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16185272 No.16185272 [Reply] [Original]

What am I in for?

>> No.16185275

The rise of Prometheus

>> No.16185278

Bunch'a bullshit

>> No.16185290

and then the fall?

>> No.16185315

The "fall" is his original chained state.

>> No.16185489

this, but it's pretty good bullshit

>> No.16185495

Isnt Jorjani a big fat promethus boi

>> No.16185642

He is, he's also a self-proclaimed "luciferian" shilling for a globalist NWO

>> No.16185649

Globalism is inevitable, but it depends which global scenario you want really. RAW was one of the good guys

>> No.16185661

Intro to psychology and Chaos Magick, if you do the exercises and continue on this path it will be well worth it. If you like it I suggest you read Huxley's Perennial Philosophy or Campbell's Hero with a Thousand Faces.

>> No.16185674

so you are saying i shouldnt read his work

>> No.16185825

Mental masturbation that doesn't do anything for you. Don't waste your time.

>> No.16185873

>doesn't do anything for you
confirmed magicklet, I'm over here bending reality to my will and this book was the start of it all

>> No.16185886

>RAW was one of the good guys
I wish, he's giving me the glowie vibes

>> No.16185887

You ain't doing jack shit, LARPfag.

>> No.16185892

Absolutely, Prometheus and Atlas is a great work!

>> No.16185915

>doesn't do anything for you.
Let me guess, you didn't do the practice prescribed in the book.
What a sadcunt

>> No.16185958

No, because I am not going to waste my time on religious/ spiritual pipedreams unlike desperate losers like you. You are fucking irrelevant, dancing around in circles and chanting glorified pig latin will not change that. Quit telling people this stuff works. People like you ate just as bad as the Tony Robbins types who tell the working poor that they can become multi-billionaires despite going through 2 recessions with a 3rd on the way. Seriously, fuck you and everything you stand for.

>> No.16185975

P&A is good, but he goes full globalist and NWO shill in World State of Emergency. His argument is basically that technology will become a problem that will threaten the entire human race, and ome nation alone will not be up to the task to protect us from it and police it. He sees either a Chinese, Islamic, or an Indo-European coalition made up of America, Iran, India, and Japan being the NWO. He advocates for the last option to take control.

>> No.16185980

His 13 year old daughter was beat to fucking death in a robbery of the store they owned. Personally I would forgive him if he sucked up to the glows

>> No.16185988

People need hope.

Also, the exercises absolutely work in changing your perception

>> No.16186002

He's also correct in his predictions. Anti globalism is a meme, thinking that we're going to return to nationalism is stupid and fantastical for a lot of reasons.

>> No.16186014

So, what exactly is false hope supposed to do for you? You feel better, sure. But then what? All you've done is treat the symptoms instead of curing the disease. You want to tell people that it will make them FEEL better about their problems, knock yourself out. But to sit here and tell someone will be able to actually change anything in their life that actually matters no matter what is going on in the world is intellectually dishonest and the height of cruelty.

>> No.16186021

Do you not take pain meds when you break your arm? You don't need them technically, do you?

>> No.16186031


>> No.16186040

>His 13 year old daughter was beat to fucking death in a robbery of the store they owned
Jesus! How horrible.
I'll give him some slack now.

>> No.16186051

You sound like you did't even break the 4th circuit barrier.
Smoke a joint or sth, relax a little!

>> No.16186065

You understand what I mean. People need some sort of balm, some ease-of-mind if they aren't to randomly chimp out or commit suicide or engage in self-destructive habits. Confidence is key in any success.

>> No.16186067

Don't tell me what to do, faggot.

>> No.16186069
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>Anti globalism is a meme
Only to a filthy globalist. Multi-polarity is in full swing right now. Fukuyama got rekt by his equally liberal yet less naive professor Huntington.

>> No.16186075

A lie is a lie. Whether it does any good is irrelevant.

>> No.16186078

I think he's right, unfortunately. If the United States were to break up and balkanize due to a civil war (which becomes an increasingly real possibility with each passing month) then it will be easy pickings for China and Islam to gobble it up. Also, American relations with Iran are in the shitter, and as long as they keep siding with Israel, I don't see an Indo-European NWO ever happening.

>> No.16186080

Oh what a rebel you are!
You tell that to your mom when she makes you clean your room kiddo?

>> No.16186081

Is anti-natalism a lie? Is your own intelligence objective fact?

>> No.16186093

Do you really think that Dugin doesn't have a global vision? Russia itself is a very globalist country similar to China, there are different types of globalism.

>> No.16186103

Ironically it was Kalergi who thought this through, but he's often demonized by "defenders of da west"

>> No.16186109

Yes, his global vision is that of multipolarity. Vastly different to the dictatorship of liberal democracy, tolerance, open markets and capitalism.

>> No.16186159

Here is the facts, if you are at the bottom of society, you are considered an acceptable recipient of violence and exploitation by the people who put you there in the beginning. You can't change this fact no matter how much you try because the system is designed to exploit your goals and ambitions to its ends. Most of the people in their 20s and 30s will be dead before they hit the next decade. Pezuzu, God, Satan, The Demiurge, Batman, Bugs Bunny, WHOEVER will not change this even if they do exist. No angel, god or demon will even care you exist. You have no real control over your life, and pricks like you sit here and tell me I'm supposed to be happy in spite of all that? Fuck that. Now is the time for rage and sadness. Once again, if you want to use it as a tool for making them feel better that they are ultimately a puppet in the larger universe, knock yourself out. But the second you tell them your miracle cures will make any form of substantial change in their lives, you are perpetuating the system that tells them to accept their status in life and be complacent, which is as good perpetuating that same violence and exploitation that the church and the state do. Never make the mistake of thinking otherwise.

>> No.16186195

Here's some facts: while most of what you say is true, you're still just a blackpilled nigga. Honestly, do the fucking exercises and suspend your disbelief. You *will* be astonished, at the very least by your own capacity to "delude" yourself.

>> No.16186199

Bob is hilarious but he LOVES to fuck with your head. Don't take it seriously, but enjoy it. Fnord.

>> No.16186204

No thanks. I know my place in society.

>> No.16186221

Then you'll keep seething forever. Ironically, Robert Anton Wilson made the point you made often, especially in his discordian writings.

>> No.16186233

And then uses that information as a form of exploitation. Luckily, I'm not a scumbag.

>> No.16186246

How? I don't know many people who paid for his books, especially nowadays

>> No.16186248

False hope.

>> No.16186260

How can you claim to know it's false hope if you have not tried his exercises?

>> No.16186267

Because I'm not stupid.

>> No.16186269

you're a moron and obviously you haven't actually read anything by him so your opinion doesn't matter.

>> No.16186279

So then you don't have anything to lose by it, do you?

>> No.16186287

Fuck off. I'm not falling for your crap.

>> No.16186328

Okay then.

>> No.16186332

Quit exploiting vulnerable people. Think about what you're doing with you life.

>> No.16186352

I said okay then. As in, okay you're not interested in the ideas the book puts forth and that's fine by me. I don't exploit anyone nigguh. His whole thing is that every individual ever can choose how to perceive reality. You tell me what you are doing to end the supposed exploitation of poor vulnerable souls by people like me.

>> No.16186467

>You tell me what you are doing to end the supposed exploitation of poor vulnerable souls by people like me.
I don't have to explain myself to people who champion hacks.

>> No.16186473

Read the illuminatua trilogy instead, same material but entertaining

>> No.16186488

I don't have to explain myself to you either. And yet I give you the benefit of the doubt of not being a complete retard. Fuck you I guess

>> No.16186502

I'm not a complete retard. It's why I'm not falling for your bullshit.

>> No.16186537

Solid cope you got going for yourself. This discussion should have ended way sooner.

>> No.16186994

Whatever, charlatan.

>> No.16187331

Shitposting on 4chan doesn't change anything either, NIGGA-SAN~!

>> No.16187453
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Thought provoking analysis, magical exercises, and seperation from the herd.

>> No.16188563

Whatever the thinker thinks, the prover will prove :^)

>> No.16189273

Yes, because nothing will ever change.

>> No.16189394
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based and Parmenides pilled

>> No.16189472

globalitzation, that is not the same

>> No.16189851

>and Islam to gobble it up
what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.16189928

Just looked him up and it looks like more non-sense. Please don't associate me with this.

>> No.16189934
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>> No.16189936

>didn't know who Parmenides was
maybe /r/books is more your speed

>> No.16189949

Sorry I'm not a nerd who know every philosopher on the planet. Most of that is as useless as the religious/ spiritual non-sense that has been pushed in this thread anyways, so who cares.

>> No.16189963

What books do you tend to read?

>> No.16189964
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we are all impressed by your unshakable skepticism, I assure you

>> No.16189971

I do attempt to read philosophy, but I also tend to disagree with them most of the time. Nietzsche is the only one I've agreed with for the most part.

>> No.16189992

Ok, you want to prove me wrong, here's your chance. Show me how Prometheus Rising will make me a multi-billionaire, world famous and political power and I will shut up. If it can't, then it can't give me anything that matters and you need to stop pushing this crap on vulnerable people.

>> No.16189994

So then how are you this not-power-pilled?

>> No.16190000

Because I'm not delusional. I know I have no power. I don't pretend otherwise.

>> No.16190010

Got quads tho. Why do you feel like you have no power? Can you force yourself to smile? Frown? Can you deliberately induce peace of mind through conscious effort?

>> No.16190026

>Can you force yourself to smile? Frown? Can you deliberately induce peace of mind through conscious effort?
None of this matters.

>Why do you feel like you have no power?
If I had power, I could build the world as I see fit. I can't. Only the Trumps, Gates, Musks and Bezos of the world can. I'm not on that level, so I have no power.

>> No.16190045

>none of this matters
Categorically wrong unless your own happiness does not matter to (you)

>> No.16190054

Not my job. I've never even read it. You're just being a whiny little bitchboy so I am bullying you. If you are still confused refer to your experiences in elementary and high school for a reminder.

>> No.16190059

Happiness only matters if only the elites of society can have it. If the homeless man on the side of the road collecting can is able to be happy, that means happiness have no value.

>> No.16190093
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>claims to like Nietzsche
>his entire psyche and worldview is driven by ressentiment
This is getting to be really embarrassing for you.

>> No.16190112


>> No.16190113

Ok, you guys want to be normies, knock yourself out. When the elites start killing us off, I hope your death is long, painful and humiliating.

>> No.16190127
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Hey buddy, I think you got the wrong board. /r9k/ is two clicks down.

>> No.16190131

Basic chaos magic principles

>> No.16190133

He's probably speaking of the IE West more broadly.

>> No.16190151


>Globalism is inevitable

Lmao, good luck trying to create another neobabylonian cuck union when countries start colonizing space and their space dominions become far more powerful than their plots on Earth.

>> No.16190169
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>> No.16190175

>when countries start colonizing space
Why do normalfags think this will eventually happen? Saw too many scifi flicks? Nobody can survive passage through the van Allen radiation belt, there will never even be a moon base.

>> No.16190179


>Do you not take pain meds when you break your arm?

No. Its not that bad, pussy

>> No.16190223


Just use radiationshielding bro. Or upload copies of yourself in off planet androids. Or use teleportation. Have you ever seen Stargate sg-1? That shit works great bruh, except for the Goa'uld pharaoh wormniggers ofcourse, fuck those guys. God damn do you even have creative cognitive capacity or are your thoughts fossilized in 60'ies bastardized 3rd reich rocket technology?

>> No.16190486

>The Apollo missions marked the first event where humans traveled through the Van Allen belts, which was one of several radiation hazards known by mission planners.[33] The astronauts had low exposure in the Van Allen belts due to the short period of time spent flying through them. Apollo flight trajectories bypassed the inner belts completely, passing through the thinner areas of the outer belts.[25][34]

>> No.16191336

Uhhh.. based?

>> No.16191881

lmao what a retard

>> No.16192756

Jajajajajaa. Not laughing with you. Laughing at you.

>> No.16192874

Reading this made me realize how easy it is for parents to screw their kids up.

>> No.16194242

>this, but it's pretty good bullshit
agreed, there's a certain art to this kind of bullshit

>> No.16195296
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>I'm not a nerd who know every philosopher on the planet

>> No.16195310

A lot of posters are probably from neglectful, absentee, or single-parent families.

>> No.16196281


>> No.16196292

You should read it because it will make you better at bullying bitchboys.

>> No.16196388
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>> No.16197288

Your hubris is worse than your ignorance. Shut the fuck if you have nothing to contribute but your womanly biases