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16181074 No.16181074 [Reply] [Original]

I've been listening to a lot of orchestral music (mainly Romantic and Classical, but also some Baroque) and I would like to know more about the context in which it was written, how the different schools interacted and challenged each other, etc. Any recs?

>> No.16181102
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Not exactly what you've been listening to, but if anybody is interested in 20th century music (from the early modernists like Debussy, Mahler and R. Strauss to American minimalism), I'd recommend pic related. It's quite a fun read and informative enough to get a broad picture.
Similarly I've read a bit of The Oxford History of Western Music by Richard Taruskin, and Esthetics of Music by Carl Dahlhaus, so maybe check out those as well.

>> No.16181312

I've started the book in your pic and I am finding it fun and interesting. Excited to read about music during the Stalin and Hitler era. Thanks for the other recs too.

>> No.16181321
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I've heard Wagner wrote a lot about art, you might want to read that.

>> No.16181477

Just wikipedia the basic history of classical music, then seek out books as you get curious about more specific things. I dont know if you play an instrument but henle and shirmer sheet music books give a lot of interesting info in their prefaces and in footnotes within the sheet music.

I have a book that describes the composition history and gives interpretation advice to every piece Chopin ever wrote which is filled with tons of interesting information, and I'm sure something similar exists for all the big name composers.

>> No.16182437

Gay thread.

>> No.16182453

Oxford History, obvs. Taruskin is great, the older series is good too.

>> No.16183997
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>> No.16184232

>How to Listen and Understand Great Music
it's a course but is really good
>Symphony for the City of the Dead