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16185672 No.16185672 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good books about a civilization that becomes increasingly addicted to dopamine spikes and enters an inescapable feedback look of pleasure seeking which causes mass destruction

Don't say Brave New World or Industrial Society and Its Future

>> No.16185692

Infinite Jest

>> No.16186058 [DELETED] 
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I think Society of Spectacle might be what you're looking for. That being said, the author was a Marxist and cant personally recommend the book because I haven't read it yet so take that this information with a grain of salt.

>> No.16186064 [DELETED] 
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I think Society of Spectacle might be what you're looking for. That being said, the author was a Marxist and I cant personally recommend the book because I haven't read it yet so take this information with a grain of salt.

>> No.16186072

huysmans - against nature
queiroz - the maias
houellebecq - possibility of an island
deleuze - anti-oedipus

>> No.16186076
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I think The Society of the Spectacle might be what you're looking for. That being said, the author was a Marxist and I cant personally recommend the book because I haven't read it yet so take this information with a grain of salt.

>> No.16186091

It’s a good read regardless of political orientation

>> No.16186099

Similarly rec me books about the destruction of communities in late stage capitalist society and the futile search for meaning in life

>> No.16186110

Society of the spectacle is mandatory reading but it doesn't quite apply to OPs question.

>> No.16186112

I can't stop masturbating. Several times a day even without porn. My life is ruined. Just a slave to instant gratification now. I used to make fun of this meme but it accurately describes me.

>> No.16186116

Camus, Ellul

>> No.16186125
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You're welcome, OP!

>> No.16186161

capitalist realism
the postmodern condition
minima moralia
anti oedipus

and of course das kapital

>> No.16186607

Do I need a degree in philosophy to read this?

>> No.16186763

Dont think so. If I'm not mistaken, its actually a really short book.

>> No.16186780

Just watch the nightly news.

>> No.16186849

Same. How the fuck do I break free?

>> No.16186856

Bowling Alone, Putnam

>> No.16186859

You'll be utterly lost if it's the first time you read philosophy.

>> No.16186891

Although unintentional, "Eat, Pray, Love"

>> No.16187047

My diary desu

>> No.16187155

This is no true OP..Just go and read it, its a really short book..

>> No.16187191


It's pages and pages of flowery language with basic bitch observations and arguments. Not a serious work of philosophy

>> No.16187301

Waiting for godot

>> No.16187472

Trainspotting. its a subsey of a civilization, with grave amounts of destructuion

>> No.16187486

its like 30 fucking pages man what's your excuse?

>> No.16187488
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Thucydides History of the Peloponnesian War