nothing about technology.

>> No.16195863

I actually like Hacker News (the parts I look at, anyway, I know what not to click) but it's not some kind of secret club and it's not going to be polluted by /lit/ of all places.

>> No.16195876
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who would torture themselves with hackernews comments

>> No.16196560

this guy is smart I will spend all day reading these comments and also philosopherai. and my fantasy football draft. Thanks for posting bro

>> No.16196597

Who's the non-cringe accelerationists, is it just Sadie Plant and Mark Fisher? Land is a given, regardless of political views.

>> No.16196666
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are you chuds too stupid to realize that all of these guys are ACTORS? as in, they are being PAID to act like that? Hood Life was meant to radicalize white people against a non-existent foe. it's classic false consciousness propaganda. no black people are actually like this, it's a fucking racist meme.

>> No.16196740

Noone is deriving their political views from Hood Life. For me, it's watching my city disintegrate into another Baltimore, year by year, while the city government shovels money into the pits that are the black neighborhoods.

I assume "False Consciousness" to you means recognizing social divisions beyond the class struggle model. But race is real, race affects every facet of American society that it touches, because race is just a way of conceptualizing human genetic variation. Human beings differ biologically and psychologically, and naturally perceive and organize into kin groups along those lines. You'd do well to start recognizing that race is not just an imagined, "false" obstacle to class revolution, but an actual, flesh-and-blood obstacle to it. A racially divided society is a divided society, if it can be called one society at all.

>> No.16196848

it informed my political views desu. I never grew up around blacks and always assumed that they were benign and friendly. this video was a giant redpill. gradually, I begun to hate them

>> No.16196861
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>ya I think these comments on a pseudo-reddit by some blogger are fairly titillating insightful

>> No.16196887

>bad neighborhoods are propoganda
you can tell this hipster ain't from brooklyn, anyone who lived in the city for more than a summer knows certain neighborhoods are quite dangerous and best avoided unless there's a really rad band playing near them

>> No.16196910

>people responding to this seriously

>> No.16196920

Who mentioned accelerationism?

>> No.16196924 [DELETED] 

>comments on a pseudo-reddit
>actually look at the op

ahhh ha ha ha moldberg made it the frontpage of hn? that site is the pseudiest place on the internet, of course those absolutely cringe essays by paul graham set the tone, so it shouldn't be unexcpted, but ewww lame.

>> No.16196942
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>t. grew up in an all white suburb
Pic related.

Dum dums don't actually know what Moldbug thinks, so they just sort of lump him in with Nick Land, even though they are very different in basically every way.

>> No.16196952

Fortunately I got it on my kindle so all the hyperlinks are there

>> No.16196962

shit tier analysis, but I wonder how cuckbot will react to his father discussing race

>> No.16196988

hn sucks so bad, i only read it at work cuz it's sort of "worky" with all the tech industry gossip, but now that i'm on remote i barely look at it once a week lol

>> No.16197520

wasted quads

>> No.16197531


>> No.16197574

Isn't he like.. jewish?

>> No.16197585 [DELETED] 

obviously, that's why it's so funny when these alt-right white guys gobble up this racial "iq science" that puts them somewhere in the midrange

>> No.16199025

The best part of old HN was that you'd be talking about something like gmail and the actual creator of gmail would join the conversation or talking about the ISS and the guy who programmed the life support system would chime in.
Early Reddit also had this to some extent but it's just the nature of websites that they have a golden period and then turn to shit as they trend towards the mean. 4chans a weird exception because it's always been a dumpster of churning trash that every now and then spits out some gold amongst mountains of shit.

>> No.16199056

Racist mysticist charlatan

>> No.16199065

if there is one thing you cannot say about moldbug it's that he's mysticist

>> No.16199122

I always had a sneaking suspicion there was some HN/lit cross-pollination going on

>> No.16199770


>> No.16199835

congratulations on rolling quads on this bait

>> No.16199852

Software engineers are so self-important that I cannot even find it amusing. It's just exhausting.

>> No.16199993

>Software engineers are so self-important
They rank just below lawyers and doctors in terms of ego

>> No.16200311
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