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File: 185 KB, 850x596, CurseOfTheSpiral.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16187903 No.16187903 [Reply] [Original]

There's so much mystery and horror and wonder in this world, yet here are all of you, walking through all of it as though someone cut your eyes and ears off, guided only by sensation. You proved you not only lack the ability to think beyond the frame but that you will not dare venture anywhere outside of it. You do not believe in God, in the soul, in more then just yourself. You do not even believe in yourself. But you do believe in what feels good and so you follow it obediently with every prickly sensation. The cost only matters when it affects you and so you withdraw a little but within time you're back on your path to feeling good. It's rewarding and it's so easy without any sacrifice or hardship or pain or work. Your mind starts to dull and your body grows corpulent with the easy food and shelter to keep you safe. What's legacy, what's the future, what's mystery or Heaven and Hell compared to feeling good right now with virtue signaling, with drugs, with orgasm, with alcohol, with the newest apps on your phone, with the internet to tell you what you want to hear and think and feed your pleasure and condone your behavior?

This was not intended, this was not why you were created, this is not what generations of your family had fought for with every travail, and death, and birth. But you were hypnotized by enemies of your race, your nation, your soul, your God and savior, into believing that life is not sacred, tolerance is a virtue, there is nothing past what is current, in the moment. You were hypnotized into giving up your survival instincts and in doing so, you gave up your eyes and ears and soul. You did not see the domination of yourself into submission and slavery and despair. You did not hear the screams of your ancestors and God telling you to stop and fight and break free. And with the departure of your soul, you will not go beyond the grave into a kingdom but into a den of suffering and perversion beyond words and torture with no moment of respite.

Life is a tapestry of wonders and terrors and eternal consequences. Nothing is short lived and every action will echo across time itself.


>> No.16187926
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>There's so much mystery and horror and wonder in this world, yet here are all of you, walking through all of it as though someone cut your eyes and ears off, guided only by sensation. You proved you not only lack the ability to think beyond the frame but that you will not dare venture anywhere outside of it. You do not believe in God, in the soul, in more then just yourself. You do not even believe in yourself. But you do believe in what feels good and so you follow it obediently with every prickly sensation. The cost only matters when it affects you and so you withdraw a little but within time you're back on your path to feeling good. It's rewarding and it's so easy without any sacrifice or hardship or pain or work. Your mind starts to dull and your body grows corpulent with the easy food and shelter to keep you safe. What's legacy, what's the future, what's mystery or Heaven and Hell compared to feeling good right now with virtue signaling, with drugs, with orgasm, with alcohol, with the newest apps on your phone, with the internet to tell you what you want to hear and think and feed your pleasure and condone your behavior?
>This was not intended, this was not why you were created, this is not what generations of your family had fought for with every travail, and death, and birth. But you were hypnotized by enemies of your race, your nation, your soul, your God and savior, into believing that life is not sacred, tolerance is a virtue, there is nothing past what is current, in the moment. You were hypnotized into giving up your survival instincts and in doing so, you gave up your eyes and ears and soul. You did not see the domination of yourself into submission and slavery and despair. You did not hear the screams of your ancestors and God telling you to stop and fight and break free. And with the departure of your soul, you will not go beyond the grave into a kingdom but into a den of suffering and perversion beyond words and torture with no moment of respite.
>Life is a tapestry of wonders and terrors and eternal consequences. Nothing is short lived and every action will echo across time itself.
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zoS8c_8hLQ [Embed]

>> No.16187944

The curse of the spiral is terrible and exept for his visuals, junji can't write nighter a good character or an interesting story.

>> No.16187951
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>> No.16187953

Is there a free will or its all pre-destined? Was i supposed to read this message and you to read?

>> No.16187961

I love his style anyways. He certainly evokes horror.

>> No.16188008

A little of both

>> No.16188049

I swallowed my permanent retainer and thought to myself, “This cheese is pretty crunchy. Weird.” and swallowed it. I’m a retard, bros.

>> No.16188104

Janny is deleting a lot of shit threads today

Wish he was always this active

>> No.16188133

What the hell bro, you sound pretentious as fuck

No one likes that guy

>> No.16188443

People crying about lack of leadership during the pandemic are absolutely pathetic. Oh no, Trump didn't say to wear a mask so I guess that means no one can listen to scientists or use common sense to wear a mask during a pandemic that affects the respiratory system. I guess that means you can't distance yourself from others.

The rich assholes that run the government were always going to choose money and making money over health anyway. I don't know what anyone expected. The democrats (as if there are really two parties in American businesstics) voted for no healthcare for all. What did people expect? If you're not wealthy you're always fucked in America.

Stuff makes me angry.

>> No.16188451

I hope I don't spend my life making retarded mistakes and trying to reassure myself that they won't happen again

>> No.16188479

This is why we need unironic Fascism instead of neoliberal capitalism.

>> No.16188485


>> No.16188495

What's the word? Dilate.

>> No.16188500

>Got a ton of neet bucks from the government today for covid relief
Feels nice. That's all.

>> No.16188514

He does I just can't stand reading him for long because the charters annoy me to much.

>> No.16188527

I also used to get stoned and listen to Swans. They were still fairly young back then, I was quite young.


>> No.16188606

monks are based

>> No.16188682

Everyone wants to believe in free will but its all predestined by Gods will.

>> No.16188780
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Got up early today. More like, couldn't sleep past 0430 after going to bed around 2200 yesterday. Today I turn 30. 30. I don't feel it. I've, so far, accomplished nothing of note. I'm more okay with that than I thought I would be for some reason. My job is still frozen due to COVID and I haven't worked since February when everything shut down. I still have money because I'm not a fool with my finances and living with my parents really helps. I feel less bad about that too than I thought I would.

I look at other people I know struggling. Paying half their wages to rent or home. They say, "it's just what you do." Why? I understand not everyone can stay with their parents, or want to. If I had a bad relationship with mine I probably wouldn't but I suppose I'm fortunate in that. It's a lot of stress removed from my life to not worry about the roof over my head or if I'm going to have to choose between the next meal and rent or something.

I did decide that I will set goals, write them down, and see where I am on this day next year with regards to completing them. Today, though, I will enjoy my tea and my birthday meal. Cheers, lads.

>> No.16188789
File: 173 KB, 2048x2048, heh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4channel? more like 4channLOL!

>> No.16188799
File: 58 KB, 302x227, proxy-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy Birthday, anon. Enjoy your tea.

>> No.16188819

Thank you. The morning is so peaceful. Birds cooing, bugs chirping rhythmically, cars starting and ruining everything, a gentle breeze. Ah. The good life.

>> No.16188914

Cunnyssuers will inherit the Earth.

>> No.16188926

Alone? I can't imagine they would enjoy that very much

>> No.16188966

Any gf to celebrate birthday with?

>> No.16188976

Have you got your wizard hat yet?

>> No.16188986


Sadly a succubus seduced me when I was a 19 year old lad.

>> No.16189011

Little girls make me happy
Little girls make me sad
Little girls are everywhere
How can good things be so bad?

>> No.16189024

lgs are for head pats and holding hands.

>> No.16189029

and for staying at least several hundred feet away from

>> No.16189048

until they’re past puberty, yes

>> No.16189073

naturally as they get older they become more curious and it would be wrong not to help them learn

>> No.16189095

how can we hold hands several hundred feet apart anon?

>> No.16189120

I'm only here for pictures of your dog
Just looking for someone to feed me pizza
Love travelling and exploring the world
Ask me about my gap year
Gym fanatic
Need someone who can make me laugh
Let's go for coffee
Love a good G&T
Let's stay in with and binge Netflix
Part-time adventurer
Where's my partner in crime?
If you're under 5ft 10 swipe right. Sorry!
Book and film lover
Send me playlists
Not on here much, message me on ig
Why is it so hard to find a decent guy?
No fuckboys please
Looking for something serious
Good food is the way to my heart
Feed me cheese and wine
Bit of an alcoholic tee-hee
Don't just message and say 'Hey'. Boring!
No dull men
Don't just live to exist, live to be alive
Positive vibes only

>> No.16189130

>why are birthrates collapsing

>> No.16189215

The media loves to make outsider orange man the villain. They’ll be fine with Biden losing. Frankly so will the oligarchy, since he’s proven rather spineless like the rest of them. It’s a clown show. Save your anger

Thought you were joking. State run capitalism over oligarchy? Move to China. Only a small subset of the US cares about that shit. If we got anymore fascist you wouldn’t realize how neoliberal we still are.

Stop fetishizing kids.

>> No.16189280

Your existance isn't important enough for some high being to actually spend time scrpting it.

>> No.16189285

>Stop fetishizing kids.

>> No.16189318

>Stop fetishizing kids.
maybe I will when the world renounces fornication and adultery. The youth are being corrupted as we speak. Is it so wrong to admire them? To wonder at the possibilities? But we are told to find a girl who has already had their flings with other guys. They have their promiscuity written in their eyes. Is it a surprise that I’m not captivated by them? I am no adulterer.

>> No.16189328

>it's not me it's them.

>> No.16189349

Not an argument.

>> No.16189353

most of human history corroborates this. I just haven’t been conditioned like most guys in modern society.

>> No.16189364


Doesn't necessarily have to be God who creates our destiny. Could just be cause and effect from the moment of the big bang. Because of the laws of physics, everything has been set in stone from the very beginning

>> No.16189375

>But we are told to find a girl who has already had their flings with other guys. They have their promiscuity written in their eyes.
and even if they’re actually virgins with exceptional morals, there’s still something strange about a girl being well past initial fertility and still being untaken, as if there’s something wrong with her. And you’d always be suspecting in the back of your mind that she really isn’t a virgin. Are young girls able to be manipulated? Yes, it happens all the time by teenage boys looking for sex, but no one seems to care. How has the world become so backwards?

>> No.16189390

>How has the world become so backwards?

>> No.16189396

People having sex outside of churchly decree? What does that have to do with your warping your head?
You missed the boat. You could have had sex with a 14 year old when you were 14, 15, but now it’s too late. Admire the beauty, sure, but you age and will continue to age. Till 20 year olds won’t even consider some old virgin pedophile. Get your act together.

>> No.16189413

so you promote fornication, got it. That’s how we ended up in this mess.

>> No.16189417

^Church elders, everybody

>> No.16189445

>fake tripfaggot obsessed with muh church

>> No.16189461

How do I stop feeling bad because my parents are from different nationalities? I for the most part look white (which I'm truly happy about it). It has been on my mind since last monday... I feel dejected because of it. I wish I was 100% my mom ethnicy. (Yes I know who is my father lol).

>> No.16189464

guys that are obsessed with virginity obviously have micropenis and think if the girl is inexperienced she won't realize how tiny he is

>> No.16189470

You’re the one using the term “fornicate”
I don’t believe in marriage, only love. Stop trying to justify pedophilia ITT, please.

>> No.16189473

why are non-whites so obsessed with whiteness, no one fucking cares if you're white or not

>> No.16189478

Stop feeling bad over this.

>> No.16189480

Get out of that mindset before it damages you permanently, there is no value to be found in your haploautism or fetishism.

>> No.16189481

I’m 7.5 inches so try to come up with a better explanation

>> No.16189491

post hog

>> No.16189512
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Maybe I'am thinking like this because I've been unhappy this week I don't really know.

>> No.16189528

supposed? no. have read and will have always read? yes. in the end, what happened will have always have happened and will solidify in time. but what is meant by freedom, is the illusion of freedom.
>There's so much mystery and horror and wonder in this world
i hope so. but the fundemental mysteries of the universe seem to end in "it is what it is". no matter how god is, it is what it is. and the wonder is ever fading. you either feel it or you dont. its a feeling thing, not a seeing thing. and the horror, the only things that scare me are fucking dragonfish. at least i have that.
>This was not intended, this was not why you were created
intention is an illusion.
not him but imagine if someone labeled your sexuality, your deepest desires and drives as fetishization, even though you already know you cant ever act on them and you just wanted to share your honest feelings with the void and someone still dissmisses them insultingly. even if it isnt sexual, it is a feeling, and it is in poem form

>> No.16189539

The fact that your mind comes here at all is a problem, try and detach any idea of value or moral goodness from your ideas of race before your self hate engulfs you. I'm lucky to have not gone too far and I still have to deal with the fallout of that period of my life mentally speaking.

>> No.16189602

Main points are probably laid out but the ways one arrives to them might be changed. If you're meant to be someone then you're going to be that.

>> No.16189643

I'm anon and today I'd like to share a feel with you. Here it is.
>tfw no gf
Thank you for attending. I hope you enjoyed it.

>> No.16189656

They do! It’s a sexuality, and doesn’t serve nature as they see it. They think that’s “unnatural” and maybe it is, but I can’t change my mind. Not true of the person that develops fetishes. They aren’t sexualities.

>> No.16189665

>i dont understand what words mean do i blame the church

>> No.16189672
File: 12 KB, 275x183, E92E2336-1F5F-4877-97F1-C5451F75152A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find myself fluctuating between neo-Luddism and something more in line with accelerationism. I believe that the technological society should be resisted, but at the same time I feel as though we’ve already crossed the rubicon. But then I think that there may still be value in fighting for a lost cause. Are there any books that help reconcile this?

>> No.16189674

it’s not a fetish when you’re prepared to give everything you have, when you have felt no greater joy from anything else, when you think about it every single day wondering if you’re being tested by cosmic forces, and if someday your prayers might be answered.

>> No.16189719

>doesn’t serve nature
>having sex with girls aged 12-17 doesn't serve nature
This might be the dumbest post in 4chan history.

>> No.16189741

It’s a fetish when it’s just an object.
The pedophile is either fetishizing youth or power over the small or a mixture of both. It has no interest in a developed person, only an image/model.
Seriously stop. All these nofap campaigns ought to be applied to pedos. If you can’t get off to “normie” vanilla, don’t get off.

What you should admire about children is their innocence. You should be protecting them from predators, not become one.
This is why old cultures tried to pair men up with wives and saddle them with families. Fathers (normally!) would understand

>> No.16189746

the line between sexuality and fetishes arent that rigid. they are just words after all. it seems to me like you are using forced labels to justify your politics and distinguish yourself from what you see as a clear cut evil. if you do understand that position of being a sexual outcast, then you can emphatize or at least keep from insulting him. especially if >>16189674 is the original anon. dyke

>> No.16189747

Technology should be used to restrict the unregulated growth of technology. But the real problem is simply human stupidity. So we could use technology to solve our materialistic greed and general unawareness, such as through genetic engineering or eugenics, and from there we could use certain technologies with a focus on actually improving the quality of life rather than advancing capital growth as an end. This is all virtually impossible, at least in the near future but it’s the only way, and it must occur eventually. We can’t simply destroy everything, or we’d end up in the same place again. The only way is forward.

>> No.16189754

>doesn’t know he’s talking to an anarchist
Talk about knee jerk reaction.

You wanna change the subject here, anon. The law varies from place to place, I’m sure you’re aware of. There’s good goddamn reason we don’t condone knocking up a 12 year old. If you seriously don’t know why, you’re the dumbfuck

>> No.16189780

>It’s a fetish when it’s just an object.
>The pedophile is either fetishizing youth or power over the small or a mixture of both. It has no interest in a developed person, only an image/model.
this doesn’t mean anything. You could use the same “logic” for every single desire. You’re awful at definitions.
> What you should admire about children is their innocence. You should be protecting them from predators, not become one.
The problem is they don’t stay innocent forever. Why is that innocence so valuable? You should ask yourself that and think about it.

Of course, I’m not simply aroused by high levels of innocence; I’m not interested in destroying the life of a 5-year-old. But being innocent on the cusp of fertility is the age of highest potential for bonding, and is when their innocence is most fragile. It will be lost, but I don’t want them to lose it before being with me. I’m not interested in playing around. I want a wife forever, one who loves me and has never loved anyone else in the way that she loves me. I’m not primarily driven by lust in these situations. It couldn’t be much more from the heart. It’s not a Fetisch.

>> No.16189782

It’s something a sexually frustrated develops. Homosexuality isn’t that. Women stay women their whole lives. Children grow up. Furries, bdsm, footfags, these things are not inborn.

>> No.16189801

>changes the subject because he is a retard
Fucking a 12 year old serves nature and men have done it for hundreds of thousands of years you mouthbreathing spastic.

>> No.16189809

> this doesn’t mean anything.
It does.
>Why is that innocence so valuable?
You've lost sight of your own youth, or were victimized early yourself.
> highest potential for bonding
They’re still just kids.
When a girl can adequately move out of their parents place and live on their own, then they are mature enough.

>> No.16189815

You are retarded.
Seek castration

>> No.16189824

I would agree that having pre-marital sex with a 12 year old is wrong. And I also see good reason for why these girls might not be ready to marry. But this is all a consequence of the time we live in. Technology and capitalism have advanced so much that maturity takes longer than usual, and on top of that females are pushed to pursue manly careers rather than focusing on being a wife and mother. This is all for the sake of the System, nothing else. Women were needed to create jobs and advance capital, and so conveniently the feminist movement arose. On one hand, I might say that I believe I shouldn’t pursue my desires, because they are so out of place in the current environment, but this is so pessimistic to me, and it is not so easy to forget these desires, and not hate the world for what it has become.

>> No.16189836

>When a girl can adequately move out of their parents place and live on their own, then they are mature enough.
this is what I’m talking about. Capitalism de-sexes everyone. Women are becoming more like men. Men are becoming more like women. And everyone is fine with it! Oh, how my heart aches.

>> No.16189844

Not an argument you embarrassing pseud. You lose.

>> No.16189846

i could say that lesbians only developed that sexuality because they were frustrated at men. both would be equally wrong and stupid. stop being a hypocrite. it might not be good on a societal level, but on a personal level these people are going through a similar struggle that you are. except they cant do anything about it
>these things are not inborn
who cares if its inborn. if you cant change it, its the same thing

>> No.16189848

It's just a lovecraft ripoff with more shock value

>> No.16189852

Well now, I hope I'm not interrupting whatever exactly is going on in this thread... I do have something on my mind that might be cathartic to share: bros, I'm gunna do it. I'm going to set up a dating profile. I've managed to source three pictures of myself that are at the very least adequate, one of which is actually quite flattering (I'm pretty camera shy so this is a pretty good success all things considered). Read an article giving a quick rundown on the dating sites and have narrowed it down to Match, Bumble, Coffee Meets Bagel, and Happn. I'll probably go with Match. Happn seems like it could be kinda fun, tho possibly somewhat nerve wracking. Hopefully I can let go of the anxiety and live in the moment. I used to know how to do this, my anxiety has only blossomed into it's currently levels in the last few years so it's just a matter of remember how. Thanks for reading my blogpost, if you've got any experience on setting up dating profiles and the different dating sites I'd love to hear about it.

>> No.16189857

>maturity takes longer than usual
The average age of first menarche is falling worldwide. Girls are maturing earlier they are just told their natural desires are icky and wrong by deranged midwits who want them to fuck strangers until they are 30 then pump out one highly autistic child.

>> No.16189872
File: 328 KB, 1024x1536, 787DF745-A8FA-4289-9D89-1F8B0FA8D4D4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Plato believed that reality is divided into two areas: one is an area of perfect forms, and the forth is the imperfect material world, where we live in. The idea goes that the material world is an imperfect reflection of the world of perfect forms. I politely disagree. The logic he uses to come to such conclusions is, by his own definition, a mere shadow of the true truth, the true logic. Therefore the entirety of his philosophy of truth and logic can only be restricted to the material world with which he lives in, and not to the outside world, who’s version of truth and logic might be different or, his platos view, “perfect”. Imperfect realities beget imperfect illusions. Our perception of what a tree is in comparison to a rock is merely our imperfect understanding of what differentiates things, therefore how can Plato know if the perfect form of a rock is not also the perfect form of a tree? The answer is that he can’t know, being born in the material world.

>> No.16189874

>im an anarchist here's the rules you need to follow
oh no

>> No.16189877

I’m not talking about physical maturity, but the “maturity“ that allows them to function in this world.

>> No.16189880

Sorry no one want to join you

>> No.16189884

>buh I’m attracted to dainty little feet and girly shrieks at spiders
More fetishizing

I hear it all the time. It’s not true. Sometimes a bisexual sides with women because of this, but not the lesbian. So people get even more confused.
Notice how children do not fetishize fucking adults.
>if you can’t change it
You can. I can’t

Prudery of religion doesn’t help a girl mature, that’s for sure. Take you for example
> who want them to fuck strangers until they are 30 then pump out one highly autistic child.
You lost out because no one told you how to get some or you were too autistic. The higher rates of autism etc. are from the chemicals they’re feeding us not mothers at 30

>> No.16189891

Most people have that at 13. Being a "teenager" is a modern invention for the vast majority of human history a 13 year old was in employment.

>> No.16189897

Climate change and diminishing resources will collapse technological society. People expect future technology to solve these problems but technological innovation has been stagnating for 50 years now. All you can do is disconnect yourself from the system to the extent that's possible, and try to position yourself and your family so that your future descendants survive the decline.

>> No.16189903

>not mothers at 30
Do you ever actually read anything or do you just come here to get BTFO every day?

>> No.16189907
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>> No.16189908
File: 50 KB, 750x750, F8E60B4D-9D87-4BD8-ABA9-20EA5F55D2C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So close, no matter how far
Couldn't be much more from the heart
Forever trusting who we are
And nothing else matters

Never opened myself this way
Life is ours, we live it our way
All these words, I don't just say
And nothing else matters

Trust I seek and I find in you
Every day for us something new
Open mind for a different view
And nothing else matters

Never cared for what they do
Never cared for what they know
But I know

>> No.16189927

>here's my refutation of peer-reviewed science
Utter pseud.

>> No.16189931

But I disagree with posthumanism though. I think that when you get to the point of altering human nature to suit society then you’re no longer talking about autonomous beings. If you’re mechanically curated to live in a curated environment then you aren’t any better than an unconscious machine

>> No.16189939

Yeah, we should be living natural lifestyles, I agree.

>> No.16189951

Kill yourself

>> No.16189957

Pimenova a cute! A cute!

>> No.16189958

In a world run by oligarchs running carefully controlled psyops and global propaganda, you can question some science. We already know older woman may turn out some birth defects, but not most 30 year olds.
Glyphosate is poison though. How much have you ingested? How much did your mother take in while pregnant with you? No one’s paying for these kinds of studies. Guess why

>> No.16189999

>its not old roasties causing autism its all the chemicals bro
Being concerned about how much glyphosate someone has injested and being against earlier births is an illogical position. If you think people are being poisoned long term it's in their best interests to reproduce early.

>> No.16190017

It's scientifically proven that reproducing at a young age leads to better physical, psychological and cognitive results in the child. There's a reason the sex drive is exponentially more intense in teenage/young adulthood.

>> No.16190050
File: 749 KB, 1613x2559, 60EA810D-7119-46F2-AB10-B86E5FEC3FD3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Knocking up 12 year olds isn’t going to make them healthier
2. Knocking up 12 year olds is going to run the risk of harming both the children Involved.

Ada Lovelace related. She’s only one of many women who died form factory birthing practices

>> No.16190053

yeah, especially if you control for economic factors

>> No.16190061

What age of consent are you peddling. I’m defending the 12 year olds from the horny autists ITT

>> No.16190070

I'd say about 15-16 is the peak

>> No.16190071

You’re confused. I want to be in a relationship with a 12 year old, but I don’t want her pregnant until 14/15, unless she forces the issue. The point is I wouldn’t manipulate her into doing it until she had the natural urge to do it, when her body is telling her she is ready

>> No.16190086

12 is a bit young. 14 seems about right and is the standard AoC in most of Europe.

>> No.16190110

What happens when she gets old? Will you abandon her for another cunny?

>> No.16190118

Allowable, perhaps. Peak is still 17 to 25. The ages you stop growing up and start growing old

Dumb. But find a culture that turns out their children fully formed and sociable. They’re still too small, and that’s your fetish. Please shut up and deprogram your sex starved head. You’ll be lucky to find a woman in her 40s when you’re in your 50s

>> No.16190126

His own daughter. Usually happens.

>> No.16190135

I never understood the point of an universal 'Age of Consent'. Children grow and mature at a drastically different rate. I've met 20yo guys that could easily pass for 9th graders and seen teenage kids in high school tall and built enough to play in professional sports. No different with girls either.

>> No.16190144

>Peak is still 17 to 25.
Women are already on the decline by 17.

>> No.16190152

Everyone knows that the age of consent is arbitrary and doesn’t apply equally to everyone, but it’s better than not having one at all and doing it on a case by case basis is impossible

>> No.16190155

Women don't want to compete with teenagers because they know they'd be annihilated.

>> No.16190160

Says the fetishist who dreams of pumping and dumping a hundred girls like the breeding stock he takes them for.
Castrate yourself

>> No.16190172

The fact you can't refute a single post must have you boiling.

>> No.16190177

ah yes, because women were the ones who passed that legislation

>> No.16190185
File: 159 KB, 470x512, 1524540715626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever since I quit drinking, anytime someone is a dick to me, it's all I can think about for sometimes up to a week, and all I can think about is how I want to get revenge on them and I get headaches from being so angry

>> No.16190189

by then I would have bonded with her so much and my priority would be raising children

>> No.16190204

this applies to every relationship. The women will always become less attractive over time.

>> No.16190205

>ah yes
Go back.
>In the late-19th century, a "social purity movement" composed of Christian feminist reform groups began advocating a raise in the age of consent to 16, with the goal of raising it ultimately to 18.

>> No.16190217



the word you were looking for is ignored

>> No.16190218

This is true but nobody but the daring cunnyssuer has a woman in her true prime. It might change the way you feel as she ages.

>> No.16190285


>> No.16190412
File: 218 KB, 1632x931, Screenshot_2020-08-22 Yuri Bezmenov Revision history - Wikipedia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I need to read some history /lit/. I hate that I don't know shit about the soviet union despite living in east Germany. It's just so hard for me to navigate where I should start bc I never know what is propaganda and what isn't you know?
Everyone is accusing everyone else of being sheep and propaganda slaves and whatnot. Does neutral /his/ory-/lit/erature even exist?

>> No.16190433

they both their success and failures on skin color

>> No.16190487

anti-cunnyseur posts are dangerously weak

>> No.16190495

>I fantasize about sex occasionally. There were times when I feared I would never get a chance to have sex too. Still, I really do above average and if there a thing I need to get sex then it's confidence. I'm 19. It may get to me anytime now, unwarned, and that excite me. The sexual arousal has burning since forever, the experience has always been mysterious and forbidden, and now I am closer to it, since forever.
>What sex is, but expensive mastubation? Then, I want what make sex "sex", I want sex as whole.
>I has never held hands. Permanent insecurity. I can't ask my mother for money. I can't ask my friends to help me get some decent clothes (I did once actually, and I regreted latter). Life is not porn. I wouldn't get casual sex, I couldn't survival casual sex. If I'd lost my virginity for casual sex, what could've become?
>The girl and I, alone. As we cuddling each other, we know what gonna happen. Before we entered the room, before we stand up and start walking together, we know what gonna happen. Then, what are we doing by "cuddle", I guess? Maybe we are kissing . Maybe we are having some small talk, as we both wait, feel, excite for the momment. Or am I being embraced in the warmness from her? I can't know what happened, but we both end up laying down. And I feel her warmth anyways, and feel the sensation of her clothes rubbing agaist myself. With all my might, I gently embrace her; and as I keep my small movements, I can feel the body, warm and fragile, like cloths. Using the body, I give her all the affection, to show her my desire, while looking for the excitement of her.
>Strangely, I don't strip the girl naked in my imagination, nor I open light in the room. Could it be the lack of thougth material, but there are something i feel like tingling behind my back, like complex.
>I think about sex, occasionally.

>> No.16190526

Ever since becoming present I find many other present people. There are countless empaths, lamas, and indigo childs of all kind out there. And they're moving and shaking the world since the ones who are not present are so easy to move.

>> No.16190559

Your starting point may depend on what you're looking to learn specifically.
It also helps to see any kind of material as "maybe true".
I don't know much about Soviet Union. If you were looking for history of Japan recommendations, I would have something more specific for you.

>> No.16190590

The hell kind internally boil.
The rainbows shine through the cracks.
Waves crest beneath the ave.
The concrete stretches far and fed.

Tomhet woke to a falling smooth sound
With subtle fuzz from early form digital
Grooved into the indents in the rock over the strait
Hand on rifle, ready to fire from base
The boat continued its line

Deep breathing in
Fully out, too
The flesh was not dry like the water
Where the sailors would soon drown

>> No.16190688

yeah must people that drink all the time do it because their personality sucks

>> No.16190744

I'd actually be very interested since I hear a lot about japanese war crimes and such. I've never read any history books (excluding textbooks for school) so it could be a nice introduction to the genre I guess

>> No.16190780

William Wayne Farris - Japan to 1600 - start with this one - it gives the overall outlook on socioeconomic situation in Japan. It won't tell you anything about war crimes, but it lays out an interesting and concise basis for how things happen. It answer many basic questions in a very accessible form.

S. C. M. Paine - Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895 - this is more in line with what you're looking for. It's a diplomatic exploration of Sino-Japanese war. Thoroughly researched and well written. But I definitely suggest reading this after getting the initial grasp from the first book.

>> No.16190796

arigato anon

>> No.16190845

I don't feel suicidal; I feel like I've become suicide.

>> No.16190945
File: 44 KB, 309x460, nick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would I even write anything if AI can do it for me? Makes no sense.

>> No.16190949

After watching /tv/ of all places throw a moralfag fit about that Netflix loli show I'm starting to think /lit/ is the real cunnyssuer stronghold.

>> No.16190970 [DELETED] 

>midwit falling for obviously bullshit claims by silicon valley hype machine

did u see that article in that pop science mit magazine showing all the lame output from gpt-3? that shit produces tons of garbage that has to be curated by humans which is why the beta isn't public

>> No.16190975

i bet you believed theranos could test people's blood on one drop despite that requiring violation of laws of physics, too

>> No.16191182

If I drink a bunch of olive oil straight up, will it give me the shits? Or make me nauseous? God damn I love this stuff

>> No.16191241

Nothing comes up on google

>> No.16191285

>tfw your kpim waifu is getting too old
it's so hard to let them go bros

>> No.16191293

Junjifags are so pedestrian and shallow.

>> No.16191323
File: 28 KB, 340x266, andreitarkovsky directing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Junji Ito is a hack. None of his works is scary or artistic, he's just an autistic paranoid faggot. The gimmick of every little thing around you is a ghost is the most banal japshit gimmick I've ever seen in my entire life, are gooks truly autistic?

Compare this faggot to Lucio Fulci. Fulci was an artist, his horror, stories with the lack of antagonists, is an allegory to the omnipresence of suffering on earth. His imagery delivers this message. Ito's horror, it has nothing of value. It's meaningless vulgar bottom of the barrel schlock for 10 year olds. Don't mention the name of this faggot hack on this kino board ever again.

>> No.16191350
File: 106 KB, 612x491, 456456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literal fucking who?

>> No.16191668

wtf with this AI posting?

>> No.16191694

says a lot about your character that the first thing you bring up is virtue signaling lol. the irony

>> No.16191730
File: 5 KB, 203x248, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>says a lot about your character that the first thing you bring up is virtue signaling lol. the irony

>> No.16191740

It's time fren. Her last few uploads are total thottery. Save yourself the heartache. Part of being a cunnyssuer is knowing when to say goodbye.

>> No.16191782

uzumaki was fucking trash. finished half of it and nothing made any sense at all.

>> No.16191803
File: 221 KB, 1024x1280, 10105546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't stand those guys that write "Plastic" under girls pictures when they look good. Like, as long as it feels real it's good, right?

>> No.16192127
File: 29 KB, 650x650, qlPBABdmJ5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having way too much fun with this novelty AI sites.

>> No.16192665

it’s strange. /tv/ is more lewd but perhaps that’s why they have more opposition.

>> No.16192731

It's amazing how quickly this board goes to shit once Americans take over. They don't even know they're being selfish is the strangest part; they genuinely seem incapable of telling quality discussion from twitter memes. No, I must correct myself: the strangest part is that it's clear they have been given feedback they were smart at some point in their lives and they inevitably revert back to references that last gained them kudos, which implies there's an entire generation of university level thinkers from America who are unable to discern the difference between mollycoddling and actual achievement.

>> No.16192906

the most mind boggling thing just happened. i went to pick up my pizza and the lady gave me a free soft drink. i told her i didnt order one, and then said i could have it anyway.
one time on my way back from the gym she stepped out of the shop to say hi to me as well.
very jarring and unsettling. almost uncomfortable due to how shocking this experience has been.

>> No.16192938

>on my way back from the gym
you're making it

>> No.16192956

Why do I feel like my mildly drunken state should be the normal, everyday state for people?

>> No.16192973
File: 14 KB, 300x300, iu[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks fren

>> No.16192974

Tfw no breakfast food so I have to drive to the shop

>> No.16192992

I'm a withdrawn cunt and feel the same way the light buzz I get off two strong drinks is where I think most normalfaggots operate.

>> No.16193198

im so tired of all forms of entertainment, even and especially books, they feel even worse than video games at this point. at least a video game is an honest waste of time, a book tricks you into thinking you're doing something worthwhile when you're not. as i slowly get older and nothing seems to change for the better in my life and it slowly sinks in that im never going to do anything that i wanted to do this becomes more pronounced. ive been a consumer my entire life and i never had the courage to create anything for myself, and now im not sure i even know how to change that.

>> No.16193657

I do good a few days, then I decide to sabotage it all out of nowhere. It's a disease I don't know what's wrong with me.

>> No.16193685

pull it together guys. just learn to make games and make autistic indie games in your free time. at least you'll be able leave something behind in the world

>> No.16193706
File: 69 KB, 460x690, a9nr426_460s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no gf like this

>> No.16193712

I want her to land so hard while riding me that she snaps my dick in half

>> No.16193715

trashy penis-obsessed whore with blue hair and geisha-face? no thanks

>> No.16193717

that's a horrible idea

>> No.16193743

What a coincidence, I just downloaded Unreal Engine 4, Blender, and Photoshop. Anyone want to help make an indie game? I just need a sound guy.

>> No.16193759

i'm glad i don't have to put up with someone like that too brother

>> No.16193806

>State run capitalism over oligarchy?
Fascism isn't (or doesn't need to be) capitalistic. Ever heard of National Socialism?

>> No.16193830

>Part of being a cunnyssuer is knowing when to say goodbye
it always hurts

>> No.16193849

WAP by Cardi B has the dubious distinction, unique among all music ever created, of taking away my will to live.

Something about contemporary pop music has become overtly and distinctly hostile, damaging, and putrid. It wasn't like this with 80s. 90s, or for the most part even 00s pop music. But in the recent decade or so, pop music has become weaponized, and antagonistic to human virtues. A study could be made of this phenomenon. There is a vileness to it that the most profane underground black metal can barely rival. I would rather listen to Carcass or Cannibal Corpse--both bands I dislike-- as a light whimsical refresher than to be subjected to the vile spiritual torture that is contemporary pop music. This is music that wants to despoil and eat children and trample gleefully on their innocence.

>> No.16193850

>The higher rates of autism etc. are from the chemicals they’re feeding us
What? Higher rates of autism are due to expanded diagnostic criteria and public awareness. What chemicals are you talking about?

>> No.16193855

thats a long and elaborate way to say you're an incel

>> No.16193861

Post a timestamp of your flexed bicep """Chad"""

>> No.16193878

It's sad and disgusting to see the sexual perversions that come about when a society fails to couple their young men with (full grown) virgin brides. Sodomy, and preying on the young, are the most common. Your instincts to reproduce have gone awry, you've developed sexual pathology, and you don't even realize what's happened. Truly a dark time.

>> No.16193889

Society never paired men with fully grown virgin brides. Men who had made a life for themselves were paired off with teenagers. The men you are crying about are more in tune with human sexuality than you could ever be.

>> No.16193924

Girls were expected to preserve their virginity until marriage, up to recent times, here in the West. In India, it's still common practice for the father of the groom to check that his son's new wife is a virgin (a little gross, but there it is). You're just a butthurt pedo who'll never sire a family, and who can't accept that his sexual urges are pathological.

>> No.16193930

The cultural devastation that social media and digital culture in general has wrought can scarcely be reckoned. It's not just that it creates a mass extinction of small businesses, which has been ramified and extended by covid. It destroys the subcultures that orbit these small businesses. It used to be that you could go to your local book store or record store and have a chance to encounter someone who has something in common with you. The setting itself self-selected its customers as having something in common, you like books, you like music. Maybe you're standing in the same aisle, therefore: you like the same books, the same music. Amazon and Spotify and whatever else has put a swift end to all that. And covid has shown up to put another couple knife stabs into the downed body just for good measure.
Digital culture has ripped humanity out of its natural element.

>> No.16193936

>until marriage
Which happened at 13-14. You're a historically illiterate peasant who thinks human sexuality is bad because you've been successfully programmed.

>> No.16193940
File: 107 KB, 640x853, tumblr_pncldiFzCp1w8780j_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fapped to morally reprehesible porn again
NoFap on monday then?

>> No.16193945

16, usually, but sometimes younger. When did I say otherwise? 16 is basically full grown. If you aren't a man at 16, your parents have failed you.

>> No.16193951

why not on sunday brother?

>> No.16193954

>y..y..you must not have sex! That disproves your point!
>Meanwhile all great sages in all world traditions renounce carnal desire
I will accept your repentance now should you proffer it .

>> No.16193962

I see.

There’s always been a small group of Lolita pushers, but lately, I think they’ve immigrated since the phone-posters of covid19 made places like /tv/ more “normie”

Forced meme. Probably /sci/ and the nonfiction robots trolling.

Ever hear of non-market economy? Non accumulative currency? No, of course not. A dictatorship need money and money needs a state. It’s all going to unravel or it’s not. What you advocate is state-“socialism” but with a twist of dictatorship. May as well be a Stalinist. Or move to China.

Glyphosate. Monsanto would like you to believe there isn’t any connections to the rise in Aspergers, bipolar disorder, suicide rates And so on, to their small dosing of poisons. But there are.

I see this is just pedo fandom, but it’s no less sickening, as this is how they would like to live. Child brides sent out to pasture once they get too over the hill for them. They’ll of course advocate having multiple wives so they can knock up another. Livestock is all they are to them. This isn’t romantic.

>> No.16193970

it's already Monday where I am

>> No.16193971

I'd argue the internet itself was the first death knell. In the 80's if you told someone you wanted to have sex with a horse they'd either mock you relentlessly or beat the shit out of you. Either way you'd learn fast what you were talking about wasn'y acceptable. When the internet came all these fucking social rejects were able to talk to each other and create an echo chamber where whatever retardation they believed, from bronies to trannies to commies to /pol/tards, was looped back to them and made to seem acceptable.

>> No.16193982

You've already been ran out of the thread pseud.

>> No.16193990

Answer me, bitch. >>16193945
Your sexual perversion of preying on 10 year olds is a result of society's failure to couple you with a female peer when you were 16. Prove me wrong.

>> No.16193997

I see you illiterate. Provide sources the average age of marriage in human history was 16.

>> No.16194017
File: 14 KB, 320x180, 06C4AA48-A85F-45AC-83B8-DCC804E2FB29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pleb, please. I went to work. Just because fetishists that want children as sex objects say they’ve won the argument, doesn’t make it so.
Grow up.

>> No.16194021

>about half of all women aged 15 to 50 years of age were married at any given time while the other half were widows or spinsters;
16 was ideal, not average. Marrying young prevents all sorts of disgusting mishaps.

>> No.16194031

>wikipedia article on western european marriage
>the average age of marriage in human history
One of these things is not like the other.

>> No.16194036

Nigger you got heemed out on your ass. Pick up any point you were failing to defend.

>> No.16194043

explain yourself

>> No.16194047

this is actually really interesting. Ty

>> No.16194056

Western European average takes in today where Westcucks get married at 40.
I asked you for the average age of marriage in human history. There's more to humanity than Europe and there's more to history than the last 100 years. Do yourself a favor and go look at marriage ages in the oldest cultures we have records for. Egypt, Babylonia, Greece.

>> No.16194062

I'm of two minds about this. I'm mostly concerned with the decay and ultimately wholesale eradication of physical culture seen with the slow creep of the digital economy and now fully brought to fruition with the economic shifts related to the covid economic recession/depression. Regular people find themselves in a very unnatural transaction environment, completely alienated from most social interactions which are vital to the development of human character. It's true that the internet has also made it possible for the most degenerate and grotesque subcultures to proliferate. I won't bother to name them all and some are nearly universally agreed upon (child porn trading networks) and others might be relatively more subjective (furies, various other disgusting fetishists). The internet has allowed likeminded individual of all stripes to connect globally, language barriers notwithstanding, but it has also prompted the associated trolling, flaming, harassment, and deplatforming that was arguably harder to enforce on the strictly spatial plane.

>> No.16194083

Stop gassing up the thread with pointless puffery


>> No.16194090

A very nuanced stance anon and one I'd find hard to argue against. While the internet has proven itself an amazing repository of knowledge I personally believe now it needs to go. I feel it is doing more harm and encouraging anti-intellectual behaviour in a way no-one expected.

>> No.16194096

Defend your position midwit.

>> No.16194098

Look buddy, before the collapse of modern western society, the proper age for marriage was 16 for girls, 18-22 for men. You want to have a pedophile sodomite fuckpalace like some gay roman emperor, and that's fine, but don't try to twist the facts around. Just because cavemen screwed 10 year olds doesn't mean it's a good thing.

>> No.16194099

Damn, Butter doesn't like BBC x Goth PAWG's? Kinda cringe...

>> No.16194105

Damn bro you really came in with loads of sources and not just butthurt screeching.
Source your opinion.

>> No.16194112

Butthurt screeching makes the world go round, and I don't feel like googling a bunch of shit right now.

>> No.16194121

>I cannot defend my position
Yes I already knew that.

>> No.16194128

I'm more concerned about defending 10 year olds from your little crooked wang

>> No.16194131

>Defend your position that pedophilia is wrong.
I already did.

No, I think “BCC” might actually mean big caucasian cock. Unless it’s a punk band I never heard of, I donno.m

>> No.16194132

Point out were anyone but you mentioned 10 year olds my utterly defeated fren.

>> No.16194136

>I already did.
You got heemed so hard you didn't post for 10 hours. Pick up a point and run with it I'm not the fags you were talking to originally I guarantee I'll still pull you apart all your arguments are spooks.

>> No.16194137

waaaaay back here >>16189908
How old is she? 10? 11? You lustful sinning pedo fruitcake?

>> No.16194140

That's Kristina Pinemova. She's 14.

>> No.16194145

I was about to say she looks about 14, but that doesn't make it any better

>> No.16194149

I refer you to this comment >>16191285
>tfw your kpim waifu is getting too old
it's so hard to let them go bros

Sure, that's totally not pathological.

>> No.16194157

Dude you tried to pretend she was 10 and now you're backtracking hard.

>> No.16194175

It's interesting, comrade. The early internet and its visionary developers had drastically different views of it. They thought of it more as an information repository/treasury that would enlighten humanity. Consider Ted Nelson, an early internet pioneer, who worked on a forlorn (and fittingly nerdy sounding) project called Xanadu. It's a sad and telling portent that googling Project Xanadu does not even appear in the top 10 Google search results. This "digital repository scheme for world-wide electronic publishing" was never to materialize, although the spirit of it can be detected in numerous spread-out facets of current internet services. And indeed the optimistic highlight is that many of these idealistic pioneers have had some of their dreams realized in certain subsets of the internet, such as wikipedia. They never could foresee the onslaught of mass ignorance that would tail in their work's wake.
If I had one godlike power over the internet, I would vanquish social media and all its consequences. Let us be forced to go outside and mingle old fashioned style. People should still be able to message each other and find each other, the digital equivalent of yellow pages should still exist. I should be able to find everyone's personal website, like the founders intended. Social media is the most corruptible and debased of all internet trends and only serves to confine and limit us, in cheeky contradistinction to such liars as Mark Zuckerberg's propaganda about creating community and connection.

>> No.16194178

I was saying 14 is still too young

>> No.16194181

This guy says she's too old now. When was the right age? >>16191285

Here's another good one. >>16191740
>It's time fren. Her last few uploads are total thottery. Save yourself the heartache. Part of being a cunnyssuer is knowing when to say goodbye.
Judging promiscuity and calling yourself a 'cunnyseur' in the same comment? Classic.

Anyway, my original point was that society failed you people, and you should have been married by now, but instead you're lusting after little kids. And I stand by that.

>> No.16194190

>If I had one godlike power over the internet, I would vanquish social media and all its consequences. Let us be forced to go outside and mingle old fashioned style.
God. Please.

>> No.16194226

>i have no idea what anyone is talking about
You kind of grasp it though.
>society failed you people, and you should have been married by now
Men being driven away from women who are sexual active with other men is completely normal. If my wife walked into my home and told me she just had sex with a stranger I'd cut her throat.
like the girls purity (or the idea of her purity) and move on harmlessly when they think that idea is gone. Do you even know what you're talking about you seem to be very upset about a subculture you know nothing of?

>> No.16194247

14 is a womans prime.

>> No.16194253

I thought I was talking to a pedo. I thought 'cunny' was a term they used. I thought they were lusting at some 14 year old and saying she was too old now.

>> No.16194262


>> No.16194268

Less than 18 then they graduate to being a cunt.

>> No.16194270

anyway, i'm not upset, i get autistic and enthusiastic sometimes. i blame monsanto for making me a retard

>> No.16194272

Dude your fake trip is showing.

>> No.16194287

Respect the fuck out of people who can take a step back on any platform. We could have shitpost each other into oblivion for hours. Fair play breh I hope you've a good day for yourself.

>> No.16194303

all of you are so stupid except for me because i am very smart

>> No.16194307

>shitpost each other into oblivion for hours
Thats my favorite game. Cheers m8

>> No.16194313

Based. Go in peace fren you're a brother to me always.

>> No.16194334

I wrote a blog post about how superheroes are representative of the American Dollar's dominance worldwide.


>> No.16194470
File: 104 KB, 570x799, zeus-and-thetis-jean-auguste-dominique-ingres.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And thus it shall be so!

>> No.16194474 [DELETED] 

I just watched Smithereens, p good u should watch it


>> No.16194530

>Less than 18 then they graduate to being a cunt.
no, 14 at max. Just because it’s illegal doesn’t make it cunny. Cunny is pure, and so is gradually lost after puberty

>> No.16194553

>14 at max
11 at the latest

>> No.16194568

depends on the girl. 13 is very rare but there’s some 12 year olds that qualify. I would probably put 12 as the main point of significant change

>> No.16194632

I'll shake you with you here cunnybro. About 12 is when for better or worse they start becoming women.

>> No.16194636

She's gorgeous

>> No.16194709
File: 60 KB, 600x300, 126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been thinking about Judas' betrayal of Christ as the philosophic encapsulation of the problem of evil.
According to the Eucharist, Christ predicted that one of his followers would betray him. Judas at that point either knew he was found out, or was oblivious that soon after he would betray him. Various theories of Judas actions have been offered. According to-heretical-gnostic teachings, Judas was the paramount among Christians, the truest of Christ's disciples, willing to sacrifice his soul to bring to fruition the prophecy of Christ's trials and resurrection. If Jesus knew that Judah was to betray him, and then to damn him to the subsequent horrible end that Judah suffered, including tormenting guilt and eventual suicide or according to some accounts, God's wrath of bodily affliction, swelling and turbidity to such an extreme that he cut himself open, then Christ and the Christian God presents an absurdist and wicked aspect. It was not Judah who betrayed Christ but Christ who betrayed Judah. Judah's decision, motivated ostensibly by a paltry 30 pieces of silver (equivalent to a couple hundred dollars in today's currency) would then seem to utterly falsify Christian doctrine, because Judah was a faithful believer and yet set up for damnation. What would be Judah's motives if he ever believed in Christ, who according to biblical narrative as an apostle stood witness to many of Christ's miracles. During the feeding of the 5,000. in which Christ conjured bread and fish for starving masses, all of the apostles were present. Thus Judah had much proof that he was following the true messiah.
Judah's so called betrayal is a striking moral case study and a flashpoint in the conflict between free will and determinism. It's a shame that secular moral philosophy does not give the scenes of the Bible their proper due.

>> No.16194875

I feel as if the social net keeping me afloat can break at any time. It feels like an illusion, in the sense that once I realize it is an illusion it loses its power and I plummet downwards.

>> No.16194916

i hate people bothering me, I have to stay with my parents until january when I move out and I can’t put up with them bothering me when i’m trying to get work done. I want to install a lock but the door is so old and don’t want to pay for a new installation for a door. It fucking pisses me off..

>> No.16194951

Push the dresser up against it.
Use the window.

>> No.16194976

If there's such a thing as an empty and soulless being, it's me, I enjoy things but I don't feel too strongly about them, passion eludes me so far, I want it. love is not a thing I can feel, I like my family but do I love them? Do I love myself? I might enjoy watching animals but do I love them? I'm a mass of tentacles and tendrils, a shapeless being, only existing if reflecting and contrasting on others, I'm the surface enjoyment of a song or poem and more, I lie there, in there, I insist on myself as I am, but I could be someone else, my constant existence an actual identity is a feeling of explosive histrionic validation, I want others to love me not because I feel it exists, or because I need others but I still want it. I'm the closest to the thing there's ever going to be.

>> No.16194984

i need to take a break from this place. i like you guys but the staff are so fucking shit it's starting to really irritate me. maybe I should just mess around with synths for half of those hours instead.

>> No.16194990

I thought about writing a poem and posting it where others could critique, I found only a plurality of incoherent words and a lack of skill, that I already expected, there should be things I want to say but there's not, there's only an illusion of dialogue inside me, a mirror of the words of others, there's an I, sure, an identity, I am as I am and not others, there's an overlap too at times but there's a vague sensation of something being wrong, alien, despite it being all I know.
I don't feel as I think I should and I don't know how long it has been like this.
This too, wanted to be a poem, something that people could read on a better format, it wanted to spread like that but I've left it here, completely naked, my many forms, is there a hint of honesty in me?

>> No.16194995

hah, now I remember, as a lyrebird, is that what I am? what I mimic?

>> No.16195060

>eat one broccoli floret
>fart constantly for months

>> No.16195154

>eat one brussels sprout
>shit my bed

>> No.16195327

>eat one green pea
>diarrhea so bad I distend my anus

>> No.16195401

>love tumblr
>unironically the best social media
>strong dissident/right wing/trad community
>good lads and lasses, gives me hope
But there's a couple hapas that subtly advocate for race-mixing and it seriously irritates me. They're cool people and I consider them e-friends but one feels their effect is a subversive one and it black pills me. Whites are truly fucked

>> No.16195451

>not discussing the very important topic at hand but engaging with a (probably) mentally ill tranny for hundred of posts

>> No.16195493

Ravioli, ravioli,
I want a cutie loli

>> No.16195519

when did male body shaming get so socially acceptable?

>> No.16195589
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My inner life has been impoverished since quarantine. I have no chaos within myself.

>> No.16195614

It is

>> No.16195749

how long should I let the brie lay out? I'm in no rush

>> No.16195804

Til room temp at least.

>> No.16195811

Making fun of fat guys and small willies has always been acceptable, this is the natural next step, when an unfunny person tries to do it.

>> No.16195813

no shit lol, I'm asking how many days, it's been 18 hours already

>> No.16195912


is that why indian men are so doggedly racist?

>> No.16195957

>shock value

you read the one where people get so constipated they use firecrackers to blow their assholes open?

>> No.16195972
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I'm fat and don't like it.
I was doing real good with my diet, but last night I got fucking wasted and went completely feral. I have a vague memory of myself, hunched over a chicken sandwich, but I have no memory of making it, or deciding to make it, and then I made another one, and ate some sweets, and now I feel fat and ugly and sad.

>> No.16196035

Then it depends on the room temp and moisture and if it's cut. You should be able to smell and see it's gone off- if it has developed cracks, if it smells off, if it has different coloured mould, if it's leaking, then it's bad. If it's a whole block and the skin of mould is fine and you just bought it then it could last week's. If you got a good one and it has a production date, then you should wait at least three weeks from production for it to ripen fully. If it's overripe you should be able to tell. It's probably fine but if you're pregnant or some shit then it's probably not advised.

>> No.16196065

I heard you're supposed to let it sit in room temp for a week max.

>> No.16196129

>Anonymous 08/23/20(Sun)05:28:
kristina pimenova: bad model and stupid girl

>> No.16196172

I like reading and literature, but I have no desire (nor the skill) to ever write a novel or short story.

>> No.16196181

Im pretty much the same. I have no desire to write and even if i'd want, i wouldnt know about what.

>> No.16196187

That's fine
I had the desire to make a novel/short story but struggled with editing, composition and development. Some passages and sentence fragments were satisfying, so I have them saved for a rainy day if I ever want to try again

>> No.16196382
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I feel as though my life has suddenly become somehow de-spooked. When I interact with others in life or on screen my vision is no longer clouded by presupposition, emotion, or influence. I see things how I imagine a God would see things. I find myself laughing more and more at random intervals in the day over seemingly nothing. I laughed earlier at the way my denim jacket was draped over my computer chair. I laugh when I look down the hallway and imagine the sounds my footsteps will soon make. I laugh when, looking in the mirror, I catch myself thinking of myself as anything other than what I am immediately at that moment. Each day I'm caught by inconsolable fits of laughter - how absurd it all is!

>> No.16196391

It depends on the production date. Most are going to be sat in a market until you buy it for long enough that it has a week or two to mature anyways, sometimes longer. But if you get it fresh, it is at least three weeks until it's ripe.

>> No.16196612
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>> No.16196748

Because believe it or not people talking about something you don't like isn't morally ethically or legally wrong.

>> No.16196761
File: 1.20 MB, 1280x720, notre dame.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I often wonder if I am wasting my life or if I am trying to hard in the first place. You see, when I work I work myself into the proximity of a nervous breakdown. Yet I don't think that work is rewarding. It feels like life is without a goal for me. Almost all people feel boring and not worth engaging. As a kid I tried to escape that boredom through vidya and history books. Maybe I am a hopeless romantic, wanting reality to be something higher with a purpose. All those stories about kings and heroes filled a hole in my soul that was oversaturated with the empty materialism I was fed in school. Yet at the same time, I bought into that materialism. I wanted to be a smart kid, I wanted to be right. But now I see that I was buying into something that I resented, the idea that human existence could be reduced to ones and zeros. And yet I crave meaning. After school I went to university and studied what I loved. But the classes I attended were chock-full of people that reminded me of my worst character flaws. I recognized myself in them and I did not like what I saw. So after getting my bachelor's degree, I studied something else for a master. Something more practical and yet also full of people I resented. I did not like them because they had something I did not, they were at home in this world and did not feel the alienation I was feeling. I felt and I feel still like a moth stuck outside a window desperately trying to burn myself in the light of the ceiling lamp.

I graduated university four years I ago. Since then I have worked in an area that appeals to me but at the same time seems foolish. I don't believe in what we're selling and yet I have to shill it to the customer on a daily basis. I live in another city now, far away from home and the few friends I had. I had to move for this empty job. It pays well but I don't care for my colleagues or the city. Being a rather solitary person I have no friends here. I neither feel happy or sad. It feels like I am just functioning, dragging myself from day to day. Sometimes, when the anxiety overwhelms me I get the idea of jumping out of the window. I hate that thought since I am not suicidal. Or am I?

>> No.16196773


>> No.16196814
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leftists stand for nothing

>> No.16196830

Maybe she didn't like me. Maybe I was wrong in my judgement. Maybe it's something else. Maybe it's nothing. I tried.

>> No.16196834

That’s not a leftist. The both of you are liberals

>> No.16196844

How the fuck is cosmic nihilism a thing? Why would smallness/lack of eternal being imply meaninglessness?

>> No.16196854

kids in cages? fine people on both sides? if you don't vote for biden you are literally worse than hitler, that's a fact.

>> No.16196891

>fine people on both sides?
Hu? Like Kamala “slave labor” Harris?

>> No.16196953

>I'm fat and don't like it.
Then do something about it nigger. You can eat a ton of chicken sandwiches as you as it is actual chicken and not breaded or battered. Chicken breast is high in protein and relatively low in calories it's pretty much all I eat while I'm cutting. Stay away from the sweets, work out what your daily caloric intake needs to be and eat 500 calories less than that. You don't even need to work out (though you should) just eat less calories than you need to maintain and your body will immediately start burning up your excess fat. You can do it bro I believe in you.

>> No.16197028

Last night in my hometown a 17 year old died of a drug overdose on the main street. Literally died on the fucking pavement. When I went into my city I saw multiple people sniffing solvents, injecting themselves and smoking hard drugs, in the open. My best friend for years has started taking opiates and I keep finding my mind wandering to if he's even going to be alive much longer.

>> No.16197064

Why does he take drugs?

>> No.16197070

The other day, one of the most fucked up scenes that will be burned into my mind is this homeless dude laying on the ground with his hands down his baggy jeans slowly but obviously stroking his cock while a 9/10 tier Indian chick in short shorts and high heel sandals sat with her legs crossed like ten feet away next to her bf. The masturbating guy should have at least rolled over and got an eyeful rather than just staring into the concrete of the sidewalk. I was like wow the inequality in this world. Then on the way home I saw another homeless guy snort a big ass line of coke right when I walked by. I was like what a show off.

>> No.16197118

Ya don't even need the movies deez days

>> No.16197186

Diary entry:

Once again my life seems to be falling into chaos. Fair enough, familial matters made it difficult for me to spare enough time for studying Latin, but why on that account have I completely abandoned my other duties? It seems circumstances cannot be blamed for this tendency in me; for, despite the coronavirus lockdown, despite my not having a job, despite the fact that I live about as comfortably and with as much spare time as any 19th century aristocrat, I still cannot organise even the fundamentals of my life, such as maintaining a clean room, never mind writing consistently.

The "familial matters" I refer to consisted of driving my mother and brother to my aunt's house and waiting for them a little ways up the street at my father's house. They were going there for my grandmother's birthday party, which I elected not to attend because I can never feel at ease in the company of that side of the family. They are loud, jolly people of simple breeding, given to drinking and carousing, whereas I am of an -- I suppose -- quiet temperament. I must also admit I am somewhat intimidated by the head of the house there -- my uncle X. He is a large, stocky, red-faced man of rude manners; an alcoholic; one of those men who will press your hand and slap your shoulder when you meet him, for no reason other than to remind you of your place below him in the social hierarchy. I have never known how best to respond to such things, from him and from others, and so the result is that I either become shy, deferential, submissive -- which doesn't seem to go off well -- or I respond with like confrontation -- as in the time I caught eyes with X and essentially stared him down --which, obviously, cannot be good.
Ah, well I suspect these things come more naturally to some than to others, and perhaps with a little bit of practice I might raise my social skills to a serviceable standard.

>> No.16197216

diagnosis: autism

>> No.16197248

He's always taken them. Good family, good upbringing, just constantly chasing a high. We've been here before 10 years ago. I saw him yesterday and he looking like a junkie. It's fucked up and we're not sure what to do. We get him off drugs and he's back on them not long after. He even moved abroad and it didn't stop him.

>> No.16197279

this feels like something I've written put through google translate and back a few times

>> No.16197422

jesus christ...

>> No.16197591

Jesus Christ is the loving God who put lg's on this Earth. He Himself made cunny so adorable.

>> No.16197773

thank goodness you people worship the idea of purity and won't actually defile young girls

>> No.16197792

No cunnyssuer would ever hurt a lg. They are for head pats and holding hands only. Maybe a cuddle if she wants one.

>> No.16197810

What is it about extremism that makes it so enticing? It's so pure and it feels so right, as though membership entitles you to a set of people you can finally link arms with without doubt or fear to face the world. The ideology may be wrong, sure, but why does it matter when there is no truth? It's just this firm, unadulterated, living body, uncorrupted by doctrines of tolerance and the mixing of other opinions, a mind kept warm and clear like within the womb of the mother, why would I want to ever change?

Also I've noticed that those who don't do anything with their lives seem to have a lot to say about everything. Like they can be the loudest, most obnoxious pushers of their own beliefs on how to live. I noticed it in myself at least.

>> No.16197843

>admitting that girls hitting puberty makes them unattractive to you
You can’t deny being pedophiles anymore. Given that term refers to those attracted to children rather than sexually reproductive people, which you just admitted to.

>> No.16197893

we’re talking about emotional bonding potential here, enjoyable personalities, etc. They aren’t ready to have sex for another year or two, but this is the time that they are ready to be engaged. Why would they be so beautiful and charming, otherwise? True love never has lust has its foundation. And how could that be the case unless the girl you love had not yet passed puberty when you first saw her?

>> No.16197905

12 is post-pubescent. The average age of first menarche in America is 11.

>> No.16197911

extremist ideology offer easy answers to people who are looking for them. if you watch those yale foundations of sociology lectures in the marx section the prof is like "for those of you looking for answers, marx has them!" they may be totally wrong and based on fallacies mixed with truisms, but if you need answers to make sense of the world, extreme ideologies will provide

>> No.16197917

Extremism often gives direction to people without one of their own.

>> No.16198163

Are the high priests of Communism, Fascism, and non-Protestant Christianity really the kind of people that people should seek out direction from? Or are you saying that because you know it will eventually change or fall apart for people if and when they face the consequences of acting out the extremism they believed?

>> No.16198252

There are a few leaps and bounds between the posts you responded to and your post.
Outside of targeted hate groups, extremist organisations often welcome people from all walks of life so long as they support the cause, believe the faith etc. People without purpose can find warmth and community in these, especially when clearly defined activities/ceremonies allow them to bond with others.

>> No.16198707
File: 32 KB, 600x700, mems.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

self-help? more like soi-help! Am I right, anons?

>> No.16199507

alcohol makes me feel too good

>> No.16199596

Same I miss it. Gave it up 4 months ago. I read all online about how after you stop drinking become more focused, think better, and how binge drinking damages the brain, so thought I'd try giving it up for awhile. So far I haven't seen shit.

Now still a bit of a mess but without my relax juice.

>> No.16199656

I don't feel like I belong

>> No.16199666

Your words may at a glance seem pure but there is something rather menacing in your words, maybe it's intensity of your obsession that gives me the creeps or maybe it's the predatory vibe emanating from the thought of a grown man lusting after "innocent" and "oh so pure" children. It seems it's corruption you're after.

>> No.16199678

oh shit i got satanic trips, nvm anon go full pedo and worship satan

>> No.16199689

>those digits
So the cunnybros were on the side of good all along.

>> No.16199726

>It seems it's corruption you're after.
we’re all only after happiness

>> No.16199745

You're after a pet you can control

>> No.16199775

>I like my family but do I love them? Do I love myself?
Can relate. Sometimes feel like my family are just conversation partners; there to on occasion have a fun talk about politics, philosophy, etc.. There's no intimacy or emotion there or there was once when I was a child. I know it doesn't have to be that way but I have made it so in my self-imposed isolation and by pushing my brother away consistently.

Now there's just subliminated aggression and a sense that I will never ever know him truly.
I guess it's just a part of growing older you develop into separate individuals unable to comprehend eachother with divergent, though ambiguous, values. Unbridgeable difference and tension as though each time I stare into my brother's eyes I'm staring anew at some stranger.. Each of us sealed into our own private entertainment tomb.

>> No.16199796

I know that feel. It's the spaced out absurdist high. The sensation of having gone beyond the need to dissect. The realization that might as well laugh: appearance, norms, none of it matters cut of your toe and boil it if you so happen to like. Great feel... won't last.

>> No.16200420

I hate being lonely. I don't even have internet friends anymore. It's driving me insane.

>> No.16200520

can I be your internet friend anon?

>> No.16200524

blackpilled again https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_AWIqXzvX-U

>> No.16200531

are you that desperate?

>> No.16200543

hallå där

>> No.16200550

I'm that lonely, I don't know if I am that desperate

>> No.16200605

I also want internet friends

>> No.16200727

I will be your internet friend anon

>> No.16200817

On almost every rapper's social media story, they can be found driving around in their car smoking a blunt. Yet it doesn't look like they inhale, they just take a puff and immediately blow it out. What's up with that?