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File: 531 KB, 2448x1191, 7026B0BB-1789-4968-8E2A-2DF319DBAEED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16186717 No.16186717 [Reply] [Original]

Holy shit he is right. Gene editing will inevitably be used to create a post-sapient untercaste of servile worker drones who’s only enthusiasm is for consumption and who’s only creativity is what is useful to his overlords. A repugnant hive full of meek oversocialised human commodities, manufactured by hypercapital.
And whatever society doesn’t do this will be so drastically outperformed by the ones that do that eventually all will come to do this. There is no avoiding this fate, we may be some of he last generations of sincerely human people. The slaves of antiquity who only had physical chains were lucky to avoid this coming fate of spiritual slavery that derives from your genetically predetermined personality.
It will start with simple agreeable things like preventing hereditary diseases, then objective things like IQ, then preventing mental illnesses, AKA selecting for the personalities that can function without friction in a highly industrial society and against the ones that have friction in it. And from there Darwinian selection will take hold and whichever society does this the most will prosper. Not even ideological states like communists or fascists can avoid this as they are subject to material competition too.
The lowest form of man is coming, stripped of any noble impulse entirely living to consume and slave like some self fashioned ape-pug. If you think the nu-male or last man were bad, fear the psychological horror that is the future for humanity.

>> No.16186723

>Gene editing will inevitably be used to create a post-sapient untercaste of servile worker drones who’s only enthusiasm is for consumption and who’s only creativity is what is useful to his overlords. A repugnant hive full of meek oversocialised human commodities, manufactured by hypercapital.
I thought this was common knowledge?

>> No.16186750

what book is this

>> No.16186757

I thought it was already done, no gene.editing was necessary

>> No.16186785

You're invoking the slippery slope fallacy. You assume that gene editing will necessarily lead to slavery hardwired into our biology. This is why ethics are so important. We must always keep them in mind to avoid such a fate.

>> No.16186795

>The slaves of antiquity who only had physical chains were lucky to avoid this coming fate of spiritual slavery that derives from your genetically predetermined personality.

yes, I don't think people properly appreciate how ontologically terrifying this is.

bruh look at this dude. you best believe a genetic slave class is coming.

>> No.16186799

Technological Slavery.

>> No.16186801

My diary

>> No.16186804

If you've studied contemporary ethics you'll know it's of no use here. State/corporate consequentialism is all that matters.

>> No.16186822

An ethical society will be less effective than one that embraces this, and will be outcompeted and eventually filtered out of existence

>> No.16186835

>I don't think people properly appreciate how ontologically terrifying this is.
I will never complain about modernity again, it’s bad now but it’s nothing compared to what will be

>> No.16186895

Chunks already exist though.

>> No.16186908

i dunno. most of us just wanna study fruit flies, or cancer, or something
an army of all-all-powerful killer drosophila, maybe
but no seriously there are really, really heavy international committees about this very issue. this is why the guy who used CRISPR-Cas9 on those twins was such a big deal

>> No.16186909
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Pic very much related.

>> No.16186933

If it is effective it will eventually happen. The ethical resistance can’t hold forever and technology never recedes, it only advances.

>> No.16186938

Yeah this

Bostrom even has a chapter on it I believe in Superintelligence, about how rich people will naturally edit themselves into "better" people and the effect will be exponential and self-reinforcing (smarter/healthier/happier/stronger people will stay rich and get richer obviously)

If you're reading this right now and you care about humanity, pledge an oath to God that you will annihilate this if it ever becomes reality. If it becomes widespread because of capitalism and existing class differences, form a cult around the sanctity of life and cleanse the earth of gene editors. If a country starts doing it, do everything you can to become a political leader and nuke that country into one giant crater.

Otherwise this will be the death of humanity for sure.

>> No.16186943

>If you're reading this right now and you care about humanity, pledge an oath to God that you will annihilate this if it ever becomes reality.

how? what are some NEETs who read Baudrillard gonna do? these demons have all the power and resources in the world

>> No.16186946

>spiritual slavery that derives from your genetically predetermined personality

This isn't already the case without editing?

>> No.16186952
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>he thinks personality isn't already genetically predetermined

>> No.16186971
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I don't know, but I do know that they're afraid of us or they wouldn't be such cocksuckers about suppressing us, and I think we have friends on our side. The nature of the good hasn't shown itself yet so all we can do is do our best to bring it forth, and the best way to do that is to cultivate yourself into the best you can be and always be ready.

>The elite are all about transcendence and living forever and the secrets of the universe, and they want to know all this. Some are good, some are bad, some are a mix. But the good ones don’t ever want to organize; the bad ones tend to organize because they lust after power. Powerful consciousnesses don’t want to dominate other people, they want to empower them, so they don’t tend to get together, until things are really late in the game. Then they come together and evil’s always defeated, because good is so much stronger.

>> No.16186989

you're an idiot.

>> No.16186997
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>> No.16187002

Of course it is but by natural principles, not by slavery to hyper capital

>> No.16187007

The misunderstanding is that they would really be better, maybe it would be that way at first but eventually it would just be making people more useful to the system.

>> No.16187009

>Gene editing will inevitably be used to create a post-sapient untercaste of servile worker drones who’s only enthusiasm is for consumption and who’s only creativity is what is useful to his overlords.

Why is this bad? And don’t say muh freedumbz.

> If you think the nu-male or last man were bad, fear the psychological horror that is the future for humanity.

No. Just some of them. And if they do their jobs and are legitimately happy, who cares?

>> No.16187024

>Implying this hasn't already been done for decades
What do you think is in all them vaccines boy

>> No.16187028

do you want to create a subspecies of humanity that are genetically engineered to feel fulfilled by being zog cogs? it would be the happiness of a daft dog. a certain level of consciousness precludes enjoying your slavery

>> No.16187041 [DELETED] 
File: 1.37 MB, 2541x3463, 93CD3CC4-77E9-4EFA-A32F-9F0E203C6434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only a few ways out, either the religions are right and God will save us, or we get enslaved by this technology, or we destroy the technology and eventually go instinct a few thousands/millions years later when a meteor hits the earth or something.

Take your pick.

>> No.16187059

but conservatives already exist anon

>> No.16187066

gene editing can be simple breeding programs.

>> No.16187069

It's probably very unlikely. It's radically disturbing, and his points on this converted me to at least some form of deep ecology, but the reality is that the human body is too complicated to manage directly. It's a holistic system, no part of it is isolated, and while the one gene = one protein simplification is nice, it isn't always true. Sometimes the system is read backwards and can form radically different proteins. Sometimes sections are skipped or only partially read. So a single genetic change can have radical implications down the line. This is why genetically-sourced immortality is probably impossible. Any attempt to reduce cell death post-maturity requires tampering with Tumor-Suppressor Genes and Oncogenes, since those control the rate of cell death. I.e., any attempt to prevent cell death genetically results in higher cancer rates. In the same way, some components of IQ, even when they result in light reductions in dexterity, might be critical for motor dexterity and a persons nervous system interface at the muscles is horribly weakened

Real genetic engineering is social engineering. You don't need to modify people to be smart. You just convince the deadweight to get abortions.

>muh slippery slope
Market systems are zero-sum at any single time instance and only allow for expansion over time. If the rate at which your competition increases its market share is faster than the market expands, you will lose market share and go out of business. This is analogously applicable to nations and individuals. Companies that welcome or encourage individuals who are artificially specialized will be more successful than those that do not. Nations that openly or secretly encourage genetic removal of "willfullness" genes in the underclasses, (i.e., they pay for black people to get genetic modification that makes them docile) will be more stable and perpetuate their ruling class more effectively.
>Ethics can stop this
Non-transcendent ethics are enforced by industrial systems that require docility. Transcendent ethics are only possible when efficiency is a less important goal than righteousness.

>> No.16187071
File: 1.37 MB, 2541x3463, CADF5719-F838-4A30-8028-7B6169D65861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only a few ways out:

Either we get completely and utterly enslaved by these technological systems, continually adapting for optimization in some type of hype-capitalistic society, or we destroy everything, going back into a pre-industrial society without the modern comforts and trinkets, with us dying a few millennia later due to a random meteorological impact or whatever.

Third option, God is real, and Jesus or whoever else comes and saves us.

Take your pick.

>> No.16187083


Typos, man.

>> No.16187089

coso, eso

>> No.16187094
File: 464 KB, 1200x800, End of Canon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Instrumentality NOW

>> No.16187098

but what if the slave isn't aware of being a slave

>> No.16187153

>a post-sapient untercaste of servile worker drones who’s only enthusiasm is for consumption and who’s only creativity is what is useful to his overlords
Damn, did Hobbes have access to crispr or something? Or was that St. Paul?

>> No.16187235

>Gene editing will inevitably be used to create a post-sapient untercaste of servile worker drones who’s only enthusiasm is for consumption and who’s only creativity is what is useful to his overlords. A repugnant hive full of meek oversocialised human commodities, manufactured by hypercapital.
Think further than that. There is no point in giving a genejack enthusiam over consumption, or enthusiasm over anything exception production. Slavery and Automation will merge into one unit, and there will be a "class" of "humans", or former humans, most likely death row inmates, who are in a sort of state of lobotomy, they cannot be oppressed or tyrannized because they cannot feel or think. These are positive changes. The idea of robotic automation only exists because we hold the human form to be a sacred lamb that must not be tampered with, so instead we seek weak imitiations. The same will eventually be true with computing and information.

>> No.16187241

But we're post-industrial

>> No.16187248

> going back into a pre-industrial society without the modern comforts and trinkets,
and do nothing to stop the march of technological process? I guess not since nothing can stop it, but this just delays the inevitable. You only push back the clock and nothing will stop man from picking up where he left off.

>> No.16187272

This is what the jews and white CIA people tried to do but instead accidentally made a bunch of retarded youtube addicts.
So, good going

>> No.16187293

>he doesn't know

Think brains in Amazon warehouse bots, dude. Four brains hooked up to one unit. You see they're already making little RVs with cockroach brains? Death to the Leviathan.

>> No.16187328

>accidentally made a bunch of retarded youtube addicts
he said on his internet dopamine drip

>> No.16187333

Yes, that's what im getting at. Although hopefully by the time this biotechnology comes to fruition western society (and also israel, in fact to be safe lets just say all current world powers) will have been glassed over and all the globalist enterprises such as amazon have been torched to the ground. If this isn't the case the exact same technology can easily be retrofitted for other uses among actual people, and once that point is reached there will not be hope.

>> No.16187334

It's gonna happen all we can do is try to cope with interpreting the effects. Epistemological criticism (negative dialectic) never brought much good along anyway. It's not just "muh consumption," if it was just that we'd be just as bored and depressed as it's making us now. It's just peasants and kings again. I thought you people liked monarchy here?

>> No.16187344

Nah I can leave at any time ahaha, just watch me, I'm logging off now, night lol.

>> No.16187358

>we destroy everything, going back into a pre-industrial society without the modern comforts and trinkets, with us dying a few millennia later due to a random meteorological impact or whatever
Been there done that. Whatever
>Third option, God is real, and Jesus or whoever else comes and saves us.
Good story but idk what a Jesus or a salvation is and probably no one does anymore. We've also been there and done it, still trying to do it
>we get completely and utterly enslaved by these technological systems
I mean why not? What's the unexplored alternative?

>> No.16187376

No, I don’t know what would honestly stop it.

Read the Bible and you’ll know who Jesus is bro

>> No.16187384

Trips of inshallah

>> No.16187392

well yeah, did I imply I wasn't one?

>> No.16187395

Or, y’know, you could end capitalism, change the way people behave.
Preserve nature, and dwindling resources, and develop technologies to enhance this path.

>> No.16187412

Then there is no reason to revert humanity backward for the purpose of a technological reset. We should be looking at these "apocolypse resets" from the perspective of the social rather than technological. The Industrial Revolution was the greatest disaster to the human race not because of the arbitrary level of technology it provided, but because it was the point of no return socially, where the collective body gained extreme foothold over the individual and as we know used it to surpass the power of government.

>> No.16187419

The real redpill is to acknowledge that slavery is already edited into our genes, as well as a reduced lifespan

>> No.16187495

Technology is bad, but you can always suicide bomb those fuckers. That gives me hope.

>> No.16188228

Guessing this is Ted?

>> No.16188271

Anon, I must say, that quote is kinda cute

>> No.16188277

>industrial-technological system
99% sure it is

>> No.16188287

Doth protest too much

>> No.16188292

Genes are a meme. Spoiler: eventually we'll find out that they're not the main or even the most important factor in heredity.

>> No.16188299

>The slaves of antiquity who only had physical chains were lucky to avoid this coming fate of spiritual slavery that derives from your genetically predetermined personality.
Why do you think they were slaves in the first place? They were spiritually inferior. The same process is happening now.

>> No.16188304


>> No.16188309
File: 139 KB, 670x946, Bravenewworld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Embryo selection will be popularized in a few years. We already live in pic related.

>> No.16188342

>You're invoking the slippery slope fallacy.
Can you retards understand the difference between arguments and descriptions? He is describing how the process goes, he isn't offering any arguments. Fallacy only applies to arguments, not descriptions.

>> No.16188357

Too much romanticization and most of OP's terms are ill-defined. Reduce it to more reality-grounded terms then you get a semblance of human stripped of complexity that is robot. Remember that human is a machine too.

>> No.16188676

>human is a machine too
that's what (((they))) want you to believe

>> No.16188705

umm, sweaty, we will hold conferences and downboat ne1 who does a yikes. it's all under control and you're worrying for nothing. this is why we have ethics lol

>> No.16188721

I wouldn't worry about that. By the time that technology is available, human labor will have become obsolete.

>> No.16189326

you are not exempt from celestial laws, bitch.

>> No.16189970

good post

>> No.16190092

I don't believe these "overlords" would feel comfortable in a society of worker drones fulfilling their every need. Either they would genetically modify themselves to cope with the lack of genuine social contact, becoming an ruling drones themselves, or disregard this road altogether.

>> No.16190163

lmao why would they bother with plebes? They all will just live on private islands with their own merry bands.

>> No.16191510

The thing is, Capitalism will crash before this madness. Thank god.

>> No.16191639

look at their attitude towards workers today, they are very comfortable with forming thoughtless, soulless servants as long as they are kept out of sight.

>> No.16191644

I hope so

>> No.16192423

>muh gapitalizm
retards don't realise those above are zealous in their burning hatred of people seen beneath them. The system matters not, but the will behind its action.

Replace capitalism with another economic tool and it will end up the same, because those with their sociopathic superiority complex will still be in position to effect their will.

>> No.16193222

T-this decade for sure!

>> No.16193231

Yeah but I really want academics to be my superior daddies

>> No.16193359
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This book is really good, would highly recommend

>> No.16193494

You're retarded and your posts show it. Leave this place and go sell used panties.

>> No.16194854
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>he doesn't know that it's already here

>> No.16194887

>post-sapient untercaste of servile worker drones who’s only enthusiasm is for consumption and who’s only creativity is what is useful to his overlords. A repugnant hive full of meek oversocialised human commodities, manufactured by hypercapital.
Gee, I sure hope that never happens!

>> No.16194902

Or: gene editing will instantly cure us of all genetic maladies, all mutational load, and create through industry the kind of ubermenschen that only the brutalist of fitness selection could do in centuries past.

>> No.16194921
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>> No.16194968
File: 585 KB, 3264x3264, Wow This Is Litreally Me .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no no no no no
why the fuck everyone is acting so surprised by the typical behavior of desire driven overevolved-apes? we will do everything to achieve cosmic significance in order to cope with death anxiety.
pessimism canon won, it's over

>> No.16194971

You have the morality of a lobotomizer.

>> No.16195100

>The thing is, Capitalism will crash before this madness.
Yeah, and it WILL happen in England by the ywar 1900, because of muh alienation. Marx was such a prophet.

>> No.16195155

This reminds me of the Grand Inquisitor section of TBK. A small group of "martyrs" will domesticate the masses of men into a meek and docile slave race. They will live a blissfully ignorant (and happy) life, never knowing the suffering caused by freedom.

>> No.16195205

We are devolved Wildmen

>> No.16195304

>You're invoking the slippery slope fallacy.
>that guy who thinks making an analysis with a clear logical progression constitutes as a "fallacy"

>> No.16195485

Good post. Social engineering is a far more efficient and powerful tool in moulding a population toward a servile end than genetic engineering. Worst of all it's already a reality, see Bernays

>> No.16195627
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Swarm of superspecialized AI-based drone workers > Human-based drone workers.
Finally, the elite won't need anymore to cater for ungrateful, uncultured humans to maintain and develop their comfort.
Perhaps at first there will be geneforged slaves, but as soon as possible they'll be replaced with automations.
So don't worry, your lineage won't be eternally doomed to hereditary stupidity and dimwitness. Your lineage will be put out of misery sooner than you'd expect.

Even if the book has many many flaws & can be subjected to concern, The 5th book of Foundation relates about Solaria.
I think Solaria is the endgame of our elite.

>> No.16195866

sophisticated robots and automation seem way cheaper in the long run tbqh, they don't need sleep or bathrooms
from how obesity of the mother affects epigenetics of the child, people are already gimping their kids from birth en masse

>> No.16195891

It was when it came out, but like most knowledge it has to be constantly discovered by each new generation, creating surprise. Hence this thread.

>> No.16197509

Lmao at least the trip effectively filters itself out now.
>change the way people behave
So like Mk ultra? New communist man? Extremely violent methods of enslaving the mind. Seems like Christianity even has one up on such a statement.

>> No.16197523

I love zizek

>> No.16197679

The slippery slope fallacy is a vaccination against realizing how the world works