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/lit/ - Literature

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1618515 No.1618515 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.1618653
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>> No.1618656


>> No.1618663

I thought this thread looked lonely

>> No.1618664

>Lol.. He thinks post-winter tripfags are the bad ones.

Guess you don't remember when Tybrax, Mogwai and Stagolee were destroying this board on a daily basis.

>> No.1618666


>> No.1618667

i like the "and onionring"

>> No.1618670

It's too bad Historian doesn't post here any more. Anyone remember Historian?

>> No.1618675
File: 70 KB, 360x360, trolling_used_to_mean_somethin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Tybrax, Mogwai and Stagolee were destroying this board on a daily basis.
>implying that wasn't the golden age of /lit/

>> No.1618687

/lit/ was actually a great board before the likes of tybrax and mogwai came along

>> No.1618745


>> No.1618747

This is true for every board.

>> No.1618758

I've been here from the first fucking day and nothing has changed.

This board has always been mostly taken up by high school kids and hipsters, with about 7 annoying tripfags and maybe 1 or 2 helpful ones at any given time. And there are some good, intelligent, relevant threads too, moreso than on any other board besides maybe /tg/.

This board is less than a year old and you're already talking about a "golden age"?

Nothing has changed.

>> No.1618768

The first week or 2 of this board owned and you know it. Fast-paced and intelligent discussions about the Bible, James Joyce, and other stuff. It was great.

>> No.1618772
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Mogwai is horrendous but Tybrax is only sporadically awful.


You're like Benjamin the donkey.

>> No.1618775

first link was for: >>1618687

>> No.1618790

What's with those janitors? I thought they were gonna clean up the places but most of the boards are still full of imagedumps and spamming.

>> No.1618793

At least we don't have any more $a$ha grey threads.

>> No.1618800

thats what the captcha is for.

seriously if you want a moderated board with no trolling go to online-literature.com. its good.

yes i remember his bullshit about the american education system vividly. he was like an annoying version of isabelle huppert. good riddance. he probably joined the forum above.

mogwai doesnt troll here on a regular basis. every board expects craziness during summer, /lit/ is no exception despite its pretensions. wake up newfag.

this almost exactly but id like to add that the people that get annoyed by tripfags are the laughing stock of the board.

nope the first week was worse than its ever been. most people just wanted to check it out even if they werent into lit. thats why No Rand was added to the rules, there was tons more trolling. i didnt post seriously or frequently then either. since tripping ive became alot more responsible.

>> No.1618816

A quick scan of that forum reveals it's a bunch of uneducated retards posting worthless walls of text about only the most famous literature. No thanks

>> No.1618818

maybe dumb people are attracted to moderation?

>> No.1618839

Actually, after looking through it a bit more, it seems to have a few knowledgeable posters, but they don't have a lot to say about literature beyond what's obvious or what's taught in a basic college course on the author, and as I said before, the regulars only actually talk about the most famous classics of literature. e.g. I found a thread on William Vollmann, made by a guy with only three posts, on page 3 of the General Literature forum, and it had a total of 0 replies. The board may be slightly better than /lit/, but that's only because you don't post there.

>> No.1618844


Clearly you weren't here from the first day. There were no tripfags on this board for at least a couple of months, save a couple bleeding in from /b/ who got bored and left because the board was so slow. For the first few weeks you could post a thread at 8am on a Monday and it would still be there Friday night.

There was apparently discussion of getting rid of the board because of how slow it was, actually. Then the tripfags came along.

I should amend that; D&E was here from the get go, but before the other tripfags came in he was actually entirely enjoyable. Opinionated and irritable, yes, but legitimately an anon who happened to have a name. Then Stagolee came in and his ass got banned within a month. TyBrax and Mogwai came next, then the floodgates opened and this place went downhill fast.

It's still tolerable, but it's been better. Anyway, sage for being /lit/-related but not literature related.

>> No.1618848

>There were no tripfags on this board for at least a couple of months
Oh come on, how do you not remember Historian? He was fantastic

>> No.1618850


I use the term "tripfag" perjoratively. Which is why I didn't consider D&E a tripfag until he became a douche.

>> No.1618852
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>implying D&E wasn't a douche to begin with and got progressively better

>> No.1618856

Stagolee was around long before D&E's time, you obviously have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.1618864


I believe it is you, sir, who have no idea what you're talking about. D&E was here from the first or second week, but only posted once or twice a week. He was sporadic. Stagolee was here after about 3 months and shat all over everything every day.

>> No.1618868

both true. you can tell the guy is an idiot for even talking about mogwai as if he posts here at all.

trip hating anons are idiots though. you cant reason with them. right now troll threads are mostly kept alive by anons, generally most trips sage because they feel responsibilty for their posts. brownbear is the only trip that sometimes trolls right now.

>> No.1618879

Green Oval doesn't bring up any D&E posts older than September of last year, so unless he went on a 6 month hiatus for whatever reason (as green oval only goes as far back as March), you're wrong

>> No.1618880
File: 13 KB, 277x196, that was dumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>generally most trips sage because they feel responsibilty for their posts.

Right now. Show me one post you've made up to now that you've actually saged. I see none. Even your off-topic whining about wanting to stay in bed all day wasn't saged. Don't speak for everyone, you self-indulgent putz.

>> No.1618881

btw here's a gem I found while searching http://green-oval.net/cgi-board.pl/lit/thread/1119881#p1121538

>> No.1618882


I've never noticed you. You must be the most insignificant tripfag of all. Po' you.

As for the others, I can't say any of them have ever consistently impressed me with what they post. In some cases (as with D&E), he posts so frequently and he has so little to say that each thread he's in feels eerily similar. Terribly dull.

>> No.1618885

>dont know who i am
ok sure. i dont mind that. just using trip was a good idea.

if you dont think i sage you a delusional. me, d&e, a few anons and trips are like the only people that know how to use it correctly on the whole fucking board. its hilarious being accused of trolling while saging in your own thread and the anon accusing you of it is not. you fools shoudlnt be allowed on the internet.

>> No.1618888


Then link me to a fucking sage you've made on the past fifteen pages. That was my original request and it still stands. Don't revert to an ad hominem because you don't have proof to counter my original claim.

>> No.1618890


See, the beauty is this anon is retarded, but because he's anonymous he can turn around and go into another thread and nobody's the wiser. Tripfags can't do that. So basically, being a tripfag is to be constantly reminding everyone how retarded you are.

>> No.1618892

>would you like your arse wiped with velvet or silk, sir, while you are here, sir?

considering i have just woken up in the past 4 hours or so and havent posted much i suggest you try entering my tripcode into greenovals search utility.

>> No.1618895

the irony is that these posters make up the major of tripfag hatred. theres been two notable occasions where i have embarassed myself so far.

>> No.1618899


Yes, but when an anonymous poster is defeated in a debate, he will generally accept that and slink away. When a tripfag is defeated in a debate, he will scream hysterically about the ways in which he wasn't really defeated at all and he will continue to post until people get bored and go away. Then the process will be repeated endlessly.

Tripfaggotry encourages sophism and a really boring, resentful attitude to argumentation in which what becomes most important is to prove that one has not been bested. Ho hum.

>> No.1618900

you embarrass yourself with every post you make, I'm sorry

>> No.1618908

Interesting opinions there.
I'm curious, if you're /lit/ regulars, what do you think about the guy who writes with caps lock on?

>> No.1618920

he's boring for the most part

>> No.1618923

>When a tripfag is defeated in a debate, he will scream hysterically about the ways in which he wasn't really defeated at all and he will continue to post until people get bored and go away. Then the process will be repeated endlessly.
on the internet this happens whether you are anonymous or not. ive only seen people admit defeat a few times. i have done so myself at times.

and when you think about it, the calibre of poster it takes to become a successful tripfag means you are more likely to admit defeat when it occurs. still i dont see it often at all.

also Anonymous is always the ones that are 'screaming', they have no intention of saging because no one keeps a track record of their behaviour.

>> No.1618925


The majority of what he posts is perfectly inoffensive (i.e. not stupid) and he occassionally rises to the level of the insightful.

Any attempt to establish oneself through a gimmick or a catchphrase is going to look kind of needy and pathetic, but typing entirely in capital letters isn't the reason for that.

I'm much more irritated by the people who argue only through greentext. I don't use any other forum on which people think that a good method of argumentation is to take posts line by line and address them that way, often refusing to engage with the main thrust of the argument at all. Such are the perils of 4chan though.

>> No.1618927

He sometimes talks about stuff nobody cares about, and his /lit/ related posts are usually just lists of works he has read (doesn't seem like he has anything interesting to say about them, though). Anyway, at least he mentions authors and works that are not usually mentioned.

>> No.1618928

I just love him. He sages when he talks bout out of topic stuff and he has nice views of Russian authors.

I'm not one of those posters quoted.

>> No.1618931

>on the internet this happens whether you are anonymous or not. ive only seen people admit defeat a few times.

Nah, when you are anonymous and you see yourself in that situation you just stop posting, or you change your position and start attacking your own posts. In short, what becomes important is the actual issue being discussed, not the person who is behind each position.

>> No.1618933

He is shallow and at the same time aggressive. One of the worst identifiable poster of this board.

>> No.1618939

>I'm much more irritated by the people who argue only through greentext. I don't use any other forum on which people think that a good method of argumentation is to take posts line by line and address them that way, often refusing to engage with the main thrust of the argument at all. Such are the perils of 4chan though.
pretentious dick that's also probably annoyed by the lack of punctuation on here sighted. i like how you only find inoffensive posts stupid. thats probably the key to his success here.

nope. until the past few months his contributions were little more than 'i read lots of books', 'last book i read was good' but he's improved from that. if you want to complement caps about anything it should be the amount of reading he gets done. i think his criteria for something being worth reading
is dumb though, surprised how much he's liked, really baffling at times.

>He sometimes talks about stuff nobody cares about, and his /lit/ related posts are usually just lists of works he has read (doesn't seem like he has anything interesting to say about them, though). Anyway, at least he mentions authors and works that are not usually mentioned.
this too.

SAG != sage. mindless drones. fucking idiots. :(

wow. just wow. if anyone else gets this stuff, please speak up i feel constantly hated for my style rather than content.

>> No.1618940


No, his posts are inoffensive only insofar as they are not stupid. 'Offensive' posts aren't stupid; stupid posts are offensive.

I don't care about punctuation at all, just as long as the posts are readable. That ought to have been obvious from the fact that I don't object to someone typing entirely in capital letters on those grounds.

I'm not sure what you think is pretentious about preferring that people argue like adults. The people who use greentext generally miss the main points of the arguments being made by breaking them down to their constituent parts and then either lazily dismissing each part or cobbling together some very brief response. If you think that is conducive to interesting debates, I just don't know what to tell you.

>> No.1618942

>44 posts and 5 image replies omitted.

Christ, Anon is funny. They bitch about tripfags, but any given tripfag thread goes on for hours whereas the true lit gets 8 posts then sinks to page 15.

You all need and deserve the tripfags.

>> No.1618973

yet you still pick out one part of my post without greentext?

its 4chan, stop bitching about it. kind of half-want /lit/ to end up like /mu/ or /v/ just so fags like you fuck off to a proper forum.

>> No.1618977
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>> No.1618991


>> No.1618996


You seem confused. I addressed everything that required a response in your post. Here, I'll put it in greentext for you so that you can see:

> pretentious dick that's also probably annoyed by the lack of punctuation on here sighted. i like how you only find inoffensive posts stupid. thats probably the key to his success here.

See? I responded to that in a couple of paragraphs. There wasn't a part of it that I plucked from its context in order to dismiss it. Rather, I took it as a whole and cleared some things up for you. The fact that you don't like a poster who I commented on doesn't interest me. I was asked for my opinion on him. I did not in turn ask for yours.

Green text is not really a problem in this thread because you haven't argued anything substantial. It's not even a problem when it's used sparingly to illustrate what you're challenging. However, if you find that you have five or six of these '>' in response to a two sentence post, you're probably doing something wrong.

>> No.1619022

good point capsguy i should be more mature about the whole thing. i was kind of sad and angry this morning but i feel better now after a little walk outside.

i dont know i was kidding. i just dont think you should bitch about greentext on 4chan thats the only thing i meant.

>> No.1619182
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What the shit happened here

>> No.1619190

>implying D&E isn't still a shitstain

>> No.1619800

this is exactly like how i see truman

>> No.1619816

Adonis Tier (does not correlate to posting quality but is still above God Tier)

God Tier

High tier

Mid tier
Tom Harper

Shit Tier
Truman Capote

>> No.1619821
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God Tier
Isabelle Huppert
Tom Harper

High tier

Shit Tier
Everybody else

Deal with it

>> No.1619825
File: 44 KB, 364x406, no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>d&e above onionring

>> No.1619826

What the hell is wrong with you all? Seeking recognition on an anonymous board? Jesus.

>> No.1619828

>god tier
>tom harper
>likes stag but not ty when stag is just ty but 10x more funny
yeh i forgot about isabell

and the tiers were based on appearances mainly

>> No.1619831

You know, anti tripfags are as annoying as most tripfags are.

>> No.1619832


but he's really manly

>> No.1619835

On revision I would probably move Ty up to god tier. Stag is shit. hey guys great gatsby. hey guys im a 12 year old.

>> No.1619837

Agreed, if not worse. But that doesn't make the tripfag cirkle-jerk less annoying. Let's just stop making threads about this. Can't we? Please?

>> No.1619839

so why the hell do all of you like ty all of a sudden

he's really just switched personas with tom who apparently never posts because of online social anxiety

>> No.1619841

Whenever threads like these come up, just go to page 15 and bump lit related stuff. I think the worst part is that some of these tripfags are so tryhard. like you would know D&E and tybrax from a post because they actually have personality. the rest are laughable.

>> No.1619842

I see you as a 30 yr old mother who once tried drinking her own breast milk, and found it tasty

>> No.1619843
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>> No.1619845
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you don't try hard when you you're beautiful

actually, it's almost hard to try!

>> No.1619846

Because he posts lit related stuff. not hurrdurr guys look at this story i just made up about a girl, hurrdurr its lit related i mentioned a book title. tbh you're one of the better ones but some of these dime a dozen trips are atrocious.

>> No.1619850

dont even pay attention to the club tripfag shit

>> No.1619852

that was about people like you thinking you have personality. you really don't, neither does koz, brownbear or onionring and the rest of these guys. theres nothing special about you for you to post using a trip. d&e is special.

>> No.1619859

d&e is special because he knows a lot

rather detestable, but special

but I can't understand you

i slave over this floor saying the wittiest things and none of you take notice until i stop

>> No.1619866
File: 33 KB, 366x324, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>d&e knows a lot

>> No.1619868
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it's gross, right?

>> No.1619870

you're not witty at all. even that guy who keeps reposting two year old somethign awful forums catchphrases is wittier than you. what teh christ?

>> No.1619874
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>> No.1619876

You would make a good anon but there is really nothing so special about you that you should trip, I'm sorry.

>> No.1619877

but i'm gay

>> No.1619883

I'm sure there are more gays on lit. being gay doesnt mean you are significantly different to anybody else, especially on a literature board, where even most males would be feminine. By all means, keep tripping, but don't be deluded while you do it, I'm going to read now, goodbye.

>> No.1619885


i'll just keep on being fabulous

>> No.1619886

>especially on a literature board, where even most males would be feminine
i was about to go >implying homos are sensitive but then i realized women arent either.

>> No.1619888
File: 203 KB, 1309x1600, just tybraxin a lit thread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heyy ty i never fucking troll!

fuck the haters

>> No.1619889

you're so gay

>> No.1619891

ok i'm still here and this is why ty is great:
nobody else on this board could come up with something like that.
going for real now.

>> No.1619894

cumdumpsters are sensitive only when you do something that pisses them off.

>> No.1619895

high tier - d&e

cancer tier - err'one else

>> No.1619896

now, THIS is gay.

>> No.1619897


good job just stealing that image and slapping /lit/ over /v/

>> No.1619899

his whiny adolescent shtick is easily mirrored

wit takes a lot of style and a complete absence of knowledge

both of those qualities are slightly rare

>> No.1619907

including you, bitch. this is d&e's board. only he may rightfully post here. everyone else, get out. you're dimming his glory

>> No.1619911

I'm the Hyacinthus to his Apollo

honestly i don't give a fuck about what he has to say

all of his "thoughts" and "philosophies" are just dull to me

but i want his dick

>> No.1619916

i thought he was being sarcastic. that post would hardly make the 'best-of'

>> No.1619920
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I really don't like you!

>> No.1619933

yeah i think he just made this thread to lure me out and slowly kill me


>> No.1619939
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Generally Good Tier:

Tyondai Braxton, Tom harper, BrownBear, Deep&Edgy, Stagolee, Virgina W00F, Isabelle Huppert Joyless Twat

Generally Bad Tier:

Fabulous, Onionring, KOZ

i'll leave you to decide where I should go.

>> No.1619941
File: 5 KB, 208x243, Yeuts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to play getsy backsies after i called him out on his attitudes

>> No.1619988

go back to high school truman

>> No.1620002

go back to high school truman

>> No.1620004
File: 406 KB, 600x453, amiriteguys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You have very strange fantasies, onion.

Why do you feel the compulsion to always bring up that you are older than me and that this means you are superior or can control me?

I think it is psychosexual.

>> No.1620008

well you are just posting dumb things. if you stop doing that it would be better.

in all seriousness, i've never seen you post a single interesting thought.

>> No.1620011


I feel the same way about you

>> No.1620012

way 2 high jak my thread gaize

>> No.1620014

thats because you are dumb as a brick while i am a top tier thinka.

>> No.1620017
File: 24 KB, 350x472, child-luna-with-glasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i glorify any thread.

>> No.1620018

stop mewing for attention, it's pathetic.


Nobody likes you, onion. Even when you try to be a populist.

>> No.1620021
File: 10 KB, 194x260, CheckityHovity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stop mewing for attention, it's pathetic
oh lord

do not tell me you actually have an excuse for all this?

>> No.1620030

It's funny because it's my fault

>> No.1620034

that post was so dumb it made me giggle. please post more

>> No.1620052


women and their perioding periods flowing like torrential waters of Tigris periodically, a period on my face and i taste the copper of her period. period.

>> No.1620061


wtf mate

>> No.1620408


>> No.1620421


isn't it just the most vulgar thing?

>> No.1620422

you are lazy and willing to wallow in logical confusion. this must be trained out of you.

>> No.1620423

I hope you don't think this is witty.

>> No.1620571

you both expect much too much of me

one of you wishes for me to be wise

the other wishes me not

i just can't make a decision!

>> No.1620721

this is very relevent to the state of the front page of /lit/ right now

>> No.1620805


>> No.1620816
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>>every fucking post

>> No.1620822

i didnt mean the thing about the friends kk? sorry

>> No.1620869
File: 411 KB, 640x480, crying mankey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this thread