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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 76 KB, 640x640, unending_pain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16189193 No.16189193 [Reply] [Original]

Aren't most books, even in the western canon, about relationships between people?
From Shakespeare to Tolstoy, that's the main thing that the book revolves around.

Then why do most people on here seem so set in their loner lifestyle? Like, go outside instead of reading about it. Maybe, all these normies that you look down upon are the ones actually living the literary lifestyle.

>> No.16189205

>Then why do most people on here seem so set in their loner lifestyle?

>> No.16189209

Anon, the people here who actually read and have interest in literature also have friends in real life. The retard tourists who don’t read because they only want to politically shitpost also don’t have real friends and relationships

>> No.16189216

I actually don't have any real friends in real life. I live in middle America and there is no one with the same interests or hobbies in like a 100 mile radius.

>> No.16189232
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I live in south america and I have friends with my same interests and as autistic as me
I don't know why americans can't have true friendship though

>> No.16189245

because they're either incredibly online or incredibly vapid individuals. Often Both.

It's harder for chan types because most of them can't compartmentalize irl and online so chimp out about retarded /pol/ shit and have warped expectations.

>> No.16189253

Faust is a real fucking 4chan book because Heinrich does literally nothing else then bargaining with himself and the world while projecting like a mf.
Still quality book tho

>> No.16189319

Hmm, real people are just much harder to talk to. I'd rather argue with imaginary characters inside my head.

Either way, I prefer books where the main character isn't somebody who has some social goal in mind, but rather is on the outside looking in. Relationships with other people aren't the only type of relationships there are - you can also have a relationship with the world, with God, with life in general. Recently I've been reading Lovecraft out of curiosity, and the horror and disgust depicted in those books is a type of a relationship, or an attitude that they have towards the world. All normal on the surface, but the harder you look, and the more you engage with it and discover, the more disturbing life becomes.

>> No.16189327
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>using "canon"

>> No.16189339

Umm, excuse me, could you not post black people on this website ever again? As a matter of fact, delete your post completely, please. Thank you.

>> No.16189423
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I can't believe I got triggered by this pic. Jesus, the last time I felt this way was while reading One Hundred Years of Solitude.

>> No.16189434

Yeah, that definitely sounds like me. I am such a fucking moron. I just want actual friends with interests. I think I wouldn't be so agitated if I just had a hobby with friends.

>> No.16189457

never, bitch.

>> No.16189526


>> No.16189563

>>Anon, the people here who actually read and have interest in literature also have friends in real life. The retard tourists who don’t read because they only want to politically shitpost also don’t have real friends and relationships
fuck you I read and contribute to /lit/ and don't have friends, in part because mental illness, stop making your situation the whole 4chan

>> No.16189614

I don't have any friends and I read to avoid reality. Unfortunately, /pol/fags are destroying this board too and it's difficult to find another place that isn't just Harry Potter or high school lit.
I'm fucked.

>> No.16189636
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Somebody check this one's filaments

>> No.16189685

That is tragic.

>> No.16189690
File: 143 KB, 500x502, 1573533029021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's painful, fuck

>> No.16189946

the OP image literally ruined my day, wtf
the only thing that gives me solace is knowing the fact that this might be fake

>> No.16190046


>> No.16190350

Houses are far from each other and their weathers are too extreme I guess. Here in South America people live next to each other. Central America people are jovial as fuck and Western Euros love in relatively packed cities.
Anglos are superindividualized desu

>> No.16190397

it looks real, and the worst part is it probably happened to you to some extent
it's like we're living in a doomed parallel timeline where our lives went to shit

>> No.16190426

I don't think it's real, but if you're absent minded enough to not read what are certainly going to be the last words directed at you by a lot of your peers, until ten years after the fact, maybe you deserve this.

>> No.16190429

>That image
Nooooooo :(

>> No.16190680

it hits home to me because I, too, have never opened my high school yearbook since I got it

>> No.16190823
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And good riddance. The OP image hits hard, because you don't know how the person looks like besides "tomboy" and you imagine a pure anime character innocently falling in love.

However, that's not reality. There is a good reason for why the both of you haven't opened up that yearbook.

>> No.16190873
File: 216 KB, 584x530, 1502061291632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that pic
fuck man that got me. need tomboy bros

>> No.16190886

Imagine living in a world where nothing is within walking distance, cat calling women is considered borderline sexual assault, and ‘tu/vos’ has been exclusively replaced by ‘usted’ for all interactions including familial ones.
That is the life of most Anglos. Anglo American capitalism is a conspiracy to completely commodify all interpersonal relationships through clubs, bars, and pop music.
Idk about other people here but I don’t bother with social interactions or women because everyone my age is living in gated college communities and I don’t make enough money to go out bar hopping on weekends (or to afford the kind of apartment I could invite people over to).

>> No.16190912

I had something similar happen to me. A girl I really liked wrote her number in my yearbook and I LOST THE BOOK

>> No.16190921

>I don’t bother with social interactions or women
Get a hobby, then meet with a group of like-minded individuals. You can pick everything and anything from a shooting range, bicycle riding groups, literature clubs, to watching anime - there are people who will want to meet up and do it IRL in a group.

>> No.16190924 [DELETED] 

anyone who stayed in high school long enough to get a yearbook and didn't get into a selective uni is a fucking midwit

>> No.16191013
File: 27 KB, 343x343, GKNEBCt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16191043

I thought the whole point was seeing the look of disgust on their faces anyway

>> No.16191055

are you the guy that's 5'5"?

>> No.16191101

intimacy isn't really apart of american culture, even the slightest intimate interaction is usually followed up some impersonal social gesture. are we afraid of latent homosexuality? did we take the bluepill on individualism? I don't know but it's not so bad once you get used to it and you can still have friendships that are meaningful and bring joy to your life. Most fags on here just can't into people so they cry

>> No.16191165

I don't have any friends except for my wife.

>> No.16191224

Married people really are despicable. Only individuals shine the brightest.

>> No.16191448


>> No.16192025

have sex

>> No.16192068

This is the biggest cope I’ve ever seen

>> No.16192209

Dangerously based

>> No.16192251

Sauce on OPs pic?

>> No.16192254

for most it's really just a problem that comes with age. you mostly only see your coworkers and family, and depending on your job it's difficult if not downright risky to get close to your coworkers. plus your old friends get busy with their lives and you don't see them as often (and then it's usually because they're looking for groomsmen)

>> No.16192320


>> No.16192410


>> No.16192469

Anybody else feel as if they're not suited to living?
As if life is just one giant, constant headache you just can't get rid off?

If I have one true desire, it is peace of mind.

Not a career, not a girlfriend, not a family, not money - all these things are just burdens and responsibilities. I don't really care about entertainment either, unless it helps me to block out thoughts, like temporary amnesia.
I want happiness, like at the end of a story, or rather, after the story has already ended. Even though, as far as the reader is concerned, the characters are as good as dead at that point - there will be no more adventures, no more struggles, no more pages with their name on them. Then, perhaps, I just have a death wish.

Still, I've been forcing myself to live.

However, it's as if I'm going against my own nature. For me, apathy and depression is the norm, but it's not like if I fight against them I'm suddenly happy. Rather, they're just briefly replaced by a constant struggle. And it's not like there ever will be an end of problems - life just never, ever, ends. No matter how much effort I'll put in, it will never be enough.

>> No.16192479

That image genuinely hurts to look at. Have a free bump btw.

>> No.16192489


>> No.16192491
File: 348 KB, 1600x900, 1595851051272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes I feel the same way, I just want the days to end at this point

>> No.16192494

Lynrd Skynrd Baybay.......

>> No.16192516

It may sound like a meme, but you should check out Buddhism.

>> No.16192519

>What I have obtained through circumstance and little effort is not only best, but all other things are hopelessly wrong

>> No.16192526


>> No.16192552

my interest in literature is a byproduct of my loneliness - needed some way to kill the time and after a while video games & cartoons ceased to stimulate

>> No.16192607
File: 394 KB, 742x603, 1590174409343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kill the time
I don't get this attitude at all. For me, I read and enjoy all other media, as if I'm searching for something. Some unique perspective, secret knowledge, unknown beauty. It's like I'm convinced that there will be this special something in just the next book, or the next. Also, maybe it's like I'm learning something - how to think, or how other people think, what I like, how the world works.

>> No.16192690

i think i'm just being flippant because i'm depressed. i do recall that feeling of searching for something edifying or stimulating or beautiful or simply 'greater' - even as a cartoon / video game fanatic. it was that 'search' that led me elsewhere, namely literature, once i largely stopped finding all of the aforementioned in children's media (once i reached my late teens lol).

i don't think i really experience the 'search' anymore though - maybe in bits and pieces, as a sort of residue. now i read out of habit, and any edification or etc. - potent as it periodically is, in its moment - is an aftereffect.

>> No.16192713

There's a reason women travel to Mediterranean and Latin countries anon. Romance and Eros is dead in the neo-puritanical, schizophrenic Anglo world.

>> No.16192976

I thought it was because of the warmer climate.

>> No.16193041

It’s somewhat painful to know but that I share a website with tons of chadlites that have women doing shit like this for them and knowing that I will never experience anything like this

>> No.16193091

That's what your wife tells you, anyway...

>> No.16193125
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I don't know, I just enjoy living the life on the sidelines, outside - looking in. Maybe it's like a non-sexual NTR fetish.
Feeling sorry for oneself is an exquisite pleasure, it's like I'm even a spectator to my own life, empathizing with it as just an observer.

>> No.16193188


Same here.

>> No.16193192

can confirm. dont read. have no frens.

>> No.16193257

>go outside
what the fuck does this fucking mean? go outside and do what?! there is nothing to do but walk around, there are no people, there is no easy way to interact with anyone.

>> No.16193281

He means go outside to clubs/parties where normies go to cope and hide from the crushing nihilism of life.

>> No.16193319

are you calling me a cuck?!?!

>> No.16193342
File: 74 KB, 217x243, 1455165641498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Romance and Eros has been dead only for you friend. Women want attractive men just like you want attractive women. Trust me you'd be running into the same issues no matter the time period.

>> No.16193373
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What parties? What the eternal normalfag doesn't realize (or rather, chooses not to) is that their whole life, the whole set of options available to them at any given moment, is contingent upon circumstances that they had little part in bringing about, and more importantly, circumstances that one can't just change on a dime.
Imagine this: you're a friendless NEET. You're told to go out to parties. Where are you going to find them? As previously noted, you're friendless, and strangers aren't exactly swarming the streets inviting random people to parties. Are you supposed to go on parties.com or something and find some that way? News flash: there are no parties on parties.com; it's just a parked domain name.
The normalfag says "just go to parties" because for him, it's as simple as just going to parties. The option is always present because there will always be someone texting him "Hey, Brad's throwing a party at his place tonight, wanna come?" and all that he needs to do is show up. Whereas for the friendless NEET, to get to that point, you have to make friends from scratch first, which is a task far from trivial. How do you make friends? Uhh, go outside I guess. What do you do outside? Go to parties and meet people.
I'm far from the blackpill event horizon. I believe that there are ways for anyone, no matter how far gone, to pull themselves out of whatever hole of friendlessness and loneliness they're in. But what I don't believe is that pulling yourself out of that hole is easy. In fact, it's usually paralyzingly difficult. It takes more courage and self-worth than most people have, and definitely more than your average NEET has. In other words, if a normalfag were to one day be transported into the body of a socially awkward, ugly, friendless NEET, I imagine that not even he would be able to cure himself by his own prescriptions.
I don't know. It's just so tiresome.

>> No.16193411

how to go to parties

step 1: stop watching anime

>> No.16193427

It's like with NYE resolutions: only absolute freaks stick to them and change their lives.

>> No.16193460
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Anon the redpill is that parties are shit, like really shit. You will never be a normalfag, nor could you ever be, take it from a failed normalfag. The first party I ever went to, I walked in and a girl came up and said "wow ur tall" unironically. I was at a lose for words. A million thoughts started running into my head
>Is she retarded?
>Am I even that tall?
>How do I even reply to something so idiotic?
>God I want my cock in his mouth.
>She would stop talking if that happened right?
>Fuck shes so annoying.
So I just walked away stunned because I didn't know what to do. Then I realized that this is the dialect of parties, short nonsensical retard shit. Everyone is like this at parties. You don't fit in here, you never will. You only fit in small groups of autistic nerds who have autistic hobbies like Warhammer 40k, reading books, anime, or some other cringe shit normalfags hate.

The last redpill is that when you get a normalfag 1 on 1 and drunk as hell, they are depressed. Every single one is just a pile of cope pretending they aren't one step away from killing themselves. They only exist because they think "at least I'm not a loner", when really they still are a loner because all their friends are fake and they know it.

>> No.16193468
File: 521 KB, 705x645, 1584678719931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having an entire autistic meltdown because somebody told you that you're tall

>> No.16193475

No parties aren't shit. Anything that involves any kind of healthy social interaction between people of the same age cannot be shit. The alternative to this is being alone for the rest of your probably short life.

>> No.16193482

most of my friends are too fucking dumb to understand what im reading so I can't really discuss it with them
it always sound more like a lesson but I still try to explain some things to them tho

>> No.16193493

Epic projection faggot.
Most sexuality in the western world now exists behind a screen, either entirely in the form of cooming or hookups initiated via apps. Or otherwise consumerized in the form of clubs and bars.
And it has never been easier in human history for any man to have sex, to the point that literal state-dependant invalids in some European countries receive allowances so they can go fuck a whore, like any man who could scrounge up some pocket change can.

The big, fat issues are the breakdown of long term relationships, retarded gender dynamics, decreasing fertility, and the fact that we as a civilization can't biologically propagate ourselves. And if you speak on these issues you're simply dismissed as le incel by some woman or a tranny.

>> No.16193501

>The alternative to this is being alone for the rest of your probably short life.
Yes, please.

>> No.16193514
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I've had a girl tell me I have nice teeth before, they are shocking retarded. Like how do I reply to such low IQ nonsense? They are all this retarded, partially the fault of alcohol, partial normalfaggotry. Parties are shit.

Parties are for moronic faggots to pretend alcohol made them retarded. Small groups of autists are good, being alone even better.

>> No.16193525
File: 10 KB, 224x224, me and mom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People with friends and fornicators can't into friendship and sex respectively. Normalfags are actors. Autistic people are literally more alive and alive on different levels than normies. Normies are "sunk" (versenke) in life. They never distinctly and finally hew concrete concepts off from the immanent roil of their affects, emotions, hunches, and background normie gestalten providing them endless social cues and clues to follow.

If you observe normies closely over many years you will notice they don't actually add things together to form a whole internal model of the world, distinct from the world and clashing against it and continuously reforming under new circumstances. They "best-guess" everything at a merely social level. Their primary instinct is "I done seen this situation before! I recognize this! I saw the prestigious chimp with the expensive haircut respond to this situation by saying 'Hey man, that's not cool, you might upset somebody by saying that, you should bow to the discomfort of the herd and relax. Haha you think too much bro relax. Don't be arrogant! We're all just average at the end of the day! LOL!" That's how they navigate the world, they dully, loosely compare "this situation" (again, as a lumpy blob of affects, social cues, and hunches aimed at avoiding reproach by the mob) to "other situations like this" and then their brain automatically has cached all the stuff that the coolest, tallest, best-dressed normie prole did in that situation, and they unconsciously channel that other Top Normie's behaviours so that they can be cool too.

If they succeed and their invocation is accepted by the mob, they bask in having been Top Cool Normie for a brief moment. If they fail, they cringe and grovel before the mob, with no thought of rejecting its judgment. They never create that internal model of the world, of "what's right" or "what's objectively true," so each experience is drawn from and returns right back to their vague roiling blob of social behaviours. They don't build on the experience and create new concepts or anything.

Normie consciousness is absolutely phenomenologically distinct. Just realize that das Man or Gasset's mass man are sociological heuristics for describing real ways of being in the world, and then plug that way of being in the world into any critical theory of stultification like Adorno's culture industry. The culture industry is one parasitic giant machine designed to take normie hyperpeasant pre-conceptual consciousness and metastasize it. Take the average person's pathetic cringing fear of being different or excluded, their barely-human, mostly animal "MUST APPEASE HERD" roil of affects and social cues, and plug it into a giant network of social structures designed to reinforce it, appease it, flatter it, make it worse in every way.

>> No.16193538

It's just a compliment anon, why do you sperg out? You say "thank you" and make a joke or something. They might be dumb or not, but you aren't much better for making a snap judgment over something so trivial that's meant to just start a conversation. What else are going to comment on other than your appearance if they don't even know you? Holy hell.

>> No.16193539

Literally just fuck whores and devote your life to whatever you fancy. Go make friends with small groups of autists with similar interests for social interaction.
Most normalfags, as has been said, are coping and generally fucked up retards. Maybe some strike gold and have fulfilling lifelong intimate relationships. Most cycle through ultimately worthless girlfriends who dump them after a couple years or get stuck in a miserable marriage where they can get divorce raped at any moment.

Literally, just fuck whores. If you even want sex that is. It has never been easier, safer, cleaner or more accessible.

>> No.16193546

I'm an autist stuck in chad's body

>> No.16193565

>People with friends and fornicators can't into friendship and sex respectively.
Don't just say self-contradictory things because it sounds cool.
>Normalfags are actors. They "best-guess" everything at a merely social level.
Nice projection. It's just like you "best-guessed" your writing in this post.

>> No.16193575

>Literally just fuck whores
Why would I degrade myself into being a whoremongerer? Why do you normalfags see this glorified masturbation as desirable? You reduce sex to something closer to a bowel movement than a transcendental act. I can only guess that you degrade yourself with another because you get off on the shame -- or worse, you have internalized sex as a commodity for social and regular capital and are just "going with the flow" like the hylic normal nigger you are.

>> No.16193577

last time one of my normalfag 'friends' told me he read a book it was some YA shit people read when they're 10, and he was so proud of it too

>"just go out an find some like-minded friends anon! You need better friends!"

The problem with thinking like this is that I'm then just looking for someone to fill some vague category of a 'friend' for the sake of it. Necessity is no basis for a friendship for me
Anyone who tells you to get better friends so you won't be lonely is projecting their own fear of loneliness onto you. If you can manage without then do it. Don't seek friends because other people would be lonely in your position

>> No.16193582
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Normal fags have not had sex in atleast 200 years. Few know this.


>> No.16193589
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Based take, agree 100%
>What else are going to comment on other
Why would I care about what some random whore thinks of my physical appearance? How about they get some hobbies and then we talk about something cool? Why are they always soulless bug people with nothing to talk about besides "muh travel" (aka sitting on a beach taking selfies).?

>> No.16193612

Anyone who reduces people to functional castes will never be able to comprehend any form of love. They will never have a friend, because they are used purely as tools for whatever generic traits they project onto the surface. They do not value the essence of the person, the relationship begins and ends with "we both like book" looking for someone with a shared hobby or interest is looking for someone who can be replaced.

>> No.16193642

>Why are they always soulless bug people with nothing to talk about besides "muh travel" (aka sitting on a beach taking selfies).?

They aren't being sincere, this is dating site talk, people have enough humility that they find it embarrassing to talk about themselves or their interests, you get to know people by actually spending long periods of time with them, even woman hate marketing themselves. "travel" just signals that they are safe because they understand how this all works, rather than some neurotic borderline autistic.

>Why would I care about what some random whore thinks of my physical appearance?
Because you are clearly insecure and fuck whores who everyone has easy access to convince yourself of some virility. There is literally no good reason to fuck whores besides a homosexual level of hedonism or insecurity.

>> No.16193652
File: 44 KB, 800x450, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hahahahha what a retard

>> No.16193661

Why are you LARPing as some kind of mystic on an anime image board? If you were sincere you'd be living in a monastery or an ascetic hermit in the woods or something.

>> No.16193674

no, they are my real friends even though they are pretty dumb. Wouldnt call them normalfags

>> No.16193679

Do HEMA, literally take up the sword. Nothing but nerds.

>> No.16193726

>living in a monastery or an ascetic hermit in the woods or something.

What the fuck is wrong with you normalfags?

>if you aren't going to be in an actual relationship or have kids there is no good reason to bother with whores

>omg wtf so crazy you must be a hermit!!

imagine this reaction to telling people they don't need to do drugs. Infact, it's even worse because you can still "get high" if you wanted to by just masturbating when it comes to sex.

I don't see why any of you want to fuck whores. Aren't they disgusting? Aren't they beneath you? Do you not feel ashamed giving yourself up to them? You take meaningless sex to be some sort of compulsory need. You've bought into sex being an essential commodity. Literally just don't have sex if you can't have actual sex you pathetic compensating basedboy. You treat having sex with whores the same way some geek would treat seeing the latest marvel movie. It's something they have to do because it's tradition and expected of them.

>> No.16193729
File: 58 KB, 657x700, may the cringe flow through you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is dating site talk,
Either speak like a human being who can voice their opinions, thoughts, and hobbies; or you're not worth anyone's respect. I tell people I watch anime, they don't give a fuck. Sometimes talk about DBZ with normalfags, they love that retard shit.
>Because you are clearly insecure
ow does not caring about some whore's opinion on me make me "insecure", you fail at even basic armchair psychology. Also hedonism is based, moralfag.

>> No.16193748

I always think about that. I've missed plenty of opportunities in my lifetime, and I always think that maybe, in another timeline, there's a successful version of me imagining the real me as some sort of horrific alternate universe. Imagine how lovely it would be to die and find out you were merely the nightmare of a noble soul. Alas, I can only hope.

>> No.16193761

>in his mouth
oof, you just exposed your latent homosex desires. sorry, can't take your advice

>> No.16193770

>anime tranny
Not surprised in the least.

>either speak like a human being who can voice their opinions, thoughts, and hobbies; or you're not worth anyone's respect
The irony of one of you hivemind subhumans being bothered by this. Every single anime tranny i've ever witnessed is interchangeable in all their attributes.

>> No.16193772

Who called you crazy you schizo? If you genuinely have no interest in partaking in pleasures and the society you find disgusting, simply remove yourself from it and pursue your own aims. That's what men have been doing for thousands of years.

And fucking literal whores is such an astoundingly simple solution to an immediate problem
>require sexual release due to functioning testicles
>practically impossible to acquire good wife/don't want to fuck around with our retarded dating culture
>aren't an ascetic
>simply bust a nut in a professional

>> No.16193775

Take the De Sade pill. Basically, just make money, fuck whores, and devote your life to pleasure. That's what normies do anyways, just with extra steps. Craft your own way to euphoria, and I think life will get better.

>> No.16193793
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Top kek, noticed that myself but was hoping no one saw. The ol freudian slip, guess I'm teh gay now.
>hates anime
>posts on anime forum
Stay seething r*dditor.

>> No.16193824

>And fucking literal whores is such an astoundingly simple solution to an immediate problem

Firstly, ejaculation is an addiction that gets worse the more you do it, if you actually wanted to be bothered by wanting to coom less you would just stop cooming as much.

Second of all
>what is masturbation

You don't need to have sex with a whore. it's fucking disgusting and pathetic. I'm naive for thinking by whore you meant typically serial monogamy, but even worse you are actually paying for sex (which isn't even actual sex)

The process of finding, paying for,traveling to, and having sex with a whore is absolutely not an "an astoundingly simple solution to an immediate problem" even from some soulless bugman utilitarian perspective when you could just jerk off.

You have an extremely low self worth and are incapable of finding "love" even if you were born into some society that fostered such relationships. You are such a normalnigger that's so drunk on the propaganda machine you even see "good wife" as a commodity.

>> No.16193839
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>>hates anime
>>posts on anime forum
Everytime. You weebs are more shallow than the most hollow consumers. One big insectoid hivemend of cope. There is nothing that causes me to think less of a person than them being an anime fan. The media itself is so obviously manipulative you would have to be very stupid to not be insulted by it.

>> No.16193852

you really should talk to a professional about those feelings, anon

>> No.16193868
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>> No.16193910
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I'm gonna do something real bad one of these days.

>> No.16193929

>Read a bit
>Shitpost a bit
>No friends

>> No.16193966

weak cope

>> No.16193974

Cooming inside a whore is higher then masturbation, this has always been understood.

Nigger, we were born a couple generations after thousands of years of patriarchal tradition was undone. Yeah, that sucks. Like I said, if you were sincere you'd be an ascetic in the mountains or in some insular religious sect trying to recreate a tradition life. Not spazzing out on an anime imageboard.

>> No.16193991

Coping about what? The breakdown of relationships and broader society as a whole? We're all coping about that. I'm pursuing my own interests while satisfying my sexual urges the way men in our position have for thousands of years, why this enrages people I do not know.

>> No.16194231

Can confirm. Going to get coffee with my friend at a bookstore tomorrow

>> No.16194472

(They're afraid and they come here to vomit, OP)

>> No.16194664

Should i read Anna Karenina to understand what love is?

>> No.16194760

I have lots of friends, everybody loves me, I have sex occasionally and I've been on 4chan since way too young

still no gf tho

>> No.16194940


>> No.16194947

>I didn't bother reading the yearbook even though i knew she signed it
>10 years later i care for some reason
He deserved it 100%

>> No.16195014

>Why would people with a lot of knowledge about relationships avoid relationships?

>> No.16195052
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you hit the jugular for my own thoughts that i have been unable to formulate into words. What the fuck do you do to achieve peace of mind

>> No.16195080

>>16191224– a thoroughly cringe post! A thing like that ought to be deleted!

>> No.16195117

And what happens when someone abandons it by choice

>> No.16195147

The thing is parties are usually really trash. You just listen to some shitty pop or nigger rap that is so loud you cant hear shit while trying to get drunk. You are honestly not missing anythint, I wish my grouo of friends still wanted to play board games instead desu

>> No.16195160

Your brother is a sociopath & stole the book!

>> No.16195170


>> No.16195192
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>I wish my grouo of friends still wanted to play board games instead desu
Yea or even just some shitty card games, anything really. Best I can do is convince them to go to a billiards place once in a blue moon.

>> No.16195264

>step 1: stop watching anime
I usually talk about anime with my friends at parties though

>> No.16195277

I'm like this too. I can't pretend in social interactions either, my internal dialogue shuts me down. I stay true to myself, v quiet and introverted.
Although concerning women, I'm starting to omitt the weirder parts of my personality, humour, keep silent on certain topics to play the part of a socialised normie.
This was only a recent realisation (past week) because although I'm v attractive to women, I would repel them by being too cringe,not that I cared either.
Act according to the times albeit, with a hint of irony.
This advice is mainly for autistic, attractive individuals

>> No.16195621
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>there's a successful version of me imagining the real me as some sort of horrific alternate universe.
Kick that fuckers ass. Why would you lose to some normie? If I found love in high school, if I didn't stay alone afterwards - I would be a shallower person, no doubt about it.
I wouldn't get into literature, music, art. I would stay a perma STEM-idiot bugman. Even if I had a wife and kids by now, it would be a lesser existence than to what I am now. I could come up to that successful fucker and make him kill himself from jealousy. I would show him all the shit I've made, stuff he couldn't even imagine. I AM THE BEST TIMELINE.

>> No.16195682

Well, anon? What have you made?

>> No.16195703

Things that make me proud.
Although desu the person I actually dread to meet the most is me from a timeline where I give everything just a little bit more effort. Probably everyone thinks that though.

>> No.16196135


>> No.16196200

Just keep on turning the wheel anon. We all have to make it, I'll wait for you.

>> No.16196349

fucking cringe double-digits iq post

>> No.16196386

what a midwit opinion, or should I say brainlet? At least midwits are able to recognize intellect

>> No.16196401


>> No.16196407

>you really should start ingesting mind altering chemicals, anon

>> No.16196446

No one wants anything to do with me, i've tried.

>> No.16196457
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thats because half of our lives are spent on relationships with other people. the other half? well, that spent with ourselves ;P

>> No.16196628

>half of our lives are spent on relationships with other people

Who's "we", faggot? You and your other reddit buddies?

>> No.16197225

you almost got me

>> No.16198207

what a black and white view, just change your expectations for others from "soulmate" to "acquaintance"

>> No.16198273
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>just randomly talk to people bro
>what? Of course I've never done this and gotten a friend out of it, what do you think I am some retard with no friends?

>> No.16198358
File: 63 KB, 400x398, 1556812933119 (2019_06_24 16_41_56 UTC).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn dude that's fuckin sad. Had a similar experience but I simply couldn't find her number bc she ripped off a tiny bit of paper which is impossible to find once it's lost. she was the first and only girl to show even the slightest bit of interest in me. sigh

>> No.16198367

If you've spent any time on this board, you'd realize most people here read almost exclusively philosophy or other nonfiction. That stuff only focuses on the inner thoughts of the writer. That's not to mention that many pieces of famous literature (I'm thinking of Dostoyevsky in particular) mainly focus on the internal thoughts of the character(s). I would guess Raskolnikov lived a pretty similar day-to-day life (minus the murder) to most of the people on this board (uncleanly, constantly absorbed in their own thoughts, etc).

>> No.16198371

This man says what we're all thinking. /lit/ is the white man's board.

>> No.16198431

You are a cancer.

>> No.16198475

Because everyone here is starved for human interaction so they use Lit as a cope making up for the affection they lack in real life

>> No.16198610

Yeah there's plenty of lit that appeals, often, to more isolated people. Lit featuring extremely isolated and alienated protagonists or focused on themes of alienation, suffering, etc.: Dosto, Kafka, etc.
I think it's also true that someone can be super isolated and still like Art involving social interaction or relationships.
I'm a super isolated person with no friends and I love Jane Austen.